Quit 9 to 5 Academy Review (Big Cost, But Big Reward?)

Quit 9 to 5 Academy Review

Welcome to my Quit 9 to 5 Academy review! 

Does this system live up to its name? 

Can it actually help you quit your 9 to 5 and create a full-time income working from home?

I know I got into affiliate marketing JUST for that purpose, so I actually enjoy when a program comes out promising that it can help others do that. It aligns perfectly with my desire in helping you find ways to work from home. 

But you know what a lot of these programs are: 

All hype and no substance. 

I think this one is different. 

But, it’s not going to be cheap. (That CAN actually be a good thing. The cheapest products I’ve reviewed on here are generally not great.) 

Let’s take a look and check out the good (and the bad) in this Quit 9 to 5 Academy review

Here’s Why You’re Not Making More Money. (And 2 Steps to Making More)


Product: Quit 9 to 5 Academy ReviewCost: $2,497 (with a variety of options for payments) Owner(s): Mark Ling, Nick Torson and Max Sylvestre Good For: They say it’s good for anyone, from newbie internet marketer to advanced. But, I personally feel the concepts may be a little too hard to grasp for those new to this industry.

Quit 9 to 5 Academy review product image

What is QUIT 9 TO 5 ACADEMY?

As soon as you give up your name and email, you’re led to a sales page with a “shocking proof” video. The video includes a few testimonials talking about how Nick’s coaching and mentorship program have helped them increase their sales. 

Quit 9 to 5 Academy review testimonials

While these guys have big income claims, at least we can see that they’re real people with real claims and not actors. 

A couple of the testimonials mention Facebook ads and Facebook marketing. We’ll get back to this later because I just want to point out a couple of things with this. 

Hint –> Facebook marketing might be going through some changes soon, but we’ll talk about that later. 

Some testimonials have said: 

  • They increased their sales to over $1,000 a day 
  • 1 little trick got someone to their first $3000 day
  • Went from hundreds of dollars a day to thousands of dollars per day
  • Started making $1000 + per day consistently 

Will YOU be able to get the same results as them? These people may be experienced marketers already… 

After watching the video, there’s a PDF to download.

–> You can download the free PDF here if you want to take a look yourself.

There’s a big bold headline straight away. 

Quit 9 to 5 Academy review bold headline

I have no doubt that this is true. But again, we are probably talking about experienced marketers here. The PDF goes on to talk about their “Underground Profit Arbitrage” system. This is where, according to the PDF, “you buy traffic at a set price and send it to an offer in exchange for a commission when sales are made.” 

Underground Profit Arbitrage

The PDF claims that you don’t need to: 

  • have a massive email list
  • create or dropship any products
  • deal with needy customers
  • have a massive budget
  • create a brand
  • do any sales 

We get a little bit of a clue about how their system works in the PDF.

Max mentioned he used to day trade when he was younger, and they use a piece of that as a strategy in their system. 

Max's stock market strategy

The PDF does a pretty good job at showing us what this system is about, so let’s talk about it a little more. 

Check out the PDF for yourself here:

Quit 9 to 5 Academy PDF Download

How Does Quit 9 to 5 Academy Work? 

I read all 46 pages of the PDF so I could get a better idea about this program. There’s also a webinar, but I missed the first one. I’ll try to register for the second one and I’ll update this review with any new and pertinent information.

From what I gather from the PDF, this is all about using Facebook ads to sell affiliate products and offers. But it’s done in a systematic way by doing lots of testing, finding winners, and then rolling over your profits so that you can scale your income.

They have a graphic in the PDF that shows the steps in the system a little better:

Quit 9 to 5 Academy phase 1 graphic

In case you can’t read it, this is just phase 1 of 3, but they didn’t go into details about the other 2 phases. This phase includes:

  1. Competition Spying
  2. Market Research (including Targeting 101, Types of Targeting, Affinity
  3. Ratings, Ad Manager Suggestions, Audience Insights, )
  4. Test, Test, Test
  5. Track & Analyze Results
  6. Find a Winning Ad
  7. Trim the Fat
  8. Create Variations
  9. Scaling Up

What I do like about this PDF is that they give you some problems you might face trying to do this. It’s not all sunshine and roses! These issues are:

  1. It might take you longer than you think
  2. You might struggle to find the right offer
  3. Your creatives might flop
  4. You will need some communication skills (to talk to vendors)
  5. You need a proven business plan
  6. It’s just hard doing it alone

(And this is where the big sell comes in. More about that next.)

I was able to log onto their affiliate page, and they gave a breakdown of what you will get when you sign up with them.

Quit 9 to 5 Academy review - affiliate page

I’m pretty impressed, I have to say!

Is Quit 9 to 5 Academy a Scam or Legit?

I definitely don’t think this is a scam. Every once in a while a good product comes out on ClickBank. I think these guys are legit and they know what they’re doing.

Thumbs Up

Mark Ling is one of the creators of this, and he’s had numerous successful internet marketing products. Nick Torson and Max Sylvester are also very, very successful internet marketers.

I believe they can help people learn Facebook marketing and you can probably learn how to make a decent (even great) income with this.


(There’s always a “but”, right?)

It’ll cost ya.

Quit 9 to 5 Academy Review – Pros

  • Likely a good, legit product teaching you about leveraging Facebook marketing
  • Coaching by guys who know what they’re doing
  • Legit way of making money online
  • Huge income potential

Quit 9 to 5 Academy Review – Cons

  • It’s going to be costly to get help from these guys
  • You’ll have to pay for Facebook ads
  • Are Facebook ads going away? (See below)

It’s Going to Cost Ya

First of all, this is pricey. It’s $2,497. (They do have some installment plans and options to pay if you don’t have this amount up front.)

The thing is, if you can afford it, and you think that you can make that back and then some with this system, that price could be worth it to you.

I absolutely believe in investing in yourself and in your education, especially if what you’re investing in is going to being you back way more than you put into it. I can’t say for sure whether this course will do this though.

I believe in following in the footsteps of people who know what they’re doing. Since these guys are really good at what they do, I can imagine that if you follow exactly what they tell you, you will get results.

In fact, they even have this guarantee, which is pretty cool:


(Good news, if you don’t want to invest in this, I have a MUCH less expensive option for you below. It’s my #1 recommendation.)

Paying for Facebook Ads

In the PDF, they do mention that paying for Facebook ads doesn’t have to be a huge expense, and you can do it for as little as $25 a day. That’s not a terrible amount to pay, but that’s going to add up if your ads aren’t working right away.

This is just an additional cost that you’ll want to keep in mind.

Will Facebook Ads Be Around for Long?

I belong to a community (my #1 recommendation. See below.) and someone posted in there about the future of Facebook ads.

(Click the image to read the entire article.)

Facebook Ads going away?

The gist of the article is that Mark Zuckerberg announced that Facebook will be moving from more of a feed focus to a 1 to 1 messenger focus. Maxwell Finn (a Facebook ads expert) put out a video talking about the future of Facebook ads and the need for marketers to diversify. You can watch the video here.

I would just hate for you to invest in something that is so tied to Facebook marketing, and then it gets pulled out from under you.

With that said, I’m guessing a lot of the skills of what they teach can be used on other platforms. But it’s something to consider.

Look, the alternative I have for you is great. You can learn enough to make a full-time income in a VARIETY of ways, not just from one method like Facebook ads.

But, I also feel that you can learn a lot from the guys at the Quit 9 to 5 Academy. I just want to give you as much information that I can so that you can make an informed decision. If you decide to go with Quit 9 to 5 Academy, come back and tell me how the program is doing for you!

 Click here to go to Quit 9 to 5 Academy. 

The Alternative (WAY Less Pricey) Solution

As mentioned, I belong to a community where I can learn all kinds of ways to make money online. The main focus is through affiliate marketing. (Which is also the main focus of how you would make money via Facebook ads using the Quit 9 to 5 Academy.)

But there are many, many other ways you can learn how to make money online. That’s the beauty of being in a community of 400,000 + like-minded people!

Wealthy Affiliate will give you the tools and resources to be able to create a money-making affiliate marketing website, from start to finish, step by step.

While I think Facebook ads are a fine way to learn how to make money online, the main focus of what Wealthy Affiliate teaches is using great content to rank in search engines and drive FREE traffic.

(Although, we do have training in Facebook ads as well.)

You get so much for a fraction of the cost of Quit 9 to 5 Academy. Click here to see my Ultimate Wealthy Affiliate Review, and you’ll see everything the site has to offer.


If you have an interest in learning the ins and out of Facebook ads and want to learn from extremely successful internet marketers, and you can afford it, then Quit 9 to 5 Academy could be a great choice for you.

–> Click here to go to Quit 9 to 5 Academy.

If you’d like an alternative that will cost you much, much less and where you can learn from a huge variety of successful internet marketers, then I recommend Wealthy Affiliate.

–> Click here to go right to Wealthy Affiliate.

Do you have any questions or comments about this Quit 9 to 5 Academy review? Do you think it’s worth investing in something like this? Do you believe you can learn on your own, or does it pay to have coaching by top internet marketers? Leave me your thoughts below!

6 thoughts on “Quit 9 to 5 Academy Review (Big Cost, But Big Reward?)”

  1. Thanks for the post… This looks like interesting information.  I’m always leery when something is titled “Quit Your 9 to 5” or similar title.  If you have been online for any time at all… I’m sure you have seen many programs claiming to be able to help you quit your job if you just promote their program.  As we all know a majority of the stuff sold online is just Junk!  I agree with you #1 recommendation.  Wealthy Affiliate is an amazing training suite and support community.

    • Yes, I totally agree that most of the programs and systems out there claiming you can fire your boss and make loads of money while you’re off vacationing all the time are terrible! 

      However, I do think Quit 9 to 5 Academy is different. It’s backed by some really successful people. These guys know what they’re doing. 

      But because it’s so pricey, I think that will turn people away. 

  2. Hello, nice review on Quit 9 to 5 Academy. As you also stated in the beginning of the this review that you think this Quit 9 to 5 is not for beginners, I agree with you. Hardly will you see a beginner who has not made any money in online business or marketing and will be willing to part with that amount of money. Only those that are confident and had made money from online marketing I feel might be willing to take such risk. You mentioned wealthy affiliate towards the end of this article, I feel it a great alternative to this andi will advise anyone who’s not a member to click that link now so you can start making money online.

    • You bring up a good point. People who are new to internet marketing probably won’t have the capital to invest in something like Quit 9 to 5 yet. (Unless they already have money, but then they probably wouldn’t be stuck in a 9 to 5 in the first place!) 

      That’s why I also wanted to mention Wealthy Affiliate. It is a really, really affordable alternative with many different ways to learn how to earn online. 

  3. Wow! $2497 is a humongous amount of money! In fact, it runs into millions in Nigerian currency (naira).

    But, just as the price is a great, it’s seems like the profit is greater. $1000 to $3000 a day are huge amounts of money for an individual to make in a day. I’d have to be a government official in order to make such amount of money in a month. 

    Christina, your absolutely detailed review of Quit 9 to 5 Academy, complete with videos and PDF files, is enough to help one make up their mind to sign up, without need for looking elsewhere for more information and proof. I must not fail to compliment your amazing skill in putting together such a concise review.  

    • Thank you so much for the compliments on my Quit 9 to 5 Academy review. I try to be as detailed as I can when reviewing so that readers can make an informed decision whether it’s a worthy product to invest in or not. 

      It is certainly pricey, and because of that, may hold people back, but could be a great investment if you can afford it. Otherwise, Wealthy Affiliate is an excellent, affordable invest for everyone! 


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