What is CB Wealth? [Review]

CB Wealth Review

Thanks for checking out this CB Wealth review!

It’s another day, which means another opportunity to look at a “get-rich-quick” product on the internet. Yay! Today we’re going to take a look at a product that says we can make over $25,000 in under a month. Is that really true?

We’re going to find out…what is CB Wealth? Can you really make money with it, and fast, or is this just another scam trying to get your money from you?

I think we already know with such a bold money claim like that. Oh, don’t worry, there are even more bold claims in the sales video.

We could close this thing down right here because we know deep within ourselves that just isn’t possible. And anyone who’s telling you that is just trying to get you to buy their product. But let’s keep going anyway!

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Here are the areas we’ll explore in this CB Wealth review.

  • What is CB Wealth?
  • How Does CB Wealth Work?
  • Is CB Wealth a Scam or Legit?
  • Build A Website That Makes Residual Income
  • Wealthy Affiliate Versus CB Wealth

What is CB Wealth?

Product: CB Wealth
Cost: $37
Owner(s): James Robertson (Likely a fake name and probably none of these guys.)

CB Wealth Tricks

Listening to the sales video will show you the marketing tricks that CB Wealth uses to try to get to your wallet. You can see the first trick right on the sales page.

Are they implying that you too can make $25,921.75 in under 30 days with this program? Hmmm…

CB Wealth Sales page has some bold claims

1. Secret Video

The narrator of the video, “James”, says that one of his close personal friends sent this video and we’re not allowed to share it with anyone. They are only looking for people who are a “perfect fit”.

This is obviously not true because the more the video is shared, and the more that people buy CB Wealth, the more money the product owner makes.

2. Bold Income Claims

We aren’t even given the privilege of seeing testimonial actors in this video. We just have to believe that what James says is true. (These testimonials are almost never true!)

For instance, someone named Kevin made $9565.55 last week using this system. And then there’s Julie.

CB Wealth Testimonial from JulieTestimonial Julie's first payment $12,317These kinds of testimonials are put here to make you believe this you can create this kind of income for yourself. However, I can almost guarantee Julie is a fictitious character. It’s almost impossible to make $12,317 doing anything new.

James goes on to say that ordinary people are making this kind of income: Make $17,520 in your first week with CB Wealth

I mean, come on. Let’s not be gullible here. There’s absolutely no way you can make that in your first week unless you already have a huge following that will buy this kind of nonsense.

James says you can make even more money than this. Legally and easily.

3. Nothing You’ve Seen Before

Of course, CB Wealth is like nothing you’ve seen before. (I’ve only heard that from every. single. other. sales video. Ironically, they’re all the same.)

James makes the promise that this has nothing to do with online surveys, Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies, or anything illegal. (One positive thing, I guess!)

4. The Good Guy

James says he doesn’t make his money by taking yours (lolololol – that’s exactly how he makes his money). The more people that use this program, the more money he makes. (Yes, this is true.)

He says that he created this system and could have easily sold it but decided to make it the very best system that he could instead. He wants people to make as much money as he does with this.

What exactly IS this? Let’s discuss.

How Does CB Wealth Work?

To be honest with you, I have no idea how CB Wealth works, and this should concern you. When you’re watching these sales videos and they don’t give you a clue what you’re getting for your money, that’s a huge red flag.

They just hype you up with thoughts of big incomes, fancy cars and lush vacations. But HOW are you going to get those things?

HOW does this system allow you to make the kind of income to bring you your dream life?

Unfortunately, we don’t know until we buy into the product.

Sometimes I do purchase the product to see what it’s all about. I chose not to this time, and I suggest you don’t either. Obviously, it’s your choice, however, when they don’t tell you what you’re getting, it usually means they’re hiding something.

Is CB Wealth a Scam or Legit?

Thumbs DownI can’t say with confidence that CB Wealth is a scam. As I mentioned, I didn’t buy the product and test it out to find out for sure. What I do know is that their practices of drawing you in to this and spending your money is scammy.

CB Wealth Pros

  • There’s a 60-day money-back guarantee.

CB Wealth Cons

  • Huge income claims that are unrealistic
  • Testimonials that we can’t confirm are true
  • We don’t know what this product is at all until we buy into it
  • Fake product owner name (is he not proud of this product?)
  • Saying this video is secret and they don’t want it getting out. (HA! That’s exactly what they want!)

How They Ask People to Promote CB Wealth

One thing I like to do to check on a product is go to the affiliate page. This is where people who want to promote the product go to grab images or emails that they can use to send to people.

I like to see how they suggest promoting their product to people because that can tell you a lot about the value of the product.

I went into the affiliate page for CB Wealth, and it’s just as I thought. They suggest promoting this to people via email. Here’s an example of the type of email they say to send out:

CB Wealth Email Example

All the other promotional emails as just as bad. They’re the types of emails that get sent directly to your spam folder.


One more thing I learned from the affiliate page is that you’ll be hit with 3 upsells once you buy into the original product. How do I know? Because their affiliate page says so!

CB Wealth Upsells

Just more proof to stay away from this one.

But, don’t lose hope because you CAN make money online. Let me show you a legitimate way to do it.

My Favorite Way to Make Money Online

There are actually plenty of ways to make money online. We are lucky to live in a day and age where we have so much power and opportunity right at our fingertips.

Unfortunately, some people use that power to try to scam you out of money.

I want to help you avoid that.

I’m not saying all programs out there are scams. Far from it! There are plenty of great people who truly want to help others succeed. I have some recommended products here.

My #1 Recommendation was started by two awesome guys who give tons of value and really do want to see people succeed. (That’s why they’re my #1 recommendation!)

This site is called Wealthy Affiliate, and they teach my favorite way to make money online, affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing has many benefits. I’m a mom so for me, the benefit of creating my own schedule so that I can fit my kids’ needs in is top priority.

But hey, maybe you’re not a mom and you just like to wake up late and then get to work! Either way, affiliate marketing lets you work around your life!

I also love that I don’t have to deal with customer service issues and I don’t chase sales, I attract them to me!

This is a fantastic business, but it does take hard work, perseverance and lots of patience. If you can stick through that, you can generate an income of YOUR choosing.

I just received an email from a couple I follow who just made over $142,000 last month blogging. Crazy, right? Not really. Just work and passion.

Try out Wealthy Affiliate and see all that you can accomplish!

Start a Free Account

Do you have any questions or comments about CB Wealth? Have you used this system? Did it live up to the hype? I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences. Leave them for me down below!

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CB Wealth Review

6 thoughts on “What is CB Wealth? [Review]”

  1. I’m so glad I found your article! I stumbled upon CB Wealth and their outrageous claim of being able to make 28K in just 4 weeks a while back and it did seem like a bit of a scam to me… Apparently I’m not the only one with that impression! I hope many people find your article and don’t fall for this!

    • That’s what I’m hoping too! 🙂  

  2. Lot of fake sites out here ready to steal from us. Thanks for sharing this scam so we can avoid such site. I can’t imagine someone making that much within a short period of time, I was once curious about those testimonials and usually get fooled then. Now am reasoning how they really achieve that, they are such a scam. 

    • People fall for these things because they really want to believe they can make loads of money easily with no work. But, deep down they probably know it’s not true. But “What if…?” right? I know I’ve fallen for that in the past, so I completely understand. 

      I can only hope that people do their homework before committing to a program. 

  3. Thanks for taking out time to write this review about CB wealth, First of all, I’m always sceptical when I see a scheme promising huge cash within a short period of time, there is no such free money online from my own experience and learning. From what I have read in this post, CB wealth is most likely a scam, can you imagine them saying its a secret and they don’t want it to go out? that’s hilarious anyone signing up is doing so solely at his/her own risk.

    • I think the whole “this is a secret. Don’t share this” is so funny! Of course they want you to share it. But I suppose people might not understand this and then they think they’re on to some big secret. I guess that’s why that ploy works. 

      Hopefully people do the research before spending their money so they can see these tricks!


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