Pinterest Course for Bloggers | Pinterest Traffic Avalanche Review

I recently became obsessed with Pinterest. Obsessed, I tell ya! A couple of members at Wealthy Affiliate mentioned how Pinterest was helping them greatly increase their blog traffic. There are even a couple of great trainings right inside Wealthy Affiliate. But I wanted to know more, so I signed up for a Pinterest course for bloggers. This is my honest and in-depth Pinterest Traffic Avalanche Review.

Now, I can be really skeptical when it comes to courses. Have you ever bought one and then it wasn’t what you expected? Maybe you feel like you wasted your money? UGH, yup. Been there, done that. So I was nervous about spending money on this one. But I really want to get the hang of Pinterest because I know there’s huge potential there, so I took the plunge.

Let’s dive into it!

What is Pinterest Traffic Avalanche?

Product: Pinterest Traffic Avalanche
Cost: $197
Owner(s): Alex and Lauren of Create and Go

Pinterest Traffic Avalanche

Pinterest Traffic Avalanche is run by a nice couple (OK, I’m assuming they’re nice. I don’t really know them, but they seem nice!), Alex and Lauren. Their company is called Create and Go and I found them on – you guessed it – Pinterest! (See? Pinterest does really work!)

These guys really know what they’re doing. They recently posted a Blog Income Report and it showed that they made $163,625 in one month.

Create and Go Blog Income Report

I mean, yea. That’s amazing, right? I think these two are great people to learn from. They obviously understand how to grow a business. (And yes, a lot of their traffic comes from Pinterest.)

It was nice to go through this course because I usually review shady affiliate marketing products, which you can see from the long list in my Not Recommended category. Finally! Here’s a product that I actually like! The downside is that I won’t get the chance to use my wit and my sarcasm here. (Lol. That was a bit of sarcasm. Against myself this time!)

Anyway, I think it’s important to invest in yourself and your training if it’s something that’s actually going to create a positive result for you. You can’t always do things on your own. Sometimes you need help to bring all the pieces of the puzzle together.

Alex and Lauren have spent more than a year testing different strategies and finding out what works. They’ve done all the hard stuff for us. Now they’ve put together everything that’s worked for them in this training. (Of course, you want to test out your own strategies. Different things may work better or worse for you!)

Pinterest is a fairly easy platform to figure out if you’re just using it for personal pinning, but there are definitely some things you need to know how to do on there in order to bring an avalanche of traffic to your website.

Let’s back up for a minute.

I’m sure you know what Pinterest is. But did you know that Pinterest is not considered a Social Media platform? It’s actually a search engine?

It’s a pretty search engine!

That means, like Google, people are going on there to look for things. Maybe it’s recipes, house decorating tips, dog toys…whatever! What’s interesting about Pinterest is that people pin things so that they can remember to buy them later. 93% of people using Pinterest are planning purchases. People on Pinterest are generally well-educated and have great incomes.

More great news!

If that wasn’t good enough for you, Pinterest pins are evergreen and have a long shelf life. Did you know the average pin is re-pinned 11 times? It takes 3.5 months to get half of its engagement. A pin can last for 7 months! A Tweet is gone in minutes. And Facebook is not much better. (Stats are from

Do you see the potential here? This is a good opportunity to get YOUR content in front of people who:

  • Are interested in it
  • Are well-educated
  • Are ready to buy!

The thing is, you can’t just go all willy-nilly in Pinterest and start posting things randomly. Just like with Google, there are SEO tactics that you want to use in Pinterest to help you get to the top of their search engine. That’s where Pinterest Traffic Avalanche comes in.

How Does Pinterest Traffic Avalanche Work?

Pinterest Traffic Avalanche is a video training course that goes through all the areas of Pinterest and how to use it to increase traffic to your website.

Let’s go over the areas that are covered:

  • How to create your Pinterest account if you don’t already have one
  • Converting your Pinterest account to a business account
  • Claiming your website and setting up Rich Pins
  • Pinterest SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
  • Optimizing your profile and pins for SEO
  • Creating Pinterest pins and where to get photos
  • Crafting a Pinterest pinning strategy
  • How to create viral content on Pinterest
  • Best practices for Pinterest
  • The Power of Group Boards (REALLY important for getting traffic!)
  • Using Tailwind to schedule pins (I recently started using Tailwind. (affiliate link) It’s fantastic!)
  • How to use Tailwind Tribes
  • Tracking your progress and Analytics (Covers Pinterest analytics and Tailwind analytics)
  • How to use Promoted Pins
  • Other pinning tools

Here’s a small snippet of what the course looks like. (Side note: it says I’m only 47% complete, but some of the lessons don’t show up as completed for some reason.)

Sheesh, that looks tiny from my computer, so here’s another view:

Pinterest Traffic Avalanche Lessons

Bonus Content:

  • Pinterest Ninja Secrets
  • Other traffic platforms (Instagram and Google)
  • Six-Figure Blogger Content (grow your blog to six figures)

As you can see, this course covers EVERYTHING!

There are also bonus tools and spreadsheets to use throughout the course. One of the most important things you can do as a Pinterest user is join group boards. But they’re not super easy to find and get in to. Pinterest Traffic Avalanche has it’s own member-created group boards. This is a great tool to have!

Who is Pinterest Traffic Avalanche Good For?

Pinterest Traffic Avalanche is good for anyone who wants to:

  1. Get more of a following on Pinterest
  2. Master Pinterest and understand the analytics side
  3. Get more free, organic traffic to their website

I think the third point is the most important. You can certainly gain free, organic traffic through your website by using proper keyword technique, and that’s really important. That’s what Wealthy Affiliate teaches.

But when you have some competitive keywords that you want to rank for, this is where Pinterest can help. You still use proper keywords, but the competition is less fierce. And, if you can get some pins to go viral, you could have traffic for a long, long time from those pins. We already learned that the average pin is good for 7 months. 7 months!! That’s incredible.

Here’s a screenshot that’s directly from the Pinterest Traffic Avalanche sales page. Look at how much their traffic grew after implementing Pinterest strategies. Wow!

Pinterest Traffic Avalanche Stats

Pinterest is powerful.

Now, if you just have a fun site and you don’t really care about traffic, then, of course, I wouldn’t spend the money on training like this. But if you need more traffic to your site, then it’s definitely worth it.

Pinterest Traffic Avalanche – Pinterest Marketing 101

Here’s a great YouTube video from Alex & Lauren that talks about the power of using Pinterest for marketing.

My Results

My results aren’t quite as impressive as Alex and Lauren’s, but the Pinterest account connected to this site is pretty new. It’s only about a month old. And it’s already surpassed the other Pinterest account that I have!

My original Pinterest account was started way back when Pinterest was first starting. So it’s yeeeeaaaars in the making. It’s actually my personal account that I then transferred to a business account. (Having a business account is important and the course covers why and how to make it a business account.)

It hasn’t been a business account for super long, but it doesn’t matter because I had ZERO knowledge that there were these Pinterest strategies.

Pick Plant Pinterest Account

The account connected to this blog was started just about a month ago. I bought the Pinterest Traffic Avalanche course and a Tailwind Membership just a couple of weeks after, and we’re already starting to kick it into high gear!

Christina Piccoli Pinterest Stats

(Both of these screenshots were taken on December 19, 2018.) I’m really excited about growing this account. Plus, I think making pins in Canva is the absolute BEST. I have a lot of fun doing that! (If you hate it, you can hire someone to do it for you pretty cheaply on

Update! I wrote this post originally on December 17. It’s now January 3, 2019. This is what things are looking like now. Views and engagement on Pinterest and (more importantly) traffic to my site is growing so fast right now, it’s crazy. This is thanks to this course and Tailwind (especially Tailwind Tribes as one of my pins shared there is going viral.)

Update #2! It’s now January 18 (one month from when I originally started the post), and here’s how we’re looking now.

Pinterest Update Jan 18

That’s HUGE growth in just a couple of weeks. This really is all due to learning how to set everything up properly (what Pinterest Traffic Avalanche teaches) and using Tailwind to schedule my pins. That’s all there is to it! I can’t wait to see how much more it grows. I’ll keep you posted! 🙂

Is Pinterest Traffic Avalanche Right for YOU?

Pinterest Traffic Avalanche is definitely for you if:

  • You have a blog and you want more free traffic
  • You are an affiliate marketer
  • You have a Shopify store or other e-commerce store
  • You are a network marketer and want more eyeballs on your products and business
  • You have an Etsy store
  • You are branding yourself or your business and you want more people to know you

Yea, Pinterest Traffic Avalanche is pretty much for everyone, I’m convinced. lol

I know, I know. I DO make money off of this course if you purchase. My job as an affiliate marketer is to recommend products and earn commissions from them. (And my site is all about helping people to do the same!) The thing is, I ONLY promote things I think will TRULY help you. I have made plenty of bad purchases. I could “pretend” to like them and still promote them. (Lots of people out there do that.) But I don’t think that’s right, and I don’t do it.

With that out of the way, go ahead and click the button below to give it a try! They do have a 60-day refund policy. If you try out their strategies and they don’t work for you, you can get your money back. I’m not worried though. I think you’ll find value in this course.

Oh, there’s one more thing I wanted to add. Once you purchase the course, you will have access to the Pinterest Traffic Avalanche Facebook group. I finally got a chance to get in there today, and I. Couldn’t. Stop. Reading. There are some additional AWESOME strategies in there. Access to that group is a CRAZY additional bonus that I wouldn’t want to miss.

Click the Button to Give Pinterest Traffic Avalanche a Try and Watch Your Traffic Explode (er, Avalanche)!

Try Pinterest Traffic Avalanche Now!

Do you have any questions about Pinterest Traffic Avalanche? Are you on Pinterest? What do you think of it? Have you used Pinterest as a traffic strategy? Leave me comments below!


Pinterest Traffic Avalanche for Pinterest

10 thoughts on “Pinterest Course for Bloggers | Pinterest Traffic Avalanche Review”

  1. Wow very enlightening, I never knew Pinterest was considered a search engine. I’m here the whole time thinking it was a social media platform. Very eye opening. This is very well detailed and informative. Pinterest seems to be a promising platform to promote products and websites. I do have a Pinterest however, sometimes I get a bit confused due to the different options they present. But overall Pinterest is a great platform to be on, it reminds me a bit of Instagram.

    Thanks for shedding light to this!

    • Oh yes, definitely check out Pinterest if you want to grow your traffic. I *just* started a new Pinterest account for this site, so it’s pretty darn new. I think I started it 2 weeks ago. And I’ve already got about 337 followers, 400 views to my pins and I’m already starting to get traffic to my site from Pinterest.

      Pinterest is better than Instagram, in my opinion because just like with Facebook, your posts on Instagram get lost pretty quickly. Also, you can’t link your photos to your images like you can on Pinterest.

      Instagram has its purpose too, but for me, I’m sticking with Pinterest! 

  2. Hi Christina,

    I am sold! Your post is absolutely amazing and you covered everything elegantly. In the back of my head I always wondered about Pinterest, because I see it all the time and I know it looks better than other social media, but I haven’t give it a lot of thoughts, until I read your post.

    I think I will become like you, addicted to Pinterest. I have watched both videos in the post, and you are right, the couple seems very nice! 

    The whole thing (post-website-subject) is quit engaging. Your flow in writing is beautiful and I can feel your energy and since of humor. 

    How long have you been working on your website If I may ask? It looks really awesome.

    • Hey thanks, Hany! I’m glad you enjoyed this review. I definitely think you should become addicted to Pinterest! It’s not only great for traffic, but it’s a lot of fun too! And I always find great content (like Pinterest Traffic Avalanche and other great-to-know info) on there. 

      I’ve had this website for a little while, but I only started putting a lot of work into it October 2018. Thanks for the compliment! 🙂

  3. Christina THANK YOU for such a great review! I’m very new to Pinterest and, like you, I’ve seen lots of people commenting on how it’s a game-changer for driving organic traffic to their websites and, consequently, increasing revenue. But I haven’t had a clue where to start really getting trained to take full advantage of it (you know, so I can do it right FROM THE START!). Now I know! I will definitely be taking a closer look at the Traffic Avalanche course to see if it’s right for me. First, though, I think I need to go find some of your “scammer” reviews so I can enjoy your sarcasm…lol! Deep gratitude for your insights and best wishes on Pinterest!

    • I get it, Cheri. I was just like you a few short weeks ago. I kept reading how Pinterest was so great for traffic, but I had no idea HOW. Now I understand that it’s a search engine and that it works kind of similar to Google. And now I have the strategies in place to help grow my Pinterest account and – More importantly – my blog traffic. (Oh, and my email list too! That’s also part of the training.) 

      Oh yea, I LOVE those scammy products! lol I have a lot of fun writing those! Maybe too much fun! 

  4. This is so cool! I had no idea that Pinterest had such power with traffic. I’ve started affiliate marketing about a month ago and would love to learn more ways to get traffic to my site. I truly believe in doing trainings like this one. YouTube videos don’t always cut it and it seems like you’re more likely to get a return investment if you do go through a training.

    • Usually what happens with the YouTube videos is that they’re kind of sales pitches for the full trainings. Which is fine, but then you don’t usually get ALL the information that you need. I have actually learned some things from YouTube videos, but this course lays it ALL out for you. 

      And it’s so much easier than trying to piece together a bunch of videos. What also happens when watching YouTube is that you’ll get the same pieces of information over and over again. It gets to be too repetitive. 

  5. Just saw this! Thanks so much for the review Christina. Glad you didn’t feel the need to flex the sarcasm muscles on us 🙂


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