My friend, “Martin” is sending me lots of promotional emails of products he wants me to try. I find it interesting since his Kindle Sniper program is supposedly making him tons of money. I really like to keep an open mind, but he already failed on Kindle Sniper and on Wealth Academy, so I’m not too hopeful about this one either.
Already in the header of the video we have an outlandish claim.
Make $5,000 consistently week after week. Can that happen eventually? Yes, of course. Will it happen the way they say? Well, let’s take a look and see in this Profit Genesis 2.0 review.
If you’re already not feeling Profit Genesis 2.0 either, you can always skip all the reading below and just head straight to my #1 recommendation.
Click the Button Below to Read about My #1 Recommendation

Here are the areas we’ll explore in this Profit Genesis 2.0 review.
- What is Profit Genesis 2.0?
- How Does Profit Genesis 2.0 Actually Work?
- Is Profit Genesis 2.0 a Scam or Legit?
- Making Money Online Takes Work. (But It’s Fun & Rewarding Work)
- Let’s Recap
What is Profit Genesis 2.0?
Product: Profit Genesis 2.0
Cost: $37
Owner(s): David Miller
[yasr_overall_rating size=”medium”]
I love going through the sales videos of these products. I actually look forward to it because they are so entertaining. They follow the same basic order:
- Testimonials
- Sob story
- Met someone who taught them the “secret” system
- Takes just a few minutes a day and you don’t need to know anything
- Should charge thousands, but I want to get it out to everyone so I’m reducing the price by 90%
I’ll be giving you a synopsis of this video, but if you’d like to view it yourself, go for it. But warning to you…you’ll be wasting away 22 minutes of your life you’ll never get back.
This video, like the others that Martin has sent me, is so full of hype. It’s all hype, hype, hype and absolutely no substance.
First we get some testimonials. Jessie brings in an average of $14,000 per week in online income. Trevor makes $1250 in 35 minutes while he walks his dog. Another testimonial earned over $8500 while being on vacation with his wife!
Another testimonial says, “All you need is 10 clicks and the cash flows in everyday.” Wow, wouldn’t that be great if the cash could just flow in everyday with just a few clicks of a button?
The problem is, from the research I’ve done on this, these testimonials are fake. You can buy testimonials from the site Womp, womp.
Anyway, moving on.
Like other sales videos, this one includes a sob story. David is a plumber and lives with his little girl. He doesn’t make enough to support her, so he’s looking at online programs. He’s so tired of being duped and scammed. He’s SO frustrated. His ex-wife has come and told him he’s going to take their little girl away. The little girl sobs and says “Daddy, I don’t want to live with mommy. I want to stay with you, please.”
This whole story is ridiculous. First of all, plumbers do very well for themselves. At least the ones that have come to fix things in my house do! Secondly, generally speaking, Moms get custody of their kids unless they really have some bad issues. Third, your ex-wife can’t just come take your kid away. You have to involve lawyers and courts and all that fun stuff. This story is just plan ol’ dumb.
But in any case, David has some luck on his side! He just happened to run into someone at a bar who used to work for Google. He gave him all the insider secrets to making money online. He showed him a loophole that leads to a “goldmine” on the internet. Lucky, lucky David.
It only took David 15 minutes to set up this system and he made $47 his first hour. And then another sale 2 hours later. He ended his first day with over $500 in profits!
He then decided to record every step in the process and make it into a system that he first shared with his Bible Study class. (Genesis, get it?) 2 of the other students tried it and starting making $2000 a week consistently.
Now, with this system, you don’t need to have any skills or know how to do anything technical. It’ll be on autopilot 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
David should charge thousands for this system, but lucky for you, it’ll only cost you $37. What a bargain! David says to go ahead and get ready to flip your cash switch on.
Whew. That’s a LOT of hype. You know what we didn’t learn? What you’ll actually be doing to make this income. Funny how these videos always miss that one little detail.
Let’s see if we can dig a little deeper and see what this system is really about.
How Does Profit Genesis 2.0 Actually Work?
It’s actually really hard to figure out what Profit Genesis 2.0 is really all about because the video is so elusive. However, I found out that it’s a training series on how to do drop shipping.
I don’t personally have a lot of experience in drop shipping (something to explore later!), however, I do know this. Whether it’s drop shipping, affiliate marketing, freelancing, writing, or anything else you can do online, it’s not going to happen in 15 minutes with “10 clicks”.
Nothing ever works that way. Anything worth doing takes time and effort.
That’s why I really can’t stand these hyped up videos. There are plenty of legitimate ways to make money online. But these videos make it seem too easy that once people get started, they see it takes time so they get frustrated and quit.
Is Profit Genesis 2.0 a Scam or Legit?
I feel that as long as there’s something that you’re getting for your money, it’s not technically a scam. You will get some training on drop shipping.
What’s scammy about it though is that the program waaaayyyy overstates how much you can make and how quickly. There’s just no way that will happen. Can you make a boatload of money drop shipping? I bet you can. But you’ll have to learn the ins and outs of how to do it. It’s not going to take you 15 minutes, I guarantee that.
Reviewing these programs has really opened my eyes to what’s out there and what people are being dragged into. Let me talk to you a little about the way that I make money online and tell you how I get my training.
Making Money Online Takes Work. (But It’s Fun & Rewarding Work)
I know that those marketing videos do actually work, and that’s why people keep making them. People get so excited that they may have “finally” found the thing that will help them get out of debt and make more money!
So, when I talk about the way that I make money online, I’m sure it’s not going to seem as glamorous and exciting. (It IS exciting, but it won’t seem that way at first.)
I am an affiliate marketer. I help promote products that I love to people who are searching for solutions to their problems. For instance, you might have the common problem of not having enough money, so you searched to see if Profit Genesis 2.0 would help you solve your problem.
Now I’m coming in and tell you that I’ve researched it and it probably won’t help solve your problem. In fact, it will contribute to your problem by making you waste $37.
But then I get an opportunity to tell you about a service that I love, use and recommend. This is affiliate marketing in a nutshell. You attract people to your site, and then you help them with an issue or a question that they have.
It’s not as shiny and exciting as make $2000 in 15 minutes because I have to then tell you the truth. It takes work and effort to build a profitable affiliate marketing website. Can you make $2000 eventually? Oh yes. Can you make much, much more than that? Yes, eventually if you put plenty of time and effort into it! It’s not a push-button system. But it’s a system that works.
Let me show you how it works with my free guide to making money online for beginners.
Click the Button to Get My FREE Guide!

Let’s Recap
If you continue on and watch more of these sales videos, see if you can spot the common themes I listed above. (Testimonials (likely fake), sob story, met someone who gave them the secrets, no experience needed to make loads of cash, should charge thousands, but want everyone to have access to this system.)
The biggest one is the fact that they go through all of that, but in the end, you still have no idea what the system is all about or what it does.
These are all huge red flags.
I also use a training system. It’s a step-by-step video training that tells you how to set up a website from start to finish, how to attract people to it, and how to monetize it. But it absolutely won’t happen overnight, and it really depends on your level of effort.
But, this training is so good that it’s what helped me get this site (and a couple of others) set up and it’s what I still use today. There’s always more to learn in this business, and with programs like Profit Genesis 2.0, it’s a one-and-done kind of thing. You don’t get any updated information (unless they come out with Profit Genesis 3.0 and you’ll have to pay for that one too) and you don’t get any support. What if you have questions along the way? What do you do then?
The training I use has an entire community of support.
Let’s start here. Click the button below to get my FREE guide to making money online for beginners. Let me show you how it all works, then you can decide if it’s right for you.
Click Here for My Guide to Making Money Online for Beginners

Questions or comments about Profit Genesis 2.0? I’d love to hear from you. Leave me a comment below!
Hey Christina;
Thanks for the review of Profit Genesis 2.0. It surely is a jungle out there with so much of this stuff to weed through. That’s why it’s so important to stick with a program that you trust as soon as you find one. You’re right, building any kind of online business takes time and commitment, and it can be fun if you enjoy what you’re doing. But it won’t happen overnight, for sure. And certainly not in 15 minutes! lol
Thanks for the info! 🙂
haha, it’s a jungle, for sure! And there are always new products just like it coming out day after day. No wonder people get so overwhelmed and confused! I even have to remind myself to stay focused and not get drawn into all the new shiny things.
Hi Christina, you really got to the bottom of this, which is great for less experienced people who are trying to find their way in Internet Marketing.
A few years ago, I also was one of these inexperienced people and I was looking for different ways to earn money. I received mails on a daily base with stuff like this. Luckily I never took the bait as I was fortunate to already be a part of a great online community, called Wealthy Affiliate. They learned my I have to work hard for success and that’s the only way.
It’s so easy to get carried away with all these stories about people getting rich while practically doing nothing, but we know that’s not reality, right?
Thanks for your honest review and for exposing this scam!
p.s. I’ve also heard about Wealth Academy and they also used fiverr actors to say all these crazy testimonials…
Thanks, Jurgen! You know, I have taken the bait with these programs in the past. And some were pretty good, and others… well, you know. They’re pretty bad. In any case, even the good ones aren’t as good as being a member of Wealthy Affiliate because, as you know, we get ongoing training. Not training just once on one subject.
I’m glad you found a good place right away and you haven’t gotten caught up with anything else. Stay focused and resist those shiny new things! 🙂
I’m not going to waste 22 minutes of my life watching the video – all the sales videos on these MMO products follow the same routine. Honestly I’m surprised that anyone falls for them anymore. I totally agree with you – making $5000 a week is possible but not without any knowledge and not without first building your business with hard work.
Most of these make money online products make promises they simply can’t keep. Yes I believe money can be made through drop shipping but these claims are not honest.
Lynne, you are smart for not watching that video. haha! I do that for you so you don’t have to. I’m sure you’ve seen it anyway. They’re all pretty much the same. Like you said, big promises that can’t be kept. I really do think that the Internet holds a vast array of opportunities. It’s just that you have to dig through the muck to find out what’s really legit. I’m trying to do that here so other people don’t have to.
Thanks for stopping by!
Thank you for sharing this post, it seems to be another get rich overnight platform which is obviously fake.
Even it doesn’t seems like it is scam they lie about the fact how much you can earn.
With this post you saved not only me but also other people to fall into this trap, it is really sad and bad to see those kinds of sites are still online.
Thanks for sharing this with us. 🙂
Yes, unfortunately there are lots and lots of these sites still online, and new ones crop up every damn day! It wouldn’t be so bad if they were actually good products, but they promise the world and then the products aren’t that good anyway. Just gotta keep letting people know…
Another one bites the dust! I suppose it is a really good thing that all these scams seem to share a lot of features. Outlandish clams, Low risk high reward, video “testimonials” ( by some pretty talented actors and actresses) I will be watching out for this one and staying far away from it.
The lure is always there because people want to (actually need to in today’s economic climate) I think that it is pretty awful to prey on this desire however there are obviously others who do not.
Sometimes I see these videos and I think about how maybe I’ll become an actress who can give testimonials. lol Not really, but it does seem like a kind of fun job. Too bad they’re using their talent for bad instead of good!
Loved the review! I loved how straight up honest you were! That definitely sounds scammy to me, or very misleading. It is so unfortunate that there are people out there who have to stoop to such low means to make money.
I know some people can start making tons of money with dropshipping right away, but that is because they put thousands of dollars into advertising, so they make money right away.
Unfortunately most people don’t have the money or knowledge of putting together ads! Thank you for a great review! I will make sure to stay away from Genesis!
Best Regards,
Thanks for stopping by, Chris! I don’t know much about drop shipping at this point, but I do know that you’re likely right about spending money on advertising. It’s like anything else, you’re not going to make money right away with it because you need people to know who you are to buy from you.
Perhaps Profit Genesis could even be a good product if they were upfront about everything. I just don’t like how they overhype the amount you can make and how quickly.