AdsCrisp Review (Profitable Video Ads That Even a 6 Year Old Can Do?)

AdsCrisp Review

Welcome to my AdsCrisp review!

That’s such a fun name, isn’t it? It reminds me of a crunchy little cracker.

But what it actually is, is something better. (And with way less carbs.) 

AdsCrisp is tool that can help you quickly and easily create video ads for the top social media platforms. According to the sales page, you can create a highly-converting ad in as little as 5 minutes. In fact, they say even a 6-year old can do it.

(I don’t know any 6-year olds to test out that claim, but I think they just mean it’s easy to use. 😉 )

I’m happy to report that this is something that I can actually recommend, unlike most of my reviews.

I’ll even give you an inside peek into the member’s area. 

Let’s dig into this AdsCrisp review and see what it’s all about.

Keep reading.

The #1 Reason Why You’re Not Making More Money. (And 2 Steps to Making More)

AdsCrisp Summary

Product: AdsCrispCost: Launch Price = $39 for a personal license, $47 for a commercial license – prices may increase later Owner(s): S​Saurabh Bhatnagar, Reshu Singhal, Simran PallGood For: Anyone who already has an existing website, product or service and wants more traffic, leads and sales.

AdsCrisp Review - Product

What is AdsCrisp?

The AdsCrisp sales page claims:

Make video ads easily with AdsCrisp

Is this just all hype?

Keep reading to find out.

The sales video tells a tale of “Mark”. Mark has created a product and is ready to sell online, however, he doesn’t know how to get traffic.

AdsCrisp Review - Mark needs leads!

The video goes on to explain that there are a couple of ways to get traffic:

  1. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) – This source of traffic is great because it’s free, but it takes months to start getting traffic this way.
  2. Posting on Social Media – Organic reach on social media (at least Facebook) is dead, according to the video.
  3. Running ads online – Immediate traffic and sales and it’s infinitely scalable. (However, side note, this way does cost money.)

The sales video says that video ads are especially profitable. Here’s one of the stats that they give. Video ads have 27% higher clickthrough rates and 34% higher conversion rates.

AdsCrisp Review - Stats about video ads

The problem? Creating highly-converting video ads is difficult, and that’s where AdsCrisp comes in.

Ads Crisp is a video ads creation product that will create ads for all 37 possible video ad placements for all the 7 major social media platforms: Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, SnapChat, Twitter and Pinterest.

You can create any kind of video ad for any business and any niche and this can be done in as little as 5 minutes.

You can create video ads in 3 easy steps:

  1. Pick an ad placement, such as Facebook Messenger
  2. Pick an ad template
  3. Add your product details, colors and music

What’s nice about this sales page is that you get a demo of the product. (Check out the sales page for yourself here – yes, that’s an affiliate link. I’m promoting this because I actually like it. And also because that’s my job. 🙂 )

You know when you get a demo, that usually means the people behind it are proud of their work.

(Unlike so many of the terrible products I review that leave you clueless as to what the actual product even does…)

So we know a little bit about AdsCrisp now, but let’s go a little further into it.

How Does ​​​AdsCrisp Work?

To be 100% upfront with you, I was contacted by one of the co-creators to take a look at AdsCrisp and give it a review if I liked it. If you’ve read any of my other posts, you know that I only promote things that I think can truly help someone, and I call out crap when I see it.

(VALUE is what I care about.)

Immediately upon seeing what this was about, I knew it was going to be good. (If it wasn’t, I would have just likely ignored the request and moved on with my day.)

Even better, I was granted access to the system so that I could dive into it and give you a TRUE idea of what it’s about.

Let me show you a little of inside the member’s area. There is a large menu with all kinds of options.

When I first got in…

It kind of freaked me out for a sec.

I started to poke around and realize I don’t have a clue what I’m doing.

Thankfully, there is training, and I’ll show you a little bit of that in a minute! 

You can see that you have all kinds of options here. Because I haven’t gone through all of the training yet, I’m still learning what everything is. 

But you can see that there’s an Image Editor (screen shot of that in a minute), Stock Audio that you can use for your videos, VidsCrisp, which allows you to edit a video, and several other tools and trainings. 

I’m also happy to see they have a ticket system for support, and you’re not just emailing someone who may or may not ever get back to you. 

Let’s take a look at the Image Editor real quick. 

 Now, don’t laugh at my terrible artwork. I was just testing out some of the things available. 🙂

AdsCrisp menu inside the member's area

There are plenty of different options here so that you can be truly creative with your designs. 

AdsCrisp Review - Image Editor

One thing that I noticed while I was playing around with this is that it doesn’t seem to autosave your work. So you’ll want to be careful about that so that you don’t lose what you’re working on. 

As mentioned, there is plenty of training available. Here’s a peak at a couple of the training videos: 

AdsCrisp Training videos

They also have a knowledge base that has written instructions as well. I always apprciate that as I prefer reading over watching videos. There’s a few of us weirdos out there!

These guys went even a step further and created a training webinar that you can sign up for. Nice! Guess who just registered?

Yea, that’s right. I did. (I’ll update you with any additional important details from the webinar.)

I can’t say too much about the ease of use yet. (Although, after just quickly fooling around with the Image Editor, I can see that this should be pretty easy.)

I really want to test everything out, and I’ll come back to update with further details and results.

Is AdsCrisp a Scam?

I can say for 100% certainty that AdsCrisp is not a scam. You get an incredible software system (especially for the crazy-low launch price that they’re currently offering) that will make video ads extremely easy to create.

I would absolutely recommend this if you’re someone that uses any sort of social media advertising.

Thumbs Up

AdsCrisp Review – Pros

  • Easy-to-use platform for creating video ads
  • Able to easily create ads on the 7 most used social media platforms
  • Easy-to-use ad templates – just add the colors, text and songs that you choose
  • Incredibly low price (as of this writing. Even if the price increases, there is still a TON of value in this.)
  • If you upgrade to the Commercial License, you can create ads for businesses and sell them at a profit

AdsCrisp Review – Cons

  • You will need to have an existing business, product, or website that you want to promote (If you don’t, I can get you started with this – see below.)
  • Running ads on social media can become costly (I recommend starting small and testing the waters until you learn more about it.)
  • Will take a little time to learn how to use everything in the software

Do You NEED AdsCrisp?

Need is a very strong word. You need food, shelter, love and clothing. lol

I do think that if you’re someone who already has an existing website, or an existing product, then AdsCrisp can help you promote it and increase your brand awareness and revenue.

And that can be done easily and quickly. 

To tell you the truth:

I get bummed out when I have to review all these different products that solely exist to take your money from you and offer nothing of value back.

I get excited when something like AdsCrisp comes along because it’s something that can truly help individuals and businesses.

Need to Start at the Beginning?

If you don’t already have an existing website or business in place, and you want to learn how to create a money-making website, then I’m going to send you off to my #1 recommendation.

Here you’ll learn exactly how to put together a website and monetize it, step-by-step. Not only that, but you’ll also get all the tools you need to lay a SOLID foundation, including web hosting for Premium members.

Plus, you’ll have access to our HUGE community (I’m talking 400,000 +) for support and help along the way.

Once you get your site up, you can take advantage of AdsCrisp to get traffic to your site much quicker than us mostly-SEO folks. 🙂

You can even try the platform as a Free Starter Member to make sure that it’s right for you. Read my review to see everything that’s included.


Do I recommend AdsCrisp? Yes! Absolutely!

I’m excited to dive into the training and learn even more about it. I’ll post some results as soon as I can.

If you have an existing business / website / product, then give AdsCrisp a try and start making engaging video ads. Increase your traffic. Increase your leads. Increase your revenue.

(And try to get in before they increase the price, because the price at the time of this writing is pretty unbeatable.)

Click here to learn more about AdsCrisp.

Do you have any questions about this AdsCrisp review? Is there anything else you’d like to see inside the member’s area? Do you already have an existing site? Do you use paid ads? I’d love to hear from you. Leave me comments below!

2 thoughts on “AdsCrisp Review (Profitable Video Ads That Even a 6 Year Old Can Do?)”

  1. When it comes to technology these days I am certain most 6 years olds can figure out how to work programs like this quicker than I can! It’s great to hear that they offer training, since I can be a bit slow to figure things out on my own. I love following video tutorials. I totally agree with you that video is the way of the future, so creating video ads easily and quickly is more definitely something every online marketer will be needing! 

    • I think you’re certainly right about 6-year olds figuring out technology quickly! Even my little 2-year old nephew can swipe through YouTube to get to the video he wants. It’s kind of crazy! 

      Video is definitely the wave of the future, and I’m glad to have tools available that can help create them quickly and easily! (For us “older” folks. You know, older than 6. 😉 ) 


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