What is Inbox Income? Make $500 Per Day or is Inbox Income a Scam?

Inbox Income Review

My best bud Matthew from Viral Cash App is back at it again! Sending me new programs to check out. I don’t know how he has so much time to send me all these emails. Shouldn’t he be busy raking it in from his own system? Apparently he wants more, more, more! And he wants me to have more, too! What a guy!

Here’s the email I received from Matthew. You can see it’s just a generic email. It doesn’t even have anything to do with any specific program.

Inbox Income Email

Here’s what I saw when I clicked on the link. We definitely have some red flags already! Oh boy. This should be a good one.

Inbox Income Sales Video
So, we’re going to find out…what is Income Inbox? Can you actually make $500 – $750 a day just sending simple emails, or is Inbox Income a scam? We’ll find out in this Inbox Income review.

But first!

Here’s your opportunity to save your precious time and skip all the stuff below. If you’re looking for a real opportunity to make money online, it is absolutely possible. But there are no shortcuts. It takes a bit of work, time, patience and persistence to succeed online.

It’s a fantastic way to make a living – if you do it the right way. Forget all of these “make money fast” programs. You’ll be out more money and more time and you’ll be right back to where you started. Instead, learn how to build a business from the ground up. It’s easier than you think! Let me show you how it’s done in my Free Guide to Making Money Online for Beginners. Just click the button below for access.

Now, if you’re a glutton for punishment, or if you find these products as entertaining as I do, then by all means, keep on reading!

Click the Button to Gain Access to My Free Guide to Making Money Online for Beginners!

Free Guide to Making Money Online for Beginners

Here are the areas we’ll explore in this Inbox Income review.

  • What is Inbox Income?
  • How Does Inbox Income Work?
  • Is Inbox Income a Scam or Legit?
  • Build A Website That Makes Residual Income
  • Wealthy Affiliate Versus Inbox Income

What is Inbox Income?

Product: Inbox Income
Cost: $49
Owner(s): Steve Allen (fake name and definitely not this guy)
[yasr_overall_rating size=”medium”]

It’s probably not a good sign when the sales video starts off with fake testimonials. The testimonial guy in the video said he sent some emails out, which took about 15 minutes (uh oh, here we go with the “you only need to work a few minutes a day” thing.) and his wife said they made over $4,600! (I wish you could see me slapping my forehead right now.) This is just in the first 10 seconds of the video! We are in trouble!

Second fake testimonial guy says this is “real” and “simple” and “it works fast!” There’s a few more ridiculous testimonials, but I won’t bore you with the details. They’re all like “I made so much money last week, blah, blah, blah.” You know, the usual.

What else did I learn from this video? Here’s the short and sweet version:

  • This is the easiest thing in the world to do
  • Work only about 30 minutes per day – “work” is used loosely
  • Get paid for sending out short emails
  • Make the laziest money imaginable
  • This is the easiest thing you have ever done
  • Make $500 – $750 per day

Steve says he’s not going to hold anything back. He’s going to let loose and share all the details. Steve logs into AWeber (this is an email platform where you can send out marketing emails.), types up an email and shows us how it gets sent out. Then Steve shows the incredible results from sending out that one email. He made over $4,000 in less than a week just for sending that one email message.

Oh yes! Look what you can have when you send out some simple emails. It’s fancy car time!

Inbox Income Fancy Car

Go ahead and take a vacation or 3, and buy a fancy house.

Inbox Income Sales Video


It takes almost no effort and hardly any time at all! Just push “Send”! It’s push button money at it’s finest! You don’t need any special knowledge, skills or experience.

Steve’s story is that he worked at the front desk of a hotel. After years of hustling and unpaid overtime, he worked his way up. He reached his ceiling as a Night Manager. His job and salary were OK. It paid for a small apartment. But then he got married and had a baby. And another. The money was getting spread really thin now.

They looked perfect from the outside, but they had a growing mountain of credit card debt. Things started to unravel. They couldn’t pay the bills. Then the hotel owner’s son Josh came in and changed Steve’s life forever! Josh was an entitled jerk. But his jerky attitude (and fancy BMW) made Steve want more for his life.

Steve quit that job a few months later. Now he works for himself at home when he wants to! Now Steve’s so successful he bought his fancy house and Bentley in cash. This is a life of financial freedom, and it’s a life YOU deserve.

There’s a lot more talk about vacations and making money and how easy it all is…

I have a good idea of what this is about now. Let’s discuss.

How Does Inbox Income Work?

I’m slightly impressed that the sales video gave us a little glimpse into how this works. (That’s why I gave this product a tiny bit of a star.)

“Steve” logged into AWeber, typed up an email and then sent it out. This is email marketing, and every major company uses email marketing as a part of their sales strategy. It’s a completely legitimate way to make money, connect with customers and build trust with people.

Inbox Income claims to give you websites where you can go and copy email messages. You copy those messages into AWeber and send them out. Then you wait for the sales to roll in. Yay! It’s so easy and now you’re rich, right?


Is Inbox Income a Scam or Legit?

Thumbs DownWhile email marketing is a completely legitimate way to make money, the way that Inbox Income is telling you to do it is a bad, bad idea. Ask yourself these two questions:

  1. Who are you sending these emails to? If you don’t already have an email list, you don’t have anyone to send them to!
  2. Did you see the email I posted above? That’s likely the type of email you will be sending. Do you trust an email that looks like that, or does it look like junk that you immediately trash?

(By the way, signing up for an email sender like AWeber will be an additional monthly cost. They don’t seem to mention that, do they?)

This whole video was disingenuous from the start. You’re not going to make $500-$750 per day any time soon, and especially not with these types of junky emails. (And they say “Guaranteed”? That’s cray!) These testimonials are fake with actors that can be hired on Fiverr.com. “Steve” is not a real person. I mean, do I even have to go on?

Maybe you get something for your $49 with this product, so maybe it’s not quite a scam in that sense. But it’s scammy the way that everything is faked to make people excited even though this product will never work. Look! They even say it themselves in the disclaimer:

Inbox Income Disclaimer

I think that says it all!

If You Want to Make Money Online, Do It the RIGHT Way

Making money online is very possible, and thousands and thousands of people do it as their full-time job. But you’re not going to get anywhere trying to take shortcuts and find “easy” ways to make money that only take 15 minutes a day and just a few clicks.

I’ve seen so many of these products now, and they all promise that but they are all just trying to toy with your emotions so that you give them your money. If you can get it out of your mind that there’s a super simple way to make money, and instead, if you envision your future and see yourself working hard to build something legitimate online, then you will have a very bright career in this business.

Accept the fact that everything worth doing takes hard work and patience. Enjoy the journey to get to your goals. I don’t even think it would be fun to just send out a couple of emails and make money. Where’s the challenge in that? Isn’t it exciting to think about setting up your own website with your voice and helping people with questions or problems?

This is what us affiliate marketers do. That’s what my goal is for this website. You had a question about Inbox Income, and I’m providing you with an answer. I’m also giving you a solution to your money issues by providing you with another, better option.

I learned how to put this very website together through a training platform called Wealthy Affiliate. I’m giving you them as an alternative option because they can show you how to start an online business step-by-step, from start to finish. They have all the tools and resources you need to get started.

I’m going to point you to my Free Guide to Making Money Online for Beginners again because I’ll show you the affiliate marketing process and how it all works. And I’ll show you how Wealthy Affiliate ties into it all. Just click the button below and you’ll be well on your way to doing this the RIGHT way.

Click the Button to Get Access to My Free Guide to Making Money Online for Beginners So You Can Get Started On the RIGHT Path to Success!

Free Guide to Making Money Online for Beginners

Wealthy Affiliate Versus Inbox Income

Here’s a comparison of Wealthy Affiliate and Inbox Income. You can see there really is NO comparison. Wealthy Affiliate has everything you need to start an online business. Inbox Income doesn’t provide much of anything. Inbox Income uses fake testimonials and stories to get you to try to buy their system. Wealthy Affiliate has TRUE success stories.

Do you have any questions or comments about Inbox Income? Leave them for me down below!

26 thoughts on “What is Inbox Income? Make $500 Per Day or is Inbox Income a Scam?”

  1. Hi Christina,

    Thanks for your review of this Inbox Income.  This is the first time I’ve seen this one, but I see others like it every day.  I went ahead and scanned through it and it’s so obviously scammy I laughed.  Anyone who would choose this over WA is just not thinking to say the least.  

    You made a great comparison between Inbox Income and Wealthy Affiliate.  WA is the way to go 100% for anyone who reads this and is interested.

    All the best to you.

    V. Pearl

    • Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts, Vanna! I agree that these sales videos are absolutely laughable. But I try to keep in mind that not everyone has seen as many as we have. Therefore, they might not know how silly they are. I’m going to continue to spread the message to be wary of these types of messages and hopefully more and more people will understand what to look out for. 

      I agree, of course, that Wealthy Affiliate is the BEST place to learn how to create an online business. I’m sure you know that you have to do things the right way in order to have lasting success. There are no shortcuts, no “easy” secret systems and no done-for-you programs that actually work. 

  2. These kind of scams do stand out quite a bit, but unfortunately there are some that still get scammed. Thank you for highlighting that inbox income is yet another scam and this will help so many people. As you said there are no get rich quick schemes and it is actually fun and satisfying when you build something up yourself. Wealthy affiliate is the real deal and you learn so much on how to build your own website.

    • Exactly, Eden! It’s fun to learn new skills and figure out how to put a website together. Why continue looking for the easy solution when it’s so much more satisfying to create something of your own? It gives you such a sense of pride!

      Plus, the skills you learn at Wealthy Affiliate can be used elsewhere. Some members work with clients because they can set up websites for them, or do their SEO for them. 

      I personally have learned more about social medial, creating images (which I love!) and email marketing. There’s a lot to learn and it’s fantastic! 🙂

  3. Hi Christina,

    I’m a premium member of Wealthy Affiliate and I can attest to the fact that this is the best platform about online marketing, with awesome trainings and live webinars plus a very supportive community. Anytime, 24/7 when you need help anybody can help you including the owners. And we are taught that success in affiliate marketing takes time, hard work and perseverance.

    There is no truth to overnight success as claimed by Inbox Income. If they don’t give trainings and support , how can an online marketer be successful?

    Thanks for sharing.


    • Yes, Marita, you ask a great question. If they don’t give training and support, how can you be successful? Support is key. All of these one-and-done programs really don’t have a good way to get help. I know I’m constantly learning and figuring things out. Without the community at Wealthy Affiliate and the support I receive there, I would have so many questions and no one to turn to for answers. Or, I’d have to spend a lot of time looking things up online. 

      Being able to ask questions is really important. And this business is usually fun, but sometimes it can be frustrating and a pain! It’s nice to have people to vent to and who can steer you back in a positive direction. 

  4. I love it!  As I’ve branched out in my affiliate marketing career, I’ve seen all sorts of offerings just like this one.  Your red flag point outs are spot on.  “Guaranteed”, “Only X spots left”, fake reviews, the cars and fancy houses in the background and so on…

    My absolute favorite is “The typical purchaser does not make any money using this system”.

    I have to say I’m in total agreement with you as to the legitimacy of this program.

    I’m actually a member of the program you recommend (WA).  I have to say it’s, by far, the best program I’ve come across.  No ridiculous promises, the founders are active members themselves, no pyramid scheme, just great training, an awesome community and excellent hosting.

    For anyone reading my comment here, do yourself a favor and sign up for the free account.  Check it out yourself.  If you think it’s a good fit for you great, if not, all you’ve spent was a little time.

    Thanks for the great post.  I got a laugh out of the promises made by Inbox Income.

    • Thanks for stopping by, Scott! I also get a great laugh out of these products and videos. That’s why I don’t mind signing up for the emails and going through them. They’re so ridiculous that they’re hilarious! 

      I’m so happy that you found your way to Wealthy Affiliate and that you’re enjoying it. A lot of these scammy products have “founders” that don’t make money using the system that they’re teaching. They make money off of poor suckers buying their products. 

      But you’re right. Kyle and Carson are active members of the platform they started. AND affiliate marketing, and the way that they teach it, is the way that they made their money. I fully trust what they’re doing because they have been successes themselves. 

  5. I have lost thousands of dollars in the past. In 2016, I ended up selling my only car because one of these scammers had dupped me. Inbox Income is offering $500 per day, from the start, I don’t think there is any where in the world you would make that amount of money without putting any effort

    Reading your review on how Inbox Income find people’s emails and how they use AWeber to later send them emails, I was very disgusted. I used to receive spam emails and this may be the way how my email address was found.

    Thank you so much for such a comprehensive review.


    • Oh no, I’m so sorry to hear about what happened to you Ngoni. I bet you’re extremely cautious now when you see these types of programs. I really don’t know how these people sleep at night. They know they’re tricking people into giving them money. It makes me really sad. Why can’t they just create a good product that actually works instead of these crappy products? Why spend time on something terrible when you can spend time on creating something helpful? 

  6. Headlines like “Make $500 up to $1000 a day by simply doing this and that” are the kinds that immediately set me off. I have heard about Inbox Income and let me just say that what they’re promising is next to impossible. Sending emails? To whom? Of course, we can make money online but we need to put in the hard work first. “No shortcuts!” 

    Sadly, a lot of people still fall victims to these kinds of deception. I wonder if Inbox Income has a “money-back guarantee” to make their offer look and sound more sincere. But then again, because they know that what they’re promising is unrealistic, their sign ups are sure to want to have their $49 back once they find out they were lied to.

    • Alice, you would think that the people who spend $49 on this will want to get their money back. I have a feeling that they are also affiliates for AWeber, so they still make money on those sign ups even if their product gets returned. They probably have some upsells too, I’m guessing and they can also make money that way. If all else fails, they can just create a new product with more fake testimonials. Good times! 

  7. wow i just cant believe they even say the purchaser does not make any money using this system. Just wow, wow, wow!

    Anything like this email coming to my inbox would be immediately deleted, its such a shame there such fake scammers out there giving the real deal opportunities a bad name.

    It’s Wealthy Affiliate all the way, work harder then even harder at building a legitimate online business of your own.

    • Hey, at least they’re honest about it! I mean, of course that little note is hidden down in the disclaimers, but at least it’s there. That’s better than most of these systems. What’s dumb though is that they also “guarantee” that kind of income in the headline. Ridiculous! 

  8. Thank you for your article and the time to detail it out for us. What already put me off was the name itself “Inbox Income”, I personally see red flags by reading the name, as well how it is conducted by sending “Little” emails, which I also wouldn’t do.

    However, I get why innocent people could fall for it and it is a shame.

    I am also a Wealthy Affiliate member for the last 4 years and I am happy with this platform since I didn’t know nothing about affiliate marketing etc. I don’t need anything else 🙂 I am in good hands.

    • You’re right, even the name is a red flag itself. It just sounds shady. If only it were so easy to send some emails for a few minutes a day and have piles of money flow into your bank account. Hilarious! I really hope that people are really doing their research before they stumble onto something like this. 

      I’m glad you’ve been loving Wealthy Affiliate. It says a lot that you’ve been a member for 4 years. No way you would invest all that time and money if you didn’t find it valuable.

  9. Hi Christina,

    Great article, I found it very useful!

    I’ve never heard of the inbox income before I read your article. A few years ago my son sent emails to make money online and the sad thing is that the company was a scam. We discovered this after about a week and he stopped right away. I am now a WA member for over 4 years and lately, I built a website for my son so he can start his own business:) I would highly recommend WA to anyone who wishes to make money online. I think it’s the surer way!

    Thank you for this excellent post!

    • Oh wow, that’s amazing that you’re getting your son into affiliate marketing. i would love to do that with my kids as well, but they seem busy and not super interested in it right now. Maybe eventually they’ll come around. Good for you for showing him the ways. He could really have his own successful business.

  10. Good afternoon Christina,

    I love little red flags as I am a Taurus and live in the south of Spain.

    Oh my, you did not give Inbox Income more than half a star, that is nearly as bad as it can get. I understand very well why that is so. It is so easy to make $ 500 a day with sending little emails. Just go and steal some email adresses on websites. How bad can one get? Neither is there said you need to sign up with AWeber which also will cost you a monthly fee.

    Again I see people hired on Fiverr always the same faces. Perhaps I can get a job there?

    Anyhow, thank you for the warning. One more scam to stay away from.

    Regards, Taetske

    • I like the Spain / Bull kind of red flags too! lol But I don’t like the scammy marketing kind of red flags! 

      And I didn’t even give it a half star. it’s like a 1/4 of a star. I only gave it that because they actually showed a little how the product works. Most of these guys hide those details. 

      Yes, it does look like these testimonial people are doing very well for themselves. I sometimes think of trying out that gig too! haha 

      Thanks for stopping by and giving me a laugh. 🙂

  11. This review provides a useful service.While those of us who are serious Affiliate Marketers assume that everybody can see the obvious scams, there are still new people who fall for these advertisements.This review points out in detail the danger signals.But the review also shows that there are honest ways to make money online, Wealthy Affiliate being the best example.

    • I agree, Carlos. These kinds of programs seem so obviously terrible to us, yet the average person might not understand how it’s all faked. I really hope that people do their research before buying into this stuff. I’m glad you are happy at Wealthy Affiliate. I would be nowhere without that place! 

  12. Hey Christina! Thanks for taking so much time to write this in depth and detailed review about Inbox Income. I have also looked into this program and can agree that it is definitely a scam and the only person making money from it is the creator. I’m glad that you provide people with the right information they need to make real money online.

    Thanks and keep up the good work!


    • Thanks, Marlinda! I’m glad you’ve looked into it also and have concluded the same thing as me. I even wonder if these creators make that much money from these systems? I’m sure people know how bad they are eventually! That’s probably why they move on to creating more crappy products so they can trick even more people. 

  13. Thanks for this review, Christina. As you stated, there are red flags all over this one. We will never stop them but, unfortunately, people still fall for them. So, the more that people like yourselves provide the excellent service that you do, then hopefully we can at least prevent some poor unsuspecting people from losing money on these ridiculous scams.

    • That’s my hope, David. I’m not saying every program out there is shady, but so far the majority of the ones I’ve seen sure are. That means people who are looking to work from home are getting bombarded with these products. I understand they can be hard to resist when you don’t realize what they’re all about. I really do hope people do their research…


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