What Is Affiliate Funnel Clones? [Review]

Affiliate Funnel Clones Review

My friend Martin Price of Kindle Sniper fame sent me this new product to check out. I love that these guys care about me and want to make me rich! (riiiiggghhhttt. lol) I can’t wait to dig into this one! We’re going to find out…what is Affiliate Funnel Clones (also known as Affiliate Funnel Studio)? Can we use this software to create unlimited income streams in just 28 seconds? Or is Affiliate Funnel Clones a scam? Let’s dive into the sales video and see what this is all about!

Want to skip all the nonsense below and just go straight to My #1 Recommendation? I don’t blame ya!

Here are the areas we’ll explore in this Affiliate Funnel Clones review.

  • What is Affiliate Funnel Clones?
  • How Does Affiliate Funnel Clones Work?
  • Is Affiliate Funnel Clones a Scam or Legit?
  • Build A Website That Makes Residual Income
  • Wealthy Affiliate Versus Affiliate Funnel Clones

What is Affiliate Funnel Clones?

Product: Affiliate Funnel Clones
Cost: $1 for a 7-day trial and then $37 / month
Owner(s): Alan Magliocca (A real person!)

When I clicked on Martin’s link in the email, this is what I see. It’s a little hype-y, but not too bad.

Affiliate Funnel Clones Sales Video

Here’s what I learned from watching the video:

  • The Internet is an equal opportunity money machine
  • It sounds easy to make money online, but it’s hard to get started
  • Most people give up and throw in the towel before they ever make their first $1 online
  • The main reason is that technology gets in the way (hmmm… I disagree, but we’ll get to that later.)
  • There’s a solution that helps with all the technology hurdles, and it can cut your cost 90% (Hmmm….)

Most affiliates don’t even know where to start, much less how to build out profit-pulling income streams on the fly. That’s where Affiliate Funnel Clones comes in! This software allows you to generate leads and sales daily.

You don’t need:

  • A website or hosting
  • Complicated and expensive funnel software
  • To install or learn anything
  • You don’t need to waste money on testing traffic sources

The best part is you can set this up before you go to bed tonight…

Wake up to new leads and affiliate commissions

With this product, build each stream in 60 seconds or fewer with a few clicks of your mouse.

The benefits are undeniable:

  • The technology learning curve is obliterated
  • Start-up costs are slashed by 90%
  • The time to getting your first income has been shortened from years to just days
  • Have your entire business set up before you go to bed tonight

Here’s a snapshot of a quick demo of this tool:

Affiliate Funnel Clones Demo

Alan showed us how he created a brand new income stream in less than 60 seconds. (But it was so fast, I had no idea what he did!)

Imagine the possibilities of being able to deploy unlimited income streams. You save tons of time, stress and money while avoiding information overload.

Create unlimited income streams minutes from now

Alan has gotten to know a lot of his customers over the years, and they all have the same issues with building profitable income streams:

  1. They’re too time-consuming
  2. It’s too difficult to optimize traffic sources, opt-in pages and affiliate offers
  3. It’s too expensive to build

Affiliate Funnel Clones solves all the problems in building massively profitable income streams!

You only need:

  • A computer
  • Internet connection
  • 60 seconds to set up these funnels one time

You can profit from this if you’re a newbie or an affiliate marketing expert.

Alan goes on to show us a bunch of positive testimonials. (It’s probably going to be hard to read these, but there’s something I noticed here that I’ll talk about a little later in the conclusion.)


Alan says he’s covering our hosting costs (on his dime) and we don’t need a domain.

Alright, I think we’ve seen enough here! Let’s move on!

How Does Affiliate Funnel Clones Work?

What’s nice is that Alan actually took us inside for a peek at Affiliate Funnel Clones. Unfortunately, it was so fast that I didn’t really get a chance to see what the system does!

However, Chris Mollo did a great job of showing what’s in the system in his YouTube video. You can watch the whole thing here, or you can read my breakdown of it.

It looks like you have a list of affiliate offers. You then add your affiliate link in the appropriate field.Affiliate Products

This creates a sales funnel for this particular affiliate offer. Here’s what a funnel will look like.

Affiliate Funnel Clones Funnel

So, from what I understand, here are the steps of how this works:

  1. You pick a funnel from the list (non-upgraded members get 7 funnels, I believe).
  2. You add your affiliate link from JVZoo or wherever the affiliate product is from.
  3. You click copy link, and that link will be your funnel, similar to what’s shown above.
  4. The user puts in their email address and then they are redirected to the sales page of the affiliate product.
  5. If the user makes a purchase, you make a commission.
  6. You also have their email address for use of future promotions.

Where do you get traffic to promote your funnels? They do have a list of traffic resources. We’ll talk about these in the next section.

In Chris’s video, he says all you have to do is send traffic to your funnels. Affiliate Funnel Clones does everything else for you! Sounds great, but…

Is Affiliate Funnel Clones a Scam or Legit?

Thumbs DownI think we have enough information now. Is Affiliate Funnel Clones a scam? No, it’s not. It’s a product that Alan developed and you obviously do get something for your money. So, I would say that this product is certainly legit.

That doesn’t mean I would recommend it.

First, let me tell you about some things that I like:

  • Alan is a real person who developed a real product.
  • He gives us a demo in the sales video so we at least know a little bit about the product before we buy.
  • The sales video isn’t super hyped up and it doesn’t promise huge income amounts in 17 clicks while you sleep.
  • You get to try it out for $1.

But, here are some things I don’t like about this:

  • Alan says this product slashes the start-up costs by 90%. You may save money on a domain name (about $12 a year) and hosting (about $10 a month), but this product costs $37 a month, plus you need an autoresponder which is about $30 per month. On top of that, the traffic sources that they advise to use for this product are ones that you pay for. That’s going to add up BIG time.
  • Let’s talk about the traffic sources. Here’s the list of recommended traffic sources:
    • Traffic4Me.com – A free resource of 117 traffic ideas, but difficult to read and sort through. Some ideas also include such things as car banners and ideas for brick-and-mortar stores, so probably not usable for us. There could be some good ideas here though.
    • ActiveLeadsPro.com – This is a site where you can buy leads.
    • Udimi.com – You can buy solo ads.
    • HumanEyeBalls.com (HA! Love that one!) – You can buy clicks.
    • Facebook Solo Ad Groups – Buy solo ads.

As you can see, almost all of these are traffic sources that will cost you money. So maybe Alan is removing start-up costs (there aren’t many start-up costs), but he’s adding a lot more costs!

Another thing I noticed it with those testimonials. I think it’s great that Alan has so many of them, and it does seem like his customers are happy. That’s a good thing.

However, when I looked at the testimonials, all of them said that his training was great and he seems like he genuinely cares about his customers (excellent!). BUT I didn’t notice any testimonial where anyone mentioned their results. In other words, I didn’t see anyone mention how much money they’re making with this system.

I really don’t think this is going to be as easy as Alan says. The one way this could be good is if you already have an email list and you already have a traffic source. Otherwise, you’re going to be spending lots of money to try to make sales. It could work, but it probably won’t.

Of course, you could give it a try for the $1 trial and see for yourself. You don’t have much to lose!

Starting a Website is NOT That Hard and Doesn’t Cost a Lot

A lot of these sales videos for these systems and tools have one thing in common. They all try to make it seem like it’s super hard and really expensive to start an affiliate marketing website. I know they’re doing that to make their product seem easier, and it’s all good. That’s part of sales.

The thing is, I’m here to tell you it’s NOT that hard to make a money-making website, and it doesn’t cost a lot! In fact, you can get one started for free and then build up your tools and training from there.

Here’s how I would start it:

  1. Sign up for free training on how to build a website. (I recommend Wealthy Affiliate’s Free Stater Membership.)
  2. Learn how to build a website using a free domain and website. (You can do this through the Free Starter Membership at Wealthy Affiliate. Here is my Wealthy Affiliate review for an in-depth look at what they offer.)
  3. Learn how it all works, learn how to get FREE traffic, build out your content and then…
  4. Buy a domain name (about $13 a year. You can get it through Wealthy Affiliate or any other registrar.)
  5. Get more in-depth training. (I recommend Wealthy Affiliate’s Premium Membership. It’s $19 for the first month and $49 / month after that, or $234 / 6 months, or $359 / year.)
  6. Get web hosting (Wealthy Affiliate’s Premium Membership includes hosting, or you can choose from any of the reliable hosting services out there.)
  7. Get an email autoresponder and start building your list. (I recommend ConvertKit. It’s $29 / month for up to 1000 subscribers.)
  8. Grow your site from there!

You can see that it doesn’t cost a thing to start a website, and you gradually build it up as you go. Yes, it takes time and some work, but you also don’t have to spend an arm and a leg to get it going like Alan suggests! In fact, Alan’s solution will cost you an arm, a leg AND a couple of ears. Maybe a toe or two also.

Get Your Website Started at No Cost with Wealthy Affiliate’s Free Starter Membership!

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Let Me Walk You Through the Free Training at Wealthy Affiliate

If you decide to try out the Free Starter Membership at Wealthy Affiliate, I can help you get your training going by walking you through it. Just simply fill in your name and email below and you’ll have access to my free 5-day email course.

Starting a website can be overwhelming, which is why I want to take you through it step-by-step. You’ll see that it’s not hard at all! Just sign up below and let’s get this going!

Do you have any questions or comments about Affiliate Funnel Clones? What do you think about using a tool like this? Do you think it’s worth it or not? Leave me comments down below!

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Affiliate Funnel Clones Review for Pinterest

6 thoughts on “What Is Affiliate Funnel Clones? [Review]”

  1. Thank you for creating proper awareness about affiliate funnel studios, thou I have never heard of the platform and am glad that I got to know it through your post, the platform do a whole lot of work for users according to your review and am happy all I needed to do is to drive traffic to my site while affiliate funnel does the rest,i will try it out at my leisure time and will surely get back to you.Thanks

    • Yes, it’s true. The funnel does the “hard” work and all you have to do is drive traffic. (In reality, driving traffic is the hardest part!) 

  2. First of all I should thank you for posting an honest unbiased review on Affiliate Funnel Clones. It is just so hard to find honest review nowadays. It is good to know that Affiliate Funnel Clone is not a scam. And looking at the membership price at $37 it is on the cheaper side. 

    I also learned a lot about Affiliate Funnel Clones on how it works and stuff. Thank you once again for sharing this article with us.

    • $37 per month wouldn’t be a lot, if you got a lot more for your money. Especially when you also have to purchase traffic! That’s the part that kills me. He says he’s going to save us money, but then you have to buy traffic which can be so costly! 

  3. Hi Christina! Thank you for this honest review. I’m glad to hear it’s not a scam. But I have also paid attention to the fact that you don’t recommend it.

    Driving traffic is difficult and the way Alan is encouraging us to do it may come out to be way too expensive.

    I have also been called to attention concerning these reviews you mention. They seem to be real reviews. People appreciate his training, but none comment about their results using his system. So, I personally won’t join Affiliate Funnel Clones.

    • Hi Henry! I’m glad you found value in the Affiliate Funnel Clones review. I appreciate when someone out there in affiliate world tries to make our lives easier by creating a product that can help automate things, but this one just doesn’t quite do it for me personally. I do like the $1 trial though, and I think it’s a good way for people to test it out. 


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