Is $500 Per Day Website System a Scam? [Must Read!]

If you’re like me, you get bombarded with tons of make money online offers. I keep seeing this $500 Per Day Website System over and over again. Now, I know a something about this particular product that you might not know. You might be wondering, is $500 Per Day Website System a scam, or legit?

I’m going to tell you all about it. You’ll definitely want to read through this because there’s something important about this system that I’ll reveal later.

Let’s get into it and I’ll give you the full scoop!

What is $500 Per Day Website System?

$500 Per Day Website System sales page

As soon as the video starts, we get right into a little montage of testimonials. On the one hand, at least they give us a disclaimer at the beginning and tell us that the testimonials are actors.

Legal Disclaimer

Most of these sales pages that I look at just throw in the actors and don’t mention that they’re actors. I’ll give them a point for that.

On the other hand…

If you have a good product, you don’t need fake testimonials. You can find real people with real experience that had success with your product. If you can’t find any real testimonials, what does that say about your product?

Earn $500 Per Day

The sales video goes on to say they this product can give us a way to earn $500 a day just by pressing a button, and it can cause serious cash to flood into our bank accounts.

This system, according to the video, can give you $500 a day every day.

And we can claim this $500 per day system for free.

They give us a little sneak peek into what it looks like:

Example of the Success 2 System

They compare their system to a radio.

The components of a radio used to come separate and you’d have to buy all the different components and put them together. And now radios come with everything all together, making it easier for the customer.

This is what this product is for the customer. Everything is all in one, which should make things simpler.

But does it?

We’ll get back to that later.

No Strings Attached

They say in the video that having this system is like having a bank card and a PIN. The card provides the structure and the PIN gives you the right to the money that’s yours.

Apparently, this product is the same. The system is both the card and PIN and basically it’s the ATM too.

They say they’re going to give us this system, no strings attached.

Why do I get the feeling there will be strings?

There are always strings.

Just Hit a Button

They keep harping on this idea that all you need to do is hit a button and you have some magical endless supply of cash.

Endless supply of cash?
They say this is like a virtual ATM that sucks money off the internet right into your bank account.

If only things were that simple!

I’d be the first in line to get this product.

But you know that saying…

If it sounds too good to be true…

How Does $500 Per Day Website System Work?

According to the sales video, they’ve found a way to identify buyers on the internet and send them directly to their system. You only have to watch four simple videos, give it a few minutes, then push a button.

The sales and the money will start coming immediately.

Explains everything, right?

Here’s an example of the types of websites you will apparently learn how to set up:

Website examples

They also say that they have a few “blackhat” techniques that can increase the income of these sites.

Blackhat techniques are not good.

If there already weren’t enough red flags, that would be the one that would make me shut my computer down and walk away.

You don’t need to know all the ins and outs about this, but blackhat techniques will get you into trouble.

It looks like $500 Per Day Website System gives you a done-for-you e-commerce website. Let me tell you a little about done-for-you sites and why I don’t think they’re the best way to go.

Why Done-For-You Systems Are Not Great

Remember when $500 Per Day Website System was compared to a radio because everything is already put together for you? And I asked if this is the best way to do things?

This is a turnkey, or done-for-you system. In a way, these are good for newbies because they’re easy to set up.

However, they’re not always the best way to do things because your site is not unique. There are a couple of problems with having a site that’s not unique:

  1. Google won’t show it in search results
  2. Because it looks generic, people aren’t likely to buy from it
  3. It doesn’t have your personality and is just another boring site online

I know it seems like the easy way to do things would be to have one of these done-for-you systems, but taking shortcuts is really not the best way to do things when it comes to making money online.

I have plenty of experience with this.

You’ll just end up right where you started – except a little broker.

Is $500 Per Day Website System a Scam or Legit?

If I didn’t know anything about this product, I would say that it’s likely just some basic training on how to set up a done-for-you dropshipping / e-commerce site. No biggie, right?


I’ve seen this exact presentation before a couple of times. Because of that, I know that $500 Per Day Website System is a scam. I’ll tell you more about how I know that a little later.


  • Fairly inexpensive
  • Done-for-you sites are easy to set up


  • Done-for-you sites are generally not the best way to make money online
  • Big money claims that aren’t true (make $500 by pushing a button)
  • Unknown product owner
  • Fake testimonials
  • Says it’s “free” but you have to pay $47
  • This is a scam!

I’m going to reveal how I know this is a scam But, first, let’s look at some of the obvious red flags.

$500 Per Day Website System Red Flags

Let’s go over some of the red flags I saw throughout the sales video and sales pages so that you know what to look out for when you’re reviewing these types of products.

Red Flag #1 – Testimonials

I already talked about this above, but if you have actors for your testimonials, to me it just shows that you don’t have a good product.


If you did, it would be easy to find real people to do your testimonials for you.

Red Flag #2 – Unknown Product Owner

The person who is speaking says that his name is Kent Peters. But who the heck is Kent Peters? We will never know because it’s a made up character.

This is a red flag to me because why hide if your product is good and works well?

Wouldn’t you be proud to show it to the world?

Red Flag #3 – The Product is Limited

At some point in the second sales video, they mention that we can’t tell anyone about this product because it’s only limited to 300 people.

Do not share $500 a day system with anyone?

After that, they will shut the site down.

This is called a scarcity tactic.

Some marketers use it legitimately. Like, if they have a discounted price on a product that’s limited to just a few days. That’s legit.

This is not.

They want as many people as possible to buy into this. They would never limit that.

Honestly, I wish they would so I would never have to see this again…

Red Flag #4 – It’s Free (But It’s Not)

In the sales video, the presenter said that they were giving this away for free.

No strings attached.

But remember I said there are always strings?

You really have to pay $47 for this.

$500 Per Day Website System is supposed to be free but it's not.

I didn’t finish listening to this particular video, but I’ve seen this presentation before. They tell you that the product is free, but you are helping to pay for the hosting.

That’s just another marketing trick.

Why $500 Per Day Website System Is a Scam

I know $500 Per Day Website System is a scam because I’ve seen this exact sales presentation a few times before. First, it was Money Sucking Websites, then it was Website ATM and then it was Profit Point Autonomy.

And I’m sure there are even more iterations out there.

Now, all these websites are connected.

That’s not the scam.

And they’re not a scam because of what you get for your money (although, you won’t get enough information to make $500 a day, let’s be real.)

I call them a scam because this is the type of operation where they’ll take your money and run.

Let’s say you get into the system and you’re disappointed by it. You want a refund. Forget it. You will never be able to contact them again.

I’ve seen many comments about people who’ve tried.

Here’s a comment from my Profit Point Autonomy review video on YouTube where they talk about trying to get their money back:

Profit Point Autonomy Scam

And here’s a comment from my Website ATM review video:

Website ATM Scam

Here’s another comment from my Profit Point Autonomy article:

Profit Point Autonomy is a scam

I’ve never run across anyone who was really happy with this system. I have never seen a real person (not an actor) saying they’re pushing that button and making $500 every time.

And I never will.

$500 Per Day Website System Alternative

I’m about to give you a $500 Per Day Website System alternative. This is where some people get mad at me. “You’re just bashing $500 Per Day Website System so that you can make money promoting some other thing.”

I’m an honest person.

I’m bashing this system because it’s a scam and you will lose your money.

I’m also promoting another system because not every system is a scam and I want to provide you with something that I personally vouch for.

You can join for free.

But if you decided that you like it and purchased a Premium account later, then I would earn a commission. I’m writing these articles to help you out, but I’m also trying to make a living over here! 🙂

I think it’s a win-win, but not everyone thinks so and that’s fine.

In any case, there are many legitimate ways to earn income online. My preferred way is through affiliate marketing. You promote other people’s products for a commission. (That’s what I’m doing right now.)

Because this article is so long, I don’t want to get too deep into it here. You can check out my free guide to affiliate marketing and see if you have an interest in it.

Click Here for My Free Guide to Affiliate Marketing for Beginners.


Is $500 Per Day Website System a scam? From my research, yes, it is a scam. Not because of the program itself. You’ll get some sort of training materials. But the issue is when that training doesn’t live up to the hype (you won’t be making anywhere near $500 a day), you won’t be able to get a refund.

Not only that, but I would also be very wary about putting your credit card into their payment processor. It doesn’t seem very legit, and these are the kind of marketing scammers that will continue to charge your card.

However, there are legitimate programs that can help you earn an income online. You can try out the website that taught me how to set up this very website step by step. It’s free to start (no credit card required) and they’ll show you how to make a website that will pay you over and over again.

Click Here to Join as a Free Starter Member.

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