Is Cash Point ATM a Scam? [Related to Other Scams!]

I’m sure you’ve heard of Cash Point ATM either through an ad or an email that was sent to you. It seems like a good idea to buy into it because you can make $500 a day quickly and easily. But is Cash Point ATM a scam? I believe it is, and I’ll show you why in this article.

I’m happy that you’re doing some research before just blindly falling for the Cash Point ATM marketing tactics. That means that you’re skeptical, and I think it’s great to be skeptical in this day and age.

Question everything!

Let’s get into this article so I can show you why you should save your money on this one.

Is Cash Point ATM a scam?


Let’s go…!

What is Cash Point ATM?

Cash Point ATM Scam

I can immediately tell that this product is trouble without doing anything except look at the sales page.

I can tell it’s the same scam as these other products I’ve looked into:

These are just the ones I’ve personally looked into. I’m sure it’s just the tip of the iceberg!

In any case, I can tell Cash Point ATM is connected because they all have the same sales page with the same “verification” labels.

Cash Point ATM scam verified labels

(P.S. I don’t trust these verifications at all. They are just images. They don’t mean anything. I really recommend you do NOT put your credit card information into this website!)

With that said, I still want to go through the sales video so we can see what exactly Cash Point ATM is all about.

$500 a Day

Right away in the video, the announcer asks if we want to earn $500 a day. This is exactly the same premise as the other scam products I mentioned above.

According to the sales video, you will have access to an app that will allow you to make $500 in a day. They say it’s called Cash Point ATM because it’s as easy as walking up to an ATM machine and withdrawing cash.

What does this app do? How do you get this $500? The problem is, you never find out in the video. You have to trust the message enough to buy first and then you’ll learn the secret after you’ve already forked over your money.


There are a few testimonials in the video who say they’ve made money on the first day of starting! For instance, this woman said she made over $500. From Day 1

.Cash Point ATM scam testimonial

Now, I know this is a lie.

For one, the people doing these testimonials are paid actors. How do I know? I’ve been researching these types of products for a couple of years now. Many of these testimonial people you can find on, a popular freelancer website.

I wouldn’t even care that much if they had a disclaimer somewhere. Commercials on TV have paid actors too, but they tell you they’re paid.

I also know these are paid actors because it’s not possible to make $500 on your first day doing something brand new. This is a made-up story. The only way that would be possible is if you already had a big following or a big email list.

Assuming that this product is some sort of done-for-you affiliate website, you could potentially blast it out to your followers and have enough people buy from it that you make $500.

But I’m guessing you don’t have a big list of followers, so this won’t happen for you. Sorry to say.

Here’s a red flag with these paid testimonials. Just something to think about…

If the product actually worked, you wouldn’t need paid actors to do your testimonials. You can easily find real testimonials.

Keep that in mind for ANY product you see out there.

Jason Rangel

The creator of Cash Point ATM is supposedly Jason Rangel. There are some people out there with this name, but none that are connected to Cash Point ATM that I can tell.

It’s not unusual for marketers to use made-up names.

Especially when their products don’t work. Why wouldn’t they want to hide themselves away? When people find out that they’ve been scammed, they tend to get a little angry.

Done-for-You Website

The sales page says that you will have a website done for you and it will be on complete autopilot. There will be no dropshipping or customer service hassle.

Your site will connect to one of the largest sites on the internet.

Now, this may seem like a great idea. In a way, it is. It makes it easier to have a website that’s already, however, there are lots of downsides to this too.

We’ll get into that a little later.

How Does Cash Point ATM Work?

How Cash Point ATM is supposed to work is that you sign up, get a website that’s already built for you, then you connect it to an affiliate account of some sort. I’ll assume it’s ClickBank.

You would sign up for ClickBank and add your affiliate link and it would automatically populate into your website. Then, when someone clicks on your website and buys from it, you’ll get a commission.

Sounds great, right?

Again, we’ll talk about why done-for-you sites are not the best. We’ll come back to that a little later.

Here’s what Cash Point ATM really tries to accomplish. For them, not you.

  1. Get your email address. Why? So they can promote more programs to you and try to get more money from you.
  2. Get money from the initial Cash Point ATM offer.
  3. Get money from upsells that they offer.

I do think there are awesome marketers and programs out there focused on helping people succeed. Cash Point ATM is not one of these. Whoever is behind Cash Point ATM is focused on putting money into their own pockets.

Cash Point ATM Complaints

Because Cash Point ATM is so new, it’s going to be hard to find complaints. But since it’s the same basic program as some other programs I’ve reviewed, we can take a look at some of those complaints.

For instance, here’s someone in the comments of my Profit Point Autonomy article:

Cash Point ATM complaint

And this one is from my Profit Point Autonomy YouTube video:

Cash Point ATM complaint 2

The second person is lucky that he even got a hold of someone because I’ve heard of others who have tried and tried with no luck.

I’m also wondering if he even got any of the money back that they promised him. These are the type of people that will take your money and run.

Is Cash Point ATM a Scam or Legit?

Cash Point ATM is a scam, in my opinion. It’s not due to the product itself. I didn’t try the product out (I don’t want to put my credit card into their payment processor), so maybe the product is actually decent. Even if it is, it’s not going to just automatically spit out $500 payments.

The bigger issue I have with this product is that they will take your money and run with it. I have seen people say that about these products (besides just the two examples I posted above).


  • Affiliate marketing is a legitimate way to earn and income (but not with this product!)


  • You will not automatically make $500 a day.
  • The product owner is unknown.
  • The testimonials are fake.
  • Cash Point ATM is connected to other well-known scam sites.
  • The payment processor is untrustworthy.
  • There have been complaints about people losing a lot of money and are not able to get it back.

You can do whatever you want with your money, but I would suggest not spending it on Cash Point ATM. You will be left disappointed and at least $49 poorer.

Cash Point ATM Alternative

Now I’m going to give you an alternative to Cash Point ATM. Some people get annoyed that I promote another product. They say I’m just bashing something in order to promote an alternative.

First of all, affiliate marketing is what I do. That’s my job. That’s how I make money, and it’s also how I show you how to make money. So why wouldn’t I promote something?

Secondly, I only bash products that deserve it. If I take a look at a product and I like it, I’ll give it a good review. I really just want to find things that work so that you can make money instead of just losing money.

Finally, if there’s a product that’s not so good, and I have one that I think will work better, why wouldn’t I tell you about it? Again, I am here to help you avoid scams and to find things that actually work.

With that said, my favorite place for learning affiliate marketing step-by-step is Wealthy Affiliate. I’ve been a member there (off and on) for over 10 years. They taught me how to set up this very website. You can see my full Wealthy Affiliate review to see if it’s something you would be interested in.

No pressure! Just information.


Is Cash Point ATM a scam? Yes, I believe it is. This is the type of thing where you’ll put your money into their payment processor, get very disappointed in what you receive back, and not be able to contact them to get your money back.

In fact, they may even take your payment and charge you for more things. I would be very careful with this!

If you like the idea of working from home and earning an income through affiliate marketing, I suggest learning how to create websites that pay you over and over again. You can sign up for Wealthy Affiliate free (no credit card required) and learn how to do this step by step.

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