What is Voice Cash Pro? Will This Secret System Make You $9,800 a Week?

Voice Cash Pro Review

I got another doozy of a product that came to me in my inbox recently. I knew it was going to be a good one as soon as I clicked on the link and saw this:

Voice Cash Pro Sales Header

Oh boy, we have a big income claim and “one little secret”! Also, I saw a little something else on the sales page that gave me a big grin. You’ll see a little later. 🙂

This one should be good. Let’s just go ahead and dig right into it. Let’s find out…what is Voice Cash Pro? Can you actually make $9,800 from this? Or is Voice Cash Pro a scam? We’ll find out in a sec.

But first!

Because I can already tell that this is going to be a ridiculous sales video, here’s your opportunity to save your time and just check out my Free Guide to Making Mone Online for Beginners. This guide will take you through the wonderful world of affiliate marketing and show you the ins and outs of this fantastic online opportunity.

These products that claim they will make you a lot of money quickly with little to no work just aren’t true. Everything worth doing takes a bit of work and time. But affiliate marketing is really FUN work – if you do it the right way. Let me show you how it all works in my guide. Just click the button below, and you’ll be taken directly to it!

Click the Button to Grab My Free Guide to Making Money Online for Beginners!

Free Guide to Making Money Online for Beginners

Here are the areas we’ll explore in this Voice Cash Pro review.

  • What is Voice Cash Pro?
  • How Does Voice Cash Pro Work?
  • Is Voice Cash Pro a Scam or Legit?
  • Want to Make Money Online? Get Set Up the Right Way
  • Let’s Recap

What is Voice Cash Pro?

Product: Voice Cash Pro
Cost: $37
Owner(s): Monica White

I’m about 3 seconds into the video, and we’re already dealing with this:

Voice Cash Pro Sales Video

Um, no. You’re not going to make $1,000 in just 30 minutes. I mean, maaayyyybe if you already have a big email list or a big following on social media. Then maybe you could throw something at them that they’ll purchase and you can make a good amount. If you’re just starting out though, no. Not going to happen. Sorry, Charlie!

Here’s what else I learned from this video:

  • Making money online has never been easier
  • This is not about Bitcoins, surveys or buying products and selling them online
  • This is a new and easy way that makes generating cash online so simple

I don’t know if you saw my post yesterday, Million Dollar Replicator review. In that post I came up with a new game. It’s called “Where in the world will Testimonial Guy show up next?” I made this game up because my favorite Testimonial Guy keeps showing up everywhere. And lo and behold, he’s here again!

Voice Cash Pro Testimonial Guy

His name is actually Rob, not Matt. He’s an actor from Fiverr.com. We’re on a first-name basis now because I’ve seen him so many times it’s like I actually know him. He’s also been in these posts:

Where in the world will Rob show up next? I can’t wait to find out! I’m happy he has so many gigs. Too bad they’re gigs that marketers are using to trick people. Oh well. I still like you, Rob!

Anyway, back to the video…

“Monica White” introduces herself and tells us in the next 2 minutes and 16 seconds, what we’re going to discover is going to change our lives. Whelp, you know what this means. I’ve got to get my timer out.

Here’s what was said in 2 minutes and 16 seconds:

  • Monica will share with us a liltte-known secret to make us loads of money
  • You can do this part-time, any time of the day
  • It’s so simple
  • Monica gives us some of her income amounts
  • It’s easy, simple to do, and there are no need for technical skills

Monica gives her sob story. I’ll shorten it up for you: She was happily married. She and her husband, Jeremy had a son. She was able to stay at home with her son. It was great! Until one day… Jeremy was fired and he completely changed to another person.

(Pausing here because 2 minutes and 16 seconds have passed and we learned nothing about this system! As usual!)

“Where’s Daddy?” With another woman! But then things got even worse! Their son was diagnosed with a lung infection and needed to get a $35,000 surgery immediately. Monica was LOST. But then MAGIC! She ran into her best friend who told her the way she made $15,000 in the past two weeks online. And she doesn’t even work more than 2 hours a day! She just sends her voice recordings to high-paying clients. It’s soooooo easy!

It doesn’t matter if your voice is hoarse, or if you have zero experience. There’s a huge demand for all sorts of voices. The weirder the voice, the better.

Here are the three steps to get started:

  1. Set up everything by following simple step-by-step instructions
  2. Spend 1-2 hours a day on your mobile phone or laptop
  3. Sit back and relax as you begin to make payments!


Voice Cash Pro Sales Video

I don’t know. This doesn’t sound like passive income at all. You have to use your voice for voice over work. (That’s what it sounds like to me anyway.) How is that passive, Monica?

Alright, I think we’ve seen enough! Let’s get a little more into this.

How Does Voice Cash Pro Work?

Well, I don’t know for sure because the SALES VIDEOS NEVER TELL US. (Sorry, just a bit frustrated by this…! Grrr!) They want you to just trust that what they’re giving you will really make you $9,800 a week without ever telling you exactly what you’ll be doing. Why? Why??

Listen, I didn’t buy this product. I have no interest in the voice over field, and I don’t feel like spending $37 to figure out what this product is about. If you want to buy it, please! Feel free! I’d love to hear your experiences with it. Leave me a comment below so I know what this is exactly.

I imagine that it’s a guide to help you get voice over work. I mean, that’s cool and all, and I’m sure that’s legit and I know there are people out there looking for that. But can we talk about the downsides? And the red flags in this video?

Is Voice Cash Pro a Scam or Legit?

Thumbs DownSince I didn’t buy and use the product, I can’t say for sure if it’s a scam. But I do know that whatever kind of work you’re looking to do, it’s going to take time, practice and patience to begin making money. This is no different. This video is making it seem like it’s so easy to set up and start getting clients and money.

Let’s talk about those red flags:

  • Big income claims
  • Work no more than 2 hours a day
  • Make $1,000 in 30 minutes
  • The creator uses a pen name, “Monica”. (There’s not anything wrong with using a pen name, but at the same time it makes you wonder how proud they are of their product?)
  • Fake testimonials. This means no one is making money doing this, otherwise they could use real testimonials.

I’m sure you could make money getting voice over work. And this could even be a great guide to help you understand how to get work. But there’s no way you’re going to get so much work right away that you’ll make the kind of money that’s being claimed in this video. That’s why I cannot recommend this one.

Want to Make Money Online? Get Set Up the Right Way

Since you’re researching ways to make money online, you might be interested in the way that I do things. This is an affiliate marketing website. Affiliate marketing is a completely legitimate way to make money from home with your computer. Will you make loads of cash with little to no work? Heck no! Any program that says that is lying to you.

Can you make loads of cash eventually with hard work and persistence? Heck yea! And wouldn’t it be fun to make loads of cash on your own time, being your own boss? Working when YOU want? It IS fun!

The way that I got here is through a training program called Wealthy Affiliate. Wealthy Affiliate has taught me everything about how to set up this website, from start-to-finish. They have everything you need to get started in this business – step-by-step training, domain purchasing, website hosting, a keyword research tool and a community of supportive, like-minded people.

Click the button below to try it out for free. Your credit card isn’t even required. They don’t play those games. See if it’s something that will work for you to learn about this business.

Click the Button to Get Your Free Starter Membership from Wealthy Affiliate and Start Learning How to REALLY Make Money Online!

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Let’s Recap

While voice over work is legitimate and there is a use for that out there, I don’t like the way that Voice Cash Pro says that it’s so easy to get started and you only have to work a couple hours a day to make almost $10,000 a week. I mean, really? Unless you get really lucky and get a really high-paying gig, this just does not seem possible.

They mentioned above about it being passive income. But how can it be passive income when you constantly have to find new work?

Affiliate marketing, on the other hand, does allow you to create passive income. Something that you worked on ages ago could still bring you money today. That’s part of the beauty of this business! You can constantly be creating new articles and information while the old article are still bringing in money. That’s how you build up your income over time.

If you’re still unsure about affiliate marketing and what it’s all about, let me point you to my Free Guide to Making Money Online for Beginners again. This guide will take you through the whole process and show you how it all works.

Click the Button to Get Access to My Free Guide to Making Money Online for Beginners and Learn How Affiliate Marketing Works and Why It’s Such a Great Way to Work Online!

Free Guide to Making Money Online for Beginners

Do you have any questions or comments about Voice Cash Pro? If you’ve used this product, I’d love to hear from you what it’s like and if it worked for you. Leave them for me down below!

8 thoughts on “What is Voice Cash Pro? Will This Secret System Make You $9,800 a Week?”

  1. They really are making ridiculous claims that you can make $9800 a week. I have seen this Rob chap from Fiverr on other reviews that I have read. I doubt whether he knows that he is being used for so many scam websites, because he may not be doing them.

    Like you said it takes time to earn money online and the best way is affiliate marketing. It is shameful that these people are using a fake story for voice cash pro.

    • I think Rob knows because he promotes being a spokesperson for products. I mean, you can’t blame him too much since he’s just trying to get paid for acting work. I blame the marketers more. They should at least have a note at the bottom stating that the testimonial people are paid actors, results not typical. At least so people are aware that these might not be 100% true. I think it’s really unfair to trick people into thinking they can make that kind of money right away. 

  2. Great information! When someone like myself is always looking for more income, it’s frustrating when there’s people out there doing things like this. I think I’ll stick to making content for my site.

  3. Voice cash pro does just seem like another one of those hyped up scams.  Make billions of dollars and get something for nothing.  LOL.

    I really appreciate you turning me onto something that looks really solid.  This wealthy affiliate opportunity looks exciting and will be definitely checking it out.

    Do you have a post that provides some tips for newbies getting started in wealthy affiliate?

    Thank you!

    • Right! It’s the whole “make tons of money in just 2 hours” that is just so unrealistic. I can understand that voice over gigs might be lucrative, but again, it’s not going to be right away. You’ve got to build up a reputation for yourself! 

      I have a Free Guide to Making Money Online for Beginners that will walk you through the whole affiliate marketing process. 

  4. Most of us have full time jobs and use our spare moments to work on a site.  I’m always looking for ways to make more income, but it’s just sad that there’s so many scams out there.  They must be fooling a lot of people, if they keep doing things like cash pro.  There is no get quick rich scheme.  People have to realize it just takes work and consistency.  

    I would love to know how people like this don’t get arrested? There must be some type of law that they’re breaking?  How do they get away with this?

    Anyway, best of luck!  Great information.

    • i especially feel bad for people who are trying to make extra money part-time. Those people get sucked into these scams, which makes them lose even more money and time. 

      I think they can get away with this because they are providing a product and because the disclaimers usually say that results aren’t typical. Some of the disclaimers even say “for entertainment purposes only”. (True for me, I find these videos to be highly entertaining! lol) 

      Some of them get kicked off of ClickBank for violating rules, and then they just do a new sales video, rename it, and put it back up. 


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