Welcome to my Real Estate Retirement Plan review! (Also known as RE Retirement Plan.)
It’s such a nice idea to think about investing in real estate as a way to supplement your retirement.
And perhaps this plan will teach us the exact steps to do that.
That would be nice, right?
The problem is:
This plan isn’t what it seems.
It isn’t about the type of real estate you’re thinking of
Let’s dig into this Real Estate Retirement Plan review and see what it IS actually about.
Tired of disappointing or scammy products?
I’ve got ya covered!
Real Estate Retirement Plan Summary
Product: Real Estate Retirement Plan Cost: $97Owner(s): Rick M. (A pen name)Good For: No one unless you love to spend your money for no good reason.
What is Real Estate Retirement Plan?
According to the sales page of Real Estate Retirement Plan, this is the video that retirement planners don’t want you to watch. Why would retirement planners care if you watch this or not? Who knows, but it makes it sound secretive, I suppose.
The sales video starts off by instilling a little fear into you…
You’ve done everything right, but you still may not have enough money for retirement. How are you going to be able to afford your current lifestyle when you stop working?
Rick tells us that he’s not a financial advisor, he just wants to show us how he makes his money work for him. He says he’s the President and CEO of one of the top investment firms in the United States.
But, I’m positive this is just a fabrication. I can’t imagine a CEO of a top investment firm making some cheesy internet marketing video in his spare time.
The entire sales video is about investing in real estate. As in, actual buildings.
This is such a trick.
This product is nothing about that.
How do I know?
I’ll show you in a minute.
The video goes on to say that for $97, you’ll get some great talks from this CEO, and your own investment advisor. In fact, paying for Rick’s coaching services would cost you $5000. He’s trying to say that the price of this program is a steal.
Meanwhile, “steal” is a decent term. But not because this program is inexpensive.
Oh no.
It’ll cost you alright.
Keep reading.
How Does Real Estate Retirement Plan Work?
This might be one of my favorite slides in the whole presentation.
That’s not too confident is it?
There’s a reason for that.
Their disclaimer (which I actually find really interesting) shows a survey that they did and how people performed. It shows how many people did the training, how many people are paid customers versus free customers (free customers?? I’ll get back to this in a minute) and whether or not people are making money with this.
Yes, I’ll get back to that too.
It does show that most people do not take advantage of using their advisor for help and advice. (And there’s probably a reason for that.)
What’s most interesting about this product is this:
From what I know, My Ecom Club doesn’t have anything to do with real estate investing (unless they’re branching out). Instead, this is all about setting up online stores.
From what I know, My Ecom Club is a membership site that teaches people how to set up e-commerce stores. So, this product isn’t about investing in real estate in the traditional sense, but more of investing in online real estate. (I guess? Although, that’s a bit of a stretch.)
That makes this sales video really, really shady and not at all what it seems.
Is Real Estate Retirement Plan a Scam or Legit?
I haven’t invested the $97 to check things out for myself so I’m not going to call this a scam because I don’t know 100% for sure. However, I think it’s really scammy to tell people you’ll be teaching them about real estate investing and then sending them off to a membership site to learn about e-commerce.
Not only that, but I’ve seen My Ecom Club many, many times before. I’ll talk about that in a second.
Real Estate Retirement Plan Review – Pros
- You *might* be able to get your money back
- I’m sure there is some sort of training, but likely not on actual real estate investing
Real Estate Retirement Plan Review – Cons
- Using a fake product owner name AND saying he’s a CEO and President of a top investment firm
- Saying this product is about real estate investing when it’s VERY likely not
- Saying you can be set up for retirement when their disclaimer clearly shows that people make very little money with this
My Ecom Club
This site is likely just a site set up to funnel you into My Ecom Club. We’ve seen this so many times already. Check out the following reviews to see the many times this has already happened:
- Ecom Cash Code Review
- Click and Flip Review
- Discover the Plan Review
- Business Brat Review
- Fresh Money Miracle Review
- Biz Building Blocks Review
I saw another one too called Broke Dishwasher, but I didn’t take the time to review it. My Ecom Club sites are keeping me VERY busy!
My Ecom Club Complaints
I check the Better Business Bureau out with every product that goes into My Ecom Club because there seem to be quite a few complaints. Here’s a brand spankin’ new one:
From what I can piece together from the complaints and from other research I’ve done, it looks like what happens is that you buy a product like RE Retirement Plan, then your advisor contacts you and they try to upgrade you on higher-priced training.
Here’s where the issues start.
First of all, your advisor isn’t there to help you make more money. They are there to sell you into the high-ticket offers. The other problem is that, from other complaints I’ve seen, it’s hard to get your money back.
Now you saw that most people make less than $500 using this. But I bet those people spent way more than $500 to get their store up and running.
I’d advise you to save your money on this one.
You Can Easily Build Your Own Online Assets
I actually like the idea of having your own online assets. Create websites and monetizing them ARE assets, believe it or not.
If you learn how to build a site, and use affiliate marketing, ads, or other means of monetization, you can then build them up to bring in consistent money, or you can even sell them for a nice profit.
Is it easy?
Yes and no.
It’s easy to get trained on what you need to do to build your sites up. The harder part is sticking it out through the waiting period of when your site actually starts to make consistent income.
This can take several months. (Unless you use paid advertising. Then you can get faster results, but it’s a little riskier since you’ll be spending some money on your ads and there are no guarantees that they’ll work.)
Here’s my #1 recommendation to learn how to create these sites. This is where I learned how to put this site together.
Will Real Estate Retirement Plan set you up for your future retirement?
I think we’ve established that no, no it will not.
It doesn’t even seem to be about actual real estate investing. It’s more about online real estate investing. Except it’s not. It’s training to teach you how to set up an online store. But the training prices get higher and higher as your “advisor” convinces you that you need more and more.
With my #1 recommendation, there are no “advisors” to convince you to upgrade your training because there are no upgrades except from free membership to paid membership.
And with the paid membership, there are no “levels”, so you never have to worry about having to pay for better training or tools. You get everything with one fair price.
Do you have any questions or comments about this Real Estate Retirement Plan review, or about My Ecom Club? What do you think about building online assets? Do you think it’s something that seems feasible and makes sense to do for future earnings?
Hello, I really appreciate your time and effort on writing about My Traffic Business.The way you laid it out is perfect.
From your review it’s obvious that this is another one of those “systems” that use all kinds of deceitful tactics just to get your entry fee, then bombard you with upsells. Most of time when I hear them say you can make lots of money quickly without effort, in my mind it’s automatic scam because no such thing exists! Everything about this system seems fake, thanks for warning people about them.
Thanks so much for your thoughts! I appreciate your comment.
Hey Christina! I always hate programs where they bombard you for your information or to take some sort of action. I mean, one time is enough, we get the point. If someone wants to do it it should be their choice. But of course, with this system, no one should do it. I also hate fake testimonials because they are put there to make people buy into the system. They are always fake with fake claims too. It would even be different if they were standing by real results. Thanks for exposing this scam and hope that you help people find real ways to make money online
Fake testimonials are my #1 red flag alert because if the product was good, they would find real testimonials, no problem. I’ve seen plenty of good products with real testimonials. They don’t need to fake it.
Thank you for writing this very thorough and well laid out review. For just $47 you too can be rich…hmm yeah I think I would run the other way. There are lots of people that get caught up in these flashy promises of wealth for next to no work at all. It’s always good to continue to review these sites and call it for what it is A SCAM.
Great job and I really enjoyed your review.
I only get nervous calling it an outright scam because I haven’t personally tested it out myself. But for sure, they are using scammy tactics to try to get people to pay…
Hey, thank you for warning us about My Traffic Business. I generally don’t believe in something that promise to get me rich quick. This program looks so spammy and thank you for revealing that they are actually using fake testimonials. I also dislike how they overhyped their program by making unrealistic income claims. They try to generate the urgency by claiming the seat is limited and I doubt if that’s true. This post will save a lot of people from wasting their money. Keep up the good work!
Thanks so much for your comment!