Thrive Themes Membership Review [Worth the Price?]

Thrive Themes Membership Review

Welcome to my Thrive Themes Membership Review!

When I first heard about Thrive, I thought, “There’s no way I’m getting that. I don’t need a paid theme.”

The thing is:

There’s so much more to the Thrive Membership than just a paid theme. Thrive was built for bloggers and small business owners in mind. They make it easy for us to put together conversion-focused websites. 

With their drag-and-drop features, ready-made templates and easy-to-use plugins, you don’t need to be a coding expert to use their products. 

Let’s dive into this Thrive Themes Membership review so I can show you what it’s all about!

Thrive Themes Membership Summary

Product: Thrive Themes Membership Cost: $19 / month paid annually (use for up to 25 websites), or $49 / month paid annually (this is the agency license and you can use it on up to 50 websites) 

Owner(s): Shane Melaugh Good For: Bloggers and small business owners who want to generate more leads and conversions from their websites

Thrive Themes Membership Review - Logo<img alt=”Thrive Themes Membership Review – Logo” width=”206″ height=”29″ title=”Thrive_Themes_Membership_Review_Logo” data-id=”5185″ src=”” style=”width: 100%;” data-link-wrap=”1″>

What is Thrive Themes Membership?

Here’s the headline on the Thrive Themes Membership sales page:The AdsCrisp sales page claims:

Thrive Themes Membership has no fluff<img alt=”Thrive Themes Membership has no fluff” width=”851″ height=”131″ title=”4c3f66a37baa0b3b573a52ad6cf8525a_cropped_optimized” data-id=”5171″ src=”” style=”width: 100%;”>

That’s it.

No hype. And no fluff.

What you get with a membership:

  • All the Thrive Themes plugins (we’ll talk about all of these in a bit)
  • Members only courses and training. (their training and courses are absolutely fabulous. We’ll talk about it in more detail below.)
  • Support
  • Constant updates and improvements to the plugins

Why Would You Need a Thrive Themes Membership?

First, let’s talk about why you would need or want a Thrive Themes Membership in the first place. As I mentioned in the intro, I really did not think I needed or wanted it myself.

There are so many nice themes that are free, why would you ever pay for one?

The answer is because it’s not about themes. Thrive provides conversion-focused tools. If you have a website and you want to make sales or capture leads with your website, then you’ll definitely want to consider Thrive because they have the right tools to do this.

Let’s go over all the plugins you get with a Thrive membership.

Thrive Themes Membership Plugins

Thrive Membership Plugins included <img alt=”Thrive Membership Plugins included ” width=”1000″ height=”448″ title=”08b9a8d3ca3ca3ab73b49a0ba775b854_cropped_optimized” data-id=”5172″ src=”” style=”width: 100%;”>

Thrive Architect & Thrive Optimize

Thrive Architect is a plugin that allows you to easily add elements to any blog page or post. For instance, before Thrive Architect, in order to add a button to my page, I would have to use another tool to create it.

Now, I can just go into Architect, and drag the button element anywhere I want it. I can then customize it exactly the way that I like it to look.

Thrive Architect<img alt=”Thrive Architect” width=”669″ height=”495″ title=”d2d001e7bce6efbb98cdcea3fd84c3df_cropped_optimized” data-id=”5173″ src=”” style=”width: 100%;”>

There are many elements to choose from with Thrive Architect. Want to add a Click to Tweet? Just drag the element into your post and type what you want to tweet out. What about a star rating? Yup! Just drag and drop it into your post.

Thrive Architect is so flexible you can design your page or post exactly the way that YOU want it.

Thrive Optimize is used to set up and monitor A/B tests.

Thrive Themes

Thrive themes aren’t currently available because they’re working on  a new product called Thrive Visual Theme Builder.

The Theme Builder is different from Thrive Architect because you can use it to customize your entire website, versus just a page or a post with Architect.

The guys at Thrive are working hard to make sure the Theme Builder is perfect. Stay tuned!

Thrive Leads

Thrive Leads is something that I personally use and test on different parts of my site. Using Thrive Leads, I currently have (although, I change this a lot so it might be different by the time you read this):

This changes a lot though because I like to test different ways to do things. And Thrive Leads gives you a lot of options to try:

Thrive Leads options<img alt=”Thrive Leads options” width=”612″ height=”350″ title=”eb3e6a4a5721a736e2a16789e378b2cc_cropped_optimized” data-id=”5174″ src=”” style=”width: 100%;”>

You can even test different opt-in forms against each other to see which ones perform better. Within each of these options, you’ll also be able to choose from a variety of nicely designed (and still fully customizeable) templates, or you can create your own from scratch.

Thrive Quiz Builder

I haven’t personally used the Thrive Quiz Builder just yet, but it’s a fun way to interact with your customers, and, at the same time, find out their preferences so that you can segment them in your email list. You can even add tags to the answers for each question, as is explained in this video:

Thrive Ultimatum

If there’s one way to get someone to act, it’s to give them an ultimatum. “Buy this now before it disappears!” Thrive Ultimatum allows you to build and customize a countdown to help guide your customers to taking an action. They call it “The Ultimate Scarcity Marketing Tool for WordPress.”

Thrive Ovation

Having social proof helps make people feel more secure in purchasing with you. They want to see that others have gone before them and came out unscathed. This is where Thrive Ovation comes in.

It’s a really neat plugin that allows you to easily collect and manage testimonials. You can even set up a form and ask specific questions so that you can get answers tailored to a specific page or post that you want to display the testimonials on.

Clever Widgets

Clever Widgets allows you to customize the widget area with customized offers. Usually a widget just hangs out on the side of your website and is shown on every page. But what if the content in your widget isn’t relevant for every page?

That’s where Clever Widgets comes in! You can set up specific offers for specific pages in the widget area so that the offers are more relevant to your users. This will lead to much higher conversion rates.

Headline Optimizer

The Headline Optimizer is a nice plugin that allows you to test different headlines against each other for a single post or page. Here’s an example of what that looks like:

Thrive Headline Optimizer<img alt=”Thrive Headline Optimizer” width=”869″ height=”330″ title=”9b62c54e99f6b293b6947920f17cd8a0_cropped_optimized” data-id=”5176″ src=”” style=”width: 100%;”>

So you can try out a few different headlines see what the engagement rate is for each of them. You can even have Thrive choose the winner and automatically display that one.

Thrive Apprentice

Ready to launch your own course? Thrive Apprentice is here to help! This is a drag-and-drop system allows you to easily design professional-looking courses. It integrates with Send Owl so that you can charge for your courses with ease.

Thrive Comments

Even your comments are a good place to grab those conversions, and Thrive Comments makes it so easy. Here’s a small snippet of what you can do with your comment area:

Thrive Comments<img alt=”Thrive Comments” width=”599″ height=”468″ title=”61932f7b3e478d64f865f243d0d7c3ca_cropped_optimized” data-id=”5177″ src=”” style=”width: 100%;”>

You can include options for social shared, related posts or an opt-in form, all right within your comment area. You can also add voting and badges, customize your notifications, moderate your comments and much more with this powerful plugin.

You can see that the plugins are very powerful for helping to capture more leads and sales. And again, everything they’ve created, they’ve created with us in mind. The non-techie people like me can easily set up any of these plugins and get them to work on my website flawlessly. 

Thrive University

Thrive University is another awesome part of the Thrive Membership. (Some videos are open to non-members.) Here you can learn how to do all kinds of magical things with your website.

Here are some categories of the different lessons:

Thrive University Lessons<img alt=”Thrive University Lessons” width=”592″ height=”194″ title=”533071a5622bf32d04394ec718dc85b3_cropped_optimized” data-id=”5178″ src=”” style=”width: 100%;”>

For instance, I clicked on “Write Better Copy” and here are a few of the lessons that came up:

Thrive University Content writing lessons<img alt=”Thrive University Content writing lessons” width=”893″ height=”364″ title=”bb7351515721e33304cbd40f7477a3b2_cropped_optimized” data-id=”5179″ src=”” style=”width: 100%;”>

Each category has different engaging lessons. The best lessons that I took when I first became a Thrive Member was “Build a Website.” My website was already built, but those lessons showed me how to build certain elements of my website, including a static home page.

Create a homepage from scratch<img alt=”Create a homepage from scratch” width=”293″ height=”359″ title=”4d1145034316bf000438b47adbc6a5a3_cropped_optimized” data-id=”5181″ src=”” style=”width: 100%;”>

It also helped me to understand the Thrive tools and how to use them. When you become a Thrive Member, I highly recommend going through these lessons so that you can get used to how the tools work.

Is Thrive Themes Membership a Scam?

I hope this Thrive Themes Membership review was clear that it’s definitely not a scam. 

The Thrive Themes Membership offers tools to help you get more sales and leads. And they do a great job of it!

Not only that, the Thrive team is constantly working on improving their products and including new and exciting updates consistently. 

Thumbs Up<img alt=”Thumbs Up” width=”500″ height=”500″ title=”Thumbsup_Black” data-id=”3636″ src=”” style=”width: 100%;”>

Thrive Themes Membership Review

Pros & Cons of Using Thrive Themes Membership


  • 9 plugins included
  • Easy-to-use drag-and-drop tools
  • Many different ways to create better engagement and conversions
  • Amazing lessons in Thrive University
  • Don’t need any technical expertise to use Thrive products


  • There is a learning curve to using the tools
  • Support is good, but you have to go through their forum to get it which is a little cumbersome

Is Thrive Themes Membership Worth the Price?

There are two different options for the Thrive Themes Membership pricing:

Thrive Membership Pricing<img alt=”Thrive Membership Pricing” width=”601″ height=”354″ title=”ffb72744c6892bc10b7cb29a7e252f93_cropped_optimized” data-id=”5182″ src=”” style=”width: 100%;” data-link-wrap=”1″>

If you’re a person who’s running a personal blog (or 2, or 25), then you would select the regular Thrive membership. It’s $19 / month, but paid annually, so you’ll pay just $228 for all of these incredible tools.

If you run an agency, or have more than 25 websites that you’ll want to use the Thrive products on, then the Agency Membership would be for you. It’s $49 / month paid annually, so you would pay $588 / year.

Buy the Plugins Separately

If you don’t want all the plugins, then you do have an option to buy each one separately. Here are the prices for each individual plugin. (These are one-time fees, and these all represent a single license. There are options for more licenses.)

  • Thrive Leads = $67
  • Thrive Architect = $67
  • Thrive Landing Pages = $67
  • Thrive Clever Widgets = $39
  • Thrive Headline Optimizer = $67
  • Thrive Ultimatum = $97
  • Thrive Ovation = $39
  • Thrive Quiz Builder = $67
  • Thrive Comments = $39
  • Thrive Optimize = $127

You can click here, or the button below and then scroll down the landing page to choose which plugins you want. 

So is Thrive worth the price? If your goal is sales and leads, then yes. If you have a website that’s just for fun and you’re not worried about sales, then it’s not something you would need. 

Grab Your Thrive Themes Membership (or Individual Plugins)


I really didn’t think I needed the Thrive Themes Membership, but once I saw all the benefits it could bring to my website, I immediately knew I was wrong. Since getting the membership, I have:

  • Grown my email list using Thrive Leads
  • Put together a full static homepage from scratch
  • Learned how to build landing pages
  • Put together a complete sales funnel
  • Learned from a Thrive Membership training how to put together a great About Page
  • Learned how to create better and more engaging posts 

If you have any intention of using your website for sales or gathering leads, then I cannot recommend a Thrive Themes Membership enough.

Do you have any questions or comments about this Thrive Themes Membership review? Leave them for me down below!

10 thoughts on “Thrive Themes Membership Review [Worth the Price?]”

  1. Awesome review. I’ve noticed that I’ve already bookmarked your website to read your posts. This particular post is very relevant to me, as I was considering Thrive among various landing page builders. 

    The information provided by you is well in depth and unbiased. I’ve learned a lot about Thrive Themes from your post. Now, I’m feeling much confident to use it. My only question is, do they provide any free trial for any number of days, so that I can be familiar with their tools before formally using them. Best part is, they also have an option to select the tools as per our choice, it’s really a cool deal. 

    Thanks a lot for sharing this useful review. 

    • Thrive Themes Membership or individual plugins do not have a free trial, but they do have a 30-day satisfaction guarantee. If something doesn’t work right for you, you can get in touch with their support for help, or a full refund. 

  2. This is a really interesting read. I have been a customer of Thrive for a few years now but the only plugin I own is Thrive Architect (formerly Thrive content builder) which I use to build all my webpages. Its an awesome piece of kit and although it takes a bit of learning its really intuitive when you get the hang of it.I never really thought about getting the full package because I thought I could do most of what I need with architect and other plugins but I really like what you are saying about it here. It sounds like thrive leads alone could be worth the membership.

    • Thrive Architect is awesome, and it’s the one I use daily to make my posts look a little nicer. I definitely think Thrive Leads would be helpful for you if you have an email list that you’re looking to build. I decided to go with the Membership because all of the one-off products add up and because Thrive University is fantastic. While I  haven’t utilized all of the plugins yet, it’s something i plan on doing as I build out my site. As I was going through this Thrive Themes Membership review, I actually got excited because I haven’t even looked too deeply into some of the plugins. Now I see how awesome they are and I can’t wait to try them! lol

  3. Conversion is very important and I applaud your review here of Thrive. I really like the sound of Thrive Architect. It sounds so seamless with its drag and drop feature.  With Thrive Leads I like the bells and whistles that come along with it. A countdown sounds like an excellent idea with Thrive Ultimatum. Also I like that you can buy the plugins separately. This is a great review and I have bookmarked it, thank you!

    • Thanks for stopping by and giving me your thoughts on my Thrive Themes Membership review. I really can’t tell you how awesome the Thrive products are. I seriously never thought I would get anything like this because there are so many great free plugins out there. But, their plugins go above and beyond any free one that you’ll find. 

  4. Thank you for the thorough review of Thrive Themes. To be honest I’ve had problems with generating traffic to my website and here there might be good tools for solving my problem. Do you think that an e-mail list is a must to have more traffiuc to my website? Does Thrive Leads really help you build an email list, even from zero? The idea of having different widgets on different posts of a homepage and Headline Optimizer option are really very good. How does their University teach? Via text material or videos? Can you look the material back any time you wish to and as often as you need to?

    • Hi Agnes! Let me answer your questions one by one: 

      Do you think that an e-mail list is a must to have more traffiuc to my website? – An email list doesn’t drive traffic, but it’s good to build one and build a relationship with the people who come to your site. It’s a way to build trust with them. They are more likely to buy with you later down the line. 

      Does Thrive Leads really help you build an email list, even from zero? – You do need to get traffic to your site, but since I’ve implemented the pop-ups and widgets with the lead forms, I am getting a more consistent flow of people going onto my list. The people who come to your site are more likely to opt in. 

      How does their University teach? Via text material or videos? – they have both, depending on the lessons. They seem to have both on many of the lessons that I’ve seen so far, which is great. Sometimes I like to read and sometimes I like to watch a video. 

      Can you look the material back any time you wish to and as often as you need to? – yes! all of the lessons stay in the University section of their site. 

  5. Hi Christina! When I first started out creating my own site online I came across Thrive Themes Membership but didn’t see much in it because I was using free WordPress Themes. And besides, I didn’t understand many of the terms like: leads, email marketing and landing pages.

    I have been a few months working online on my own site, and although I still have a lot to learn, I can understand now most of the advantages of having a Thrive Themes Membership. I have read good reviews and seen many satisfied clients. So, I now think it’s the proper time for me to join!

    • I think it’s definitely better to get your feet wet in the online marketing world first before investing into something like a Thrive Themes Membership. But once you get established, it’s nice to have the extra tools and features that they provide. It’s an investment that will pay off down the road when you get better conversions and a bigger email list. 


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