Looking for Income Elite Team Reviews? Is Income Elite Team a Scam, or Legit?

Income Elite Team Review
All I did was add my name and email address to Derek Maxwell’s Millionaire BizPro sign up form and then BAM! He already sent me an offer for another product. I was “lucky” enough to be qualified for Income Elite Team.

Income Elite Team Email

After clicking on the link to get access, this is what I see. Oh boy, this is going to be a good one!

Income Elite Team Sales VideoLet me take a look at this sales video so you don’t have to. (Unless you love these kinds of things as much as I do. Then, go for it. I’ll post the video below.) I’ll help us find out…is Income Elite Team a Scam? Or can you really make over $80,000 in one month? Let’s see in this Income Elite Team review.

First, I would like to give you the opportunity to skip everything below because I’m guessing it’s going to be a lot of hype-y, fake testimonial-y, overstated bank accounted-y stuff down there. If you’d like to just cut to the chase and find something that actually works, then let me give you my Free Guide to Making Money Online for Beginners.

Here you’ll learn exactly how I got this website up and running and how YOU can do the same thing. It’s easy to get started. I don’t mean that in a hype-y way. As easy as it is to get started, it does take work after. (But it’s fun work, if you ask me. 🙂 )

Click the Button to Get My FREE Guide to Making Money Online and Skip all the Nonsense Below!

Free Guide to Making Money Online for Beginners

Here are the areas we’ll explore in this Income Elite Team review.

  • What is Income Elite Team?
  • How Does Income Elite Team Work?
  • Is Income Elite Team a Scam or Legit?
  • A REAL Membership with Constantly-Updated Information
  • Wealthy Affiliate Versus Income Elite Team

What is Income Elite Team?

Product: Income Elite Team
Cost: $4.95, then $39.95 per month
Owner(s): Steve Peirce
[yasr_overall_rating size=”medium”]

I clicked on the video and the first thing I learned is that this could be the most important video I’ve ever watched. (I’m pretty sure the video I just watched of Joe Rogan interviewing Elon Musk was more important. But, we’ll see!)

Here’s what I learned from this super important video from our spokesperson, “Chris”:

  • Make $10,000 or $20,000 each and every month
  • This is a system that’s so reliable that every day Chris knows he’ll make at least $1,000 – even before he gets out of bed!
  • This system uses automation
  • Use leverage on an “obscene scale
  • Chris can’t guarantee that you’ll make this amount of money, but you’ll have access to this proven system
  • You can test drive the same systems they used to make millions online
  • And of course, this…

Income Elite Pro Sales Video

(That’s what they all say, Chris!)

Now Chris says he’s bought all the useless crap before, but this one works! There aren’t any tricks or gimmicks and it’s not going to just disappear like some of those “loophole products” you see out there.

This all started when Chris got an email from Steve about this system. But he wanted proof and more proof! Some other dude named Dave sent him another email with a video and Chris was so excited he was jumping up and down in anticipation! Dave’s video changed his life!

This was it! The proven system!!

Income Elite Team Sales Video

The kind of money you can make with this will allow you to:

  • get rid of your debt
  • get rid of your mortgage
  • have first-class flights
  • stay in fancy hotels
  • and, of course, no sales video would complete without assuring you that you can have this:

Income Elite Team Sports Car

I don’t think my groceries are going to fit in that thing, Chris! And where the heck will my son put his mountain bike?

Chris then goes on to talk about joining the Income Elite Team. Ooooh, sounds fancy, doesn’t it? You can actually see how this all works when you join the team. (Of course he wasn’t going to tell us anything about it in the video before we make a purchase, right?)

This team is real, the systems are real and they’ll be sharing everything. You’ll have FULL access and can even work on their “stealth” projects. You can build your own online cash-sucking system. (hahaha that’s a new one! I actually prefer mouthwatering systems, myself.)

This is a super exclusive team. Only a small handful of people can be let in. Once they reach capacity, they’ll be taking down the video and the page. (If ONLY that would actually happen…!)

Here’s what you don’t need:

  • experience
  • websites
  • to know anything
  • existing subscriber lists

The rest of the video goes on to say hurry up, make a decision, you’ll make $50, $100 or even $500 a day, join our team, blah blah blah. You know the drill!

Want to watch it all yourself? Why would you??? But OK, if you insist…

What this video doesn’t say is how this actually all works. Let’s see if we can dig in a little more and figure it out.

How Does Income Elite Team Work?

Once you join Income Elite Team, you’ll have access to a member’s area. The member’s area has a lot of information about different ways to make money online. There’s information about social media marketing, email marketing, blogging, using PLR articles, etc.


(There’s almost always a but, people!)

The information is extremely outdated. This product is 10 years old and the information inside this membership area hasn’t been updated. That means a lot of the methods won’t work, or can damage the reputation of your website if you have an existing site.

Also, because it’s so old, a lot of the links are broken, or the information references websites that existed several years ago but aren’t relevant anymore. (Like Squidoo. Ah, I miss Squidoo!)

Is Income Elite Team a Scam or Legit?

Thumbs DownYou do get a lot of information for your money, but the information doesn’t work! 10 years ago? I’m sure this was legit and really helpful. Now? A waste of your hard-earned money.

It’s not exactly a scam, but what’s scammy about it is using a sales video to hype you up and get your excited about all the possibilities, and then end up giving you crappy, outdated information. I seriously can’t stand that. It makes all of us online marketers look bad.

I think what’s happening here is that they get people into the system, but those people don’t know that everything is old. And then, they hit them with a bunch of other things that they “need” to be successful and make more money of those poor, unsuspecting people.

Here are all the ways they will try to make money off of you:

Income Elite Team Sales Funnel

That’s why they can show “proof” that this stuff works and show you those big income amounts they make. It’s because they’re showing you sales from this stuff that they’re selling. It’s not the information inside of their membership area that’s making them money.

A REAL Membership with Constantly-Updated Information

If you’re truly interested in making money online, there is good news. There are plenty of ways that it can be done – legitimately. My favorite way is affiliate marketing. Income Elite Team also focused on affiliate marketing but their methods are so outdated that they just won’t work.

I feel bad for all the people who buy into their system because affiliate marketing is such a great way to build an online income, and those people are probably so frustrated with their lack of results that they will likely just give up. If only they knew of a better way to learn!

Listen, there are probably some good places out there to learn affiliate marketing, but I can personally vouch for Wealthy Affiliate. It’s the training site where I learned how to start a website – start-to-finish. I am still a member today and I will continue to be for a long, long time. Why? Because things change online constantly. And I need a place where I can get reliable information about how to keep my website growing.

Do you really want to make a full-time income online? If so, then you need the right kind of training, and you need to stay up-to-date with it. Click the button below to head over to my full Wealthy Affiliate review so you can see everything they have to offer.

Click the Button to See Why Wealthy Affiliate is My #1 Affiliate Marketing Training Recommendation!

My #1 Recommendation

Wealthy Affiliate Versus Income Elite Team

Here is a visual representation of what’s offered at Wealthy Affiliate versus what’s offered with Income Elite Team. You can see that there really is no comparison because Wealthy Affiliate has everything you need to get started online.

Do you have any questions or comments about Income Elite Team? Please leave them in the comments section below!


4 thoughts on “Looking for Income Elite Team Reviews? Is Income Elite Team a Scam, or Legit?”

  1. one program is enough for me. I am now with wealthy affiliate. I don’t think I want to look for more other. The month payment is quite a price for me, at least I know I have progress with it. Especially there is good community of people with it helping each other.

    • Thanks for stopping by, Kit! I’m glad you’ve found your way to Wealthy Affiliate and you’re enjoying it. You can see that it’s different from these other programs, right? They don’t promise you the world. They just say to follow the training, be consistent, work hard and don’t give up. It’s a recipe for success! 

  2. Good afternoon Christina,

    Starting to read your post on Income Elite Team I felt it coming. 

    The phrases one encounters everywhere have really lost their power for me. The most important video of your life right?

    Ok, make $ 1000 before I come out of bed? Well. I might decide to never get up anymore. All these things are real indicatores that something is not ok. You also said their material is 10 years old? That really is a tell tale sign. They should be ashamed to sell this old stuff.

    I did not look at the video, I take your word for it that it is a complete waste of time, thank you for the warning.

    Regards, Taetske

    • Haha, I love “this could be the most important video”. Hilarious! It wasn’t even in the top 10. 🙂 You gotta love these guys though with their lingo. “Our product is different.” “It’s not like those scammy junk products.” UGH, they’re ALL the same. 

      I’m glad you didn’t watch the video. It wasn’t worth your time, trust me! 


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