Is AZ Millionaire Method Legit? [Hell. No. Let Me Show You Why…]

Is AZ Millionaire Method legit? In a word, no. This is a make money product that promises huge results (make $1,000,000 in less than a year) but won’t give you any sort of tools or training to get you there. In fact, you won’t even earn $1 with this.

This product is a complete sham.

And I’m going to show you exactly why in this article.

I’ll show you all the tricks, lies and tactics to try to get you to open up your wallet and give away your personal information.

Let’s get started!

Summary: AZ Millionaire Method is a product that claims can make you $1,000,000 within a year using Amazon. “Ryan Ford” (a pen name) says it’s so easy to make money with method and you don’t need any experience in order to get started. In fact, you can start within 30 minutes and start making money today. Unfortunately, this is all hype and lies.

Recommended? I absolutely do not recommend this product. It may only be $9, but it’s not even worth $1. I will take you through everything about this product and you will see that AZ Millionaire Method is not legit. Save your dollars!

What is AZ Millionaire Method?

AZ Millionaire Method sales page.

AZ Millionaire Method is a make money product hosted on the affiliate network The sales page says that making money from a particular website is so incredibly easy that anyone can do it.

You don’t even need any special knowledge, skills or experience to make a million dollars. The one website that we’re referring to here is Amazon.

The sales video claims that we can make a fortune using Amazon.

With this bullet proof system, ordinary people have become millionaires in one year or less.

It says you can be up and running in less than 30 minutes – and you can start making money the same day.


That’s crazy. But we’ll get back to this later.

The sales video then goes on to say how complicated it is to get set up as an Amazon affiliate (I’ll tell you about affiliate marketing a little later too), but of course with the AZ Millionaire Method, that will all be taken care of for us.

How does this all work?

Let’s take a closer look.

How Does AZ Millionaire Method Work?

We have no idea what’s behind the AZ Millionaire Method because the sales video doesn’t tell us much at all. In fact, all we know is that we can make money with Amazon.

That is true. There are various ways of making money with Amazon, and in the sales video they mention affiliate marketing. I’ll only give this product props for one thing – making money as an Amazon affiliate is a legitimate way to earn a living online.

But you’re not going to learn how to do it with the AZ Millionaire Method because they don’t actually teach you anything about it.

Crazy enough – they only give you a super short PDF that talks about the basics. How the heck are you going to learn how to make a million dollars with Amazon with a 13-page PDF?

This is such a sham it’s ridiculous.

The Real Purpose of AZ Millionaire Method

To me, the real purpose of a shoddy product like this is:

  1. To get you to buy into the upsells to grab even more money from you
  2. To get your email address so they can market more things to you

It’s possible that they may sell your personal information to other marketers. I have no proof this is happening with this particular product (and their Privacy Policy says they don’t do it), but it does happen.

Is AZ Millionaire Method a Scam or Legit?

As I’ve already stated a couple of times now (I want you to get it in your mind), AZ Millionaire Method is NOT legit. Affiliate marketing using Amazon products IS legit, but this product will not give you anywhere enough information on how to set that up.

Stay tuned though because I have an alternative that CAN show you exactly how to set that up successfully.

Now, is AZ Millionaire Method a scam? This is a tough one. I’m actually going to let you decide. You DO get something for your money, but it’s such a low-quality product that it’s not worth the $9.

The bigger issue is that you’re led to believe all throughout the sales video that you can use this product to quickly (within 30 minutes) and easily (you don’t need any skills) to make megabucks – starting today! This is all obviously false. So in that way, this is pretty scammy.


  • Being an Amazon affiliate is a legit way to earn income online
  • Inexpensive
  • You can get your money back


  • You get a 13-page PDF
  • The sales video is full of hype
  • Uknown product owner
  • Fake testimonials
  • Outlandish income claims

Red Flags to Watch Out For

After doing hundreds of reviews on various internet marketing products, I can spot a good one from a bad one in about 2 seconds flat. That’s almost faster than a Tesla Roadster!

There are many telltale signs and I’m going to teach you about some of them here so you know what to watch out for when you’re looking at these products.

1. Fake Testimonials.

A lot of the lower-quality get-rich-quick schemes out there use fake testimonials to make their product seem more legit. AZ Millionaire Method is no exception!

Our first testimonial guy says he made over $1,000,000 using this website. But he didn’t. He’s just pretending. He’s an actor from, and I’ve seen him on all sorts of sales pages. In fact, you can check him out in my Spring Profits Review post.

This testimonial guy is an actor.

I’m not even going to go through the other testimonials because I’m sure they’re all fabricated.

2. Huge Income Claims.

Even the name itself is a huge income claim. Can you make a million dollars with internet marketing? Sure you can. Is it going to happen in a year or less, even if you don’t have experience? No. It’s not.

There are plenty of people making great money online. But from all the ones I’ve read about, it took them many years to get to that point. Everything worthy takes time, practice and patience.

3. Unknown Product Owner.

The person in the sales video says his name is Ryan Ford. But that’s just a pen name. We don’t know the actual person or people behind this product.

That always makes me very suspicious because if someone creates a product and it’s good, they do not hide behind a pen name. They are happy to share their product with the world.

Is whoever’s behind this product not proud of it? That seems to be the case…and for good reason.

Learn Amazon Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is actually an awesome way to do business online. It’s basically getting paid to promote other people’s stuff.

You don’t have to worry about inventory, recruiting people, downlines or uplines, huge investments, meetings, phone calls… it’s basically the simplest way to earn an income online, in my opinion. (Simple but not always easy.)

Amazon has a great affiliate program, and it’s one that’s pretty easy to get into as someone new to the business.

Just think about all the things Amazon has on its website. You can earn a commission on anything that you promote and sell from Amazon! The opportunities are almost endless!

The thing is, you want to learn how to set it up the right way. And I have just the place that can help you. It’s the training platform that taught me everything about affiliate marketing.

It’s called Wealthy Affiliate, and you can click here to read my full Wealthy Affiliate review. If this is something that you’re interested in, they can teach you how to create a successful affiliate marketing website from start to finish, step by step.


In case you are someone who scrolls all the way to the end to get the scoop, I’m going to give it to your straight. Is AZ Millionaire Method legit? Hell. No.

You will not earn $1,000,000 in a year’s time. You will not set up this “easy” system in 30 minutes. You will not start making money on day 1. You will never make money because they don’t show you how to do anything.

Affiliate marketing through Amazon is absolutely legitimate and plenty of people are making full-time incomes with that. But learn how to set it up the right way. Check out my review for my #1 recommendation for affiliate marketing training and they’ll show you exactly how to do that.

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