What is Swagbucks For? [Review]

What is Swagbucks for? I’m going to break it all down for you in this comprehensive (and honest) Swagbucks review. Swagbucks is something that I’ve known about for a long time.

It’s a site where you can earn rewards for doing simple tasks online.

You can earn rewards for shopping, completing surveys, using their search engine, and a variety of other tasks.

It seems great, but:

I have some issues with this.

Let’s go over everything so you can decide for yourself is Swagbucks is for you.

Here are the areas we’ll explore in this Swagbucks review.

  • What is Swagbucks?
  • How Does Swagbucks Work?
  • Is Swagbucks a Scam or Legit?
  • Earn REAL Income Online with Affiliate Marketing

What is Swagbucks?

Product: Swagbucks
Cost: Free to join
Owner(s): A company named Prodege

To put it simply, you earn points in Swagbucks for doing simple tasks online. You then can redeem your points for gift cards. Here’s the screen that you see when you first join Swagbucks and log in:

Swagbucks login tasks

There are different ways that you can earn points in Swagbucks.

Swagbucks ways to earn

Let’s go over them and talk about the upsides and downsides of each.


When you are shopping online, you can go through Swagbucks, and earn points. For instance, if you are going on vacation and are going to book a hotel, you can do it through Swagbucks and earn up to 5SB for every $1 you spend.

Hotels.com at Swagbucks
There are a variety of stores, and they even have a local section where you can add your zip code to get deals of stores near you.

The downside here is that you would have to remember to come back to Swagbucks every time you shop online. What’s good is that they have a Swag Button that you can add as a browser extension that will just run in the background. So when you hit a store that is available on Swagbucks, it’ll automatically “see” it.


Here, you can earn Swagbucks by watching different content around the web.

Watch content at Swagbucks for points
I tested this out, and here’s what happened.

First of all, you’ll get hit with an ad that you’ll have to watch. Then you’ll get to the video that you’ll need to rate. This is the video that I was shown. It was in Spanish, so I didn’t know what it was about.

Swagbucks video that I rated

It seems there are 3 steps to this process:

1. Watch a video.
2. Rate it.
3. ?

I’m not sure what the third step is. It took me to another page and it showed me a couple of different ads, but I didn’t see what I supposed to do next.

This took several minutes to get through.

All for 1 Swagbuck. (Which I didn’t even get because I didn’t finish the process.)

To be honest, I hate this watch one.

It’s hard to navigate, everything loads slow because there are ads everywhere. It takes WAY too long for 1 point.



This is where you earn points for answering surveys. Here’s a list of surveys that I see that I can answer for points:

Swagbucks Surveys

Here’s the issue I have with surveys. They take a hell of a lot of time for very little back. Back in the day, I used to do surveys for money. But I quickly realized that my time was WAY too precious.

I answer a survey now and again for free if a company that I just used asked me to because I genuinely want to provide feedback. But I don’t – and would not – do it for money. Not. Worth. Your. Time.


It looks like this is a place where you can earn points for different types of things. You can sign up for subscriptions here, grab coupons, give to charitable organizations, etc.

Swagbucks Discover

For instance, you can earn 3000 Swagbucks for signing up for Hulu:

Sign up for Hulu and get Swagbucks

Now, if you were planning on signing up for Hulu anyway, this could be a nice benefit. I definitely would not recommend signing up for Hulu just to get Swagbucks.

(You can also see what happens when you have the Swagbucks browser extension installed. It alerted me to this deal when I headed to Hulu’s page.)


Instead of using Google, you can use Swagbuck’s search engine (powered by Yahoo) to do your searches instead.

Swagbucks Search

I just did a quick search “how to boil corn” and here’s what happened:


Earn Swagbucks by using their search


This is OK. I’m couldn’t quite figure out how you earn points for searching going forward. I tried a couple more queries, but I only earned points for the first time I searched.

The search results were different from Google’s, but equally relevant.


This is where you can earn Swagbucks by playing games.

Swagbucks Games
Sounds perfect, right? Not really.

You only earn points when you make in-game purchases.

Again, if you’re going to make those purchases anyway, then this could be a benefit. Otherwise, you’re spending more money than you’re earning back.

How Does Swagbucks Work?

To sum it all up, you use the Swagbucks site to do different tasks to earn points. Then you can redeem those points for gift cards.

Here’s an example of the types of gift cards you can get and how many Swagbucks it’ll cost you:

Swagbucks Gift Cards

I believe the lowest-priced award is that Amazon gift card for $3. It’ll cost you 300 Swagbucks. So, that’s about 1 penny per point.

Is Swagbucks a Scam or Legit?

Thumbs DownSwagbucks is definitely not a scam. These guys have been around a long time and they are probably the most well-known rewards program out there.

I personally have to give it a thumbs down though. Let’s go over the pros and cons and then I’ll explain in a little more detail.

Swagbucks Review – Pros

  • Pretty easy to use
  • Free
  • You can earn points just for doing things you normally do online

Swagbucks Review – Cons

  • The site is full of ads and is cumbersome and slow
  • There are things all over the place and it seems a bit confusing
  • You may spend time on something that you don’t get credit for (like when I watched the video)
  • It takes up WAY too much from for a penny a point

What is Swagbucks for? Wasting time, in my opinion!

I was actually a Swagbucks user way back in the day, probably when it first came around. I have always loved finding ways to make a little extra money.

I even recognized back then what a pain in the butt this site was. And it still is, in my opinion.

The good thing about it that you can earn points for things that you would normally do. If you’re actually going to sign up for Hulu, or shop at Macy’s, then yea. Why not take advantage and earn some points?

I think everything else is SUCH a huge waste of time.

Your time is precious. You are worth more than pennies!

If you want to just earn a couple of points here and there, great. You can sign up here. (By the way, this is an affiliate link and I’ll get a little commission if you sign up under me. Actually, it’s just 300 Swagbucks points, not even a commission, per se. This is the ONLY way I can see how you can really earn something decent with this site.)

If you really want to earn money online, there are MUCH better ways to do it.

Earn REAL Income Online with Affiliate Marketing

If you are someone who is just using Swagbucks for the fun of it and to collect a few points here and there, great! That’s a perfect way to do it.

If you’re someone who uses Swagbucks and tries to get ALLLL the points, I really do think you’re wasting your time. If you enjoy doing that, then who am I to stop you?

But it’s not a great way to earn money online.

It just takes way too long to do the tasks for very little reward.

If you want to earn a real income online, let me tell you about another way. What I do is called affiliate marketing. In the simplest terms, I connect people searching online with the thing they’re searching for.

For instance, you were looking on information about Swagbucks, and you landed on this page. I hope I provided you with enough information to help you make an informed buying decision. That’s my job!

I earn money by telling you about things that can help you. If you decided to join Swagbucks through the link I posted above, I would make a small commission.

There are endless things you can promote online and there’s a TON of opportunity to do so.

Affiliate marketing takes some time to get it rolling, but it’s going to be a better use of your time with much, MUCH bigger rewards in the long run. (See these 11 affiliate marketing success stories to see what I mean.)

I don’t know about you, but I’m a mom to two kids, and I don’t have time to waste. I want to earn a good living that will set me and my family up for the future. Affiliate marketing can do that.

The things that you create now can pay off long, long off into the future. (This is residual, passive income.)

Here’s the site where I learned how to do everything.

They will train you on how to create an affiliate marketing website, step by step.

They will also give you the tools that you need. And there’s a community of over 400,000 members that can support you along the way.

You can join as a Free Starter Member and see if it’s right for you.

Do you have any questions or comments about Swagbucks? Is this a site that you’ve used before, or currently use? What do you think of it? Is it worth your time? Leave me comments down below!

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What is Swagbucks for? Swagbucks Review

6 thoughts on “What is Swagbucks For? [Review]”

  1. Thanks for the honest review. Earning online could be really frustrating, if not properly guided (talking from experience). I love the simplicity at which you write. Swagbucks could actually serve as an extra means of earning. I should bookmark this page right away, you’ve got some rich contents here.Nice write up.

    • Oh yes, I get it. Earning online can be confusing. There are a lot of shady sites and scams trying to take your money. Thankfully there are good programs out there too. Lots and lots of people make money online. It’s really not some big elusive thing. You just have to get with the right program and get to work! 

  2. Hi Christina, thanks for your review about swagbuck, a friend has introduced it to me before but what actually pissed me off was because he only told me it’s a survey earnings website, he never even told me about other features u have reviewed here, but reading your reviews has added to knowledge about them and I can’t really waste my time on earning SB that may later not worth something at the end of the month, u have done a good review here. Thumbs up 

    • I’m glad you learned something from my Swagbucks review! There are certainly lots of different ways to earn points from it, but, as you pointed it, you can end up spending a lot of time there without much payback. 

  3. Hi Christina, I have read your review about Swagbucks very carefully, After read the article I realized that it’s an honest review about  Swagbucks, I want to tell you honestly that I learned about Swagbucks by your article for the first time. it’s interesting to me that, I can shopping, earn reward, complete surveys and search engine like google. Thank you very much for writing the article.

    • Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts about my Swagbucks review! I’m glad it helped you.


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