Ali Profits System Review [You May Want to Put Your Wallet Away]

Al Profits System Review

Welcome to my Ali Profits System Review!

I commend you for doing your research before opening up your wallet and spending money on a system that promises big things.

Because you know what they say:

If it sounds too good to be true…

In this case, it does sound too good to be true.

In this Ali Profits System review, I’ll show you exactly what this program is all about and why you may want to put your wallet back away for now.

Let’s dig in!

Summary: Ali Profits System is a product that claims it can help you make $500 a day (or even $2500 a day as they mention in the sales video) through the world of e-commerce and dropshipping. While you can learn some good basic information about how dropshipping works from their training videos, it’s going to be tough to put all of the information together without spending more on their upsell products.

Recommended? In my opinion, Ali Profits System is not worth buying. First, they give you false expectations of how much money you can make and how long it will take you. Secondly, while the training they offer is decent, it’s nowhere near what you need in order to make this successful. Third, you will have to invest a lot more than the initial $37 in the product, which they don’t mention.

What is Ali Profits System?

Ali Profits System is a make money online program that claims that by using this system, you can make $500 a day – “like clockwork” with e-commerce, specifically dropshipping.

Ali Profits System Homepage

The sales video claims that they figured out how to legally siphon cash from a $372 billion dollar industry and that we’re just a few clicks away from making $2500 per day. (That certainly jumped up from $500 per day.)

You don’t need to have any prior knowledge or any computing skills and you’ll only need to spend 30 minutes a day, according to the video.

That sounds great and all, but how realistic is that? No matter what you do, it takes time to learn and build up your skills. Making money online is possible, but you need to give it time to make it work.

Even the video says it seems crazy to earn $500 while only spending 30 minutes a day working.

That’s because it is.

How Does Ali Profits System Work?

I decided not to purchase Ali Profits System because I have reviewed many similar systems, most recently China Cash Clone, which I did purchase.

All of these get-rich-quick systems are pretty much the same. They promise that you can make big bucks, they give you some basic training, try to convince you that you need their upsells to make it really work and then leave you in the dark as to how to actually get traffic to your site.

And without traffic, you can’t get sales.

During my research, I was able to see what’s inside the member’s area, and there is some video training, but not enough to be able to put everything together in a way that makes sense. It will be really hard for you to make money with this, which is why they need those fake testimonials.

Let’s back up one second and talk about dropshipping, since that’s what Ali Profits System is about.

What is Dropshipping?

I like to use the quote from Shopify since they are experts in this area:

“Dropshipping is a retail fulfillment method where a store doesn’t keep the products it sells in stock. Instead, when a store sells a product, it purchases the item from a third party and has it shipped directly to the customer. As a result, the merchant never sees or handles the product.

The biggest difference between dropshipping and the standard retail model is that the selling merchant doesn’t stock or own inventory. Instead, the merchant purchases inventory as needed from a third party – usually a wholesaler or manufacturer – to fulfill orders.”

What you would do with Ali Profits is set up a Shopify store, then source products through AliExpress, which is a wholesaler.

So… a customer would come to your store, place an order and then you would get the order fulfilled by AliExpress. When setting up your store, you find out how much the product is on AliExpress and then you charge more for it on your site and collect the difference and that’s your profit.

For instance:

Let’s say you are selling a doll. Maybe the doll costs $1 to buy from Ali Express. On your store, you would charge $7. When someone buys the doll from your store, you would get $6 in profit.

The good news: 

  • This is a completely legitimate way to do business

The bad news: 

  • It will take you WAY more than 30 minutes per day to work on it
  • You will spend way more than $37
  • You need to learn how to get traffic to your site
  • You’ll have to deal with customer service issues

While I haven’t personally tried dropshipping myself, I have heard from other people who have. As compared to my favorite way to earn an income online (affiliate marketing – we’ll talk about that a little later), dropshipping is much harder and costs more money to get started.

Online Reviews / Complaints

I wasn’t able to find anyone who has actually used Ali Profits System, whether successfully or unsuccessfully. I did read from a couple of people who have worked with Ali Express that it takes weeks to ship products. Someone said one of their orders took 8 weeks.

In a world of Amazon 2-day shipping, I don’t think customers are going to be happy with that timeline. If you do decide to learn more about dropshipping, make sure to explore all of your options when it comes to wholesalers.

My friend Chris at has a lot of great information on dropshipping, and I encourage you to read what he has here.

Is Ali Profits System a Scam or Legit?

In my opinion, I wouldn’t say that Ali Profits System is a scam exactly because you do get some training for your money. I would say that the sales page uses a lot of scammy tactics, and I’m not personally a fan of that.

It’s one thing to create some excitement around your product, and another to use tricks and lies to deceive people into buying into it.

Let’s go over the pros and cons.


  • Dropshipping is a legitimate way to make an income online
  • You can get your money back if you’re not happy with the product


  • Unknown product creator
  • Fake testimonials
  • Huge, unrealistic income claims
  • Saying you only need 30 minutes a day
  • Basic training, but not enough to put it all together successfully
  • No mention of additional money that you’ll need to spend

Now let’s take a look at the red flags from the sales page so you know what to look for and avoid in the future.

Red Flag #1 – Fake Testimonials

Whenever a product uses fake testimonials, it’s a big red flag. If a product is good and works the way it should, it would be easy to find happy customers to give testimonials.

Unfortunately, Ali Profists Systems uses fake testimonials, therefore we can only assume that no one is using the product successfully.

The first guy, “Fred” says that he’s been using Ali Profits for 3 months, and he’s already making $5,000 – $6,000 per month.

Testimonial from Ali Profits system is an actor.

But Fred’s name is really Rob, and he’s been in many other sales videos that I’ve reviewed, such as Affiliate Cash ClubAZ Sniper, Digital Formula and AZ Formula.

Our second testimonial says she’s been able to make over $2500 in her first week of using the Ali Profits system. Again, she’s an actress and she’s also been in many other sales videos I’ve reviewed.

This testimonial is also an actor.

You can see her profile picture. is a freelancer website where these testimonial actors are hired from. I understand why internet marketers use them. They want to get people excited about the product. But, it’s disingenuous. Because it’s not real.

Also, the testimonials on the bottom of the page are fake too. Take this one of “David”.

David isn't a real person.

You can see that this image is used all over the place.

David's image is all over Google.

Red Flag #2 – Huge Income Claims

You can absolutely make $500 a day working online. In fact, you can even make $2500 a day like the other bold claim stated.


It’s not going to happen quickly, and it’s not going to happen with just 30 minutes of work per day. Opening your own e-commerce store is going to require some thought and learning new skills. You can’t expect that to all come together within 2 weeks, as our testimonial lady said.

If you are willing to be patient, take your time to learn, invest in training and tools, then you can do very well online. If you’re not willing to do all of that, then you probably will want to look into staying at your regular job. Because these get-rich-quick promises are just going to waste your time and money and get you nowhere.

Red Flag #3 – We Don’t Know the Product Owner

The person in the sales video who we think is the creator of the product goes by the name of “Shawn J”, but this is just a made up name. We don’t know who actually owns this product.

Now, I get it. Some people just want to remain hidden in the shadows and don’t want their name blasted all over online. The thing is, it always seems to be these shady products with the hidden owners.

From my experience working online, the product owners that create really awesome products (like the ones I have listed in my top picks to learn affiliate marketing, for example), are proud to show themselves because they are creating something really great that people love.

It’s alway these get rich quick schemes where the owners hide themselves. Are they embarrassed for some reason? I can’t say, but it’s just a pattern that I have noticed.

Red Flag #4 – You’ll Need to Spend More Money

You think that you’ll get everything that you need to be successful when you purchase Ali Profits System, but that just isn’t the case. Here are some additional things you’ll need to spend money on:

  1. More training – because the training isn’t 100% complete, you’ll either need to buy their upsells or additional training.
  2. Traffic – They don’t mention anywhere in the sales video about traffic. Without traffic, you have no one to buy your stuff. Likely you will need to pay for traffic, and that can really add up (especially if you don’t know what you’re doing).
  3. Shopify store – a Shopify store (where you’ll set up your store) will cost you a minimum of $29 / month.

An Alternative to Ali Profits System

If dropshipping sounds a bit too much for you, then you may be interested in my personal favorite way to earn an income online – affiliate marketing.

To put it simply, affiliate marketing is promoting other people’s products for a commission.

(Check out my free guide, How To: Affiliate Marketing for Beginners to learn more.)

What I like about affiliate marketing is: 

  • You don’t have to deal with any inventory
  • You don’t have to deal with any customer service issues
  • You work on your own time, as it’s completely flexible
  • The costs to get started are minimal
  • You don’t have to have any parties, presentations, meetings or phone calls
  • It’s creative
  • You can promote things that personally interest you
  • You can create passive income

It takes time to get started in affiliate marketing, just like anything else, but once you get it rolling, you can create a nice stream (or multiple streams) of passive income. You put the work into it upfront, and then you collect on that work over and over and over again.

The sky’s the limit when it comes to earning with affiliate marketing.


Dropshipping is a completely legitimate way to earn an income online, but Ali Profits System may not be the perfect solution to teach you how to do it successfully. There are many free resources out there that can help you get started in dropshipping if that’s something that interests you.

If you like a more simple approach of earning an income online, I suggest affiliate marketing. It’s personally bringing me consistent monthly income. Here’s my #1 recommendation for affiliate marketing training. See why over 150 people have already joined with me this year!

What is your #1 takeaway from this Ali Profits System review? Do you think this is a program you would ever consider joining? What do you think about dropshipping? Have you done it? What’s it like? Leave me your thoughts down below.

8 thoughts on “Ali Profits System Review [You May Want to Put Your Wallet Away]”

  1. Thanks for this extensive and honest review about ALI profits system, I was pondering if I should join the platform few days ago; I’m glad I took time to do a little research about it, which landed me here. I was at first intrigued about the testimonies I saw, I never knew they were fake.

    Thanks again Christina

    • Thanks for stopping by, Jordan! Glad I could help. 

  2. Yeah, anything promising you thirty minutes of work per day, especially one that promises you a full-time income for thirty minutes a day, isn’t going to do much good; while the system itself might be legitimate, this seems like a very low quality product. Fake testimonials are never good, and when there’s an unknown product creator, that raises a huge red flag. Why is the creator hiding behind either a fake name or not appearing at all?

    • Yea, these products like Ali Profits System kill me because of the whole “make $5000 in 30 minutes” thing. I mean, I would LOVE to believe that’s possible too. And I’m sure they get people interested because it’s just so enticing. But I really hope people do their research and also use their common sense and realize this just isn’t possible!

  3. Lots of systems claim they can make you this much and that much.Lots of people are in it for the money however I am in it for the experience, meeting new people and learning new things. Of course I want to make money but like you said “It takes time to get started in affiliate marketing, just like anything else, but once you get it rolling…” yes once you get it rolling you’re in for making money. I am still learning! Your information will definitely benefit some people! Thank you for the feedback and review! 

    • Thanks so much for your thoughts on my Ali Profits System review, Trevor! 

  4. I’ve tried Ali Profits System in the past and I’ve got to tell that I learned a couple of things about dropshipping. 

    However, if I were to purchase a course to teach me how to make real money with the dropshipping model, I’d go for Shopify to tell you the truth as they are the most well-known ones.

    What’s your take on this? Would you say that Ali Profits System is better then Shopify or not?

    • I didn’t even realize Shopify had training, but it looks like they have a nice list of free videos. I would certainly think that would be a great place to start. 


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