What is Six Figure Success Academy? (A Scam, or Legit?) [Review]

What is Six Figure Success Academy? [Review]

If you’re wondering, “What is Six Figure Success Academy?“, then I am here to help.

I just went through their webinar and I wanted to give you all the information I can to help you see if this is a good product for you to invest in.

I have to warn you straight off the bat:

This system isn’t cheap.

It’s going to be an investment.

But is it an investment that’s worth it? Will it bring in more money than you spend?

There is a bit of good news here. I’ll tell you about it a little later.

For now, let’s find out…what is Six Figure Success Academy?

Here’s Why You’re Not Making More Money. (And 2 Steps to Making More)


Product: Six Figure Success AcademyCost: One $997 payment, or two payments of $547 Owner(s): Mike Balmaceda and Ty CohenGood For: People who know a bit about internet marketing. 

Six Figure Success Academy Logo

What is Six Figure Success ACADEMY?

The Six Figure Success Academy webinar starts like any other video about making money. It shows you the lavish lifestyle you can have and has you imagine what life will be like with unlimited income.

What is Six Figure Success Academy? [Review]

They get you started feeling good by getting into your emotional side.

Nothing wrong with that. That’s just marketing. 🙂

Then we start to learn a little what this program is all about. This webinar is basically about…webinars.

Six Figure Success Academy Review Powerful System

Mike and Ty claim that video can help increase sales and revenue MUCH more than just having a website, and that’s what their product focuses on.

However, it’s not just about creating webinars for your own product. This is completely different. We’ll get back to this in the next section. Mike and Ty claim that they’ve cracked the code to success and that you can tap into this industry to make a killing. They say that this product isn’t about e-commece, dropshipping, selling on eBay, selling on Amazon, not network marketing. It’s purely about creating webinars. They say that we can easily duplicate their system and skip the mistakes they made. You can do this even if you have no skills. This can be done with very little time and effort, and It can be fully automated.

They claim that 90% of the work will be done for you. (Kind of. We’ll get back to this.) They show us some big income claims and say that it’s easy to make loads of cash using this system. But is it really?

Let’s dig in a little more to find out how Six Figure Success Academy really works.

How Does Six Figure Success Academy Work? 

What I liked about this presentation is that they tell you exactly what you’ll be doing with this system. I can’t stand it when product owners hide what you’ll be doing. You should know what you’re getting into before you spend your hard-earned money.

As mentioned, this product isn’t about creating a webinar for YOU.

What they recommend is that you go out to people who have courses online who are struggling to sell them. (They call these guys “Bobs”.) You contact these Bobs and tell them that you’ll turn their course into a webinar and then help them sell it.

Six Figure Success Review the best part

Then, you find influencers in Bob’s niche and you ask them to promote the video for you. The three of you (You, Bob and Influencer) split the profits from the webinar course.

You can create the webinar using their software called Quick Webinar Creator.

Six Figure Success Academy Review This is Easy

This allows you to take information from Bob’s course and plug it into the software. It then spits out a presentation. Bob would then just do a voice over to finish it up. (They did a demonstration of the process of creating a webinar with the software and it took about 7 minutes total.)

Here’s the process:

Six Figure Success Academy process

They say this is a six-week course, and here’s what it entails:

Week 1

– How to Start This Business – Get Clear on Your Goals – The 8 Most Profitable Niches – 10 Day Daily Cheat Sheet – Automating This Business – Access to Our Commnity

Week 2: Find a Bob

– How We Help Bob & Why – The Best Places to Find Bob(s) – Exact Messages to Send Them – What to Do When They Say “Yes” – Become Your Own Bob

Week 3: Making the Video

– Process Models Videos at $10M+ – Clone Our $10M+ Template Instantly – Bob Gives You Everything You Need – Done-For-You Video (Special) – How to Virtually Guarantee Sales – Video Done in Less Than 2 Weeks – Only Need to Do This One Time

Week 4: Set It Up

– Bob Finalizes the Video for You – Getting Video Ready to Watch – Beginner Shortcut to Set Up – Automating This Process – 4 Hour Work Week – Getting to the Money Quickly

Week 5: Influencer

– How to Find the Best Influencers – Download, Copy & Paste Scripts – Getting Them to Say “Yes” – Done-for-You 1st Influencer (Special) – Exactly What Influencer Does – You Make Money! – Case Studies $10k in 90 Minutes

Week 6: Scaling

– Domino Effect on Steroids – Generate Repeat Income Weekly – How to Get to $100,000+ Quickly – Copy & Paste Secret: 5-10x Your Sales – Easily Sell Online in Any Niche – 5 Words Turn $5k into $30k-$50k+ – Build a Huge Email List

That should give you an idea of what Six Figure Success Academy is all about.

Is Six Figure Success  Academy a Scam or Legit?

Six Figure Success Academy is not a scam. I actually think it’s an interesting concept and one I haven’t heard about doing until today.

Thumbs Up

 I think it’s fascinating how many opportunities there are out there to make money, and I keep finding more and more. It’s like it’s endless! lol (In fact, this product review prompted me to write this post called “What I’ve Learned from Doing Product Reviews (There’s a LOT of Money Out There).”

Of course, as we know, a lot of “opportunities” are terrible, and we have to be careful about what we invest in.

With that said, I see no indication that this isn’t a good opportunity. I do have a couple of concerns though, which we’ll talk about in a minute.

Six Figure Success Academy Review – Pros

  • Interesting concept that’s different from most make money online programs
  • Will likely work if you follow the exact steps as they’re laid out
  • Ability to generate a great income
  • Lots of great training involved

Six Figure Success Academy Review – Cons

  • This is an expensive product (Can’t afford it? I have an alternative for you below.)
  • I don’t think it’s going to be easy to convince Bobs to work with you. And I really don’t think it’s going to be easy to convince influencers to work with you. (Because who are you to them? They may just ignore you completely.) However, I’m just guessing here.
  • Saying 90% of the work is done for you is not really true. What they mean is that “Bob” has all the course info that you plug into their Webinar creator. That’s the work that’s done for you. The REAL work is in finding Bobs and Influencers.
  • Easy Webinar Creator is a bonus product only for the first 20 people. I don’t think this is true. I believe they’ll give it to everyone. But if you weren’t able to receive this software, then I’m not even sure how this system would work? (Unless they make you pay for it, which would be a bummer because the cost of this product is already high.)

If I had the time to really dig into this, I would.

I would love to try out every program that I take a look at because I think you can learn a lot from different ways of doing things. (Even the bad programs can teach you something, although I really don’t recommend spending money on them to find out.)

This is one I would try from start-to-finish to see if I could actually make it work. This is a case, similar to Quit 9 to 5 Academy, where I believe if you follow exactly what they tell you, you can make a good income from doing this.

I don’t think it would be easy, but I do think it would be possible.

Here’s the good news I was talking about. Because this is a ClickBank product, they offer a 60 day money-back guarantee. And they also have THIS guarantee, which I really like:

Six Figure Success Academy Guarantee

This, to me, shows that they are confident in the system that they are selling. (As long as they honor this guarantee. I haven’t seen any complaints to show that they wouldn’t.)

Want to give it a try? I’d love it if you came back and left a note about how it’s working out for you! Maybe I’ll find time to try it out, too!

Click here to see the Six Figure Success Academy webinar for yourself.

Too pricey? Then I have a GREAT alternative for you.

Pay Less, Get More

Six Figure Success Academy looks to be a decent program. However, I’m going to share with you my #1 recommendation now. Because you can pay much, much less and get much, much more.

The thing is, it’s not the same type of product.

Wealthy Affiliate is not about creating webinars. (Although, there’s training for that.) Wealthy Affiliate is an affiliate marketing training site and community.

They offer all the tools, training and support you need to create a successful money-making business online. First, you learn all about affiliate marketing and how to monetize a website. Then, as you spend more time creating and learning, you realize that there are endless opportunities available for you to make money.

You can learn all the skills you need to branch out and create ANY type of online business that you want.

Let me show you in my Ultimate Wealthy Affiliate review. (I go over price there, but it’s at insanely lower price than Six Figure Success Academy.)


There are almost limitless ways to make money online, and Six Figure Success Academy falls right into that category, in my opinion. (Again, I haven’t actually used the system, but I would love to try it out one of these days when I have more time. But I’ve done enough reviews by now to tell the good from the bad.)

I like the uniqueness of it, and it’s not just another standard “make money on autopilot with this loophole while you sleep” kind of program.

However, I know that the cost of the program may be prohibitive for some. That’s why I love Wealthy Affiliate. Not only do they have all the tools and training you need, but they have a price point that can’t be beat. In fact, I think they should charge much, much more.

(But shh. Don’t tell them I said that! I don’t really want the price to go up. lol)

You can just go straight to Wealthy Affiliate from here and try it out for yourself.

Do you have any questions or comments about this Six Figure Success Academy review? What do you think of spending almost $1000 on a product like this? Is it worth it? Is it worth it with the double your money back guarantee? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Leave them for me down below!

20 thoughts on “What is Six Figure Success Academy? (A Scam, or Legit?) [Review]”

  1. Well at first I thought this kinda sounded a bit like wealthy affiliate but after reading further realized it was a bit misleading in what it was claiming to provide.

    I personally think that with a company that can prove to be profitable they should always be upfront with what you’re getting into, there are many people that would give their money to these guys without realizing you have to go out and recruit Bob’s.

    Most people that are looking to make money actually need the money and don’t have a lot to spare to start off with and if they are actually able to find it they wan’t to make sure they haven’t just gone in debt over something they might not succeed in.  Some of us like gambling with our livelihood but a lot of us do not.

    I think this would be a good opportunity for someone who wouldn’t hurt from spending the money needed to get started and that knew what exactly it entailed.  

    • Hi Amanda! Thanks for reading my Six Figure Success Academy review. I appreciate the comment. 

      I just wanted to say that, to be fair, they did explain exactly what you would be getting into with the system. They did say that you would need to find “Bobs” and influencers to make this work. However, they give you training on how to do all that. 

      But I do agree that someone just starting out may not have the money to do this. That’s why I definitely recommend Wealthy Affiliate. It’s great for people new to internet marketing and beyond And it comes at a much smaller price. (Even though they give HUGE amounts of value.) 

  2. I really loved your honest and clear review on the Six Figure Academy. I particularly like that they let you know exactly what you will be doing in the system , so you can make an informed decision. I also like that there concept is unique, that is exactly what we need, innovative ways to make money. Thanks again for shedding light on this academy, very informative.

    • My pleasure, Ron! I’m glad you enjoyed this Six Figure Success Academy review. 

  3. Although the Six Figure Success Academy is quite an expensive, it is good to invest in it for sure. I have been through webinars and I believe I would love to learn more about it and six-figure academy can help me achieve that as trying to scale up my business.

    • Definitely check out the webinar and see if Six Figure Success Academy would make sense for you. 

  4. The Six Figure Success Academy look like a good program to join. Other than the high entry point, I love the different approach to make money online. Webinars are a great way to earn online these days. I know a couple internet marketers making a killing through webinars. When done properly, webinars are a great way to sell high-ticket offers. However, it takes a lot of efforts to get clients to sign up for your program. As a member of Wealthy Affiliates (this is my 3rd month), I can say the system offers much more than most highly priced programs. What I love about Wealthy Affiliates is that you can test run the system for 7 days without your credit card. For anyone just starting out in the MMO, Wealthy Affiliates would be my number one recommendation.

    • Actually, with Wealthy Affiliate you can stay a Free Starter Member for as long as you like, not just for 7 days. It’s just that if you decide to join Premium in the first 7 days, you’ll get your first month at a discounted rate of $19. 

      That’s good because then you can really dig into the Premium offers and see if it’s worth paying the regular price of $49 a month. (P.S. It’s worth it.) 🙂 

  5. Thanks for a great review of Six Figure Success Academy, Christina. Finding Bobs and influencers willing to work with you is easier said than done. I can’t imagine many Bobs willing to hand over their creation to a stranger. And definitely not in the make-money-online niche as there are too many sharks and scammers. I think the same applies to influencers. They are always being pitched by unknown marketers. SFSA probably will work for an established marketer who has already known in their niche.

    • I do think finding Bobs and influencers that will trust you must be the trickiest part to this whole system. They DO have training on this (and again, they have that double your money back guarantee, so I assume the training is good), but that’s the part that would make me the most nervous too. 

  6. Six figure success academy is not bad , because for me anything that eventually helps you generate money online is a good thing and it’s worth considering. I do not think this program is appropriate for beginners who are looking to make money online because of start up fee which is a bit much. I would like to agree with you on the later part of your article that wealthy affiliate is the best out there and very easy to use

    • I mean, I guess there are people out there willing to take the gamble on a product like this because you are getting a double money-back guarantee. So, even new people could make this work for them. 

      I just worry that they won’t understand all the moving parts and pieces. However, if the training is good, then the should do fine. 

      One thing I’ll say is that it may take someone who’s new longer than 30 days to get the hang of things, even in the training. And that guarantee is only 30 days. Something to be wary of. 

  7. Awesome review Christina. I have heard about the Six Figure Success Academy and all the claims, though some appears too good to be true. I came across your site in my bid to get an unbiased review. I’m not in any way disappointed by what I saw. The Six Figure Success Academy, though legit, might be okay for a beginner like me. I don’t support the idea of looking for an influencer and Bob within my niche and sharing the profit with them. 

    • I totally respect your point of view regarding this Six Figure Success Academy review. The only thing I’ll mention is that you said you wouldn’t like to split the profits with a Bob and an influencer. 

      1. Some money is better than no money. 

      2. In affiliate marketing, a company splits the profits with us. 

      I think it’s ok to share the money, if it makes sense for all parties. 

  8. What an interesting concept. I definitely think the guarantee will make it much easier for folks to take the chance on it. I do think they are asking a lot and maybe they should think about a monthly payment plan to make it easier. I am still very curious and I hope others will comment on their experience with this course. Did they by chance talk about how they actually make money? Is it by the number of clicks on the video or does the end user actually have to purchase something off the website? Thanks for the review.

    • A monthly payment plan would probably make it much easier for more people. But maybe the high price allows really serious people to come through. (They’re spending that much money, then they’re going to do a great job because they don’t want to waste their cash.) 

      From what I gather, the way that money is made is that: 

      1. “Bob” has the course and sets the price
      2. We put that course into a Webinar and find an influencer
      3. The influencer puts the course “out there”

      All three parties split the profit of the course sales. 

  9. Christina thank you for this God sent review. I really appreciate every aspect of the information you provided not to mentioned honestly. I am a really skeptical person when it comes to online courses especially one with this price tag attached. However, after reading this post I will definitely approach Six Figure Academy, that is after I have successfully finished my wealthy affiliate training 🙂

  10. 1. A friend recently introduced this Six Figure Success Academy to me and I’m so thankful I found your valuable review on it. Never liked their hype of $250-$500 multiple times a day. Also, it’s very costly for the lots of time and effort you have to put in that may not earn you good results.

    • Thank you for reading my Six Figure Success Academy review. I don’t really remember them hyping $250-$500 per day. They do say that you can earn a lot. (Well, six figures, actually.) 

      You probably do have to put a lot of effort into it. 

      You have to put a lot of effort into anything worthwhile. That’s just how it goes. 


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