Hey, I’m Christina! I’m an introverted metalhead 🤘 (Chevelle is my favorite band), mom & Hustling Housewife.
I enjoy managing my home, but it’s boring and tedious to just mop and do laundry all day.
So, I added some side hustles to keep me busy, get my creative brain juices flowing, and earn some extra money, too. I document everything I do so I can show you what works (and what doesn’t).
Here’s what people are saying:

🟠follow me on medium.com → this is where I experiment with topics, ideas, and keywords to see what would make good digital products, books, or ebooks.
🟡 join my hustling housewife substack → I share the results of my simple side hustle experiments…the good, the bad, and the ugly! Goes out on Saturdays.
🟢 check out my store on gumroad → my short ebooks have been designed with simplicity in mind to help you earn more in less time.