Generate Network Marketing Leads (Without Annoying Your Friends)

Is This a Scam?

If you’re looking at a site and saying, “Is this a scam?”, then you’ll likely want to listen to your intuition on it because there are a lot of scams out there.

No wonder we are skeptical of everything!

It seems everyone is out to get us and our money.

There are some good programs out there (I’ll tell you about my favorite one later).


Lots of bad ones too.

Here are 3 scams that I’ve run across while doing some research online. They don’t deserve their own reviews.

I just want to point them out in case you see them out there.

Is this is scam? YES! These are.

Tired of disappointing or scammy products?

I’ve got ya covered!

Scam #1 – Get Free PayPal Money

You know the saying, right?

There’s no such thing as a free lunch.

You can’t get something for nothing. And I have a feeling if you try to get this “Free” money, you’re going to pay alright.

Paypal Scam - You're going to pay with your information

I wouldn’t trust this site with my Paypal email.

With that said, I put in an email that I use for all my spammy stuff.

Here’s what happened.

First, they tell you you have to copy and paste some BS into people’s YouTube videos.

Avoid this Paypal scam

Then, in order to verify your information, you have to fill out some survey.

Fill out these surveys to get your Paypal money?

But guess what? Now you get to this screen.

These surveys don't pay!

This is only here to collect your data. Don’t do it! You will never get paid and you will now likely have your data sold off to more scammers.

Don't give them your personal information!

After writing about this, I went out for a walk. I came back, and I already have this many emails in my account from this site:

Too many emails in my account already from Free Paypal money

THIS is what I’m trying to help you avoid. This nothing but a scam – and a headache.

Scam #2 –

I saw someone promoting this on Twitter yesterday. I don’t usually try to get in people’s business, but I advised he not promote it.

Because it’s likely a scam.

And he’ll never make money from it anyway. is likely a scam

This website looks very, very similar to the one in my Kids Earn Cash review.

Look at this testimonial: testimonial is fake

First of all, this is clearly a picture of a woman, and yet they used a man’s name. Secondly, this picture was ripped off the internet.

Fake testimonials on

The testimonials are faked.

In the Kids Earn Cash review, we learned that something these scammers try to do is get you to use a password. is trying to get your data

They hope that you’ll use a password that you use on other sites so that they can get into your personal business.

Be very, very careful with sites that look like this asking for a password.

Scam #3 – Cash App Flipps

I found this gem on Twitter. Just because something says it’s not a scam, doesn’t mean it’s not. Scammers don’t care about lying to you! lol

Cash App Flipps Scam

From a screenshot that was posted from the Twitter site, it looks like you use Cash App to put in the amount of money on the left, and you’ll get back the amount of money on the right.

Cash App Flipps Scam - Screenshot

This screenshot is “proof” that this really works.

But you just need a little common sense here. I fell for this type of thing back in the day. And what happened was I lost my money and the guy eventually was arrested.

You might get a little money at the beginning. That’s because he wants you to put more in.

Eventually, this guy will disappear with your money and you’ll never see it again.

My #1 Recommendation

There are plenty of scams out there for sure, but not everything is a scam. If you want to learn how to make money online, and you’re willing to put in some time and effort, I think affiliate marketing is the best choice.

It’s a flexible business that you run on your OWN time. You can create multiple streams of income with it.

It’s not a get-rich-quick scheme by any means. It takes hard work and consistent effort.

But get-rich-quick schemes will never work anyway. So why not try something that actually will work?

Here’s my favorite place for training. They show you how to put your own affiliate marketing website step-by-step, from start to finish.

Just take a look and see what they offer.

Have you come across any of these scams? Have you seen other scams out there? If so, let me know in the comments and I’ll add them here. Be safe out there!

2 thoughts on “Generate Network Marketing Leads (Without Annoying Your Friends)”

  1. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this article!

    Your comment about how “cold” family and friends become when the conversation leads to your business opportunities made me laugh!  It’s all so true.  Things get pretty chilly when I try to discuss  “website / SEO / funnels” …very few in my circle want to hear about it either 🙁

    However, for those who are eager to learn more about earning an income online, you have described a genuine opportunity – one that is much preferred over any MLM!

    Thank you for sharing such enticing information!

    • That’s true, Susan! None of my friends and family want to talk about SEO either! lol. But the good thing is, I’m not trying to recruit them into it! I don’t need to because I can use keywords to attract people. 

      This is a great skill for affiliate marketers and network marketers alike!


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