Can you believe this gem didn’t even come into my inbox? I stumbled on this program when I was doing research for EZ Money Team Review. As soon as I saw it, I knew I had to check it out! So, let’s see…what is Plug In Profit Site? Can we actually get a money-making site for free? Or is Plug In Profit Site a scam? We’re going to find out all this good stuff in just a minute!
First, in case this goes bad (and it probably will!), I want to talk you about my favorite way to make a living online. It’s affiliate marketing, and what this whole website is about. Now, there’s the wrong way to do it, and the right way. I highly recommend you learn the right way to do it for long-term success!
Let me take you through the whole process in my Free Guide to Making Money Online for Beginners. This will show you how it all works and why it’s so freaking awesome!
Click the Button to Get Access to My Free Guide to Making Money Online for Beginners!

Here are the areas we’ll explore in this Plug-In Profit Site review.
- What is Plug-In Profit Site?
- How Does Plug-In Profit Site Work?
- Is Plug-In Profit Site a Scam or Legit?
- Affiliate Marketing DOES Rock Though
- Interested In Building a Site But Want More Help?
What is Plug-In Profit Site?
Product: Plug-In Profit Site
Cost: FREE! Weeeelllll, sort of…
Owner(s): Stone Evens (Wow! A real person for once!)
[yasr_overall_rating size=”medium”]
There is a sales video, and I can’t wait to dive into that. But first I just wanted to show you a bit of the sales page so you can see what we’re dealing with here.
Whew-whee that’s some hype there! But OK. I mean, I guess you need some hype to make people pay attention. Let’s dig into the video and see if this system is really good or just ALL hype.
Right away the video jumps into some sales claims.
$310 in 72 hours? Hmmm….
Here’s what else I learned from watching the video:
- Stone is not here to sell us anything (we’ll see about THAT)
- He’ll personally build us a money-making website for free
- He’ll custom build this turnkey website so that we can get the same checks he does
- Stone’s not like other gurus and he doesn’t want to be!
Stone’s story: He was working at a sandwich shop trying to provide for his family. He felt guilty for not providing for his family and he couldn’t sleep! He picked up a book.
Nothing in the book sounded great – except for making money from the internet. He loved the idea of laying in his bed while making money. (I always think this is funny. I hate working in my bed! But maybe I’m just weird. Actually, I KNOW I’m weird. lol) He explored ways to make money online. He went into debt trying at all these crappy products. He started making progress with affiliate marketing and started to get some commission checks.
By his 3rd year online he had made over $100,000 in a year! (OK, at least this is a reasonable amount of time and not some insane claim.) He was finally free!
He’s offering his site to us for free because he wants to gain our trust. If we don’t trust him, we won’t take advantage of his offer and we’ll both lose.
This website promotes 5 programs that Stone really believes in. He’s an affiliate for each of them. So if someone buys those programs from his site, he make a commission. Each program pays out residual commissions. In other words, they pay again and again.
Stone decided to make a website to give away to others that promotes the same 5 products that made him a millionaire.
Here’s how it works:
- Create an account
- Sign up for 5 affiliate programs
This option takes all the hard work and frustration off our plates and puts it onto Stone’s!
OK, I think we’ve seen enough here. This sounds really good, right? A free system that can make us money pretty quickly!
Or is it…?
How Does Plug-In Profit Site Work?
Stone kind of says it during the sales presentation. He’s going to create a copycat website with 5 different affiliate offers. You sign up for those sites, and then you promote them.
When people sign up from YOUR site, you make a commission. It sounds like these sites also have multi-level commissions, so Stone gets even more money (and you will too if the person under you sells these products from THEIR site.)
Here are the 5 websites you’ll be asked to join and promote:
- Global Domains International
- Six-Figure Income
- Traffic Authority
- Online Sales Pro
- Got Backup
Oh, I have a pretty good idea why he’s not charging for this. Have you figured it out yet?
Is Plug-In Profit Site a Scam or Legit?
I don’t think Plug-In Profit Site is a scam exactly, but there are definitely things you need to be aware of here. I would absolutely not recommend this program. This is going to be a bad, bad idea and you’ll likely lose your shirt on this one. (And I know you need your shirt!)
Stone says this is absolutely “FREE” and his wife doesn’t understand why he’s not charging for this. Sure, his website that he’s giving you is “free”, but then he’s asking you to sign up to those 5 programs. (He does say you don’t need to sign up for all of them, but he does recommend that you do.)
Each of those sites is going to charge you a monthly membership fee. I’m just doing a quick search now to see how much each one will cost you. There may be more hidden fees, but this is what I’m seeing:
- Global Domains International – $10 per month
- Six-Figure Income – Free to join, but you have to recruit people and this one looks like a total disaster
- Traffic Authority – They have different products with different price points. Their training program is $97 / month.
- Online Sales Pro – $37 / month
- Got Backup – Looks like $7.99 /month
As you can see, these are going to add up. Not only that, at least a couple of these have complaints with the Better Business Bureau.
Here are a couple for Traffic Authority:
What’s worse is the website that you’ll be getting for “free” is teerrrrriiiibbbble. Stone has a video on YouTube that goes through this program a little bit. It’s 4 years old and some of it has changed, but you see from this screenshot what the website looks like.
Do you see that? Would you EVER click on a site that looks like this? It’s full of junk and looks spammy. Also, because it’s the same site that everyone else gets, it will be considered duplicate content by Google, which means they’ll never rank it.
If Google and the other search engines don’t rank it, it won’t get traffic. How are you going to get traffic to this crappy-looking site? You’ll likely have to pay for it. Then you’re out even MORE money. (There goes your shirt again!)
Nope, I don’t like this one AT ALL.
By the way, here’s the YouTube video if you feel the need to watch the whole thing. Good luck to ya!
Affiliate Marketing DOES Rock Though
What Stone uses with his system is affiliate marketing (with a touch of multi-level marketing mixed in). And affiliate marketing DOES rock. It’s what I use to make an income online myself. It’s what this entire website is all about.
The thing is, I’m trying to teach people on this site not to use shortcuts. I run across these types of done-for-you systems all the time. You can see plenty of them in my Not Recommended section. I feel the same way about all of them. They’re not worth it!
Yes, I get it. It seems easy to just have a website that’s already done and ready to go.
Done-for-you sites:
- Aren’t trusted in Google and other search engines
- Won’t get organic traffic
- Won’t be trusted by anyone because they look terrible
- Aren’t providing useful help to people
- Aren’t owned by you, so if something happens to the product owner’s main site, your source of income is toast
- Probably won’t make you a source of income in the first place
Instead of trying to take shortcuts, why not learn how to create a really great affiliate marketing website that YOU own that can’t be taken from you?
I have to recommend training here because learning how to set everything up the right way is what’s going to make or break you in affiliate marketing. I learned everything I know from Wealthy Affiliate.
Wealthy Affiliate will teach you how to set up your OWN affiliate marketing website, the RIGHT way so that you have lasting success. They will guide you step-by-step through the process of creating and setting up a website from start to finish. AND they give you all the tools you need to succeed:
- Step-by-step video training
- Secure website hosting
- Domain name purchases
- Keyword research tool (the BEST one, in my opinion!)
- Content writing platform to help you stay on task
- 24/7 technical support
- A community of thousands of like-minded people
There is no other site out there like this, and that’s why I will remain a member for, oh, probably forever! lol You can try it out for free as a Starter Member. No credit card required and you can stay a Starter Member as long as you like. Why not give it a try and see if you like it?
Click the Button to Get Your Free Starter Membership and See for Yourself Why Affiliate Marketing is Awesome!

Interested In Building a Site But Want More Help?
I now have a free 5-day email course available, How to Build an Affiliate Marketing Website. This course is meant to be used with Wealthy Affiliate’s training and will guide you through the whole process. You’ll have a leg up on the competition because I’ll tell you exactly what to do and when each day.
By the end of the course, you’ll have your very own piece of the web! It’s all free, and all you have to do is fill in your info below. It’s going to be FUN!
Do you have any questions or comments about Plug-In Profit Site? Have you used this system before? If so, did it work for you? I’m willing to hear you out, and I’ll even adjust my review. Leave me comments down below!
Don’t Have Time to Read Now? Pin Me for Later!
Well in all honesty, their title of Plug-In Profit would have put me off instantly. I can’t remember the last time I heard of a title that was so scammy and fishy.
After reading your article – I see that my first impressions were indeed good ones.
The monthly membership fees from the sites you also have to sign up with to earn, is yet another kick in the teeth!
Plug-In Profit Site makes it sound easy peasy, right? Just plug it in and make a profit! But we all know it’s just not that simple. There’s always more to it.
I always say that anything that’s worth it takes time and effort!
Another one upon another one. They just keep popping up and people go for them. The desperate for easy money end up broke.
I don’t even know how these ‘businesses’ can be considered legal because there is only one reason for them and that is to steal your money.
I am not familiar with this one and after what you have said I would never come close to them
Well, the thing is, they always have SOMETHING to offer. Sometimes it’s training. Sometimes it’s a “free” website like this one. And maybe this free website isn’t a terrible idea. What I don’t like it saying it’s absolutely free except for those programs you have to buy and the traffic you need to purchase.
I just feel like there are so many tricks going on. That’s what I really don’t like.