Bulletproof Profits Review – Make $3750 Starting Today?

Bulletproof Profits Review

I am so happy that you’re doing your research. I put together this Bulletproof Profits review for people like you who are looking for real opportunities to make money online.

You are really smart to learn more about it before just handing over your cash.


Bulletproof Profits is just another system that promises that you’ll be able to make money fast.

With little work.

They even guarantee it!

(Kind of. Keep reading and you’ll see.)

–> Go to My #1 Recommendation to Learn How to Legitimately Make Money Online. Without the Loopholes.

Here are the areas we’ll explore in this Bulletproof Profits review.

  • What is Bulletproof Profits?
  • How Does Bulletproof Profits Work?
  • Is Bulletproof Profits a Scam or Legit?
  • How to Make Money Online Legitimately

What is Bulletproof Profits?

Product: Bulletproof Profits
Cost: $9.00
Owner(s): Justin Tyler (likely a fake name and probably not this guy.)

Here’s what you first see on the sales page of Bulletproof Profits. This one is full of hype!

Bulletproof Profits sales page full of hype

I already know this is going to get a thumbs down just from looking at this page. It’s misleading to tell people that you can start making $3,750 starting today with little work. (Specifically, 7 clicks.)

They even guarantee that you’ll make this amount.

Bulletproof Profits Guarantee

But not really. This is from their disclaimer.

Bulletproof Profits Disclaimer says there's no guarantee of profits

The Bulletproof Profits sales video starts like they all start. By saying how lucky you are to be watching the video and that you’ll learn how to generate tons of cash by tapping into a secret internet goldmine.

The video claims you can easily make over $2000 per day, $14,000 per week and over $50,000 per month.

You can absolutely make this amount working online – eventually.

But it takes a lot of work and dedication to get there.

Our narrator says he was able to generate over $45,000 21 days after stumbling upon this secret. Now, maybe our narrator was already highly skilled in internet marketing, but if you’re new to the industry, this is just not going to happen.

The video says that this doesn’t have anything to do with Bitcoin, Shopify, pyramid schemes, or anything illegal.

This is something so easy…

Even a 63-year-old lady can profit from Bulletproof Profits

(Are 63-year-old ladies incapable of doing things? I didn’t realize…)

Unrealistic Expectations

The video claims that it doesn’t want to give us unrealistic expectations by saying you’ll become a millionaire overnight, but it implies that you can replace your full-time income. I’m sure you can, eventually.

But it’s also unrealistic to think it’s going to happen quickly.

The video then claims that the number of people who get to watch the video will be limited. This is a marketing trick to make you feel like you don’t want to miss out.

Trust me:

You aren’t missing out on anything.

The numbers aren’t limited anyway. The more people that watch the video and purchase, the more money the product owners make. Do you think they’re going to limit their income?

No way.

A Boatload of Cash?

The sales video goes on to say that you can earn a “boatload of cash” without any special skills, prior knowledge or huge time commitment.

Our narrator claims he can make over $2,000 in just 15 minutes.

Bulletproof Profits income report

He probably can because he’s probably a skilled internet marketer. That doesn’t mean that YOU can also do this.

(You can eventually. After you’re also a skilled internet marketer. But that takes time.)

Fake Testimonials

The Bulletproof Profits sales video includes some testimonials. Our first testimonial says that she made over $10,000 in her first week using Bulletproof Profits.

This woman claims she made over $10,000 in her first week using Bulletproof Profits

You can tell that she’s an actress. Actors and actresses are used frequently in these videos. Also, this is VERY unrealistic.

Our second testimonial says she used to spend hours and hours filling out online surveys. Now that Justin showed her this “weird” way to make money online, she’s made over $50,000 in the last 30 days.

Testimonial 2 says she's made over $50,000 in the last 30 days

Again, not realistic.

Not even close.

Our third testimonial says he made his first money online thanks to Bulletproof Profits and he was able to make over $3,000 on day 1.

This testimonial guy says he was able to make over $3000 on his first day

Come on! That’s crazy.

Plus, I know I’ve seen this guy in other sales videos. He’s only making money from acting this part.

A “Legal Loophole”

The video claims that this system takes advantage of a “legal loophole” that takes advantage of a multi-billion online goldmine.

There’s no such thing as a “legal loophole” and there are no secrets with online marketing. Some people may not be aware of the opportunities out there, but it’s no secret.

Justin says that after he learned about this “legal loophole” and put it to use, he made $850 his first day.

Justin said he made $850 his first day using Bulletproof Profits

Um, no.

That’s just not going to happen.

The video goes on to explain that the goldmine that is being referred to is Amazon. Justin says that he’s discovered a unique money-making loophole that no one else has seen before.

You can siphon profits from Amazon with Bulletproof Profits

Oh, I wish you could see me rolling my eyes right now.

How Does Bulletproof Profits Work?

Well, we only know that the system uses Amazon. But we don’t know in what way it uses Amazon.

Bulletproof profits is an income machine

The video leaves us in the dark about that.

Which frustrates me because it means that you’re just supposed to fork over your hard-earned money and trust that it’ll all work out.

There are a few ways to make money with Amazon, and they’re all completely different.

The biggest ways are:

Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) – You have a large inventory of product that you send to Amazon’s warehouse. They do the shipping for you.

Retail Arbitrage – This is when you buy low and sell high. For instance, you might head to the dollar store and grab a bunch of clearance items for cheap. You can then sell them on Amazon for a higher price.

Amazon Associates – This is Amazon’s affiliate program. You can promote items from Amazon’s site and collect a commission when people purchase from your affiliate link. (This is something I personally do.)

There’s a whole host of other ways to make money from Amazon, but I’m guessing Bulletproof Profits is using one of these three ways.

None of them are “secret loopholes” though.

And it would be nice if you knew which one it was because they’re all different and all require different skills.

Is Bulletproof Profits a Scam or Legit?

Thumbs DownSince I am not purchasing this product today, I can’t 100% for sure say whether Bulletproof Profits is a scam. However, I CAN say that they way they draw you in one their sales video is VERY scammy.

Bulletproof Profits Review – Pros

  • There’s a 60-day money-back guarantee if you decide to purchase and it doesn’t work out for you.
  • It’s inexpensive

Bulletproof Profits Review – Cons

  • Implying that you can make a lot of money right away
  • Implying that the work that you do will be easy
  • Saying that this is a “secret” and a “loophole” (it’s not)
  • Using fake testimonials to try to trick you
  • Saying that the income is guaranteed (even though their disclaimer clearly says it’s not)
  • Saying that this opportunity is limited

Making money online is doable. Plenty of people make a GREAT living online, and others have a nice side hustle where they make a few extra spending bucks.

But it’s no secret.

Anyone can do it.

The issue here is that anything you do, no matter what it is, online or offline, takes practice to build up your skills. And it takes consistent work to build it up and grow it.

Learn How to Make Money Online Legitimately

The sales videos that are like this that make you feel like you can make a ton of money with no work absolutely crush me.

Because what’s happens is that when you end up buying into it, you realize that it’s going to be a lot harder than you thought.

Then you go to the next thing.

And that one’s hard too.

Pretty soon, you think that all opportunities online are scams.

That’s not true at all.

You just have to stop looking in the wrong places, and start looking in the right places.

You can work from home and make a great income online. As long as you set your expectations in the right way.

I currently work from home as an affiliate marketer and blogger and I LOVE it. I get to be around for my kids when they need me. I get to use my brain and creativity to write posts and come up with graphics for my site.

it’s exciting when you get sales or referrals.

But I put WORK into it daily.

It doesn’t come easy, and believe it or not, I’m actually grateful for that because it makes it that much more satisfying.


You can do anything that you put your mind to. If you want it, you can HAVE it. With visualization, perseverance, persistence, patience and ACTION.

If you WANT to make money online from the comfort of your home, then how about learning how to do it the right way?

This is the place that taught me everything.

There are tons of success stories about how this training works. Here’s 11 of them.

You’ll learn everything you know to make a great living online. As long as you’re willing to work for it.

Sound good?

I promise:

It is.

I appreciate you taking the time to read my Bulletproof Profits review, and I hope it helped you make an informed decision.

Do you have any questions or comments about this Bulletproof Profits review? Have you ever used this system? What did you think? Did it work for you? Leave me comments below!

2 thoughts on “Bulletproof Profits Review – Make $3750 Starting Today?”

  1. Hi Christiana,thanks for your review about Bulletproof profits. Opening the video you shared through your article and other things you have exposed about this bulletproof system of generating profits, I have come to the conclusion that it’s 100% scam.

    Actually you didn’t say it’s a scam, but the huge return of $3750 or $2000 to $4000 they promised weekly is just simple scam. There are legitimately ways to make money online but it Will take time to make such huge amount of money 

    • Yes, I completely agree with you, of course! lol 

      I’m glad you enjoyed my Bulletproof Profits review and I am happy you tool the time to comment. Thank you! 


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