Cash Finder System Review (Big Checks Mailed Right to You?)

Cash Finder System Review

Welcome to my Cash Finder System Review!

Here we have another product out there promising easy money. They claim that you can make checks from $3000 – $15,000, all from your computer, tablet, or smartphone.

You don’t have to sell, have experience, or have any inventory.

But does it deliver?

Is all of this true?

Or is Cash Finder System a scam?

I’ll reveal everything to you in this Cash Finder System review.

Let’s get started.

Here’s Why You’re Not Making More Money. (And 2 Steps to Making More)


Product: Cash Finder SystemCost: $99Owner(s): Lee GilmoreGood For: Someone who wants to learn real estate, but is will to go above and beyond what’s offered here

Cash Finder System Review

What is Cash Finder System?

Before we even get to the sales page, we have to talk about the preceding page that some of you may have landed on. Did you see a page that looks like a legit news article?

If so, I just want you to watch out for things like this. The entire thing is faked to make it look like a real news page.

Cash Finder System Review - fake news!

Even the social media shares are fake. If you click on it, it takes you right to the sales video. There’s a section at the bottom where there are comments. This is fake too. You can’t interact with these comments.

Cash Finder System Review - fake social media area.

This whole thing is completely made up.

Now we get to the sales page, and we see this headline:

Cash Finder System Review - outlandish headline

Of course we all want to get big checks in the mail using a simple system. But these simple systems never turn out to be so simple.

The video claims that you can use your smartphone, tablet or computer to receive big checks like these:

Cash Finder System Review - Big checks!

They repeat a couple of times that you can get checks from $3000 on the low end to $15,000 and up. You can even receive these checks multiple times each month.

You don’t need any special skills, there’s no boss and no time clock. According to the video, you can live anywhere you like:

Can Cash Finder System help you live in a big house? Probably not!

These types of sales videos really love to play to your emotions. They want you to think it’s going to be really easy to get these big checks and that you’ll soon be living a life of luxury.

The video then goes on to say that you can get these checks due to Finder’s Fees and that it’s the key to the easiest money you’ll ever make.

They claim there’s no risk, no investment and no selling of any kind.

Lee Gilmore is the creator of the Cash Finder System. I’m not completely sure if this guy is actually real, or an actor. I find it interesting that he looks to be standing in front of a green screen.

Lee Gilmore is the creator of Cash Finder System

After all, he should be rich enough to get that big house if his system works as well as he says it does, right? Why would he need to fake it?

(By the way, I saw another snapshot of Lee Gilmore standing in a completely different house when doing my research on this product, and therefore I know this is green screen.) 

More tricks!

The video goes on to explain that Finders have it really easy. They don’t have to ship anything, sell anything or even touch any merchandise. They just find something that buyers want, introduce the buyer to the seller and get paid.

Easy, right?

Lee suggests that you become a Finder for a “certain type” of real estate. He says these specific types of houses are all around us. He’s not going to let us in on that secret. No, that will cost us.

He says that the buyers and sellers won’t find these houses themselves because they’re too busy, or too lazy to do it.

You can find these houses without cold calling, without getting in your car and without meeting anyone face-to-face.

But what’s the catch?

Sorry, but there’s always a catch with these things.


We don’t entirely know how this product works because it’s never explained in the video. You are expected to just hand over your cash and hope for the best!

The problem here is that while Lee makes the Cash Finder System sound really easy, things are never what they seem.

What he’s talking about in his sales video is going out and finding distressed real estate properties and then finding buyers for those properties. Lee says you can do it right from your laptop or smartphone.

Sure, you may be able to find those properties from your smartphone, but then what?

How do you know how to find buyers? What about the legal stuff? What about the competition?

Many of these big real estate agencies already hire trained professionals to go out and do this. Will a $99 internet product give you the training you need to compete with professionals?

I’m sorry to say, but no.

If this is something you’re truly interested in doing, then find someone professional to train you. The person who finds these properties is called a Bird Dog.

Have you ever seen those signs around your neighborhood, “We buy houses!”? Those signs are put up by Bird Dogs. If you want to become one, it’s going to take a lot of work, training and investment. Keep that in mind.


I didn’t purchase the Cash Finder System, and I’m never comfortable calling something a scam that i haven’t personally tried out.

However, the tactics they use to draw you in are scammy, in my opinion, and that’s one of the reasons why I don’t recommend it.

Thumbs Down

There are so many red flags with this sales video. I also have some other important and useful information that you’ll want to know before buying this.

Let’s go over everything.

Cash Finder System Review – Pros

  • Finding real estate property is a legitimate way to make money

Cash Finder System Review – Cons

  • Drawing you in with a fake news story that’s set up to look real
  • Saying that this is very easy to do and you can just use your computer, tablet or smartphone to make money with this
  • Saying there’s no investment and no risk
  • Saying you don’t need any experience to do this

This sales video, like the many that I review here, is full of tricks and lies. It’s no wonder that everyone is skeptical of everything. There are a lot of people out there telling you anything you want to hear just to get your money.

The good news is that not everyone and every company is like that. I’m going to show you in a minute.

Before we get to that, I wanted to mention that while researching Cash Finder System, I saw some people say that they purchased the product, but never got it and could never get a hold of anyone to find out why.

Some even said that they were automatically charged $495 after the initial $99. You of course, can choose whatever you’d like to do, but I just wanted to warn you about that. 

Let’s move on to the good news. 

There Are Other Legit Ways to Make MOney Online

If you’re feeling disappointed by this Cash Finder System review, I completely understand. We want so much an easy way to make money and it always seems these products are too good to be true.

You might think that there’s nothing good out there and you’ll never be able to make money working from home.

Fortunately, that’s not true.

However, let me give it to you straight.

No matter what you do, in order to be successful, you have to get training to know what you’re doing, and you need to take action to make it happen.

Nothing just comes for free.

But if you can commit to learning and taking action, then the sky is the limit for you.

Do you see all those people who say they make $10,000 and up online? It’s absolutely possible.

Here’s my #1 recommendation where to learn how to do that. I’m a member there myself, and they taught me how to set up this website.

It wasn’t push-button. I built it myself. But they taught me how, and what to do with it to make money after it was built. Now I’m living my dream life, working from home on my own schedule.

Want to do the same? Click here.


Reading this Cash Finder System review, you likely realize that it may not be the perfect solution, but there are other options available to you to make money working from home.

I always recommend building a website so that you have your OWN personal online asset. (It IS an asset. You can even sell it in the future if you want.)

You can build it up, expand it, grow it. You can have it bringing you multiple streams of income. You can build even more sites for even more streams of income.

Do you see the possibilities here?

They’re endless.

But it all starts with step by step training. In fact, you can go directly to the lessons and get started immediately. Don’t worry, this first 10 lessons are free. You don’t even need a credit card.

Click here to start learning how to create your own website.

8 thoughts on “Cash Finder System Review (Big Checks Mailed Right to You?)”

  1. Quite interesting review. I’m sorry, I had to laugh somewhere in the middle of that review. Your just suppose to hand them the money and hope for the best. Lol! This is a poor program, and it’s only looking to further enrich the owners. I know people make thousands of dollars off the internet, but this businesses also weren’t built overnight.

    Thanks for sharing, adorable as always!

    • Thanks for the comment on my Cash Finder System Review, Louis! You’re right. You can make plenty of money online, but it definitely takes some time!

  2. I don’t know if anyone else has noticed this with me but a lot of these “scammy” make money online offering that start with low pricing and then offer more expensive packages, are usingbtjose low prices to attract people and then,deceive the gullible into paying for their more expensive products or services. And most people probably get so disappointed after paying and not getting the worth of their money but in frustration they remain there hoping that there is a light at the end of that tunnel

    • I have read that about Cash Finder System. They start with a low price and then they call you and try to talk you into a higher-priced product. 

      I think every single product review I’ve done in my “Not Recommended” category has at least 1-2 upsells for higher-priced products. 

  3. The moment I saw that landing page,  I new the whole thing was fake.  I have come across this exact fake news page more times than I care to remember. Weird thing is,  every time,  they are selling something different to an unsuspecting people.  Usually,  they promote a work from home program.  They use urgency to lure people by saying things like spots are limited. 

    This one about real estate is new to me though.  These people never run out of ideas.  I only have one question,  if you can do everything from your phone or tablet,  how then will you know if the property you are selling is even real? 

    • Hi Denise! The problem with Cash Finder System is that you CAN’T do everything from your tablet or phone. The only thing you can do is find the property listing. You’ll then actually have to get in your car to look at it, you’ll need to negotiate with buyers and sellers, etc. 

      It seems like a lot of hard work, if you ask me. Unlike what the video says!

  4. A great review about Cash Finder System. I’ve learnt a lot from this article. You have provided real screenshots and that make me sure about the entire thing is faked to make it look like a real news page. According to your article you have noted there you don’t know how this product works because it’s never explained in the video. That means it is not much trustworthy to anyone. And it is not the perfect solution for me to make money from home. Thank you so much to aware me through your review.

    • Thanks for stopping by and reading my Cash Finder System review. I appreciate your comment!


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