Is Biz Building Blocks a Scam? (Probably.)

Biz Building Blocks Review

Is Biz Building Blocks a scam? We’re going to find out in this Biz Building Blocks review. Thanks for reading!

Biz Building blocks promises to help you set up an online business step-by-step and get it so that it almost runs on autopilot.

We’ve seen big claims like this before. They’re usually not true.

But is this one finally legit?

We have a problem here:

Biz Building Blocks is not exactly what it seems.

Let’s dive into it.

-> Or, Skip the Nonsense and See My #1 Recommendation . <-

Here are the areas we’ll explore in this Biz Building Blocks review.

  • What is Biz Building Blocks?
  • How Does Biz Building Blocks Work?
  • Is Biz Building Blocks a Scam or Legit?
  • Make Online Income with Affiliate Marketing
  • Conclusion

What is Biz Building Blocks?

Product: Biz Building Blocks
Cost: $47
Owner(s): Teo Vee

Biz Building Blocks is a product that was created by Teo Vee. We’ve seen Teo’s work before in the Click And Flip review as well as the Ecom Cash Code review and Fresh Money Miracle review. Discover the Plan has a slightly different story line, but it’s also related to these other reviews.

We’ll get back to why these matter a little later.

You’ll be surprised:

As I mentioned, things are not always what they seem.

The sales video starts off with the premise that an ordinary toy can reveal something about having your own online business.

The idea becomes more clear that Teo is trying to convince you that building an online business can be as easy as building a house out of Legos.

Building an online business is like building a lego house

He first tells us that starting an online business is the easiest and fastest way to have control in your life. But, It feels impossible to start because there’s a million things you have to do to get up and running.

It’s actually so much easier to do nothing.

It's hard to take action

Of course, that’s where Teo saves the day. He claims you can go from where you are now to having your own online business in the next 7 days. You just have to spend 90 minutes per day for the next week to get up and running.

Then, you can let everything run on almost autopilot. Of course, we know this is ridiculous and running a business – online or offline – is never going to work on almost autopilot.

He wants you to think this is going to be easy.

Let everything run on almost autopilot
Teo claims a French teenager helped him learn how to make money online. He showed him how to set everything up, and it was “as easy as building a house of legos”. The next morning, he claims he already has $213 in his account.

He even made $144k in his first 30 days using this system.

Biz Building Blocks ridiculous income claim

We can see this story is false due to the disclaimer that was added here. It says:

“Teo is a professional marketer and his results are not typical. Your background, education, effort and experience will affect your success. Any earnings shown are examples and are not guarantees of return on investment. Results will vary.”

How can Teo have made this in his first 90 days if he’s a professional marketer? These are just marketing tricks to get you excited about the possibilities of making this kind of income quickly.

Teo assures us that he’s going to tell us exactly how this works. He says it’s done in 3 simple steps:

1. Claim your page. (As soon as your page is good to go, you can sit back and let the page run on *almost* autopilot)

2. Let people visit. (Get in front of hungry buyers and then just spend a few hours a week maintaining your page.)

3. Collect your cash.

Of course, this tells us absolutely nothing about how any of this works.

This gives us a clue:

Biz Building Blocks takes advantage of an online industry that's growing

Teo claims that the people following this system make a lot of money – and fast!

Biz Building Blocks Testimonial

But we don’t know Jimmy’s background (perhaps he’s been an online marketer for a long time), or even if this is a real screen shot.

Teo is so kind because he claims he could sell this for $1000 but he made a promise to himself that he would sell this system for what he could have afforded 12 years ago when he was broke and desperate. That’s why he’s “only” charging $47.

Of course, you’re just supposed to shell out $47 without knowing exactly what you’re getting yourself into. Let’s see if we can figure it out.

How Does Biz Building Blocks Work?

Because Teo says this takes advantage of an industry growing by leaps and bounds, and because I’ve reviewed the other products that he’s done, I know that he’s talking about ecommerce here.

According to

Ecommerce refers to commercial transactions conducted online. This means that whenever you buy and sell something using the Internet, you’re involved in ecommerce.”

(You can read more about ecommerce at that site.)

From what I understand:

Ecommerce works like this.

1. You find products from a merchant. Usually you’ll get them from China, where they are the cheapest.
2. You load up your products on an ecommerce store like Shopify, Woocommerce, etc.
3. You charge more than what you paid for the products.
3. When visitors come to your store, they purchase products.
4. You collect the profits. has a great guide on setting up an ecommerce store.

You can see that it’s a little more involved than just the 3 steps Teo gave us. It’s not quite as easy as building a house of Legos.

But there’s an even bigger problem.

Do you remember how I said not everything is as it seems?

That’s because:

From my research, the purpose of all of these products is to funnel you into something called My Ecom Club.

And that seems to be bad news.

Is Biz Building Blocks a Scam or Legit?

Thumbs DownI have no idea! I decided not to buy this product because I really have no interest in ecommerce right now. To me, it seems like a lot more work and investment than it’s worth.

Ecommerce is certainly a legitimate way to make money online. I would just do more research on it if that’s the road you want to go down since there will likely be a lot more costs associated with it than Teo mentioned.

Biz Building Blocks Pros

  • There’s a 30-day money back guarantee
  • Ecommerce is a legitimate way to do business online

Biz Building Blocks Cons

  • This is just “another” product by Teo Vee. He pumps them out regularly, it seems.
  • Setting up an online business is not as easy as 1,2,3.
  • It’s going to take more than a week to be successful at anything.
  • There are costs involved with doing ecommerce that Teo conveniently leaves out.
  • You will have to deal with customer service issues with ecommerce (not necessarily terrible, but it could be a con if you’re not a fan of handling customer service.)

The biggest downside would be if you get funneled into My Ecom Club. Because this is where Teo will try to take a lot more of your money.

It seems every time I look for complaints for this company, there’s a new one that pops up:

My Ecom Club complaint

You can see how many investments these guys try to get you to make. Be very careful here.

If you feel disappointed, don’t.


I have an alternative solution for you.

Make Online Income with Affiliate Marketing

No matter what you do, you have to put it in your mind that it’s going to take work. All these products that say you can make $1000 in your sleep the first day are LYING to you.

They just want your money.

But if you can get it in your mind that you CAN make money online, and that you’re willing to work for it, you will do VERY well.

Check out Eddy who made over $10,000 last August.

See what he says (Click on the picture to get his full story):

Eddy Success Story

He follows training, and there are no magical secrets. This is just one of many, many success stories inside Wealthy Affiliate, the affiliate marketing training platform that I – and hundreds of thousands others – use.

It’s what I used to learn how to put this website together.

They can teach you how to do it too.

It’s a step-by-step training system that uses video and text. You’ll also get all the tools you need to get your site off the ground.

They don’t promise that you’ll make a lot of money quickly. They give you the tools to succeed. But it’s up to YOU to make them work.

Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to work from home AND make $10,000 in a month?

What if it was even just $5000? What if it was more than $10,000? Any amount is possible with the right strategy, tools and hard work.

And you get to do it on YOUR time. Not some boss’s time.

That’s why I love Wealthy Affiliate. It’s a site dedicated to helping YOU achieve success.

And you can start for free to try it out. See if it makes sense for you and your life.

Just remember, everything worth it takes time, energy, dedication, patience and persistence.

But YOU can do it. You are no different from any of these success stories. Why not give it a shot?

Start a Free Account


Biz Building Blocks is probably not legit. And maybe that is disappointing. But, I hope it came across that making money from home is something that plenty of people do now. It’s something YOU can do too. It’s not hard. You just have to follow the right steps.

Forget all these “get rich quick” schemes and learn how to do things the right way so that you have lasting success.

Let me show you more about Wealthy Affiliate and why they’re my $1 recommendation. See how they can help you get started on the right path.

Click here to go to my Ultimate Wealthy Affiliate review.

Do you have any questions or comments about Biz Building Blocks? Is Biz Building Blocks a scam, in your opinion? What do you think of ecommerce? How about My Ecom Club? Have you ever run into them online? What did you think? Leave me comments below! I’d love to hear your thoughts.

12 thoughts on “Is Biz Building Blocks a Scam? (Probably.)”

  1. I am glad that I came to your site for the review of Biz Building Blocks. You are so brave to expose their platform like this. Your post had everything I needed to know about Biz Building Blocks. I am definitely not going to have anything with that platform. I think it is waste of time and money there.

    Wealthy Affiliate seems promising and I would like to give it a try. Thank you so much for sharing this post.

    • Thanks for sharing your thoughts about my Biz Building Blocks review. If you have any questions about Wealthy Affiliate, I’d be happy to answer them. 

  2. Affiliate Marketing is a great route for people looking for a way of earning money from home.  All you need is your computer, and a lot of time and effort but it is so worth it when you start earning money from it..

    I have never heard of biz building blocks; but i dont think i can engage in it; its cons are more compared to its pros.

    Wealthy Affiliate is a great training platform and allows people to learn in a supportive environment.

    • Thanks for your thoughts about Biz Building Blocks and about Wealthy Affiliate. I’m glad you’re at Wealthy Affiliate and are benefiting from the training there. 

      I promote it because I truly believe anyone can be successful following the training and being a part of the community. 

  3. Nice one Christina. I’m glad you took your time to write this education review about the Biz Building scam of a thing. The truth is it is practically impossible to run your online business on autopilot. How on earth is that possible? These scammers have seen and studied how so much people are gullible,lazy and greedy. After reading this review, I have come to conclusion that Biz Building is actually a scam

    • Thanks for sharing your thoughts and opinions and whether you think Biz Building Blocks is a scam. I can’t say 100% for sure if it is without buying into it, but if you get funneled into My Ecom Club, then that’s a HUGE red flag. 

      I just want people to be aware of that happening. 

  4. How, how disappointing to hear so many bad points on Biz Building Blocks. I have had similar experiences with companies that offer you the world with their products, but don’t perform well or at all.

    I think the most important thing is to do proper due diligence. Like reading a post similar to yours! You have really helped me out by reviewing this product.

    I am definitely going to be referring people to your recommendation for building an online business, thanks!

    • Due diligence is definitely a necessity when you’re looking at make money online opportunities. There are way too many scams, or shoddy products available. 

      I really hope people do their research (as you’re doing) so they can avoid falling into these marketing traps. 

  5. Hi,

     Thank you very much for sharing with us such an important blog. If I did not read this blog I can not find the details about Biz Building blocks. This blog will be very helpful who want to grow his online business step-by-step. The most interesting thing I just learn from here is E-commerce is certainly a legitimate way to make money online. I will definitely share this blog with my friends.

    • Yes, ecommerce is a fine way to make money online. But you still need training and you need to know what you’re doing. It just isn’t as easy as 1,2,3 like the Biz Building Blocks sales video says. There’s a lot of ins and outs to it and you definitely need to learn strategies to make it work. 

  6. Reading through your review of Biz Building Blocks product, it definitely seems to me that this is NOT a program to invest any time, money or effort into. I have built 20 e-commerce stores over the past year, and I can tell you and anyone who stops by to learn about this product that it in no way works like the seller describes.

    I have spent many hundreds of hours to build the stores, and yes there is maintenance, marketing to include organic and paid methods, order fulfillment, and customer support work that has to be done daily. You have to do this or you will not be in business long.

    Knowing that the true purpose is selling expensive upsells you describe, and the fake income claims, questionable business ‘plan’ and the personal negative experience of one customer, I would even say that this is bordering on a product that needs to be taken from the market.

    Thanks for the heads up on this one. It seems like one of these dies, and the next two pop up and start taking people’s money. They do give the making money online niche a bad name, and there are reputable products and platforms that people looking for real opportunities should look at. Wealthy Affiliate is one such site that is top notch!

    • Hi Dave. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your experiences with building ecommerce stores. Just as I suspected, it takes a lot more work than just 3 simple steps. 

      The biggest thing that these marketers don’t ever really talk about is traffic. Once you have your store up, then what? How do you get people to it? 

      As you mentioned, it takes times (and sometimes money if you pay for ads) to get traffic to your store. 

      I appreciate you sharing your perspective on this! 


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