Is Real Profits Online a Scam? [Review]

Real Profits Online Review

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I got another money-making product sent to me by one of my friends who is determined to make me rich! My friends are soooo thoughtful. This one is called Real Profits Online. The headline on the sales video (I’ll show you in a minute) says a “weird trick” was discovered and now we can make up to $500 a day! Wow! Is it true? Or is Real Profits Online a scam? We’re about to find out. Keep reading if you want to find the answer.

We are going to go all through Real Profits Online, but I always like to give you the opportunity to learn how to actually make real profits online through my #1 way of doing it. I don’t want to bog you down with all the details here, so instead I’d like to point you to my Free Guide to Making Money Online for Beginners.

This guide will take you through the process of how to make a legitimate income online. No weird tricks or secrets or loopholes. Nothing like that. Just a real source of income. Now don’t worry about clicking on the button. The guide will open up in another window. I wouldn’t want you to miss out on this Real Profits Online review! (Or, maybe you do want to miss out. I wouldn’t blame you. This one’s going to be a doozy!)

Click the Button to Get Access to My Free Guide to Making Money Online for Beginners and Learn a Way to Make REAL Profits Online Without All the Secrets and Weird Tricks.

Free Guide to Making Money Online

Here are the areas we’ll explore in this Real Profits Online review.

  • What is Real Profits Online?
  • How Does Real Profits Online Work?
  • Is Real Profits Online a Scam or Legit?
  • Learn Affiliate Marketing the RIGHT Way
  • Let’s Recap

What is Real Profits Online?

Product: Real Profits Online
Cost: FREE! Oops, nope it’s actually $47
Owner(s): Mark Douglas (Likely a fake name and probably not this guy.)
[yasr_overall_rating size=”medium”]

So, here’s what the video looks like even before we even click the “Play” button:

Real Profits Online Sales Video

There’s already weird tricks and secrets that can make up to $500 a day! I’ve seen enough of these videos by now to know that these are all red flags and we need to be on alert with this one. This video will likely be full of hype and tricks! Let’s see!

Our narrator starts by telling us he watched “this guy” (not sure who that is yet) hold a beer in one hand and a computer mouse in the other. He clicked the mouse a few times and “Bam!” He set up a website that could pull in about $500 a day. Just like that!

Here’s what else I learned from watching the video:

  • You just have to click your mouse a couple of times to make real profits of $500 per day or more
  • This isn’t some phony guru scam BS crap
  • This is a real site, selling real products, making real profit
  • You don’t have to spend a lot of time or money setting up a Real Profits Online website
Real Profits Online Sales Video

(Yup! Sounds like every other video I’ve seen from my Reviews: Not Recommended list. )

Our narrator says he’s going to hand this to us absolutely free! (I bet there’s a catch. We’ll have to see…)

I have to enter my name and email to get to the next video to see how this really works. Good thing I have an email address JUST for all my friends to send me their get-rich-quick opportunities. They also want a mobile number. Good thing people post scammer phone numbers online. 🙂

Now I’m on to the next sales video. This one starts with some testimonials.

This Testimonial Guy says he’s made over $4400 in just 8 days!

Real Profits Online Testimonial Guy

How about this Testimonial Guy who’s made almost $12,000 in just 3 weeks?

Real Profits Online Testimonial Guy 2

This Testimonial Guy said he made $762 the first day he joined!

Testimonial Guy 3

Too bad that these are all fake. These are actors from a site called

Testimonial Guy Fiverr Actor

We get back to our narrator and he says you can have non-stop cash pouring into your bank account. Completely on auto-pilot. You can make loads of money without:

  • Any actual selling
  • Sending emails
  • Talking on the phone
  • Or doing practically anything at all

You’ll get your own FREE Real Profits Online website and then you can start making money…

Real Profits Online Sales Video

Our narrator says there IS a catch. They have to limit this opportunity to the first 250 people who get in on this. (hahahahaha. They ALWAYS say this crap!) Do NOT share this video with anyone. (lol)

Our narrator finally introduces himself as Mark Douglas. He says he’s not techie at all and he barely knows how to use the stuff on his phone. He says that most of these products out there are crap and the only people making money from them…

Real Profits Online Sales Video

(It’s hilarious when these guys try to make themselves look different from those other “scumbag gurus”.)

So what about that FREE website that they’ll give you? Well, it costs $47 for your FREE website. (Rolling my eyes.) I couldn’t watch the rest of the video because it kept going on and ON endlessly. But I’m pretty sure they would say the $47 is for “hosting”. We’ve seen this trick before in the Money Sucking Website review.

Let’s move on. We’ve wasted enough time here!

How Does Real Profits Online Work?

Who knows? Do you think they actually tell you what you’ll be doing to make all this money? Nope! You’re just supposed to hand over your hard-earned cash and cross your fingers. They do give us a clue at the end of the second video. They talk a lot about Amazon and how your site will be “backed” by them.

So what I’m thinking is that you’ll get a done-for-you website filled with Amazon products. When people purchase those products from your site, you’ll make a commission. This is called affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is what I do, and it’s a fantastic way to do business online.


Not the way Real Profits Online does it.

Is Real Profits Online a Scam or Legit?

Thumbs DownI didn’t purchase the product so I’m not comfortable calling it a scam, but I suuurrrreee want to! 🙂 Should we talk about all the red flags? Sit back, relax and grab some coffee because this might take some time.

Red flags:

  • Saying it uses a “weird online trick” (there was no such thing revealed)
  • Calling it a “secret” system (affiliate marketing is hardly a secret)
  • Saying you can make $500 per day
  • Using fake testimonials
  • The fake testimonials giving HUGE income claims, and implying you can do the same
  • Saying it takes just a few minutes to set up and “just a few clicks”
  • Calling the “other” guys scumbag gurus and trying to look different
  • Trying to connect this crap to Amazon
  • Saying this is a free site when it actually costs $47 (plus I’m sure they’ll hit you with upsells to try to take even more of your money.)
  • Saying this doesn’t take any work

Is that enough? I think that’s enough. You get the point. While I don’t 100% know what you get for your $47, I’m guessing you get a website that’s already done for you. You fill it in with Amazon products. Will this actually work? Um, NO!

There are a few problems with this:

  1. If your website is done-for-you, it will look like other people’s websites who also buy into this system. Google will consider this duplicate content and your site will never rank. If your site doesn’t rank, you won’t get traffic. If you don’t get traffic, you won’t get sales.
  2. Since this is a done-for-you site, if something happens to Real Profits Online, your website will be toast. They could close up shop (or get in trouble for making huge income claims and have to disappear) and your website will go down with it.
  3. If your site is just filled with products and doesn’t have any useful content, no one will trust it.

Besides all these issues, just the fact that they imply it’s so easy to make an income online and it just takes a few clicks of a button to start making thousands is INSANE and that’s all you need to avoid this one.

Affiliate marketing IS an awesome way to make money online, but let’s talk about how to do it in a way that will actually work.

Learn Affiliate Marketing the RIGHT Way

Money GrowingThis website is an affiliate marketing website. Do you see what’s on here? Content. Lots and lots of content. Did this happen in just a few minutes with a few clicks of a button? Haha, I wish!

I absolutely love affiliate marketing and I think it’s so much fun, but it does take work. I don’t just spend a couple of minutes a day working on this website. I spend MANY minutes a day. Usually hours! (You work on your own time and schedule though, so this is really up to you. The more you work, the faster your results generally speaking.)

You can create a GREAT income with affiliate marketing. But it takes time to get things up and running and getting traffic. Realistically, it could take many months to get a steady income growing. Don’t be sad about that. You just work at it until it starts to snowball.

I just want to set your expectations the right way because all these scammy marketers out there make it seem SO easy to make tons of cash. The problem is that you buy into their programs, but they don’t deliver! So then you’re out more money and more time.

Why not learn to do things the right way, take your time and REALLY give yourself a chance to be successful? Then you’ll have lasting and sustainable income. It. Will. Be. Worth. It.

I learned how to put this site together through a training platform called Wealthy Affiliate. Wealthy Affiliate teaches you how to put a website together with step-by-step video training. They’ll take you through the ENTIRE process, from start to finish. By the end of training, you’ll have a fully functional website! After that, it’s up to you to grow your site into a profitable business!

But Wealthy Affiliate will be there every step of the way. You’ll have full support – technical support and support from a HUGE community of like-minded people. I still learn and grow daily from being at Wealthy Affiliate. I can not recommend this site enough. It has changed my life and thousands of other lives.

Take a look at my Wealthy Affiliate Review to see everything that you get with this amazing platform. You will NOT be disappointed.

Click the Button to Read My Wealthy Affiliate Review and See ALL That They Have to Offer. They Provide EVERYTHING You Need to Get Your Business Started!

My #1 Recommendation

Let’s Recap

Do you want to change YOUR life? Try Wealthy Affiliate free to see if it’s right for you. You can become a Free Starter Member and check out all the site has to offer. Wealthy Affiliate differs from Real Profits Online because they WANT you to see what they’re all about. They don’t want to hide anything.

The difference is that they provide REAL value. They’re not just trying to take your money and run. The owners (REAL people named Kyle and Carson) want their customers to be successful. They know that if we’re successful, we’ll recommend them and they’ll be even more successful. It’s a win-win!

Whoever’s behind Real Profits Online doesn’t care if you’re successful or not. Because once people start to complain, or try to return the product, they just re-brand their crappy product and put it out as “new” to trick even more people into buying. Wealthy Affiliate has been around since 2005 and they continue to get better and better. They’re not going anywhere. 🙂

You can become a Free Starter Member and you don’t even need a credit card. You can also stay a free member as long as you’d like. I don’t recommend it because there’s SO much more to learn as a Premium Member. All of our most successful members are Premium Members. But it’s your choice! Ready to try?

Click the Button to Become a Free Starter Member and See How Wealthy Affiliate Can Teach You the RIGHT Way to Be a Successful Affiliate Marketer!

Click Here to Start a Free Account

Do you have any questions or comments about Real Profits Online? Have you tried this system? Did it work for you? Have you tried affiliate marketing? What did you think? Leave me comments down below!


6 thoughts on “Is Real Profits Online a Scam? [Review]”

  1. Hi Christina, thanks for exposing a scam site again. Real profit is a scam from this comprehensive review you wrote. I’ve fallen into few pits of scam before I came across a legit way of earning online through the wealthy affiliate platform. I just say b it’s the best thing that has happened to me this year.

    Truth be told, there is no short cut to success, diligence, persistence and hard work is the key although not forgetting the God factor. 

    • There are soooooo many of these videos out there, it’s almost hard NOT to fall victim to at least one of them. I have too in the past. Thankfully I know what to look out for now, and I’m hoping by writing these reviews I’ll help others know as well. 

      I totally agree with your last statement. If you can stay the course and put the work in, you will be greatly rewarded! 

  2. Hi, I’m so glad that you helped me understand more about real profits and how it works. I too got an email from a friend who said this would be something really new and I should try it for free.

    It’s not easy to if a software program like this is good or not if one doesn’t have much experience. I’m glad that you as a professional look into these things and share what you learned.

    I still am interested in making money online, do you think affiliate marketing is something to look at after all?

    • Hi Stefan! Thanks for stopping by. The problem with these systems is that they promise so much and usually deliver so little. They just don’t teach you a sustainable way to actually make an income online. Really, the people behind these products probably DO make a good living online, but only because they’re selling their products to people who buy into their sales videos. Not from the actual system that they’re promoting! 

      Affiliate marketing is an awesome way to make a living online. You just have to set proper expectations. You’re not going to make money overnight. It’s going to take consistent work in order to make something happen. But if you can stay the course, you WILL make money and eventually a full-time income. It will be worth it. But you have to stick through the slow parts. 

  3. Hi Christina, I enjoyed this review a lot.   I was hitting my saturation point reading about Real Profits Online’s promises and explanations just before you concluded your review.   Thanks for stopping it when you did.   

    After all, people need to be realistic.   If it was that easy to earn $300, $400, or $500 a day; that “weird trick” would be advertised on every news outlet around and so many people would be signing up for it, their servers would crash.    Then the news outlets would be talking about that also.   

    Just think how much hype this is about big lottery jackpots that come up sometimes.   Everyone is talking about it.   As much as people want their to be an easy way to earn that much money every day without practically no effort, there isn’t.   Well short of winning the lottery or inheriting a large sum of money.   

    Now on the other hand, your website looks amazing.   Did you say that you learned how to build it as part of your Wealthy Affiliate training?   I am impressed.   

    p.s.  Sorry this got so long.   When I hear about companies like this, I find myself frustrated that there are people that would fall for their promises.      

    • Thanks for stopping by, Sondra! I completely agree that if it were so easy to make $500 with some weird trick that everyone would be signing up. I’d be first in line! lol But unfortunately, that’s just not the case as you’ve pointed out. 

      I appreciate your comments on my website. Yes, I learned how to build it with Wealthy Affiliate‘s training. I still learn new things every day about how to improve. I think I would still be spinning my wheels and falling for those scam sites if not for finding Wealthy Affiliate. 


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