What is Traffic Ivy? [Review] (Help Your Traffic Grow?)

Traffic Ivy Review

What is Traffic Ivy? Can it really help you get targeted traffic to your website or offers? We’re going to find out in this Traffic Ivy review.

If you have a blog, website, or share content in other ways such as social media, then you know that traffic is really important.

Because more traffic = more sales.

This is where Traffic Ivy claims they can help.

The quick and dirty explanation of this product is that you and other members share each other’s content to each other’s blogs, YouTube channels and / or social media accounts to help with backlinks and traffic.

But is it that easy?

I have some concerns.

Let’s talk about it all and see if this can actually help us.

How to: Affiliate Marketing for Beginners Free Guide

Here are the areas we’ll explore in this Traffic Ivy review.

  • What is Traffic Ivy?
  • How Does Traffic Ivy Work?
  • Is Traffic Ivy a Scam or Legit?
  • Building Up Traffic Takes Time, But It’s Not Hard
  • Community IS Important
  • Conclusion

What is Traffic Ivy?

Product: Traffic Ivy
Cost: Starts at $19.97
Owner(s): Cindy Donovan

Ciny Donovan (it’s nice to see a real person!), creator of Traffic Ivy, says this product can help you get laser-targeted traffic and backlinks from a network of blogs spanning any niche you choose. It can help make your content go viral.

Make your content go viral with Traffic Ivy

Cindy claims that you can have your content shared over multiple social media accounts and blogs with just a click of a button. And all the traffic you get is real.

All the traffic you get from Traffic Ivy is real

Cindy said she has sold over $1,000,000 in products and wouldn’t have had as much success without the power of community. Traffic Ivy is driven by a strong community.

She says this is how you use Traffic Ivy:

  1. Choose your points package
  2. Log into your members area
  3. Tell us where to send the traffic

Traffic Ivy can post articles on people’s blogs and social media accounts, post display banners on blogs and websites, or upload videos to their network of YouTube accounts.

The video claims that you’ll see ever-growing stream of real traffic.

See an ever-growing stream of real traffic
You can get real social shares on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Reddit, and the traffic is niche-targeted.

You’ll be able to see exactly where your content has been displayed, and you can leave feedback, ratings or comments within the Traffic Ivy community so that only the best traffic sources stay active.

Now, if you run out of points, you can earn more by sharing relevant community content. Then…

Spend your points on targeted traffic to your own offers

Traffic Ivy was created based on the idea of “You scratch my back, and I’ll scratch yours.”

Traffic Ivy is about mutual benefits

We have a basic understand of what Traffic Ivy is, but let’s dig in a little more to see how it really works.

How Does Traffic Ivy Work?

I do appreciate when you get to see a product demo, which is true for Traffic Ivy. It’s nice to see what you’re getting when you invest in something! You can see the full demo for yourself:


Here’s my understanding of how this all works based on the sales video and the demo.

First, you purchase points to use in Traffic Ivy. (Points packages start at $19.97.) You can then go into Traffic Ivy and use those points in a variety of ways.

For instance, you can write an article and spend points to have that article posted on other people’s blogs. Your article would go into the Marketplace where others can pick it up and post it on their own blog. They’ll get points for doing that, and you’ll get backlinks and traffic. (At least, that’s the hope!)

Traffic Ivy Marketplace

You can also do this with YouTube videos, ads, and social media posts.

When you run out of points, you can earn more by sharing other people’s posts and videos, etc. to your OWN social media accounts or blog. Or, you can purchase more points.

This seems like a great idea, but I have some concerns with this.

Is Traffic Ivy a Scam or Legit?

Sideways ThumbI definitely don’t think Traffic Ivy is a scam, and I think that Cindy is someone who is genuinely looking to help people solve a problem. Getting traffic to your site is definitely the most challenging aspect to having a successful online business.

But will Traffic Ivy actually solve this problem?

Traffic Ivy Review – Pros

  • Inexpensive to start
  • 30-day money-back guarantee if it’s not working for you
  • It looks to be easy to use
  • Good for people new who want to get their blog and offers out on the web quickly

Traffic Ivy Review – Cons

  • If more than one person shares the same article, this would be considered duplicate content
  • Sharing other people’s content on your social media sites could make your social media look spammy
  • Just because people post your content doesn’t mean it’ll get traffic

Perhaps the cons I have are more questions than actual cons. Let’s look at each one separately.

Duplicate Content

Maybe I need a better understanding of what happens in the Marketplace. But in my mind, my article gets posted there, and anyone on Traffic Ivy can pick it up to share and collect points for sharing. If 2 people share to their blogs, one would be considered duplicate content.

This means it wouldn’t be picked up by Google or the other search engines. Maybe this is OK because the purpose is more to gain backlinks and traffic from the other people’s blogs.

Sharing on YOUR Social Media Accounts

Again, I’m just thinking about how this would be put to practical use.

I imagine connecting my social media accounts, and then continuously blasting those accounts with different content. I suppose it would depend on the niche here, but this could make your social media accounts look very spammy.

Of course, this is optional as you could always buy more points versus earning them.

Will You Actually Get Traffic?

Let’s think about this for a second. The people in Traffic Ivy are looking for more traffic. There’s a good chance that most people in the system don’t have a lot of traffic (which is why they’re looking for it and why they’re using this product in the first place).

Therefore, if they post your article on their blog, but their blog gets no traffic, then how does this help YOU get traffic?

See what I mean?

This to me feels a little like the blind leading the blind.

Still Want to Try It?

I actually considered buying some points and testing it out on my smaller niche site to get a better feel for it, but I honestly don’t have much time to put it to good use right now. (Perhaps in the near future, and if so, I’ll update this review with my results.)

I don’t think it’s a bad product, really. I’m just not 100% convinced that it will work that great. (Which is why I’m giving it my middle thumb.)

I’m going to post the link here. I would love to hear from you if you buy this product. Can you let me know how it’s working for you? Leave me comments below, and I will update my review with your results.

Click here to try out Traffic Ivy.

Building Up Traffic Takes Time, But It’s Not Hard

I read a review of Traffic Ivy out there on the web and they said that this is a great product because “SEO is becoming impossible.” This is simply not true. You just need to learn how to get more traffic to your blog with the right SEO skills.

Yes, it takes time to gain trust with Google, sometimes up to a year if your site is band new (but not always that long)! But you CAN build that traffic up without a product like Traffic Ivy.

In fact, even if you decide to use Traffic Ivy, I encourage you to learn those skills anyway. What happens if this product doesn’t work for you? Or what happens if something happens to Traffic Ivy and the site shuts down?

If you’re always looking for the quick and easy solution, you’re just not going to get very far.

I encourage you to learn how to make Google and the other search engines happy while also making your readers happy.

That’s why I really recommend a product that I recently put to use called Affiliate SEO Mastery. It’ll teach you the skills to understand how to master SEO to increase your traffic more and more over time.

Community IS Important

I completely agree with Cindy that community is important, and the whole idea of “you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours” is a good one.

In fact, I belong to a pay-it-forward community of like-minded people who work independently, but also help each other out when requested. It’s built right into the community.

Not only that, but this is also a training platform that will teach you everything you need know about setting up and running a successful online business.

(Including how to get traffic to your site. Here’s one of the trainings we get on this in our community. You’ll have to be a member to see it fully, but I just want you to see what we have available.)

We have a STRONG community of over 400,000 people, all helping each other to succeed. There’s a reason why over 400,000 people are members.

It’s not by accident.

It’s because this is the BEST training platform and community there is, and it just gets better and better every year.

Come check it out and see for yourself. You can join as a Free Starter Member. (No credit card required.)


While Traffic Ivy sounds like a great idea, I’m not totally convinced it will work based on the fact that the people within the platform who are sharing your content likely don’t have a lot of traffic. If they don’t have a lot of traffic, then who’s going to read your content on their blog?

I do like the community aspect though, and I think having a support system while you build your online business can be a HUGE benefit.

That’s why I am sharing with you my #1 recommendation that is not only a HUGE community of like-minded people, but also a fantastic training platform. (It’s the one that taught me everything I know about getting this very site off the ground.)

Start a Free Account

Do you have any questions or comments about this Traffic Ivy review? Have you used this platform? I would love to hear your thoughts and if it’s working for you. Leave me comments below.

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What is Traffic Ivy? Traffic Ivy Review

12 thoughts on “What is Traffic Ivy? [Review] (Help Your Traffic Grow?)”

  1. Thank you for this great and wonderful post, I have been strategizing the best way to drive traffic to my site and this post has really provided great insights into that. I think at $19 the traffic ivy product is affordable. I will surely share this post with my friends.

    • Thanks for your thoughts on this Traffic Ivy review! Please let me know if you use it and it works for you, 

  2. Thanks for this review about Traffic Ivy, I am new to blogging and hopefully looking forward to getting traffic to my website. I have been looking for various programs to achieve this but I’m yet to settle for any of them. Can’t really wait to try this out. Thanks for the article, will be back for more helpful articles such as this. 

    • I’m glad this review on Traffic Ivy has helped you. Definitely give it a try and let me know how it works for you!

  3. This is the very first time am hearing about TRAFFIC IVY. Your post opened my eyes to be able to see the benefits of this program. I watched the video you posted on it and i must say that i do not also think that TRAFFIC IVY is a scam. Its worth giving a try, even the cost which starts at $19.97 is fair and not really on the high side. Thanks so much for this eye-opening post.

    • Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts about my Traffic Ivy review. I appreciate it!

  4. Hello Christina,

    Running a website can be quite tasking especially the need to drive traffic to your website. Without quality traffic, the survival and profitability of a website is really difficult.

    To this effect, I believe the traffic ivy is a legitimate package to help bloggers and online entrepreneurs drive the much needed traffic to their blog.

    The traffic ivy is a fantastic product and for the price, I believe it’s absolute value!

    • Hi Louis! I do think Traffic Ivy has the potential to be a good product. I’m just not 100% sure it will work well in bringing in loads of traffic. If you end up using it, I would love to hear how it works out for you! 

  5. Hi Christina,

    Thank you for sharing this great informational article about Traffic Ivy. This is the first time i will be reading about Traffic Ivy, and i trust from your article will make it my work easier. Christina I’m working as a affiliate marketer for a long time but can not bring good traffic. Can I get traffic using Traffic Ivy? I will share this article with my friends.

    • You can try to use Traffic Ivy to get more traffic. That’s the purpose of the product! However, I’m just not sure that it’s going to work very well. If you end up using it, let me know how it works for you! I’d love to hear what someone’s results are. 

  6. Hi Christina,

    I have been searching for a way to get backlinks to my Niche website and Traffic Ivy looks like the type of product that could really help me.

    I like the Idea of a community and people helping each other, in fact there is a very similar principle on Wealthy Affiliate.

    The thing I would like to know most about traffic Ivy is that would the backlings they generate be good back links or bad back links?

    Thanks for the review Christina I think if this product worksthen it could be an incredibly useful tool.

    • Hey Mark! 

      These should be good backlinks that you get from Traffic Ivy. The only thing is, I’m assuming that these won’t be authority sites, so I don’t think they’ll have a lot of power. It’s better if you can get backlinks from bigger sites. 

      It could be worth a shot though for less than $20. 


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