Case Studies – The Plan

I wanted to start documenting some case studies. These case studies will be where I create websites using a particular program or product to test it out, or where I can test out any ideas that I have. I will track my progress here and this will:

  1. Let you see my progress and see if the product, program or idea I’m using would help you
  2. Give me accountability to do what I say I’m going to do

It’s April 2020, and for documentation purposes, I need to mention that there’s a worldwide pandemic going on (COVID-19, aka coronavirus). People all over the world are locked in their homes. Many people are off of work.

Because of this:

  • Overall, people may not have as much money to spend on products or programs
  • But, more people may be in need to find a way to work from home
  • And more people are shopping online because many stores are closed

The pandemic creates both opportunities and struggles, depending on your niche(s).

The Case Studies

Here are the websites I’ll be using as case studies. I’m not going to give away all the details just yet, but they’ll be revealed at some point. My main site, this one that you’re on ( mostly uses training from Wealthy Affiliate. This is itself a case study.

But I wanted to branch out and use training that I’ve gotten from Paul Scrivens (Scrivs) for the other sites that I have. He has a couple of different strategies and ways of doing things. If you’d like to get an idea of how he runs things, you can read his Blog Simple Guide here.

I may add strategies from other marketers at some point, but for now, I don’t want my focus to be too scattered.

Case Study 1 – Health / Nutrition Site

This is a site that I had, took down and put back up in December 2019. It currently has 9 published posts. I also have a Pinterest account set up. I plan on making affiliate sales for this one. Eventually, I can add ads to it once traffic is high enough. It’s earned $15 so far in January with 2 other sales of $15 each pending from March.

Here’s the traffic so far for this site from Dec 2019 – March 31, 2020. You can see there’s not a ton going on. I had a pin on Pinterest that took off, which caused that spike.

Total Posts so far: 9
Pinterest Viewers: 1.1k / Month
Sales so far: $15

Case Study 2 – Law of Attraction Site

This site will be using Scrivs training on Pocket Businesses. The basic idea is to set up a mini site, link an affiliate product to it and that’s it. This will be 100% affiliate sales. (At least for now.) I set up an Instagram for it for traffic. I also plan to use Pinterest. I may also use paid ads for this one. I’m most excited about this strategy because I’ve always imagined having an empire of these mini sites and just letting them run (fairly) automatically.

Eventually, I may create my own product for this site.

Total Posts so far: 0 (I had some, but I removed them to start fresh.)
Pinterest Viewers: Not set up yet
Instagram followers: None. Just set up this account
Sales so far: $0

Case Study 3 – Home Cleaning / Organizing Site

I’ve had this site up for quite a few months, but it only has 2 posts on it so far. The plan for this one is similar to Case Study 1. I will use Pinterest to bring in traffic. I plan to earn money through affiliate sales and ads eventually.

Total Posts so far: 2
Pinterest Viewers: 293
Sales so far: $0

Case Study 4 – Family Site

This site is our family project. It’s going to just be something fun for all of us to work on. It’s not a lifestyle blog or a blog about our family. I don’t think anyone would care about that. We’re pretty boring! It’s just a different kind of site that I’m not going to reveal yet. It could work out great, or it could fail spectacularly. We’ll see! The plan to make money with this one is through affiliate marketing and ads.

This site has not been started yet, but I do have the domain name and my daughter Lia created the logo for it.

Total Posts so far: Not set up yet
Pinterest Viewers: Not set up yet
Sales so far: $0

This is the setup. I will keep track of what’s happening and reveal the results each month. Check for the Case Studies link in the menu to find the latest info.


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