Is 30 Day Success Formula a scam, or a real home-based business opportunity? We’re going to answer that question (and so much more in this 30 Day Success Formula review. (The BBB will pretty much answer this for us a little later.)
I’m glad you’re doing your research because this is one you definitely want to read all about before buying into it. 30 Day Success Formula came across my radar two times today, so I thought that was a nudge that I should take a look at it.
The sales page claims that you can make a $5000 – $25,000 per month with this “real, workable, honest to goodness highly lucrative business.” They’re using a lot of buzz words to make you feel like this is a good, honest program, but is it really?
Let’s take a look and see if the 30 Day Success Formula is a scam or legit.
What is 30 Day Success Formula?
The 30 Day Success Formula sales page claims that you can make anywhere from $5000 – $25,000 per month:

There’s usually a catch (a BIG catch) to making these high sales, and we’ll definitely talk about all of that below.
Who is the 30 Day Success Formula Owner?
The co-owner and Director of this formula is someone by the name of Simon Petrowski. I really couldn’t find anything on Simon, so it’s hard to actually tell if he’s a real person, or a made up character.
I couldn’t find anything else out about the name(s) of the owner(s). The sales page only mentions Simon. Usually it’s a red flag when the owners hide themselves. In this case, it doesn’t surprise me at all. You’ll see…
What is 30 Day Success Formula About?
The sales page says that there are 6 distinct qualities to this business:
- Super high commissions. Up to $10,000. (Do you know how you get these commissions? I’ll tell you later…)
- A second to none reputation. (Um, we’ll see about that.)
- They pay for the first ad campaign, and they handle all calls and ship all orders.
- Affordable entry. They have low-ticket and high-ticket entries into the program.
- Fresh, high quality leads. They get a 3% response rate.
- Real products that help you earn extra money.
The sales page claims that:
- you don’t need any special computer skills
- there’s no need for employees
- the company is about integrity and credibility (oh, we’ll see about that…)
- no inventory
- you get top quality leads
- you get in on “the ground floor” (uh oh. This phrase usually means trouble)
- no hard sales
- ongoing support
How Much Does 30 Day Success Formula Cost?
Here’s a chart from the sales page that breaks down the different levels and the costs associated with those levels.
Here are the costs associated with the different levels:
- Level 1: $89
- Level 2: $250
- Level 3: $1000
- Level 4: $2500
- Level 5: $5000
- Level 6: $12,500
- Level 7: $27,500
Have your eyes popped out of your head yet? Because mine sure did! Now you see why you can make high-ticket sales. You can make those big sales when YOU buy into the high-ticket offers. That’s the catch.
What Do You Get with Each Level?
- Level 1: Having a Successful Mindset & a Welcome to Success Kit
- Level 2: Everything from Level 1, plus Lead Generation training
- Level 3: Everything from the first 2 levels, plus 5 additional training modules on advertising, productivity and more
- Level 4: Everything from the first 3 levels, plus 4 additional trainings (not sure on what – the sales page doesn’t say)
- Level 5: Everything from the first 4 levels, plus access to Fast Track Credit Repair and a website
- Level 6: Everything from the first 5 levels, plus an 80 Paydex Score for your corporation and $350,000 funding capacity (What does that mean? I have no idea!)
- Level 7: Everything from the first 6 levels, plus the option to spend more money to purchase a done-for-you online store
So, you can see that there is some training here. However, from the research I’ve done, and from my understanding, this training is there to help you sell the 30 Day Success Formula. Just keep this in mind for a little later.
How Much Can You Make with 30 Day Success Formula?
Here is what you can make at each level of the program:
- Level 1: $30 commission from direct sales and $20 commission from indirect sales
- Level 2: $100 commission from direct sales and $50 commission from indirect sales
- Level 3: $400 commission from direct sales and $200 commission from indirect sales
- Level 4: $1000 commission from direct sales and $400 commission from indirect sales
- Level 5: $2000 commission from direct sales and $500 commission from indirect sales
- Level 6: $6000 commission from direct sales and $1500 commission from indirect sales
- Level 7: $10,000 commission from direct sales and $5000 commission from indirect sales
I know what you’re thinking. Wouldn’t it be nice to make $10,000 in commissions? Oh, yes it would. But let’s talk about how all of this works and then see if it still sounds good to you.
How Does 30 Day Success Formula Work?
You want to make $10,000 per sale. Yes, don’t we all? But remember, there’s that catch. In order to make that level of commissions, you need to invest in the level 7 option yourself. Are you ready to shell out $27,500?
And how are you going to get people to buy into that amount in order to make your money back? You’re going to have to buy tons and tons of leads (which will likely cost thousands more).
Let’s say you buy in at a lower level. Maybe just the $250 level. If you get someone in at the $5000 level, you still only make $100. The difference goes to the next person above you who’s at the $5000 level. That pressure to buy higher up might be really tough.
Do you see how they say there are no hard sales? On the sales page they mention that they’ll even close sales for you. That means they have a sales team ready to get people on board. Which means…
They’re also going to be trying to sell YOU when you join. And they’ll sell you at the highest level possible. If you decided to go into 30 Day Success Formula despite my warnings, just be prepared.
This is a Pyramid Scheme
In case this hasn’t been clear at all during this review, 30 Day Success Formula is a pyramid scheme. According to the FTC:
“Pyramid schemes now come in so many forms that they may be difficult to recognize immediately. However, they all share one overriding characteristic. They promise consumers or investors large profits based primarily on recruiting others to join their program, not based on profits from any real investment or real sale of goods to the public. Some schemes may purport to sell a product, but they often simply use the product to hide their pyramid structure.” You can read their full article here.
Doesn’t that sound just like 30 Day Success Formula? The FTC says the internet makes it really hard to stay away from these schemes because there are so many and they come in many different forms. In fact, I recently reviewed two others:
- Too Damn Easy (A cash-gifting postcard mailing pyramid scheme)
- The Downline Building Network (A postcard mailing pyramid scheme)
I’m sure there will be many more to come!
30 Day Success Formula Complaints
Taking a look at the Better Business Bureau website for 30 Day Success Formula is pretty eye-opening. If this doesn’t scream red flags, then I don’t know what does:
The BBB gives them an F rating, and they’ve had 150 complaints in the last year. You can read about all of that here.
The 30 Day Success Formula complaints say things like:
- I paid my money, but I never received anything like I was supposed to
- I want a refund, but they keep making excuses and won’t give it to me
- They never sent my mailings and I can’t get a refund
This makes me really sad.
And angry that there are people out there that do this to others. I seriously wonder how they sleep at night…
Is 30 Day Success Formula a Scam or Legit?
Is 30 Day Success Formula a scam? In my opinion, yes, it’s a cash gifting scam. Just look at the complaints from the BBB. That’s all you need to know.
If you j0ing this program (or any others out there like it) you will almost certainly lose your money.
- There is a slight chance you could make money with this
- It’s fairly easy to get started
- You can get in at a low price
- You will be pressured to buy in at higher levels
- We don’t know who the owners are (Easy for them to take off with your money)
- Pyramid schemes aren’t sustainable and will collapse at some point
- Really expensive to get in at the highest level
- You’re buying the product to then only learning how to sell the product
- Will have to spend more money on ads and leads
- Most people will lose money with this
The Biggest Problem with Pyramid Schemes
For me, the biggest problem with pyramid schemes is that in order to make it work, people have to lose money. In order for the people at the top to cash in, they take money from people at the bottom.
I don’t know about you, but I just wouldn’t feel good about that.
There are many ways to make money from home, and you can even make really great money. AND you don’t have to spend an arm and a leg to do it. AND you don’t have to take from others to do it.
Learn about my recommended way to make money online next…
An Alternative: Affiliate Marketing
I personally enjoy and recommend affiliate marketing as a way to make money online. Here’s how it’s better than something like 30 Day Success Formula:
- No big investments. You may invest in training, a domain name and hosting to get started, but that’s minor compared to what’s presented here.
- You can promote anything you like as long as it has an affiliate program (most major companies do, including Amazon)
- Instead of taking money from people at the bottom to pay people at the top, affiliate marketers work for themselves and create their own incomes
- You help people by answering questions or help them solve a problem and they will purchase products from you where you can earn a commission
- You don’t need to buy leads to make affiliate marketing work
- No limit on the amount of income that you can make (only limited by your effort)
To me, affiliate marketing is the best of all worlds. You make money by helping people. For instance, you probably typed into Google “is 30 Day Success Formula a scam?” or something similar. My goal was to help you answer that question.
I hope I was able to gain your trust throughout the article by providing you with as much truthful information as possible. You may remember me, come back to my site, and maybe purchase something from my site at some point. Then I will make affiliate commissions.
Affiliate marketing is truly a win-win for us all.
(P.S. There are scammy affiliate marketers to watch out for too. I do plenty of reviews of scammy products out there. People are people and some people are scammers.)
30 Day Success Formula may not be an outright scam, but it’s definitely a pyramid scheme. (I guess that actually makes it a scam.) And if you see reviews out there of people who say it isn’t, that’s because they’re trying to get you to buy into it.
There are many ways to make money online (here’s a list of 50 that I put together), but my recommended method is affiliate marketing. I’ll walk you through exactly how it works here.
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Hi Christina
This reminds me of the good old pyramid scheme. Where there is no concrete products and all the training and course you get is about selling the program. In short the only way or main way if making money is by inviting people to join the program. At the end of the day if you don’t get anyone to join your money is wasted.
I like your recommended Option because you get the training to apply for your own business and it is not a must for one to promote the platform, you can choose your own niche and make your money without stress. And your friends and family will not run away from you, lol.
30 Day Success Formula is certainly a pyramid scheme. I’ve been involved with things like that in the past. I think I belonged to a pyramid scheme, an MLM (or 2 or 3) and a cash gifting scheme in the past. I know how they work, and I know they DON’T work. (For the most part. Some MLMs are OK.)
I lost money on all of those, and that’s how I know that that’s likely what will happen here too. Unless you’re one of the guys at the top. But you aren’t because those guys have already been established.
I like when my friends and family don’t run away from me! lol I even have some advice on my site for people to generate network marketing leads without annoying your friends or family. (Been there, done that with chasing leads.)
It makes me wonder how come some people believe what is said in sales videos. I guess the owner or whoever is behind this 30 Day Success Formula is only pushing his product without any given value to the customer.
When I was searching for some educational platform 2 years ago I saw so many such products. I got sick and tired of these tricks.
Most of such products I found on ClickBank. It is not easy to find legit platform for a reasonable price these days..
Thanks a lot for your review, I am sure it is an eye-opening for many newbies.
Well, I think people believe the sales videos and sales pages because they WANT to believe they can make a load of money fast and easy. It’s easy to buy into that.
But, as you said, it’s all tricks!
Anything worthy of doing is going to take some time and energy. You don’t need to spend a ton of money either. It’s cheap and easy to get a website started. You can even do it free here.
This scheme puts me off right away,I would never want to spend so much money, on a proposition where the up sells are so high.
Secondly I would not get involved in any form of pyramid scheme,if you are among the first few to get involved,you may make a bit of money,but after that you will definitely get burned,we have had several in our area,and all of their owners ended up getting prosecuted.
Again the warning signs are there for scams,promises of high incomes,owners who are anonymous or hard to get hold of.
What I find very strange is ,that if you sell something in a higher category,you do not get the full commission but only the commission for your category,this doesn’t encourage you to sell,but only to buy the next level up sell.
Right, I think there are people who maybe lose a lot of money because they have that mindset that they need to be at the highest level possible to make the most amount of money. If they’re not, they’re going to lose out.
Meanwhile, by buying into this thing in the first place, they’re REALLY going to lose out.
Hi, my name is Larry Franchi and I’m here to tell you 30 Days to Success is definetely a SCAM. Do not waste your money. I joined in April of 2019. To date my mailings have not gone out and now I am being told they are not making any new mailings, yet they continue to promote the opportunity with their sizzle call. I spent $250 – Never received the services I paid for and I am not getting a refund. So much for their 90 day Guarantee.
They essentially STOLE my money. Don’t let them do the same to you….
Wow! I’m so sorry to hear that. I appreciate you telling us your story so others can be warned. Was the $250 in cash? I was thinking if it were on a credit card you could call them and tell them what happened and maybe do a chargeback. You really have to be on your toes with these “opportunities” out there.