Fresh Money Miracle Review (If You’ve Seen One…)

Fresh Money Miracle Review

A new opportunity popped into my inbox yesterday, and I gave it a look. I think you’ll find this Fresh Money Miracle review pretty interesting. There’s something about it that’s very familiar.

You’ll see why things are not always what they seem.

As soon as I saw the sales video page, I knew we were in trouble.

Fresh Money Miracle is no miracle at all. But is it a scam? Can it do what it says it can do to help you make money online? I don’t think so.

You’ll just have to keep reading to understand.

Here’s Why You’re Not Making More Money. 
(And 2 Steps to Making More)

Here are the areas we’ll explore in this Fresh Money Miracle review.

  • What is Fresh Money Miracle?
  • How Does Fresh Money Miracle Work?
  • Is Fresh Money Miracle a Scam or Legit?
  • You CAN Make Money Online with the Right Training and Expectations

What is Fresh Money Miracle?

Product: Fresh Money Miracle
Cost: $47
Owner(s): Teo Vee

As soon as I saw the sales video page for Fresh Money Miracle, I knew I would give this a thumbs down. I’ll let you know why in a little bit.

Fresh Money Miracle Sales Video

The sales video claims that we’re about to discover a little-known secret that can deposit tons of cash into our bank accounts.

Make tons of cash with Fresh Money Miracle

I’m glad they added a disclaimer here. Many videos don’t, and I think it’s misleading.

The video says this system has nothing to do with investing in stocks, mutual funds or multi-level marketing.

It goes on to show some testimonials.

Testimonial for Fresh Money Miracle

But, we’ve seen this same testimonial a few times before. We’ve seen it in:

If you’ve seen one of these sales videos, you’ve seen them all!

There are more testimonials, but they are all obviously not real. (There’s even a disclaimer that says that these are actor portrayals.)

Teo gives us his background and says that he was introduced to a 14-year old who was making a ton of money online by copying Amazon. He said he saw him taking advantage of a “loophole”.

Teo claims that he took a risk and tried the 14-year old’s system and made $400 in one day. He’s made $144.5k in just 90 days.

Teo made $144.5k in 90 days

Please understand that Teo is an experienced marketer and while this is possible to do eventually, it doesn’t happen fast.

Here’s another testimonial that makes you think you can make money quickly. Brandon went from $0 to $500 in just 3 days

Teo says that this system works so well that Amazon brought in over $177 billion last year. OK, but this “system” whatever it is, and Amazon are two completely different beasts!

He says that he’s not saying we’re going to make billions (lol I hope he’s saying that), but that it’s very possible to make hundreds, thousands and even hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Notice how these sales videos repeat the same things again and again…

Teo claims is you simply use the system, it works. (Even though results are not typical, as his disclaimer shows.)

He says he doesn’t want to work with anyone who’s lazy and just expects something for nothing. He says that he’ll give us the very best road map to success.

He’ll even give us our very own advisor. Get your own advisor with Fresh Money Miracle

Teo claims that he normally charges $197 for one of his advisors. But because we’re so lucky, we get one of his advisors free.

I have read that the advisors don’t get back to you when you need help, but I can’t say that that’s true for them all.

$5000 is a bargain for this system, but he’s giving it away for $47. He claims he’s only giving it to 200 people. But this is just a marketing trick to make you feel like you don’t want to miss out. Don’t fall for this.

So, what exactly are we getting when we spend our money here?

How Does Fresh Money Miracle Work?

We have no idea.


The sales video doesn’t tell us a THING about what we’re going to get for our money. You just have to trust that it’s going to work for YOU, whatever it is.

I do know that within the sales video they mentioned “Money Miracle System”, which turns out to be the same program that was released some time ago. I guess this is a “fresher” version of the same thing? No. They both STINK.

Teo Vee keeps coming out with new sales videos for “new” products, even though they’re all the same thing. (I mentioned 3 others of his above and I JUST did the Biz Building Blocks review on my site the other day which is another one of his “systems”.) that’s not even all of them!) This is so tricky and really misleading.

You think you’re getting one thing:

But in fact, you get something entirely different.

Because these aren’t real products.

They are just sales pages used to funnel you into his “real” product called My Ecom Club.

Every sales video Teo puts out there gets bad reviews, so he “hides” that fact by coming up with new videos and trying to get more people to buy into it.

Good for you for doing your homework first!

Is Fresh Money Miracle a Scam or Legit?

Thumbs DownI never buy into any of these products from Teo because I know it’s just a trick to get me into something else. With that said, I’m not really comfortable saying that Fresh Money Miracle is a scam because I haven’t personally tried it.

However, the tactics to draw people in are scammy. Trying to convince people they can make money online easily and quickly is scammy. (Although, there are those disclaimers at least.)

Promoting one product and then getting funneled into something else is scammy.

There’s another problem too.

I’ll get to that in a minute.

Fresh Money Miracle Review – Pros

  • They offer a 30-day money back guarantee. Although, it may not be that easy to get your money back. You’ll see…

Fresh Money Miracle Review – Cons

  • Promoting a product that really doesn’t even exist
  • Promoting SEVERAL products that don’t really exist
  • Implying it’s fast and easy to make money online
  • Funneling people into My Ecom Code, which gets terrible reviews
  • Saying he’s only accepting 200 people into this

The worst part is the fact that you get sent to My Ecom Club. Now, I’m not a member and never have been (nor will I EVER be), but I look to see if there are complaints, and it seems new ones pop up all the time.

Here’s a complaint from someone who had a hard time getting her money back. (It IS good to see that My Ecom Club is answering people back. I wonder if they would answer you back if you didn’t complain to the BBB?)

My Ecom Club complaint

This is why you have to be careful because there have been other complaints of people having a hard time getting your money back.

Here’s another complaint about what happens after you purchase the $47 product.

My Ecom Club complaint number 2

You will be forking over a lot of cash to get an ecommerce store up and running with them.

I think the worst complaint is that you have to agree to sell your information. So, even if you get your money back, you will get tons of spam calls and emails that you probably didn’t realize you signed up for.

Not. Good.

You can see a list of their complaints here at the Better Business Bureau website.

You CAN Make Money Online with the Right Training and Expectations

Here’s the thing with making money online. You can do it. Anyone can do it. The reason I’m doing this Fresh Money Miracle review is to help you understand that there’s no quick and easy solution to doing it.

Plenty of people make tons of money online every day. In fact, I think there are endless opportunities to make money working from the comfort of your home.

But you have to set your expectations the right way, get the right training and be willing to work for it.

What I do is called affiliate marketing, and there are endless ways to make money in this business.

You just need to know what you’re doing.

And you need to have some patience.

You also will need to put in the effort to get it done.

But man, is it WORTH it.

You can work from home on your own schedule, be around whenever your family needs you, wake up when you want, stop working when you want without worrying about a boss, make as much money as you want…

If you can think long-term and realize what a great opportunity there is to make money online, you can KILL it in this business.

It just starts with the right training. This is where I learned how to do everything.

Give it a try and forget all of these “get-rich-quick” systems. They don’t work. They never will.

Do you have any questions or comments about this Fresh Money Miracle review? What do you think about it being the SAME program as the others I mentioned, with a different name? Smart marketing or shady? Leave me comments below!

4 thoughts on “Fresh Money Miracle Review (If You’ve Seen One…)”

  1. Marketers have a way of making something look so good by appealing to your emotions and catching you cold. While you’re thinking this might be the next big thing, you might just end up getting caught in a trap. The best thing however is to watch the Fresh money miracle scheme for a while and determine how it works before getting into it.

    • Yes, thanks for your thoughts, and I agree. That’s why I did this Fresh Money Miracle review – to make sure people have a good idea of what it’s all about before spending their money. 

  2. Hi Christina, Thanks for this review of Fresh money miracle. I have to say it is 100% a scam and everyone should run away from away that platform. I watched the sales video and i knew it was absolute a scam. There are lots of better ways to make money online and though they are not get rich quick, with the right amount of hardwork and strategy you can make millions. People should be Careful and reviews like this will help to guide them away from scams. Thanks

    • Thanks for your thoughts on my Fresh Money Miracle review! I definitely think it’s scammy and I think you’re going to be in a world of hurt if you buy into it and get suckered into the financial pitfall of My Ecom Club. (From what I’ve read anyway.) 


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