Is Prosperity Income Network a Scam? (100% Pyramid Scheme)

Let’s get this out of the way quickly. Is Prosperity Income Network a scam? You may have come across a strangely-named website called Receive Huge Checks either in your search for ways to make money online, or through an email you received. Or maybe you found this “opportunity” another way.

Either way, the answer in the same.

Prosperity Income Network is a scam. It’s a cash-gifting pyramid scheme.

I’m going to give you all the details about this program and why I really encourage you to stay far, far away from this one. Unless you enjoy losing money. Then, have at it!

Let’s dive in.

What is Prosperity Income Network?

Receive Huge Checks sales page

I received an email with this opportunity and it was called That’s a pretty funny name for a website, but really, it’s just a sales page and it’s pretty descriptive so I’ll give them that.

I’m writing this part before I even watch the video, and there’s one thing that stands out here and why I’ve already determined that this is a scam and you’re going to lose huge checks.

It’s the ol “Top Secret Phone Number” trick.

I’ve seen this one before with Abundance Network.

But let’s go through the video and see what it has to say.

Here’s What I Learned from Watching the Video

First, the video tries to have you imagine that you’ll be vacationing somewhere near a beach while big checks just roll in.

Then we’re introduced to Mack who has made a fortune with this program. Mack looks familiar and it’s because he was also in the Mailbox Profits review that I did. Another cash-gifting pyramid scam.

Mack calls himself a home-based business entrepreneur, but I think that’s stretching it. You’ll see why as I show you the ins and outs of this program.

He says that we’re going to discover 4 things:

  1. Why he recently joined P.I.N. (Prosperity Income Network)
  2. The 6 major problems in this industry
  3. The valuable products that we sell and how we earn money
  4. The amazing fast start bonuses

He says the key to making income online is with these two words “Big Ticket.”

Uh oh.

When you see these words, be afraid.

Big Ticket Sales are the way to riches with receive huge checks?

As I’m writing this, my blood is starting to boil.

This really pisses me off. I’ll explain why in a bit. I’m only 3 minutes into the video. lol

Mack tries to make this opportunity sound legit throughout the video because he keeps talking about the products that we’ll be selling. We’ll talk about why this is just a farce a little later.

How Does Prosperity Income Network Work?

All of these cash-gifting pyramid schemes basically work in the same way, and Prosperity Income Network is no different. There are several different levels you can join at. Here are the levels and how much it’ll cost you:

  • Level 1 (Deluxe Suite) – $2,000 + $197 Admin fee
  • Level 2 (Premium Suite) – $3,500 + $297 Admin fee
  • Level 3 (Master Suite) – $6,000 + $497 Admin fee
  • Level 4 (Diamond Eliite Suite) – $12,000 + $697 Admin fee
  • Level 6 (Executive Elite Suite) – $25,000 + $997 Admin fee

Prosperity Income Network levels

The amount of money you make is dependent on the level that you buy into. Here’s what you make on each level:

  • Level 1 = $1,400
  • Level 2 = $2,450
  • Level 3 – $4,200
  • Level 4 = $8,400
  • Level 5 = $17,500

So, let’s say you join at Level 1. Someone signs up under you at a Level 3. You earn $1,400 and the rest goes to the next qualifying person in your upline.

If you join at Level 5, you are qualified for all commissions.

You can see how tempting it would be to not miss out on commissions. And I’m sure the sales person that you talk to will try to talk you into the highest amount possible. They might even tell you to take out a loan. In fact, they have you covered with their financing option.

Prosperity Income Network has a financing option

They’ll probably tell you that you can earn it back easily.


You will lose money with this. That’s how pyramid schemes work. The people at the top collect your money while you lose it. Eventually, they collapse. That’s probably why Mack, a serial scammer, moved from Mailbox Profits to Prosperity Income Network.

Is Prosperity Income Network a Scam or Legit?

I think we’ve already gone over this, but Prosperity Income Network is a scam. I’m actually surprised when I see people online who are reviewing it and are not members and claim it’s not a scam. I don’t get it? It’s such a scam it’s not even funny.

But, I guess we all have different perspectives.


  • You could potentially make big money by scamming others, but you won’t and that’s not really nice anyway


  • Very expensive startup costs
  • There’s a great chance your “success coach” will try to talk to you into a higher level than you really want to join
  • You’re almost guaranteed to lose money
  • After you’ve joined at a level, you’ll also need to get traffic to your sales funnel, which will cost you even more money
  • Mack Mills is a serial scammer
  • Pyramid schemes always collapse and you will be at the bottom when it does

I know you’ll see the argument when researching this that it’s not a pyramid scheme because there are products attached to it. The problem is, the products are just worthless, digital training material that only helps you to sell the same system. They’re not “real” products. They’re not retail products.

I honestly don’t know how these scammers sleep at night. I guess that’s why they’re scammers – because they don’t care. They’ll take money from anyone and everyone. They target the most desperate of people. It makes me ill.

Big Ticket Sales – The Right Way

Mack does have a point when he talks about making big-ticket sales. But there’s a way to do that without having to scam people out of money.

My preferred way to earn an income online is through affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is promoting other people’s products for a commission. Most major companies have an affiliate program, as it’s a great way for them to make additional hands-off sales where they don’t have to pay employees.

You can make high-ticket sales through affiliate marketing in a way that lets you sleep at night.

For instance, you could set up a blog, or a YouTube channel where you promote exercise equipment. You can tell people all about the ins and outs of a NordicTrack treadmill, for instance, and help them decide if it’s right for them. If they purchase the treadmill through your affiliate link, you earn a commission.

A NordicTrack treadmill on Amazon can run up to $1700, and that will be a nice commission for you.

You can learn more about affiliate marketing through my free guide here.


Is Prosperity Income Network a scam? That’s a big, fat hell yes. It’s a cash-gifting pyramid scheme just like the ones I’ve seen time and time again. They try to convince you it’s legit because there are “products”, but the products aren’t retailable and they only help you sell the same scammy system to others.

I really want to help you save your money on these scams because these guys love to target the most desperate of people, the people who most need to make money. I have seen some sad tales of people who have lost thousands to these scammers. Please don’t be the next victim.

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