The Midas Legacy Bank Codes (Double Your Money Like the Elitists?)

Welcome to my look into The Midas Legacy Bank Codes.

This isn’t the first time I’ve looked into The Midas Legacy. I’ve actually looked into them a couple of times, but we’ll get back to that a little later. 

They seem to have something new to promote all the time.

This time they have an industry insider coming forward to say he doubled his money by decoding bank codes – and we can copy him.

Is this real, or is The Midas Legacy Bank Codes a scam?

Let’s find out.


Product: ​The Midas LegacyCost: $​497 / yearOwner(s): ​​Jim Samson (He seems to be a real person, but there’s not much on him.) Good For: No One

The Midas Legacy Logo<img alt=”The Midas Legacy Logo” width=”400″ height=”400″ title=”The_Midas_Legacy_Bank_Codes_Logo” data-id=”3757″ src=”” style=”width: 100%;”>

What is The Midas Legacy Bank Codes?

I automatically become skeptical when I see a headline like this. Do your spammy senses go up like mine when you read this: 

The Midas Legacy Bank Codes Headline<img alt=”The Midas Legacy Bank Codes Headline” width=”475″ height=”355″ title=”The_Midas_Legacy_Bank_Codes_Headline” data-id=”3752″ src=”” style=”width: 100%;”>

As mentioned, I have already looked at The Midas Legacy a couple of times and I didn’t really like what I saw. You can read those previous posts here:

I actually can’t 100% say they’re a scam, but for these certain products, I think their sales tactics are a bit shady.

Will this Midas Legacy Bank Codes product be in the same boat?


The sales video claims that banks have figured out a new way to cover up their shady schemes, and Jim is going to expose their scam and show us how to legally profit from it.

He says he’s skating on thin ice talking about this. He knows an insider who has told him all about this, but the insider must remain anonymous to protect himself.

He's skating on thin ice giving away these secrets.<img alt=”He’s skating on thin ice giving away these secrets.” width=”520″ height=”290″ title=”The_Midas_Legacy_Bank_Codes_Vid1″ data-id=”3753″ src=”” style=”width: 100%;”>

“Insider X” makes 10 simple stock trades a year and plays an unfair game, which is the same game the elitists play. Insider X knows this because he intercepted a message that an elitist sent that showed him how to turn $1000 into $2000 in just days.

Jim says the banks don’t want you to know about this because you’ll have an unfair advantage and won’t want to buy their “lame” financial products anymore.

He says that two banks blocked their customers because they were doing this. If you take advantage of these trades, you’ll have to keep your bank out of the loop so they don’t block you too.

You can be mega-rich if you just get the same unfair advantage that they have access to. Insider X has intercepted the trading information from the elitists and he knows what trades to make.

Now Jim can email you the trades to make when they come up.

Let Jim do all the hard work.<img alt=”Let Jim do all the hard work.” width=”518″ height=”294″ title=”The_Midas_Legacy_Bank_Codes_Vid2″ data-id=”3754″ src=”” style=”width: 100%;”>

Doesn’t that sound perfect?

He only opens the doors occasionally for 48 hours and only to people who have been referred to him. Once this page is deleted you won’t see it ever again. (Why do I keep seeing it and others just like it over and over again?)

Being apart from this exclusive group, Jim will email you when it’s time to buy and when it’s time to trade on those shares.

Jim says that membership to this insider club (he calls it CHIRP) is only $497 per year. Big banks pay $100,000 a year for this type of privileged information. You MUST see the value, right?

It'll just cost you $497 a year to get access to The Midas Legacy Bank Codes<img alt=”It’ll just cost you $497 a year to get access to The Midas Legacy Bank Codes” width=”518″ height=”293″ title=”The_Midas_Legacy_Bank_Codes_Vid3″ data-id=”3755″ src=”” style=”width: 100%;”>

Jim asks if we’re ready to ride the “dirty-money trail”. I mean, that doesn’t sound too good to me, but what do I know? He says that we could turn 10 clicks into a million.

You're just 10 clicks to riches!<img alt=”You’re just 10 clicks to riches!” width=”517″ height=”294″ title=”The_Midas_Legacy_Bank_Codes_Vid4″ data-id=”3756″ src=”” style=”width: 100%;”>

And I “could” win the Powerball too.

Doesn’t mean it’ll actually happen.

How Does The Midas Legacy Bank Codes Work?

This is all about trading in the stock market, and I believe that’s also what this Midas Legacy product is as well. (Although, someone mentioned that could have been about affiliate marketing. It’s hard to tell because they have a lot of different products out there.) 

I think it’s funny that Jim almost guarantees that you’ll make money. (He says he can’t guarantee it, but it’s as viable a way to make money as you’re going to get.)

The thing is, this whole story sounds completely made up to me, and I’ll put in my own guarantee.

I’ll almost guarantee that there’s no “Insider X” giving us sure-thing stock market insider trades.

Probably they use some software to try to determine what to buy and sell and when.


A software can never predict with great accuracy.

This reminds me a lot of the Push Button System review I just did. That sales video was WAY worse than this one, but same concept. Push a button (get an email on insider stocks) and make tons of money.

I determined that Push Button System was no better than gambling, and I’ll say the same thing about The Midas Legacy Bank Codes.

What’s really crazy is that you’ll pay almost $500 for this “insider” information, then you’ll also have to put money into the stocks. This is where it’s great for Jim. He’ll get a cut of the money that you put in by referring you to a particular broker.

Nice one, Jim.

I can’t say whether The Midas Legacy Bank Codes is a scam for sure, only because I’m not willing to spend $497 to find out.

They have had 7 complaints against them at the Better Business Bureau website.

Thumbs Down<img alt=”Thumbs Down” width=”500″ height=”500″ title=”Thumbsdown_Black” data-id=”3634″ src=”” style=”width: 100%;”>The Midas Legacy Bank Codes Complaint 1<img alt=”The Midas Legacy Bank Codes Complaint 1″ width=”574″ height=”367″ title=”The_Midas_Legacy_Bank_Codes_Complaints” data-id=”3750″ src=”” style=”width: 100%;”>

To be fair, they have responded to these complaints.

This one is kind of disturbing though:

The Midas Legacy Bank Codes Complaint 2<img alt=”The Midas Legacy Bank Codes Complaint 2″ width=”567″ height=”272″ title=”The_Midas_Legacy_Bank_Codes_Complaint2″ data-id=”3749″ src=”” style=”width: 100%;”>


  • Perhaps you could get lucky on a stock market trade? (But I wouldn’t bet on it unless you really know what you’re doing).


  • Silly sales story
  • Saying that they have insider information that the banks don’t want you to know about
  • Saying the “elitists” have an unfair advantage and are using insider information to trade stocks
  • Saying this is almost a sure thing
  • Some complaints about the company

That Police Report

I brought this up in the previous two Midas Legacy reviews that I did, and I wanted to mention it here too. There was a police report out about them that warned about their “get rich quick scheme.”

The Midas Legacy has a bunch of different products, so I’m not sure which product the police report was about, but obviously, these “bank codes” could also fall under a “get rich quick” scheme.

Want to Really Make Money Legitimately?

You actually can make money online, and you can make good money online. The issue is, you won’t be able to do it quick, or with a push of a button, or by getting some insider bank codes.

It’s in our nature to want to do things the easiest way possible, I get that. The problem is, it doesn’t work like that. You can’t get rich in that way.

Put that out of your mind.


Why not decide to invest some time in learning new skills so that you can create a lasting income for yourself? You can learn how to create a website and make money from it too. It’s not even hard these days!

It takes time, patience and perseverance though.

I learned how to create this site using a training platform called Wealthy Affiliate. Imagine having your own moneymaking website (or 2 or 10). Having your own site is an asset that you can keep forever, and you can continue to build it up. (You could even sell it later down the line, if you wanted to.)

Having your own site (or sites) is the BEST way to make money online, in my opinion.

These affiliate marketing success stories prove it.


The Midas Legacy Bank Codes really aren’t anything special. There is no insider giving away all the secrets so you can get rich like the elitists. This is just a made up story to get you to buy into this product.

Give up the idea that you can get rich quick with no work, and put it into your mind that you CAN make plenty of money online (you can get rich, even) if you put in the time and work.

We live in a PERFECT time full of opportunity.

Take advantage of it!

Go to Wealthy Affiliate and learn how to create your money-making online asset.

Do you have any questions or comments about The Midas Legacy Bank Codes? Have you come across The Midas Legacy before? They have a lot of different products out there. What do you think about them? Leave me your thoughts down below!

7 thoughts on “The Midas Legacy Bank Codes (Double Your Money Like the Elitists?)”

  1. I have been SCAMMED! I hate to admit it, but that is my experience.
    Midas Legacy and WSI TV employ cleverly worded claims to entice you to buy into their programs, sometimes with an urgent deadline to qualify for the “last spot.”
    The Bank Codes deal is Options Trading, so you must have considerable funds in a brokerage account in order to have your trade approved.
    Their member support Hot Line is usually busy “helping others” so you leave a message and do not get a prompt call back.
    BEWARE ! They promised me much more than they produced! I have made NO income so far. They make many excuses.

    • I’m sorry you’ve been scammed, but I appreciate you sharing your experience so others can be warned. I hope you didn’t lose too much money!

  2. I agree with everything you have said,I got out after the first 29 dollars. They have great psychology writers in there letters.

  3. how do i get @ COPY OF THE BANK CODES

    • You’ll have to contact the people who run the system, but I highly advise you don’t. You’re very likely to get scammed out of your money.

  4. They are a bait and switch company, they say their programs are simple to do but they are not, they are very complicated so it will take lots of time and work to get them up and running. so they are not the company you need if you want to make money fast. And you can never talk to anyone in person, which I hate.


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