What is EB Formula? Is It a Scam? [Review]

Eb Formula Review

A couple of my friends sent me this new product to look at. In fact, my friend Martin Price from Kindle Sniper sent it to me a couple of times. I suppose he really wants me to look at it! Oh, I will Martin. I will. What is EB Formula? Can you actually make over $3,000 on eBay with no investment required? Or is EB Formula a scam? We are going to find out soon!

But first let me tell you about my favorite way to make money online. Yes, we will go all through EB Formula, but because I’ve reviewed many of these types of products already, I can tell you that this one will likely be no different. You’ll get some hype. They’ll tell you how easy it is to make money. And they’ll want you to buy their product, where you probably will make very little (and likely zero) money.

It’s sad, I know! But I’m here to cheer you up because my favorite way to make money online is through affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is a completely legitimate way to make a living working from home. The thing is, you have to learn how to do it the right way. Otherwise, you’ll struggle to make money.

I’m here to help you NOT struggle and to NOT waste your money on crappy products. Instead of me blathering on about this, let me just give you access to my Free Guide to Making Money Online for Beginners. I’ll take you through the whole process of affiliate marketing and how it all works, and I’ll even show you how you can have your very own free website set up in just seconds!

Click the Button to Get Access to My Free Guide to Making Money for Beginners!

Click Here for My FREE Guide to Making Money Online

Here are the areas we’ll explore in this EB Formula review.

  • What is EB Formula?
  • How Does EB Formula Work?
  • Is EB Formula a Scam or Legit?
  • Build A Website That Makes Residual Income
  • Wealthy Affiliate Versus EB Formula

What is EB Formula?

Product: EB Formula
Cost: $37
Owner(s): Dan Wright (Fake name and probably not this Dan Wright.)
[yasr_overall_rating size=”medium”]

Upon looking at the sales page, it’s not too, too bad. There’s a little hype here, but it’s not as bad as some that I’ve seen. I mean, I guess you need *some* hype to make someone interested enough to click on the play button. I can’t totally fault them for that.

EB Formula Sales Video

I clicked on the play button, and there it is. 3 seconds into the video and now we’re getting the hype. That certainly did not take long.

EB Formula Sales Video

Here’s what I learned from watching the video:

  • This is the system ordinary people across the globe are using to make $40,000 a month
  • You can be up and running in minutes
  • Make money while you’re at the movies or the beach
  • Making money couldn’t be easier!
  • Using the EB Formula is as simple as tying your shoelaces

These people now live in big houses thanks to this system:

EB Formula Sales Video Testimonials

(Um, no. These are actors. I know that couple on the right there pretty well by now. We just saw them in my Cash Money Sites review. They also made an appearance in my Inbox Income review. I’m glad they’re getting work, but they’re definitely not making money with these systems they’re promoting!)

You don’t need to worry about having any:

  • Special skills
  • Qualifications
  • Relevant experience

Our Testimonial Guy says he’s made tons of money with EB Formula, and it was so simple! (Again, no. He’s an actor from Fiverr.com. Companies use actors all the time on TV, but they have to disclose that they’re actors. These sales videos rarely disclose it, so I’m doing it for them so that you don’t get tricked into thinking this is real.)

EB Formula Testimonial Guy

This has nothing to do with:

  • Bitcoin
  • Cryptocurrencies
  • Forex trading
  • Binary options
  • Scams
  • Cons
  • Ponzi schemes

EB Formula works with eBay. Most people have no idea that eBay could be their ticket to a life of luxury.

Dan introduces himself and tells his story. Dan’s an artist. He went to school and shared a room with a business and finance undergraduate named Warren. They went into business together. Warren duped Dan and took all the money! He felt hopeless but by some miracle another friend of his messaged him and saved the day! He told Dan all about how he makes LOADS automatically using eBay.

EB Formula Sales Video

(Virtually no work, eh? Can you just picture my eyebrow raising at that one?)

Dan opened up the EB Formula and in less than 20 minutes he was set up and ready to make sales. When he checked his email that evening, it was full of purchase notifications!

EB Formula Sales Video - It's so Easy

With the EB Formula, there was absolutely nothing for Dan to do, so he started making sales immediately. He also discovered how to make sales without having to buy any products himself. There is zero up-front investment. (hmmm…)

OK, I think we’ve seen enough. Let’s move along!

How Does EB Formula Work?

The video doesn’t tell us exactly how this will work, but we do get some clues. This is all about drop shipping on eBay.

What is drop shipping? According to Wikipedia, “Drop shipping is a supply chain management method in which the retailer does not keep goods in stock but instead transfers the customer orders and shipment details to either the manufacturer, another retailer, or a wholesaler, who then ships the goods directly to the customer. As in retail business, the majority of retailers make their profit on the difference between the wholesale and retail price, but some retailers earn an agreed percentage of the sales in commission, paid by the wholesaler to the retailer.”

I’m going to go ahead and show you this video from Karen Marrow. Karen did a great job going through the actual product so that you can see what’s involved.

Let’s talk about whether this product is legit.

Is EB Formula a Scam or Legit?

Thumbs DownI don’t think EB Formula is a scam. You do get quite a bit of training for your money. Here’s why I still don’t recommend this product though. It’s because of ALL. THE. RED. FLAGS.

Let’s review the issues:

  • Saying you could be $500,000 richer this year by using this system
  • Repeatedly saying how easy this is
  • Saying you can be up and running in minutes
  • Saying that you just have to set up the system and you can make sales the same day
  • Saying that this is almost zero work
  • Saying that there’s zero investment needed
  • Using actors for fake testimonials

Is that enough? I think that’s enough. If you watched Karen’s video, you see that you do get a lot of training with this product. So that’s a good thing. But did you seeeee how many videos there were? Do you actually think you can be up and running in 20 minutes and start making money that same night? Does it look like almost zero work?

Hell no. This is a lot of work.

Not only that, but you have to purchase the products that you’re then going to resell. So there is an investment cost. This whole video is nothing but tricks and lies.

If they would be honest and truthful in the sales video, I probably would recommend this product. But what’s going to happen is that someone’s going to buy it thinking that it’s super easy to make money, and they’re going to be severely disappointed when they see how much work it actually is.

Then they’ll likely just give up and be out $37.

That’s why I’m happy you’re doing your research before you invest.

Drop Shipping Versus Affiliate Marketing

I don’t have any personal experience with drop shipping, but I do know it’s a legitimate way to make money online. As you can see, it does take a lot of work to get it up and running and driving traffic and making sales.

Affiliate marketing is no different there. It also takes time and work to get everything moving and getting people to your site and making sales.

There are a few things I don’t like about drop shipping (from what I know about it):

  • You have to invest in buying the products you’re then going to turn around to sell
  • For eBay, you have seller fees and PayPal fees
  • You have to sell A LOT of products to make a decent living
  • You have to deal with customer service if your product is out of stock

And here’s what I love about affiliate marketing:

  • You don’t deal with customer service at all
  • You’re recommending other people’s products, so you don’t ever deal with physical products
  • Posts on your site can continue making you money far into the future (residual and passive income)
  • Your income is only limited by the amount of effort you put into it
  • You get to help people make decisions about things that they’re looking for
  • You can help solve problems or answer questions for people

Once again, I’m going to give you access to My Free Guide to Making Money Online for Beginners so you can see how affiliate marketing works. It’s easier than ever to get started in affiliate marketing! The only thing I do recommend is proper training so that you can have lasting success. For that, I recommend a training platform called Wealthy Affiliate. Here’s my Wealthy Affiliate Review so that you can see everything they have to offer.

Click the Button to Get Access to My Free Guide to Making Money for Beginners and See Why Affiliate Marketing Could Be the Perfect Way for YOU to Start Making REAL Money Online!

Free Guide to Making Money Online for Beginners

Wealthy Affiliate Versus EB Formula

Wealthy Affiliate and EB Formula are a little different, so it’s not super easy to compare them. One is an affiliate marketing product and the other is a drop shipping product. However, I wanted to use this so that you could see everything that Wealthy Affiliate has to offer. They have EVERYTHING you need to grow a profitable online business. That’s why they continue to be my #1 recommendation for learning how to make money online.

Do you have any questions or comments about EB Formula? Leave them for me down below!

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EB Formula Review for Pinterest


6 thoughts on “What is EB Formula? Is It a Scam? [Review]”

  1. I had to laugh half way through this review – I’ve actually encountered one of the ‘testimonial’ actors myself on numerous occasions before – the guy with the hat! The weird thing is – when you hear him talk you realise there is nothing trustworthy about him, at all!!!!

    Why would you even want his dodgy mannerisms on an opportunity you are trying to sell? 

    Oh well…

    Anyway, thanks for highlighting yet another poor online opportunity – hopefully it will stop a lot of people from wasting their hard earned money…

    • Yes, Chris. The guy with the hat is pretty famous in the make money online market. lol I wonder if he knows that he has quite a reputation! 

      Thanks for stopping by! 

  2. Thanks for this honesty and accurate review Christina. I have seen this EB formula online recently and it sounded like a wonderful opportunity to make money online. However, I wasn’t sure if it was a scam or legit. But reading your thorough review about this program it has really given me some clarity on what this program is all about. 

    But one thing I really like is your number one recommendation. Without a doubt, WA is the best Affiliate marketing program in the world. Their training are excellent and the atmosphere at WA is amazing. I will highly recommend it to anyone who want to build a successful online business.   

    • EB Formula could be an OK product. I just really don’t like the way they try to draw people into it with their fake claims and fake testimonials. The worst is saying that you don’t need to do any work to start making money when that’s CLEARLY not the case. 

      I’m glad you are a member of Wealthy Affiliate and understand how powerful it is! It’s a great place to learn how to earn. 

  3. Hey Christina. I just discovered your blog and really like it. I also like the way your introduce yourself in your profile! 🙂 Well, I am an affiliate marketer too and always on the outlook for interesting online activities to earn money so learning about EB Formula through your review was certain useful! I was shocked to read that the testimonial people are actors from fiverr! Wow!! That definitely turns me off!! 🙂 I also really like your comparison table between WA and EB Formula! I’m a visual learner and this table makes a huge difference to me! 🙂 Thanks!! Nathalie 

    • Hey Nathalie! Thanks for stopping by and for your compliments. 🙂 

      I’m glad you found the EB Formula review to be useful. Yes, it’s true that those testimonial people are actors. Stick around and check our more reviews out there and you’ll see the same people pop up over and over again. At least they’re busy with jobs! lol


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