CashLoad Review [Warning: It’s Another Scam Site]

CashLoad Review 

Welcome to my CashLoad review!

What is CashLoad? It’s a site that claims you can use social media to invite your friends and make $5 per referral.

The problem is:

That will never happen.

As soon as I opened the website, I immediately knew it was another scam site. How do I know? I’ve already reviewed several others just like it.

Keep reading and I’ll tell you about those below.

I want you to be safe, and I really suggest you do not enter any of your personal information into this site. If you already have, I have some suggestions for you a little later.

In the meantime, let’s dig into this CashLoad review and I’ll show you exactly why this is a scam.


CashLoad is another scam site that goes after people that are looking to make a quick buck online. You may have an idea in your mind that it’s not a big deal to give it a try since there isn’t a cost and you won’t lose anything from it, but think again.

These scammers are very good at convincing poor, unsuspecting people to hand over their personal information. That information will likely be sold to shady marketers and other scammers. Be careful!


  • Zero. There is nothing good about this site.


  • Your data may be taken and sold to scammers
  • They may try to use your password on other sites to try to steal more information
  • You will not be paid
  • Completing tasks is nearly impossible
  • heir terms say they they can deny a payment for any reason and without notice
  • You will likely get scam email messages out the wazoo
  • They don’t have any real contact information
  • We have no idea who owns this site (or any of the other scam sites)

I 100% recommend that you stay away from CashLoad or any site resembling CashLoad. It’s not worth it just to give it a try and see what happens. That’s exactly what they’re hoping for. There are much better ways to make an income online than this.

Interested in making money online, but tired of the scams and low-quality products? Click here to read my review of my #1 recommendation instead.

What is CashLoad?

CashLoad Review - homepage

CashLoad is a get paid to site that claims that you can make money from signing up, getting a referral link and then sending that link to your friends. When they sign up, you earn $5. You can even earn $1 when they just click on the link.

According to the CashLoad site, you can also do different tasks to earn money as well. You can earn $10-$50 per task.

CashLoad steps seem easy but they're not.

Sounds amazing, right?


This is exactly like some other site I’ve reviewed:

These sites are all cookie-cutter scam sites. They work by saying you can make easy money. And you might think, “Hey why not give it a shot? What’s the harm? It’s a free site.” But that’s exactly how they draw you into this.

Let’s talk about it a little more in the next section.

–> Click here for my #1 recommendation

How Does CashLoad Work?

CahLoad and all the other sites I mentioned above all work in the same way. You are drawn into the site with promises of easy money. (Which really isn’t even easy. More about that in a second.)

You send your referral link out, get your friends to sign up, complete your tasks and request your money. And do you know what happens?


They won’t pay you.

How do I know? Because people who have used the other sites have complained that they were never paid. We’ll get back to that a little later. For now, all you really need to see is their terms:

CashLoad terms says they don't have to pay you.

That may be hard to read, but the important line there says:

“We reserve the right to change, suspend, or cancel all or a portion of a Rewards Program, including any points you may have accrued, at any time without prior notice to you.”

This basically says that they can not pay you for any reason and they don’t even have to give you notice about it.


From my research, what usually happens is that they say that your referrals are fraudulent, even if they’re not. That’s because they don’t have any money to pay you.

–> Click here for my #1 recommendation

They say that this works because advertisers pay them money and the more people that visit the site, the more advertisers will pay.

However, these sites come and go so fast (because they get called out as scams) that they never get enough visitors on them for this to make any sense.

Also, paying someone $1 just for getting a click to their referral link is unheard of for a get paid to site like this. It just doesn’t happen.

As I said, completing tasks isn’t even easy. I took the time to sign up to Kids Earn Cash when I reviewed that site and went through the process of trying to complete a task. It was nearly impossible!

You are on an endless loop of signing up for different offers. It will take you a long time to complete anything fully (if you can at all) AND you’ll be giving away your data to even more scammers.

Read my Kids Earn Cash review to see the process of completing tasks.

Is ​​CashLoad a Scam or Legit?

CashLoad is 100% a scam, no doubt. I really, really don’t like to call something a scam unless I’m very sure. In this case, I’m very sure.

I’ve seen this exact site way too many times. The real goal of this site is to get your personal information. And to get your friends’ personal information.

They get called out as a scam by internet marketers like myself and others, then they close the site down and put up a new one right away so they can attract new, unsuspecting victims.

Let’s go over some disturbing things about this site.

No Real Contact Information

If a company is legit, they will have contact information. You see contact information on the CashLoad website, but it’s all faked.

Social media contact information is fake

These accounts don’t exist. Go ahead and have a look for yourself. The Facebook one doesn’t even make sense!

Their street address? It’s actually the address of a Baptist church in New York City. The poor church! I can imagine all sorts of people calling them and asking where their money is.

CashLoad's address is where a church is.

There’s no other contact information. There’s no email, no support button, no chat. Nothing. That’s because this is all fake.

Fake Testimonials

Those testimonials on their site? Those are fake too. Let me show you how to tell. It’s really easy. All you do is right click on an image that you want to look at, then select “Search Google for Image”.

Google will bring up results where that same image has been used before (if it’s been used before). And if it brings up the image for other non-related websites, then you know the testimonial isn’t real.

For instance, I did that search with this image:

CashLoad testimonial image

And here are the results from Google:

Google results from the fake testimonial image

You can see that image has been used multiple times, but none of the results have a THING to do with CashLoad. That means, they just swiped a random image from the internet and added some nice words to it to make it look real. Tricks and lies.

This is a big red flag to me. If a program does what it actually says it’s going to do, it’s very easy for them to find real reviewers. This platform is a scam, and that’s why there are no real testimonials.

They Won’t Pay You

Now I want to show you what happens when you do manage to get your minimum amount so that you can get paid. (The minimum amount you need to earn is $150, according to the CashLoad website.)

Here’s a couple of people who said they earned their minimum amount (these are comments from a YouTube video) but didn’t get paid:

YouTube commenters said they haven't been paid.

And more:

Even more YouTube commenters said they haven't been paid.

And while CashLoad is too new to have complaints at the Better Business Bureau, you can see a Kids Earn Cash complaint here. (Same scam, different name.)

You can read the whole list of complaints on the BBB website here.

What To Do if You’ve Already Signed Up

If you’ve already signed up for CashLoad, then you’ll need to be aware that there’s a good possibility that they’re going to take your data and sell it to other scammers and shady marketers.

That means you’re likely to get a lot of spam messages in your inbox and you’ll probably also get a lot of telemarketer calls. These should die down eventually.

The bigger concern is if you used the same password for CashLoad that you use on other sites. I have read that they will take that password and try to hack into other sites with it.

If you did use the same one as you use on other sites, then you’ll want to change those passwords to something else immediately.

They may try to steal even more information from you.

If you’ve signed up some friends, let them know about this review so they also know what to do.


I hope this CashLoad review was clear enough to confirm that you should absolutely avoid signing up for it. You should avoid signing up for it or any site that resembles it. From what I’ve seen, they all offer:

  • a $25 sign up bonus
  • $1 per click on your referral link
  • anywhere from $5-$15 per referral sign up
  • tasks where you can earn money from “top brands”

You can check the terms, check the email addresses (if you can find any), and see if there’s any real contact information. Also check the testimonial images like I explained and see if they’re real. If not, stay far, far away.

In the meantime, if you like the idea of making an income online, I suggest skipping the get rich quick schemes (because they never ever work) and learn how to do it the right way.

I recommend affiliate marketing, and if you’d like to learn more, you can grab my free guide, How To: Affiliate Marketing for Beginners.

Do you have any questions or comments about this CashLoad review? Leave me your thoughts down below!

6 thoughts on “CashLoad Review [Warning: It’s Another Scam Site]”

  1. I am aware these kinds of scams exist on the internet. In fact, I reviewed a few of them on someone else’s website. Anyway, I wonder why people jump into these kinds of opportunities. Earning $5 for referral and continues without legit product to promote as legit affiliate marketing does sounds too good to be true. 

    The thing is people like us don’t know which website or brand to watch out. So, thank you, Christina, for sharing this because it’s informing us to watch out for CashLoad and other similar websites with schemes like this, resulting in trouble later on. Thank you. 🙂

    • I think people jump into something like CashLoad because it seems like it won’t be a big deal to try it out since it’s free. Hey, why not, right? You never know, you might actually make something! But you really have to do your research and think it all the way through. Because people can be so shady. 

      Anyway, thank you for sharing your thoughts on my CashLoad review. I’m glad you were able to see that it was a scam right away.

  2. I’m not surprised that these things pop up these days. While I read your post, I thought it was something like a pyramid scheme but upon finishing your article, I realised it’s actually a company that steals personal information and possibly sells them to unscrupulous people in order to take your back information or something similar. I think these scams are harder to spot because of the free to sign up thing. I just wonder how people can tell fake from real money making schemes these days.

    • I think it’s sad that sites like CashLoad exist out there because then people think that absolutely everything is a scam, and that’s not the case. You just have to do your research and then you can see the patterns between legit sites and scam sites. Most scam (or scammy) sites promise easy money, and that unfortunately never works out. (Wouldn’t that be nice???) Nothing worth it ever comes really fast and easy. 

    • You’ll have to try to contact CashLoad about that. Unfortunately, I don’t think you’ll ever see that money. CashLoad is a scam website.


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