What Is Money Sucking Website (MSW)? Make $500 a Day or is it a Scam?

Money Sucking Website Review

I’ve been getting so many emails of different programs to try from all my friends lately that I can’t even keep track of who’s sending me what anymore! The other thing I noticed is that I’ll get a marketing email, and I’ll click on it and it’ll be one program. I’ll go back to click on it again, and it’s a different program. These are links that rotate different offers. Clever! Now they can get more crappy offers out at once.

I’m not totally sure where this program came from, but as soon as I clicked on it, I immediately knew we were in trouble with this one. Let’s dive into it. What is Money Sucking Website? Can you make $500 a day, or is Money Sucking Website a Scam? We’re going to find out alllll about it in this review.

Here’s what we’re dealing with. Lots of fake and lots of hype.

Money Sucking Website Sales Video

There’s an interesting thing on the sales page that I thought was pretty funny. I’ll get back to that a little later.

For now, here’s your opportunity to skip everything below and not waste your time because I have a bad, bad feeling about this one! I already know from the sales page that this product is going to get a big orange thumbs down. (But if you’re a glutton for punishment, or if you actually like how entertaining these sales videos are like I do, then please… keep on reading!)

I can show you the way that I work online. It’s completely legitimate and awesome, too! You’re not going to make $500 a day right away. It takes time to build up that kind of income. But it’s a great way to work on YOUR schedule promoting things that YOU like without having to deal with customer service or products. Let me tell you all about it in my Free Guide to Making Money Online for Beginners. Just click the button below for access!

Click the Button to Gain Access to My Free Guide to Making Money Online for Beginners and Learn How to Get Started Online the RIGHT Way!

Free Guide to Making Money Online

Here are the areas we’ll explore in this Money Sucking Website review.

  • What is Money Sucking Website?
  • How Does Money Sucking Website Work?
  • Is Money Sucking Website a Scam or Legit?
  • Learn How to Do Affiliate Marketing the RIGHT Way
  • Let’s Recap

What is Money Sucking Website?

Product: Money Sucking Website
Cost: $47
Owner(s): Willy Handcock (Fake)
[yasr_overall_rating size=”medium”]

I pressed the play button on the video, and this was the first thing that was said:

Money Sucking Website Sales Video

If it wasn’t for you guys, I’d already be out. This is already red flag city right here. I don’t need to know anymore. But, we’ll keep going just for the fun of it.

After watching more of the video, here’s what I learned:

  • Make more money than you know how to spend (hahahahaha)
  • There’s a special gift at the end that will make this all very real (can’t wait to see what that is! That’s usually something very disappointing. Update: I have no idea what the gift was? They didn’t really mention it again.)
  • They’ll hand you a money-making site that earns $500 per day – FREE

Here it is again. Just push a button. It’s so simple…

Money Sucking Website just hit a button

All you have to do it hit a button and money will be sucked right into your bank account. (lololol I actually can’t stop laughing at this video and I just got started!) And guess what you’ll have to do? (Besides hitting that button, of course.) Absolutely nothing! You won’t even have no know anything. The Money Sucking Website will do everything for you.

Once you add your name and email to the form, you will have access to the $500! In fact, there will be a countdown from 10, and once it gets to 1, you will hear a ding. That’s when your money will be ready!

The sales video was really short, which is a relief!!! However, I’m going to put my name and address in that form. I know, I know. I like to live dangerously. I have a feeling I’ll get another sales video there.

Before I move on to that, I wanted to show you these testimonials from the sales page.

Money Sucking Website Testimonials

Hey, these guys look familiar…

Oh, it’s because these are the SAME exact images from the Your New At Home Career review I did. I mean, couldn’t they at least change the amounts claimed in the images? Maybe switch the images up a little? (By the way, these are all fake testimonial people from Fiverr.com.)

I filled out the form and yes, a new video to watch! (By the way, I had to put in a mobile phone number. I found some phone scammer’s number online. I love the Internet! 🙂 )

Back to the video. Here’s what kind of nonsense we’re getting now.

Money Sucking Website Pour Cash into Your Back Account

All you have to do is watch 4 simple videos, give it 4 minutes and 1 push of a button. The sales will start coming in immediately.


Don’t share this with anyone. They don’t want any unethical marketers coming in and ruining it for everyone. Shhhh…

Willy wants to be totally honest with you because a lot of times you can’t tell if those “gurus” are real people. Well, here’s his family. (OMG, I think I’m dead. This is hilarious! This is definitely a stock photo.)

Money Sucking Website Fake Family

The problem with the “fake gurus” is “The Big Lie”!

Money Sucking Website Sales Video

Really? I think that’s the smallest of the lies in these videos. I think the big lie is more like, you know, “All you have to do is push a button and money just pours into your bank account.” Yea, that one is a bit worse, Willy!

In fact, a little later Willy says all you have to do is hit a button and you’ll immediately start making sales. Lies, Willy! Lies!!

Willy has a story like all the rest. I’ll shorten it for you. He was getting fired from his crappy job as an accountant. He saw this hairy Russian’s (I swear, the hairy part is in the video) tax return and saw that he was rich. He got in contact with the hairy Russian and he showed Willy how to make a golf website at the push of a button. Willy got a sale in like 2 minutes. They played basketball. Willy got more sales. The end.

Alright, while the video doesn’t actually say how this really works, I have an idea. Let’s get into it.

How Does Money Sucking Website Work?

I didn’t purchase the product (why waste my hard-earned money when I know this will never work?), but Money Sucking Website sounds just like a couple of other products I’ve reviewed:

What happens is that you choose a domain name for your site, sign up for an affiliate program (usually ClickBank), then you “push a button” to make it go live. What you get is a done-for-you website that has offers with your affiliate link already placed within them.

Is it easy? Yea! Is it good? No!

Is Money Sucking Website a Scam or Legit?

Thumbs DownI won’t say that Money Sucking Website is a scam because I’m sure you do get a done-for-you site for your money. But it’s scammy the way that they try to draw people in with their sales video. Here are some red flags that we saw:

  • Saying the product is free when it actually isn’t
  • Make $500 a day
  • Make money immediately
  • Pours cash into your bank account 24/7
  • Fake testimonials
  • Fake family photo (while calling other “gurus” fake and having fake names – hilarious!)
  • You don’t need to do anything

There are probably countless more, but this is a good enough list! Even if they didn’t fake everything in the video, there’s still a problem with these push-button done-for-you websites. Google hates them.

Google hates them because your website will likely look just like a bunch of other people’s websites. Google will not rank duplicate content. And if your site doesn’t rank and you can get at the top of a page, how in the world will anyone see your website? And if no one sees your website, how will anyone purchase from it?

Here’s the other problem. These websites usually look terrible and scammy with offers all over the place. Even if you use social media to try to get the word out, no one is going to go to your site. Would YOU go to a site that had offers all over it? You wouldn’t trust that, would you?

There is one thing this product gets right. Affiliate marketing IS a great way to make money online. Just not in the way that Money Sucking Website System is doing it.

Learn How to Do Affiliate Marketing the RIGHT Way

Affiliate marketing is what I do, and this site that you’re on is an affiliate marketing website. It’s not a done-for-you kind of site though. I learned how to create it from the start. I write all the content, make images, research keywords and try to find things that people are looking for.

There are several benefits of doing it this way:

  • This is MY website and I’m not relying on someone else’s system. (What is Money Sucking Websites went down? What would happen to your site.)
  • I have creative freedom and control over what I post
  • I create content that I believe can help others, and I gain their trust
  • I know proper keyword techniques that can help me rank in Google
  • I don’t have duplicate content so I know Google will rank me
  • I know how to solve technical issues because I learned along the way

If you really want to learn this business, then please do it the right way. If you do it the right way, then you will have a much, much better chance at lasting success. Buying into these systems that are so “easy” just won’t work. You will be out $47 and you will have gotten nowhere.

The way that I learned how to do all of this is through a training platform called Wealthy Affiliate. They teach you how to set up a website step-by-step from start to finish. You can read my Wealthy Affiliate review to see everything that you get there.

The great thing about Wealthy Affiliate is that they have a Free Starter Membership. (No credit card required.) That way you can see if affiliate marketing is something that you’d like to learn more about. Why not give it a try and see if it’s what you’re looking for? Forget all these push-button systems. They don’t work, and they never will. Just click the button below for access to Wealthy Affiliate.

Click the Button to Get a Free Starter Membership at Wealthy Affiliate and See if Affiliate Marketing is Perfect for YOU!

Click here to Start a Free Account

Let’s Recap

Now we know all about the red flags tied to the Money Sucking Website System. These red flags come up a lot in other programs out there. I’m not saying every program is bad. There are a few good ones! And I actually hope to find more because it’s nice for people to have options of things that will actually work. But unfortunately, this one is just another let down.

The good news is, again, that affiliate marketing IS a great way to make money online, but only if you learn how to do it the right way. If you do it in the way that these guys suggest, you will make NO money. Not $500. Not $100 a day. Not even $1 a day! Trust me, I’ve been down that road.

Instead, why not just learn how to do it the right way? You will be much, much more successful if you put the time and effort in to learning how to build and grow your website from the start. Plus, it’s fun to learn a new skill. So why not try?

Click the button below to get access to a Free Starter Membership at Wealthy Affiliate. You’ll get Premium access for 7 days (then access will be limited after that, but still free) so you can poke around the site and see if it’s worth exploring affiliate marketing. There are thousands and thousands of like-minded people there who can help you every step of the way!

Click the Button Below for Access to Your Free Starter Membership at Wealthy Affiliate!

Click Here to Start a Free Account

Do you have any questions or comments about Money Sucking Website? Leave them for me down below!

16 thoughts on “What Is Money Sucking Website (MSW)? Make $500 a Day or is it a Scam?”

  1. thank you, I will remember to look out for these red flags now I know what i’m looking for. fake testimonials are a big one, sometimes its hard to tell if what im reading it real or if its just a way of sucking me in to buying something that is actually a load of crap!

    • I agree it can be hard to tell what’s real and what’s not, especially if you’re not used to seeing these types of videos. The fake testimonials you can kind of just tell. They don’t speak like normal people! lol I can spot them pretty easily now that I’ve been doing this a while. The other red flags are also good to keep an eye on.

  2. This is a great review and like you I love writing as well.  There are so many of these out there that you would think it to be a no brainer.

    The problem is they are geared towards people who need money quick.  If you dont know it sounds so good.  People like us need to continue to put these reviews up to help educate the newbies who are coming online.

    I am already a member of Wealthy Affiliate and bar none it is the most incredible opportunity online.  Anyone thinking about Wealthy Affiliate need to stop thinking and get doing.

    Once again this is a great review that will save a lot of heart ache from people looking for legit opportunities.

    • Hey Dale! I’m glad you like writing too. Being a member of Wealthy Affiliate, I know that you have a website and that you have to write a lot. So it’s good that you like it! 🙂  I’m glad you found your way there instead of ending up with one of these products. It’s so much better to learn how to do things the right way from the start. 

  3. Hello Christina. Thank you for sharing your review of Money Sucking Website. I get angry when I see these scams pop up day after day. They don’t get tired of ripping people’s money. What gets me more amazed are the actors hired from Fiverr dot com. lol. It’s not easy to make money online as they’ve claimed. Making money online takes time, experience and hardwork. Keep exposing these fake promises…

    • These products make me really upset too because they promise so many things that are impossible for anyone to accomplish. Making $500 a day takes a lot of time. And I know people get frustrated and quit because what the sales video promises doesn’t happen. Meanwhile, affiliate marketing is awesome – if you can get it done the right way. Not through these over-hyped products.

  4. The biggest take-away from your article should be this: GOOGLE DOES NOT RANK DUPLICATE CONTENT!!

    I see SO MANY of these sites that steal content from online and say that you’ll get rich from it. It’s just NOT true, and never will be.

    And would anyone trust a site that looks like you were just thrown into Times Square, N.Y. on New Year’s Eve, with ads BLAZING all around??!

    I know I wouldn’t.

    Cue the Metallica song! Let’s get writing our OWN content on our OWN website! Let’s DO THIS!!  😉

    • Yesss! You are so dead-on with all of this. Duplicate content is a HUGE no-no with Google. Not only that, like you said, these sites have ads all over the place. PEOPLE are not going to go on them either! So no matter what you do with it, you’re going to be screwed!

      And yessssss! I love me some Metallica! 🙂

  5. poops…..  This is really embarrassing and derogatory.  The same set of people recycling their scam tactics. I had some experiences with some guys a little while  ago,  these guys said you need to watch videos to earn up to $100 a day and then to earn more you need buy some membership packages,  after few weeks if folded up and these same people came not even a week after it folded up with another watch and get paid thing. 

    It’s really breathe taking….  There is no where on earth you will just push a button and hikes …. money gets to your account, no way. 

    it’s better to let go if it’s too good to be true then let go. 

    • Oh geez, I’m so sorry you had to experience that. I do see that a lot. These guys come out with a product, it gets a lot of bad reviews, or the excitement dies off, they close it down and then come out with a “new” product that’s  just a rebranded version of the old product. 

      I totally get why people fall for these. I fell for it too back in the day. It’s really tempting to think you can make money in an easy way. Especially when it’s so easy to do everything online. You order some stuff from Amazon and it just shows up 2 days later! Everything is fast online. 

      Unfortunately, it’s not fast to make money online. It’s possible! It takes time and consistent work, and it’s awesome, but it’s not fast. 

  6. Hello Christina, nice review.  It is incredible how many of these shiny object companies are out there trying to put their hands in our pockets. Thank you for exposing this company. It’s very name should be a warning., “Money Sucking.” The question is who is doing the sucking?  By providing what I consider a great alternative, I think anyone reading your review would click on the button.  One thing that threw me off a bit is where you suggest clicking on the button right after suggesting I forget about all the push button systems. Might want to big up the Free part that makes your button worthy of pushing. 

    • Haha, good point Harvey about the buttons! My button does not lead to a push-button system, of course, but it could be taken that way I suppose! I will think about rewording it. 🙂 

  7. Than you Christina for sharing and review about  Money Sucking Website, maybe let me try to add something here. When we look for get rich business online we have to know that there is not such a thing exit just by pressing a button and the money will start to flow, what i believe in every success we need to work smart and hard. People are trying to fool others around about getting rich online business, most of them they are fake and scams but Wealthy Affiliate is the only online affiliate marketing i came to trust after being scammed for very long time, and why i am saying i have my trust on this business is that everything on their website is open, you get access to join the program under 7 days trial, full of helpful community to support you and guidance to know where you’re and where you will be going and the process to take in order to reach your dreams destination and all is not done over the moon or magic way no they have proper set up training and courses to go through. Thanks again Christina for sharing your review about   Money Sucking Website to me it is like precaution about online scammers.

    • Thank you for your insights on Wealthy Affiliate. It always makes me happy when I see others share their experiences from there because I know how satisfied I’ve been and I don’t like sounding like I’m the only one! haha It sounds too biased. I just really push people who are looking to make money online to try it because of what you said – they’re trustworthy, they help train you how to set everything up the right way, and they have all the tools and support needed to succeed. 

  8. This seems like yet another program claiming you can make money within a short time frame. You’ve nailed this, bringing out the very important points ensuring that persons reading this can be fully aware of what to look out for. 

    Great Wealthy Affliate review, the only platform anyone starting out needs. All the information needed to succeed is available and a very supportive community is here waiting as well. Proud Wealthy Affliate member only regret is, I should have been here longer.

    Awesome post…

    • Great, Brenda! I’m glad you understand why Wealthy Affiliate makes sense as an affiliate marketer, and why these other programs don’t. Not that every program out there is bad, it’s just these ones that claim you can make “$500 at the push of a button” don’t deliver on their promises. It’s a waste of time and money. It’s so much better to do things the right way from the start. 


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