Is Formula Profits 1.0 Legit? [Nope.]

Formula Profits 1.0 was sent to my spammy email box today. I thought it would be fun to take a look. Is Formula Profits 1.0 legit?

I’m writing this intro after I wrote the rest of this article, so I’m going to just give you the quick answer here.


That was easy, wasn’t it? lol

Do you want to know WHY I don’t think it’s legit? Read below and I’ll take you through everything.

Of course, this is all just my opinion based on my own research and based on my experience with internet marketing products. I didn’t buy Formula Profits 1.0 to test it out for myself, and that’s partly because I know it’ll be a disappointment and partly because I think they’ll steal my credit card information.


Fun, right?

Let’s go!

What is Formula Profits 1.0?

Formula Profits 1.0 is a make money online program that claims you can earn $439.01 per day while working “whenever you want” in “as little as 1 hour per day.”

Formula Profits benefits

James is our product creator and he says he lived a life of stress, working a 9 to 5 with no freedom and living paycheck to paycheck.

He stumbled on a program online that said he could make money “with just a few clicks of the mouse” and he thought it would be the answer to all of his problems.

But when he got into the course, even though he did everything it said, it was technically way over his head. He never ended up making a dime with that program.

Through blood, sweat, and tears, he started to make some money online, but he wanted more so he hired a mentor. The mentor helped him get to a six-figure business and then he understood why so many people struggle to make money.

The key to James’ success was plugging into a PROVEN system.

James already has things set up in his online business, so if we partner with him, we don’t have to do any of the complicated tech stuff.

As partners, we get access to an already done website and money-making account, plus step-by-step training, according to the sales video.

We can have our own money-making account setup within just a few short minutes of getting started…

Account setup in just minutes with Formula Profit

James says we don’t have to:

  • Learn HTML
  • Learn how to build a list
  • Do all that technical stuff that’s so hard
  • Create a sales funnel
  • Come up with product ideas
  • Invest thousands of dollars to get started

It sounds like the ideal product, right?

James says that almost everyone who’s joined Formula Profits is making well over $100 per day.

Excuse my sarcasm.

If only it were that easy to make over $100 per day…

How Does Formula Profits 1.0 Work?

We don’t know how Formula Profits 1.0 works exactly because they never really tell us. Most legitimate businesses will either give you free access for a small amount of time, free access with limitations for a longer period of time, discounted access or they’ll demo the product.

Or they’ll at least give enough information on their sales landing page so that you know what you’re getting yourself into. In this case, we don’t 100% know without spending money first.

But I’ve been around the block enough to know that if you’re getting a “done-for-you” website, then likely when you log into the member’s area, you’ll have access to some websites that you can copy, add your own affiliate links and then market to the world.

Yes, this does make things easy from a technical standpoint. It’s easy to copy someone else’s website.

But there are some problems with this:

  1. You don’t learn any skills that you can carry to other future websites
  2. Since this is considered to be duplicate content, you won’t be able to get ranked in Google
  3. If you can’t get ranked in Google, you’ll have to spend money to send people to your site
  4. Who’s going to buy things from a site that isn’t unique?

Done-for-you sites may be able to work in some instances, but it certainly not going to be quick and easy (or cheap) as they say.

How Much Does Formula Profits 1.0 Cost?

For the low, low price of “only” $47, you have access to this amazing money-making opportunity. What’s funny is this:

Job Quitter is another junky product

Do you see that?

The payment page is for Job Quitter. I took a look at Job Quitter recently, and it’s the same ol’ bullcrap. I would also be very careful about putting your credit card into this payment processor.

I don’t trust it.

What’s also interesting is that the terms on the payment processor mentions another product called “Easy Cash on Demand.”

Terms for Formula Profits 1.0 is for a different product.

Let’s see if there are any complaints…

Formula Profits 1.0 Complaints

Formula Profits 1.0 is too new to have complaints, but what about Easy Cash on Demand? I’m going to assume they’re connected since that’s the name that was in their terms for Formula Profit 1.0’s payment page.

Via the website, plenty of people there call it a scam. They say things like:

  • I have not received any compensation at all
  • I wish I never gave them my information because all of them I found out or nothing but a bunch of scammers
  • I can’t collect my money, I think it’s a scam
  • They say I have a paycheck of $799 and I have not been paid yet

Because of the shady sales tactics, because of these complaints and because of the shady payment processor, it would make me really nervous to sign up for this product. There are websites out there looking to take not just your money, but also your credit card information and anything else they can get their hands on.

Is Formula Profits 1.0 a Scam or Legit?

First of all, I didn’t buy the product and test it out, so I’m not going to call Formula Profits 1.0 a scam. I don’t really know, and I don’t really care.

Because what I do know is that the marketing behind it is scammy, the payment processor is scammy and it looks like they’ve already put up and taken down similar products that were likely deemed to be scams.

Even if it’s the best product in the world (which I guarantee it’s not even close because I have purchased several of these types of products and they’re all disappointing), I wouldn’t trust it because of the marketing tricks.

I get it that certain types of marketing work and that’s why people do it. But just because everyone else does it, doesn’t make it right. I just can’t get behind tricking people into making a purchase.

I’m going to tell you the tricks in the sales video in a minute. First, let’s go over the pros and cons.


  • Fairly inexpensive product


  • Get-rich-quick never works and this is a get-rich-quick product
  • Done-for-you websites are not usually a great way to do things
  • Unknown product owner (why is he or she hiding?)
  • Fake testimonials
  • High income claims that are completely unrealistic
  • Shady payment processor – don’t use your credit card there!
  • False scarcity tactic

Let’s talk about some of these in more detail. These are some red flags I found in the Formula Profits 1.0 sales video, and you can also look out for these when viewing other sales pages and videos.

Red Flag #1 – Fake Testimonials

Lucas is someone who comes on and shares his testimonial. He says that in less than 24 hours, he made over $400 with Formula Profits.

This just isn’t possible unless you have a big budget and you’re buying a ton of traffic. And if you are doing that, then you’re likely losing money overall. I’ve reviewed tons of these sales videos, and I would bet my house that Lucas is a paid actor.

I would go look for him on some freelancing websites, but honestly, I don’t think it’s necessary. I’ve seen this time and time again. Check out some of the reviews I’ve done in the past with paid actors:

Red Flag #2 – Unknown Product Owner

James is a nice name and all, but that doesn’t tell us anything about who really runs Formula Profits 1.0. Using a made-up name is a big red flag to me.

I understand that not everyone wants to blast their face online, however, I don’t think I’ve ever come across a case where a product owner with a legit, useful, valuable product didn’t want to show their face. Most people are proud of the hard work they put into a really good product.

To me, this says that whoever is behind Formula Profits 1.0 just wants to grab your money.

Red Flag #3 – High Income Claims

These shady internet products always stand out due to their high income claims. For instance, in the sales video, there’s a testimonial from someone named Jake. (I’m sure Jake is a paid actor.) James says that…

Fake testimonial for Formula Profits 1.0

These marketers put these high income claims in because they are trying to get to the people who really want and need the money. Maybe deep down they know these claims aren’t true, but it’s so much fun to think about making this amount of money that they just hope it’s true and it’ll solve all of their money problems.

Listen, I wish it were true! I’d be the first in line to sign up! Unfortunately, that’s not how internet marketing works. Like with anything else, you have to invest your time and put in the work in order to get to this amount. It’s not going to happen in just a couple of weeks, especially if you’re brand new to online marketing.

Red Flag #4 – Making Things Sound Fast & Easy

This goes right along with red flag #3. It takes time to develop the skills to create a good income online. I don’t want to bum you out, but I don’t think it’s right for these marketers to give you false hope. You can certainly make a great living online, but it’s not going to happen fast.

Most of the successful internet marketers out there worked for many years to get where they are. The only way it can really happen faster is if you have a big budget to spend on leads and advertising or you already have a big following.

Why not take your time and learn how to do things the right way so that you have lasting success? When you buy programs that promise you quick money, you end up disappointed because they don’t work. That leaves you with even less time and less money than when you started.

The great news is that there are good programs out there teaching people the right ways to do things. And these programs – who have real people behind them – get results.

Red Flag #5 – False Scarcity Tactic

They say in the sales video that they can’t let everyone in on this opportunity. This is a false scarcity tactic that many online marketers use. This causes you to have FOMO. Fear of Missing Out. But It’s not true. They’ll let absolutely everyone into this opportunity because that’s how they make money.

There are instances where marketers use scarcity, and it’s legit. Some businesses only offer a certain discount or opportunity for a short amount of time.

That makes sense.

But be careful about these false scarcity tactics. A lot of the lower-quality products out there use them.

Formula Profits 1.0 Alternatives

While Formula Profits 1.0 might not live up to the hype, there are products and programs out there that do. There are 4 main products that I endorse, although they certainly aren’t the only great ones out there. I’ll just give you a quick rundown here, but you can also go to my page on Best Programs to Make Money Online to get more info.

#1. Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate is always my #1 pick because you can join as a free starter member for as long as you want, plus they offer a discount for your first month if you decide to upgrade to Premium, they include web hosting for their Premium membership, they have a rockin’ community and they have step-by-step training videos for every step of the website building process. Click here to see my Ultimate Wealthy Affiliate Review.

#2. $100,000 Roadmap

The $100,000 Roadmap is part of a membership program run by Paul Scrivens called Dare to Conquer (DTC). The basic gist of this roadmap is that you will learn how to create an online business that goes from $0 – $100,000 in 18 months. What’s awesome is that the $100,000 Roadmap also comes with Paul’s two most important courses – Hero Branding and Tribe Love. And they’re all just $1. (Note: At the time of this writing, DTC is closed, but will open back up – bigger and better – in 2020. Check it out here!)

#3. Income School Project 24

Similar to the $100,000 Roadmap, Income School’s Project 24 promises to teach you how to create an online business that makes a full-time income within 24 months. Income School is run by Jim and Ricky and these two guys are so likable and down-to-earth and they teach you so many things for no cost on their YouTube channel. Income School Project 24 teaches you how to create niche websites, step-by-step. Check out Project 24 Income School Here.

#4 Blog Simple Framework

Blog Simple Framework is another membership and course program offered by Paul Scrivens. DTC is more about creating your own tribe and then creating products specifically for them. Blog Simple Framework is all about blogging to create an income online through ads and / or affiliate marketing. There are courses on Pinterest, affiliate marketing, content creation, setting up your blog and everything else you need to make a kick-ass blog. Check out Blog Simple Framework here.

As mentioned, these aren’t the only great courses/programs out there, but it’s a great start!


Is Formula Profits 1.0 legit? No. It’s not legit, in my opinion. They use a lot of shady marketing tactics to make you think that it’ll be fast and easy to make a significant income from their done-for-you program. In reality, this never is the case. It’s never quick and easy. (Is anything that’s worth it ever quick and easy?)

What’s worse is that their payment page is shadier than their sales page, and I highly recommend you don’t put your credit card information on there, even if they say it’s “safe and secure.”

The good news is that you can earn an income online if you follow the training of legitimate marketers who can truly show you results.

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