Rockstar Money Makers Review. Scam or Legit?

Rockstar Money Makers Review Header

I went through the Rockstar Money Makers Webinar so that I could get a good idea of what this program is all about. In this Rockstar Money Makers Review, we’ll reveal if this is a legit program, or just another scam.

I first started listening and I was immediately impressed when Alicia Lyttle (owner of the program along with her sister Lorette Lyttle) began the presentation by saying how this isn’t going to be easy and you really have to work. They automatically set a reasonable expectation, which is not what most internet marketers out there do.

Throughout the webinar Alicia goes through her story and her ups and downs of building an online business. She then talks about the hard and costly way to start a business (hiring a copywriter, hiring designers, hiring someone to build a website) and how it’s much easier and cheaper now. She claims we can get set up in 15 minutes.

Let’s take a little closer look at this program.

Or, Skip All This and Head Right to My #1 Recommendation!

My #1 Recommendation

Here are the areas we’ll explore in this Rockstar Money Makers review.

  • What is Rockstar Money Makers?
  • How Does Rockstar Money Makers Work?
  • Is Rockstar Money Makers a Scam or Legit?
  • Build A Website That Makes Residual Income
  • Let’s Recap

What is Rockstar Money Makers?

Product Name: Rockstar Money Makers
Price: $27 / month or $297 for a lifetime membership
Owners: Alicia and Lorette Lyttle
[yasr_overall_rating size=”medium”]

This is not an affiliate marketing program, but rather a series of step-by-step training videos that teaches you how to become a freelancer. (Although you could promote their membership and create an affiliate income that way.)

For your $27 / month, you’ll get 15 step-by-step training videos, weekly live training sessions, a resources and tool directory and monthly profit multiplier (which looks to be training videos on a new skills each month.)

You also get several bonuses, including unlimited support in their Facebook group. This, Alicia says, is where people who are already well-established freelancers will be ready to hire newbie freelancers to do their work for them. Hmmm… we’ll get back to this in a minute.

Let’s go a little deeper into the program.

How Rockstar Money Makers Works

In the webinar, Alicia gives us three secrets to making money online working as a freelancer:

Customer ServiceSecret #1. You can make money doing what you already know how to do. She uses the example of testing websites. She also mentions drawing, singing, customer service and getting paid to post on people’s Social Media accounts. (I’m not sure how I feel about that one, but it does happen.)

If you don’t have any skills? Says to use Google and YouTube to learn new skills. You’ll be an expert in just a couple of hours. (Really?)

Secret #2. You don’t have to hunt down customers, they come to you. They’ll teach you how to set yourself up on an online freelancing site that already gets tons of traffic. I thought to myself, “OK, but how do you get people to find you in such a big place?” She read my mind and answered that they will show you the PROPER way to get set up so that people can find you.

Secret #3. You don’t have to do the work yourself. You can outsource your work to someone else and pocket the profits. For instance, let’s say someone hires you to create a logo and they will pay you $100. Now, you can go and outsource that work and pay them $20 and pocket the $80. She calls this the “agency model”.

So this is where that Facebook group comes in to play. There are people in there who are supposedly more established and ready to outsource their work.

Have you ever read The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferris? This is a concept that he talks about in that book. When I worked an office job, and after reading the book, I sometimes envisioned outsourcing my work to someone else so I could just sit back and chill. I had a feeling my boss wouldn’t be too pleased with that idea though.

Anyway, let’s move on.

Is Rockstar Money Makers a Scam or Legit?

Thumbs MiddleRockstar Money Makers is not a scam. Alicia seems like a very nice person who genuinely wants to help people find ways to make money online. She and her sister live in Jamaica, and a lot of their customers are from that country. It’s nice to hear success stories from people who are able to work their way out of poverty and be able to provide for their families.

I’m kind of in the middle on whether I would recommend this program. (That’s why my thumbs guy over there is in the middle. See that? Genius, right?) On the one hand, I do think that freelancing things that you know how to do is a legitimate way to make money online.

I like that they will teach you how to set yourself up so that you can get in front of the right people who will hire you for freelancing jobs. Although…

That’s always easier said than done.

I’ve been on some freelancing websites, and there’s so much going on. Especially if it’s a major site with millions of people like Alicia claims, it can be kind of tricky getting yourself out there and known to people. But I’m going to go ahead and give them the benefit of the doubt there.

On the other hand, I don’t know that I really love the idea of going to YouTube and Google and learning new skills that way. Not in a short amount of time anyway. I mean, YouTube taught me how to fix my garage door, but I certainly wouldn’t feel good about going out and charging people to fix theirs. It would take longer than a couple of hours to learn a new skill really well.

I’m also not sure about outsourcing the work you’ve been hired to do to another person. What if they turn around and outsource it too? How can you be sure the quality of work will be good? Will the client be happy if they found out the work has been outsourced? Because I’m pretty sure my boss would not have been happy if I ended up outsourcing my work. I was hired to do the job, not some random person out there.

If you do end up doing the work yourself, then there’s a little problem called trading time for money. You only have so many hours in a day, therefore you can only do so many jobs, therefore you can only make so much money.

This is why I really prefer affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing takes advantage of residual income. This means there really are no limits to how much money you can make. (Depending on your own personal effort, of course.) Once you get set up and rolling, money can continue to keep coming in even if you’ve moved on to something else. (View my #1 recommendation on how to get started with affiliate marketing.)

Because Rockstar Money Makers could be a decent way to get started making money online, I am going to provide the link here.

Click here for the Rockstar Money Makers program.

However, I do recommend building an affiliate marketing website instead. Why? Again, residual income. That’s income that keeps coming in continuously.

Build a Website That Makes Residual Income

Besides residual income, there are many benefits to affiliate marketing. Some of these include:

  • Be your own boss
  • Create a schedule that works for YOU
  • Be creative
  • Discuss topics and promote things that you truly enjoy
  • Unlimited income (it’s only limited by your time and effort)

Now, I have a completely FREE guide that explains the whole process. I’ll even guide you to get your website up and running – for free – in just a few minutes. Check out my free money-making guide for beginners and see if this is something that interests you.

Click the Button to Get Started with Your Money-Making Website

Free Guide to Making Money Online for Beginners

Let’s Recap

We have established that the owners of Rockstar Money Makers are good people with really good intentions.

I like:

  • Freelancing opportunities. These are legit.
  • Training to get you in front of the right people who will hire you.

I’m not a fan of:

  • Outsourcing the work you were hired to do.
  • Learning new skills via YouTube in just a couple of hours.
  • Trading time for money if you do the work yourself.

Again, Rockstar Money Makers seems like an OK program. I would still recommend getting yourself set up for the future the right way with a website that can continue to bring in money, even if you’re not actively working on it. My free guide will show you how to do this.

Click Here for My FREE Guide and Get Started in Affiliate Marketing Today

Do you have any questions or comments about this Rockstar Money Making review? Have you tried the program? What do you think of it? Leave me comments below!

2 thoughts on “Rockstar Money Makers Review. Scam or Legit?”

  1. I agree learning a skill on youtube is not the best way to learn anything and if you outsource the work and it is bad workmanship then your name will be damaged. It sounds like rockstar is just trying to show you a quick way to make a buck.
    It doesn’t seem to me that their quick and easy way would be sustainable and would not last.
    I think the way to go would be to do what is in your free guide.

    • Hi Travis! I actually think Rockstar Money Makers is not really about making a quick buck, which is pretty rare in our line of work. I do give them credit for that. But yes, there are definitely some things that I don’t personally think are a great idea with that program. However, it actually seems pretty good. Especially compared to some of the stuff that’s out there!

      But yes, I prefer building a website and using affiliate marketing as a money-making strategy because it’s something that’s long-term and you can have that website bringing in money forever. I just like to give people options in case that’s not the best way for them.


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