Is a Scam? (Why This is the Shortest Review Ever)

Is a Scam? BigSpot Review

I bet you’re wondering, “Is a scam?” Well, I went out in search of an answer to that question.

The problem is:

This review might be very short.

Because there’s nothing to

Let me show you what I mean and we’ll answer the question “Is a scam?”

The #1 Reason Why You’re Not Making More Money(And How to Make More)


Product: ​​BigSpot.comCost: ​Free, but you’ll have to give up some personal info.Owner(s): ​​​Varsityplaza LLCGood For: No One logo

What is

I just happened to come across while doing some research, and I thought I’d look into it a little bit to see what it was all about.

When I was researching, I read that there was a commercial out of this site. I’ve never seen the commercial, but I thought that was interesting.

I found it on YouTube, Have a look at it!

Surely, a survey site that makes a commercial must be pretty good, right?

I’m not so sure about that.

This is what you see when you go to 3 steps to make money

It looks like your typical survey site.


  1. Sign up
  2. Get matched with companies that need your opinion
  3. Get paid

Great! Sounds easy!

Here’s what I did:

First, I added my birthday and gender as requested and hit the Join Now button.

This is what I got: results

What the heck is this? #1. They gave me one site to work with. #2. I now have to register at another completely different site?

Just for fun, I went back to the first page and I added some completely different information. I made myself much younger, and I said that I was male.

Surely I’ll be able to get more results this time?


I was offered the same survey site.

How Does BIGSPOT.COM Work?

It looks to me like is only a site that will match you with another survey site. (Perhaps there are more of these survey sites available sometimes?)

My guess is that they receive an affiliate commission for referring people to these survey sites.

Basically, they’re not a survey site at all, but a lead generation site for other companies.

Affiliate marketing is what I do, but NOT in this way. My goal is to always provide something with value. is adding ZERO value.

There’s no reason to go to They don’t have enough results, and they only exist to generate leads. 

You’ll have to give up a lot of info for the survey sites they send you to: generates leads for other companies

This means that you’re going to get bombarded with other survey and work from home opportunities. Is it worth it?

I don’t exactly think is a scam, but what they say in their commercial doesn’t match up with what you actually get.

There are many, many survey sites out there that are legitimate if that’s something you like to do.

Thumbs Down Review – Pros

  • I can’t think of one Review – Cons

  • They don’t give you many sites to work with (I only got 1)
  • They’re not a survey site, they send you to other survey sites
  • They don’t add value, they only collect leads for other sites
  • Surveys, in general, take a lot of time for not much money back

If you like to do surveys, then I suggest something like Swagbucks. They’re a legitimate site that pays its customers. I also have some other survey sites listed in this post: Real Ways to Make Money Online (50 of Them!).

You might as well not waste even a second at I’m not sure why they have a commercial? Why would they spend money on that? I’m really curious.

Other Ways to Make Money Online

As mentioned above, I have a load of different ways that you can make money online. We are so lucky to live in this day and age where we have so many opportunities at our fingertips.

I told you above that I’m an affiliate marketer. To me, this is the best way to make money online, legitimately. Let me give you some of my favorite benefits of this business:

  • You don’t need to worry about inventory
  • You don’t need to recruit anyone
  • You make WAY more than filling out surveys
  • You can create a website on a topic that you’re passionate about
  • You attract people to you
  • No customer service
  • Work when you want, you’re your own boss
  • Work from home (or anywhere you want!)

This is a great business, and I enjoy working on it daily, and I bet you would too!

What’s really great is that it’s easy and cheap to get started. I do recommend training though, otherwise, it can be a long and frustrating path. You need to know the right steps to take and when.

This is my #1 recommendation for affiliate marketing training. You can sign up for a Free Starter Account to see if you like it.  

It does take some time and hard work to get it going, but check out these affiliate marketing success stories to see why it’s worth it.

–> Click Here to Get Your Free Starter Account at Wealthy Affiliate.


While may not be a scam, as you can see, it also isn’t really worth visiting. If you’re looking for ways to make money online, I completely understand why you want to check into

But there are definitely much better ways.

If you just want something fun to do on the side and make a little money, then survey sites are a good option. (I list 10 of them here.)

If you want to make a full-time income online, then I recommend checking out affiliate marketing. It’s not a quick money-maker, but it can produce a lot of income over time.

–> Click here to get started with Wealthy Affiliate.

Do you have any questions or comments about this review? What do you think…is a scam because they don’t really deliver on what their commercial says, or just not a great site? (Or, have you had some success there?) I’d love to hear your thoughts. Leave them for me down below!

8 thoughts on “Is a Scam? (Why This is the Shortest Review Ever)”

  1. Hello Christina, thanks for your great review on bigspot. I love reading reviews of this nature, the habit has really save me a lot of headaches. Looking at the site, the process of signing up and making money looks so uncomplicated that unsuspecting individuals will easily fill the form only to get disappointed at the end.

    I have had an experience of this nature, I can’t remember the site’s name, but once you sign up, it will direct you to a whole lot of survey sites that doesn’t even have regular tasks for people to do. I had wondered at that time, what they stood to gain by diverting people to such sites, however, your review has made it categorically clear that they are after their own commission, only interested in generating lead for other companies.

    Thanks for such an insightful post.

    • Thanks so much for your comment. You got it exactly. These survey sites get a commission for sales and leads for these other companies. That’s all fine and good, but at least have something worthwhile to do for the people that come to your site! 

  2. Thank you for this honest post,its indeed an eye opener article about Bigspot.making  money online require time,sweat and energy. Working with the right company also matters Alot, am a proud member of wealthy affiliate program. WA trains it’s member and gave member tools to be an affiliate marketers.they pays out commission every month. Thanks for this review. Best regards 

  3. After I read through your review on bigspot I agree that it may not appear to be a scam but I tell you it is a time waster. Because matching members to companies that need help connote that bigspot is just acting like a referrer and receive commission from those companies. If members are scammed after being referred to the l companies, bigspot may deny being hold responsible. It’s just a waste of time. It is a no for me. There are many affiliate programs to join that passive income is sure. Thanks alot. 

    • Thanks for your thoughts on my review! I definitely agree about it being nothing but a waste of time. 

  4. Bigspot sounds pretty much like a sales funnel to actual survey sites. I haven’t tried it though but from the information, you’ve provided that’s what I’m tempted to conclude. While signing up doesn’t cost any money, taking surveys in itself is not really my taste. The frustrating thing is having to spend some minutes taking screening questions only to realize that you’re not qualified. My time is worth more than what surveys can pay. The idea of having to actively engage on the platform only to accumulate pennies with the hope of making the minimum withdrawal amount is incomparable to finding ways to make passive income. 

    From the commercial video, I don’t agree that companies are paying millions to survey takers each year. That’s deceiving because those millions of dollars are earned by survey platforms and not takers. Survey takers just earn peanuts. 

    • Yes, the survey platforms are the ones earning the money, not the survey takers! In any case, didn’t even really have any surveys available. (At least not to me.) So this is a total waste of time. 


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