How to Make Money at ClickBank [Quick & Easy Method w/ Results]

How to Make Money at ClickBank

Thank you for stopping by to read how to make money on ClickBank. This is a kind of personal case study for me, and I’m going to tell you:

  • how I got started
  • my results so far (really good and really fast!)
  • how you can get started

If you want to learn how to make money on ClickBank, the quick and easy way (you don’t even need a website for this strategy), then keep reading.

We don’t need to dilly-dally anymore, so let’s just dive into it!

How I Got Started making Money on ClickBank

This site that you’re on, is an affiliate marketing website. Affiliate marketing is a way to make money online where you sell other people’s products for a commission.

Since you know about ClickBank, you likely also know about affiliate marketing. But, if it’s something that’s still new to you, you can check out my free guide, How To: Affiliate Marketing for Beginners. 

ClickBank is an affiliate marketplace. It’s where people go to put their products so that affiliates can then promote them, and it’s where affiliate marketers can go to find products to promote.

Because my site is all about affiliate marketing, I review a lot of different ClickBank offers. But that’s not how I got started with making money with ClickBank.

I don’t focus on many ClickBank products on this site because many of the ones I review just aren’t that great. (There are great products on ClickBank though.) 

However, when reviewing these products, I keep seeing people showing their ClickBank stats again and again.

And I decided that I also wanted to have ClickBank stats.

The strategy that I’m using started with this Income Profits Review.

The product itself isn’t that good (told ya), but there was an interesting case study in it that put me on this path to making ClickBank money.

Let me show you my results so far…

My ClickBank Results so Far

I just started with this strategy on Thursday, July 18.

You can see that I made money on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. (It’s Sunday, July 21 at the time of this writing.)

How to Make Money at ClickBank - Results so far<img alt=”How to Make Money at ClickBank – Results so far” width=”387″ height=”438″ title=”ClickBank_Sales” data-id=”6077″ src=”” style=”width: 100%;”>

I started on Thursday, and made a sale each day after so far.

Of course, I can’t guarantee that you’ll have the same results or any results at all. There are plenty of factors involved with this.


In this business, you need to take action so you can learn and you also may need to take some risks. Again, that’s how you learn.

The Path to making This Work

Here’s the path that I took which lead me to these results:

  • Saw the case study from Income Profits
  • Learned that this involves creating ads on Bing and direct linking
  • Learned that you need to track the results for less ad spend and better ROI
  • Signed up for tracking (more about this below)
  • Started watching YouTube training videos
  • Took action with creating ads
  • Saw results right away!

It honestly took me a little time (not much, maybe a couple of hours) to learn about how to do this and how to track. Then it only takes maybe 30 minutes to set up a campaign in Bing.

This is the quickest and easiest $192.15 I’ve made online so far.

And it’ll only get better from here!

However, there are some risks. Let’s talk about the pros and cons of this strategy and then I’ll tell you how to get started yourself if you’re interested.

Pros and Cons of This Strategy

This isn’t a perfect way to do things. There are no perfect ways to do things. It’s just one of many, many ways to make an income online.

With that said, let’s talk about the pros and cons. 


  • Fast to set up
  • Quick results if done correctly
  • Really easy to do
  • No website needed 


  • Will need to spend money on Bing ads
  • Not every affiliate program lets you do direct linking
  • Can end up spending more money than you make
  • Need a tracking system and learn how to use it

I want to mention that this is a good side strategy. I wouldn’t use this to create a lasting, consistent stream of passive income. For that, I urge you to check out my #1 recommendation to learn affiliate marketing.

This is just an extra way to make money, or to test different offers that you can then use for your main income stream.

Also, because I did spend money on advertising, that’s not $192 in profit. (Although, I am profitable. The main idea is to stay profitable and then increase your Return on Investment ROI as you gain information from your tracking.)

P.S. This strategy only works with Bing Ads, as Google does not allow direct linking at all.

How YOU Can Get Started with This Method

This is still a fairly new technique for me, so I am not an expert by any means. But there are experts out there who really know what they’re doing and I’ll help point you to a couple of videos that I watched that walk you through the process step by step.

First, here’s what you’ll need to get started:

  • A Microsoft Ads (AKA Bing Ads) account. This is free to set up, and you’ll just follow their instructions on how to do that.
  • A ClickBank account. This is also free and very easy to set up.
  • Tracking Software. I use and recommend ClickMagick. They have a 14-day free trial so you can check it out. I highly recommend reading through their free Tracking Guide.
  • Some free training on YouTube 

(P.S. That’s an affiliate link for ClickMagick. If you sign up using my link, I’ll earn a little commission. That’s my job and what I’m trying to teach you to do too. 😉 You won’t pay any more, and I also really appreciate it as it keeps my family afloat.) 

That’s it! That’s all you need to get started. Just a side note that you will be paying for ads, so you’ll need a little income to make this work.

The good news is you can start off as small or as big as you want. You can start with $5 a day in ad spend, or $100. (I am doing $10 right now per campaign just so you get an idea…)

Here are some training videos that helped me:

(Note: These guys all have slightly different strategies and some buy domain names to use with this technique. You can do it that way, but I personally haven’t tried that yet.) 

That should get you started off nicely.

Comment down below if you end up using this strategy and let me know your results. I’d love to hear how it’s working for you!


I hope my personal case study has helped you to learn how to make money at ClickBank – the quick and easy way. If you’re brand new to affiliate marketing, I wouldn’t suggest this strategy to start off with right away. Instead, I recommend you learn the whole affiliate marketing process first.

My #1 recommendation to learn affiliate marketing will take you through the entire process step-by-step. Do not skip ahead to this ClickBank strategy before you know what you’re doing a little bit! I don’t want you to lose money. Instead, learn how to do this the right way and then branch out. Over 155 people have already joined with me this year. Join free and see why

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How to Make Money at ClickBank<img alt=”How to Make Money at ClickBank” width=”735″ height=”1102″ title=”How_to_Make_Money_at_Clickbank” data-id=”6092″ src=”” style=”width: 100%;”>

14 thoughts on “How to Make Money at ClickBank [Quick & Easy Method w/ Results]”

  1. This clickbank training is awesome! I have been using clickbank for a few months now and I’m yet to make a sale, I have been writing reviews about the products more than anything so maybe that is where I’m going wrong 

    I never really thought about using paid ads before and it looks like you are getting some good results from it, maybe I should give it a go

    Does it matter what clickbank product I create an ad for on bing or would you recommend a specific niche?

    • Hey Matthew! I don’t make too many sales from ClickBank reviews either, although most of my reviews for those products aren’t positive ones, so that explains that. lol (Actually, I do have some positive ClickBank reviews up. There are actually good things in there to promote!) 

      Paid advertising is definitely a faster way to do things, but of course, also riskier since you have to spend some money. 

      In the training videos I have in my post, some of the guys mention the niches to go into or avoid. You mostly want to start with easier niches. Going into weight loss might be a tough way to start. 

      There are some interesting little side niches that have a lot of interest in ClickBank.

  2. Clickbank truly is a good way to make money online but to make money with clickbank fast has some risks which involves money. I would not really encourage a newbie to go this route unless they have the money to spend of course. For experts, running ads to make money from clickbank is really easy as it just requires some expertise.

    There are numerous videos to watch on this but my advice would be to buy courses that specialize in teaching this. That is the best way to get all the information gathered in one place.

    • i have just been watching YouTube videos for this specific strategy, but I am thinking of finding a course in Udemy to dive deeper into Bing Ads Training. Bing ads are a little easier (and cheaper) to work with than Google ads. 

  3. Thanks a lot for this case study, Christina. I just bookmarked it and I will come back later to test it myself. 

    To tell you the truth I’d prefer not to pay for ads but I have started thinking that it’s a very good way to gain some immediate feedback of what you are doing right and wrong and maybe get a couple of sales.

    The other thing that I would kinda worry about is ClickBanks refunds…

    Anyway, we’ll see 🙂

    • Hey Harry! There is definitely a risk of people refunding their ClickBank products. I guess that’s a risk most anywhere. There’s a lot of crap in ClickBank, but there’s also a surprising number of great products. I’m focusing on the products where affiliates are making sales and the refund rates are low. 

  4. Your post about Click Bank and Wealthy Affiliate is helpful actually. i wish i came across your website when i started click bank because this is my first encounter when i want to make money, online but i realize mentoring is good to survive in any business. My friend who already has experience, told me about wealthy affiliate. i can also say wealthy affiliate is my #1 recommendation, but with your information on the website and the experience i have in click bank i think if i go back to click bank and give it a try, i will love it like wealthy affiliate.

    • Well, Wealthy Affiliate and ClickBank are two different animals. Wealthy Affiliate teaches you how to use sites like ClickBank to learn how to promote affiliate offers.

      So definitely stick with Wealthy Affiliate and learn all the basics so you can get yourself in a great position to make money. Then branch out to other strategies like this one when you feel you’re ready for it. 

      It’s never a good idea to rush into something you’re not ready for. 

  5. Hello Christina; You seem to have earn money from your Clickbank affiliate link fast, as the Clickbank people said. Have you gone through the full university program or you go through one or more of the short courses? I heard some people talk about Clickbank as a legit online digital money-making affiliate platform. They said it is a university. Once you start earning money that is the key to bigger earning. I will need your help in more detail.


    • ClickBank does have a program, CB University, and I have heard good things about it. I haven’t taken it myself at this point, but maybe sometime down the line…

      In any case, this Bing / ClickBank strategy is one I learned from watching YouTube videos. You can learn a lot from YouTube. 🙂 

  6. Hi Christina! Thank you for this very interesting and easy side strategy. I’ll immediately start watching the video and take action. I know there is a little risk involved but I’ll set apart a small budget of $5 while I learn. I’m excited about this strategy, Christina. I’ll definitely come back to your site to say thank you if this works for me (which I’m very positive it will). If it doesn’t, I’ll still be grateful to you for sharing this because it has opened my eyes to explore a completely new strategy.

    • That’s great, Henry! the longer I’m in affiliate marketing, the more I realize how much opportunity there is out there. Not only that, but how much money there is available to tap into. It just takes a little learning and taking action and probably making some mistakes along the way to learn even more. Please keep me posted on your progress!

  7. Christina, thank you for sharing this Bing Ads strategy here. I’m really inspired to give it a go. With a small budget, we can justify loses (if there are any) as a learning experience and an investment in the Bing Ads education. However, I do hope it won’t come to that. (Just like any true beginner I believe I will make this make me loads of cash. Fast. lol)
    Will keep you posted on how this goes for me.
    In the meantime, wishing you much success in the future with your Bing Ads Campaigns.

    • Yes, please let me know how you do with it! I’ve just invested in This course on Udemy and I’m going through it now. Hopefully I’ll get a little more insight on the right way to do Bing Ads and I’ll update my post with anything new worth mentioning.

      P.S. Udemy courses are really inexpensive sometimes when you’re logged in. I think I paid $10 for this one.


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