Abundance Network Review [Phone Pyramid Scheme?]

Welcome to my Abundance Network review! 

I’m really glad you’re doing your research before signing up for this program. I have done a bit of research myself to see what people think and I see some mixed reviews on it. Some people love it (although, they are trying to promote it) and some people don’t.

I wanted to give you my spin on it.

Just to be clear, I’m not promoting it. In fact, I’ll tell you straight up that I don’t trust it. And I’ll show you why below.

But you can read this Abundance Network review and decide for yourself. I just want to give you as much information as possible before you decide to send off your hard-earned $100 (plus) to some stranger on the internet.

Let’s dive into it.


Abundance Network is pretty easy to set up and use and the cost isn’t too high to get started. Where I have trouble with this is that it seems to be a straight up pyramid scheme. They say that they have a product, but the product is the phone sales funnel itself. You’ll sign up with the phone sales funnel, and then send people to the same phone sales funnel and try to get them to sign up, and so on. There’s no real product here and no real value to this.

  • Easy to set up
  • Fairly inexpensive
  • You’re not selling anything except for the same sales system
  • There are some hidden costs
  • This seems very much like a cash-gifting pyramid scheme
  • Pyramid schemes eventually collapse
  • Someone has to lose money in order for you to make money with a pyramid scheme
  • You don’t learn any new skills doing this
  • The owner has been involved in some shady businesses


You are free to do as you wish, but I personally would not sign up for this, and therefore I cannot recommend it. Cash-gifting pyramid programs are great for the people who start them, and not so great for all the people on the bottom.

(And also, they’re illegal.)

Interested in making money online, but tired of the scams and low-quality products? See my #1 recommendation instead.

What is Abundance Network?

I was introduced to the Abundance Network via a marketing email that I was sent. I had to go through a series of sales funnels to even get to the page. (Seriously, funnels and good and all, but no one wants to go though five before getting to the offer!)

I was shown a simple one-page graphic with a phone number to call and this headline:

I called the number and was given a short sales pitch about making $100-$500 per day through an easy, automated solution. All I had to do was “Press 1” to hear more about the offer. (Pressing 1 means that you’re opting in to hear the message and this complies with government regulations.)

Of course I did because I want to see what this is about.

From what I’ve learned, you pay a fee to the person who’s phone number you used, then you get to use the phone-based sales funnel that you listened to when you called the number.

Let’s go over this in an easier way: 

  1. You call the number that you received
  2. You pay a fee to that person
  3. You get your own phone number
  4. You send people to that number to go through the same phone sales funnel that you went through
  5. You collect $100 when someone signs up with you

It sounds easy, right?

Maybe, but let’s talk about it in a little more detail.

How Does Abundance Network Work?

As mentioned, Abundance Network uses a phone-based sales funnel to do the selling for you. In fact, they say on the sales call that the product that they’re selling is the phone-based sales funnel.

FYI, the reason they mention this about the product is because in order for a program like this to NOT be a pyramid scheme there has to be a product that is sold. I think the sales funnel being the product a little iffy, personally. But, you can use the sales funnel to gain leads for other businesses, so I suppose that is a positive.

How Much Does Abundance Network Cost?

There are actually a couple of up-front costs to Abundance network, and a couple of hidden costs you’ll want to be aware of. First, you will pay a one-time $100 fee directly to whoever sponsored you. Second, you will pay a $50 one-time fee to the company as an admin fee.

That’s really all the sales call tells you.

But if you dig a little further, you find out that there will be a little more costs involved.

For instance, from my research it looks like you also need to set up Twilio, which is an SMS and voice provider. This allows you to set up the automated messages from your phone number to your prospects. You can pay as you go with this service, or pay a monthly fee.

I can’t say for sure how much extra this will be because it’ll depend on your volume of calls, but let’s just say somewhere around $20 to start.

And how are you going to get people to see this number that you have? You can post it on social media, but I have a good feeling you will be ignored there. Then your only option is to pay for traffic.

Traffic can get really pricey…

Who’s Behind Abundance Network?

I’m happy to report that there is a real, live person behind Abundance Network. (If you haven’t read any of my posts before, I say this because a lot of the shadier products out there have unknown owners.)

The creator of Abundance Network is Jeff Long. I read up a little about him, and he has an interesting past of trying to launch these types of programs (at least 5 of them), each one of them failing. From what I’ve read, they were all some sort of pyramid scheme, so it’s not a surprise that they all collapsed.

I really enjoyed BehindMLMs write up of Jeff, as they seem to have done a lot of research on him. You may find it to be as interesting as I do.

Abundance Network’s Compensation Plan

To me, when I heard the sales message for Abundance Network, I thought when I sent out my phone number and someone joined with me, I would get a 100% commission of $100.

You do, but, like any good MLM, it has to be way more complicated than that. There are different levels and sometimes your commission gets passed up to the person who recruited you. And it does that for certain levels…


It’s confusing.

Go back up and read BehindMLMs post because they explain it way better than I ever could.

Is Abundance Network a Scam or Legit?

In my opinion, Abundance Network is a scam. It seems to be a cash-gifting pyramid scheme. I don’t see how this is much different than MOBE or Digital Altitude, which were both shut down by the FTC. This program might have less dollars attached to it, but the concept is the same. 

While they say there’s a product that you’re selling, you’re just selling the product to sell the product to sell the product. There’s no value in this type of thing. You don’t learn anything. You don’t acquire any new skills.

I’ve seen this type of thing a lot while creating these reviews. Here are some other cash-gifting and pyramid schemes that I’ve come across lately:

And I’m sure there are many, many more out there.


I hope this Abundance Network review gave you some clarity. I personally wouldn’t recommend the it from what I have seen. To me it’s nothing but a marketing system that will annoy people.

While it may be easy to get it set up and send people to the message, the hard part will be finding the people to send to it. Where will you find these people? You will likely have to buy traffic, and that will cost you.

Can you actually make enough with this to cover your costs? How many non-skeptical people out there can you find? I think it’s going to be a tough sell, but you are certainly free to do what you feel is right for you.

If you’d like another way, my favorite way to earn a living online is through affiliate marketing. See my #1 recommendation to learn affiliate marketing and see why over 130 people have already signed up with me this year.

Do you have any questions or comments about this Abundance Network review? Have you been involved in it, or any of the programs I mentioned above? What was your experience like? I’d love to hear from you. Leave me your thoughts below!

8 thoughts on “Abundance Network Review [Phone Pyramid Scheme?]”

  1. Hi!

    I love reading these reviews because I’m always floored by the crazy crap people think of to ‘sell’.  I have to agree with you that the ‘product’ doesn’t seem like much of a product to me.  A phone sales funnel.  Geez. So you send them money so that you can use their system to dupe OTHER people into sending their money.  Awesome.

    Thanks for your review, I’m happy to steer clear of this one!

    • Yup! Abundance Network is about you buying into the phone system so that you can then sell the phone system. They do say you can send leads to another program that you want to promote using the sales funnel, but I know most people aren’t in it for that. 

  2. When I first got introduced to business pyramids, I thought they were total scams and even illegal until ne day; I went to NC for a conference and it so happened that the founder of that pyramid I was involved in was Donald Trump. That was when I came t realize that it doesn’t precisely mean that pyramids are schemes. However, as you said; who would want to try 5 funnels before the real thing?

    • Oh, that’s interesting that Donald Trump was at the top of the pyramid you belonged to. Funny! I think they become schemes when there’s no real product involved. Most MLMs are pyramids, but they usually have a nice product to sell, so they’re not schemes and not illegal. 

      The thing with Abundance Network is that there really isn’t a product that you’re selling. They say it’s the sales funnel system, but really? Come on. That’s not a product. 

  3. There are so many scammers out there taking people’s money. They have the upper hand, because people are always dealing with money over the internet. 

    I think it’s a good thing to show people who the real scams are, so people can avoid such situations. These people Make a living online with their scams.

    Great article on this topic. Thanks for the warning.



    • Thanks so much for commenting on my Abundance Network review. To be clear, I didn’t call it a scam (although you’re free to feel that way). But I think the FTC would have a really good look at it, that’s for sure. 

  4. LOL, if this were something easy to get legit, then it wouldn’t be a thing to begin with. Essentially it’s all based on deceiving gullible people. That’s how the first person got started. That’s how you will do it. And that’s how the next person will do it. You don’t provide any value to anyone, all you’re doing is sucking others dry. At some point people figure it out and the firm fails. Just like the previous 5 cases the owner was involved in. Let alone, what do people even expect to make with this? To get to a full-time income you’ll need to trick like 15-20 gullible fools into this joke every month let alone the compensation plan.

    • haha, you get it! And you are so right about tricking 15-20 people every month to join. It’s just not going to work out in the long run for most people. I’ve been involved in pyramid schemes before I got it together and decided to create an income online legitimately, and it sucks to lose your money in one. 


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