Can You Make Money with Pruvit? [There’s a Tiny Chance…]

Has someone from Pruvit been in contact with you? Are they trying to get you to join their team? Maybe they’ve told you that you can work part-time for full-time pay. And you’re wondering, “Can you make money with Pruvit?

I’m here to help you decide what to do. I know it may not be an easy decision. On the one hand, you want to be able to earn a great living like you see with other Pruvit distributors. On the other hand, it seems a little too good to be true.

Let’s dive into this and see what Pruvit is all about and see if it’s possible to make money with them.

What is Pruvit?

Pruvit Homepage

Pruvit is a multi-level marketing (MLM) company in the health and wellness field. It’s a little unclear when they got their start, but according to the BBB website, they have been around for five years.

According to Pruvit’s website, the CEO and Founder of the company is Brian Underwood.

Pruvit CEO Brian Underwood

Brian Underwood was the CEO of another MLM called Rippln that started in 2013 and had failed by January 2014. (You can read about that on BehindMLMs post here, if you’d like.)

Pruvit’s products are all about Ketones. According to Pruvit’s website:

“Supplementing with exogenous ketones allows you to experience ketosis – the benefits of elevated blood ketone levels, without having to follow such a restrictive ketogenic diet, or super low carb diet, which is often difficult for some people to adhere to. Optimize your human potential.”

Pruvit’s main product is KETO/OS NAT, but they have several other ketone-related products for sale as well.

Pruvit Products
Here is a sampling of what’s for sale, plus their prices:

  • KETO//OS® Black Label – $157 for 20 servings
  • KETO//OS® PRO™ + MCT Dark Chocolate – $130 for 20 servings
  • SIGNAL//OS® AM/PM – $108 for 30 servings
  • KETO//UP® Toucan Tango – $93.50 for 12 cans

As you can see, these are not cheap!

In fact, you can get a similar product on Amazon for much, much less.

Pruvit alternative on Amazon

This Giant Keto supplement is only $34.99 for 15 servings.

If you show this to the person who’s trying to get you to join them at Pruvit, they will come up with some story about how Pruvit is better and that’s why it costs more.

The truth is…

MLM products always cost more because the compensation plans have to be paid for. That’s the only reason.

How Much Does it Cost to Join Pruvit?

Taking a look at their website, it looks like you can sign up as a distributor at no cost, but then you get this big ol’ popup:

Join Pruvit for free?

This basically says you can sign up to get access to the Promoter Cloud where you can learn where everything is on the backend, but no products will be shipped to you and therefore you won’t qualify for any rewards.

So, it’s not a great option.

It looks like the next worst option (according to the website) is to buy a membership and then choose a single product option. When I try that it says the membership is $1. (Although I’ve read elsewhere that it’s $37 per year, so I’m not sure if the $1 is a special promotion.)

This is what you will see first thing on the Pruvit website. This is where they want you to start when you become a distributor:

Pruvit Starter Packs

In order to qualify for commissions and bonuses, you will also need to have 50BV (bonus value) per month. This will be about $50 or a little more.

I always like to mention other optional expenses that may come up. These are things like:

  • Travel expenses (going to and from meeting someone to do a presentation, for example)
  • Expenses related to going to a company convention
  • Additional personal product purchases
  • Product purchases used for samples
  • Business cards and brochures
  • Table fees for conventions, fairs, and other events

These are the types of things that sneak up on you and that most distributors don’t talk about or count into their expenses.

Pruvit Compensation Plan

Finding the Pruvit compensation plan was not easy. For some reason, they don’t really have it linked on their website. It’s probably available in the back office once you join.

However, it’s probably good to go over it before joining if you’re serious about the opportunity.

For me personally, I don’t like compensation plans because they make no sense, so I’m not going to be going over this one.

But, here’s a video that goes over the basics (this is a year old and I don’t know if anything has changed since then):

She says there are 4 main ways to earn with Pruvit.

  1. Endorsement Bonus / Pruvit Bucks
  2. Go Challenge Bonuses
  3. Weekly Pay / Daily Pay
  4. Monthly Pay

It looks like there are 11 ranks in Pruvit, broken into 3 phases. Phase 1 includes ranks 1-5.

Pruvit Ranks 1-5

Phase 2 is the “Circle of Champions” phase and includes ranks 6-10.

Pruvit Ranks 6-10

The final rank is “Legend”, and I assume it’s both awesome and impossible to get to.

Pruvit Rank 11

We’re going to see how much these Legends make in the next section.

Pruvit Income Disclosure


Look at that.

The Pruvit Income Disclosure doesn’t show any stats for Legends. I guess it really is impossible to get to that level.

Here are the basics from this report:

“The income statistics below are for all U.S. Pruvit promoters who were eligible to qualify for downline commissions in 2018. A “Promoter” is defined as having paid the $37 yearly Promoter fee at some point from January 2017 through December 2018. The average annual income for Promoters in 2018 was $1,666.28, and the median annual income for all Promoters in 2018 was $36.80. 1.05% of all Promoters did not continue with Pruvit after their first year. Out of approximately 24,544 Promoters that signed up as U.S. Promoters since the beginning of the year 2018, approximately 24,286 were still active at the end of the year.”

The average annual income for all eligible promoters was $1,666.28.

And this is before expenses.

I like this report, and I’ll give Pruvit credit for it because it breaks down the income amounts for each level. I’m not going to copy all of that here, but you can check it out using the link I posted above.

You would basically need to get to at least Rank 6 to have a somewhat decent income (an average of $34k, but remember that’s before taxes and expenses), and only 1.04% of distributors make it to a rank of 6 or up.


Pruvit Complaints and Positive Reviews

I like starting with the BBB when I can because it always gives us a nice overview of what’s happening with a company.

Pruvit BBB rating

You can see that the business is not accredited and there is no rating. The customer reviews are not great and there are quite a few complaints.

And, what’s this?

Uh oh.

Pruvit BBB Warning

It’s never good when you get to the BBB and you see a warning like this.

But let’s dive in a little more and see what people are saying about Pruvit.

First, let’s take a look at some positive reviews. These reviewers said things like:

  • Customer service and my distributor were awesome to work with regarding an issue
  • A+ experience
  • I have incredible energy and my brain fog is gone
  • This company has changed my life!
  • Pruvit’s products have helped me, along with a keto diet and tracking my intake

Here’s someone who loves the product and also loves to promote it:

Pruvit Positive review

Now, let’s switch gears and take a look at the other side of things.

Here’s what some of the Pruvit complaints said:

  • I felt very ill after taking the product and it was hard getting my money back for my unused product
  • A promoter discovered I was sick and pushed the product on me and even claimed it can cure brain cancer
  • This a pyramid scheme with very expensive products
  • I have tried to get in contact with customer service several times and it just goes to voicemail

I saw several complaints about people getting charged for products they never ordered. That seems concerning! More than a couple of people said the products made them sick. That’s also concerning! You can see the stream of complaints here. Just a warning, there are a lot of them!

Here’s an interesting complaint from someone who was promoting the product. I didn’t capture the whole thing, as it’s pretty long. You can see it all here (you’ll have to scroll down a bit).

I’ve highlighted some areas that I want you to pay attention to:

Pruvit complaint

First, it’s concerning that Pruvit wouldn’t pay someone who has earned money. So much for “owning your own business” as the boss babes like to try to tell you.

And then there’s the whole issue of customer service not responding. It seems that happens a lot with this company.

The last part I highlighted, I really want you to pay attention to. She was convinced to “go all in” by other promoters (her upline) and spent thousands of dollars.

This is what happens in MLMs.

It happens All. The. Time.

Because your upline makes money off of your purchases.

Just think about that before you decide to join.

Here’s one more story that I found on reddit.

This person’s sister is a promoter for Pruvit. Her sister claims to make $10k – $12k every month.

Here’s the part I want you to pay attention to:

Her sister ordered products in her name

This basically means that the poster’s sister (the Pruvit promoter) is ordering products in her sister’s name in order to qualify for bonuses. This is not legal, but it happens all the time.

It also means she’s probably not making nearly what she says she is because she’s spending a lot on products.

Double yikes!

Related Articles:

Is Pruvit a Scam or a Pyramid Scheme?

While the warning from the BBB website is concerning, we still can’t say that Pruvit is a scam, and it’s not technically a pyramid scheme even though plenty of people will try to call it that.

But, like all MLMs, it has some issues that make it a borderline pyramid scheme.

In order to be a legit MLM (and not a pyramid scheme), you need to be able to make the majority of your money via retail sales. Of course, you can make retail sales with Pruvit. But can you make enough to earn a good living without recruiting?

Unfortunately, the income disclosure doesn’t break down retail sales versus recruitment commissions, but I think you know the answer to this question.

It’s going to be really hard to convince enough people to pay a boatload of money for this product that they can get much cheaper on Amazon.

Most of the people interested in buying the product are people who are also interested in the business opportunity.


  • You can get started for a decently low price
  • A good portion of people like the products (but please note that many of these people are likely also promoting Pruvit)


  • Poor customer service (so bad that the BBB has a warning about them)
  • Some people have very bad reactions to the products
  • The products aren’t proven to help with weight loss or any other issues that promoters claim they help with
  • Only slightly over 1% of promoters make a decent income with this company (and that’s before expenses)
  • Over 99% of people end up losing money in an MLM (source)
  • MLMs always have products that are very overpriced, making them hard to sell retail
  • Your upline will try to get you to buy more and more products (because YOU are the customer)
  • MLMs generally have a bad reputation, making it hard to recruit others
  • If you do manage to recruit others, they become your competition

Yes, I am biased against MLMs, but that’s because I’ve researched them quite a bit now for this blog. (You can see all of the ones I’ve looked at here.) It’s also because I was in one for over a year, and I know how they operate. You can read about that experience here.

It’s up to you what you do with your time and money, but I like writing these articles to warn people so that you don’t have to lose out like I did.

It’s very, very hard to make an MLM work, and the income disclosures prove it!

Monica Siembieda’s Pruvit Video


So, can you make money with Pruvit? I mean, there’s a slight chance.

But the better chance is that you’ll end up walking away with a loss. And sometimes it’s a huge loss. Sometimes that loss isn’t even monetary. I’ve seen posts of friendships and marriages broken up over MLMs.

Just see the story above with the sisters.

It’s sad.

If you want to earn an income on your own time, there are better ways to do it. I recommend blogging and affiliate marketing, personally. Check out my free guide to see if it’s something you would enjoy doing.

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