What is AZ Formula? | Is AZ Formula a Scam or Can You Earn $2k Per Day?

AZ Formula Review
One of my new friends sent me an email for a program to check out. I don’t even remember which friend it was because they send me so many emails that it’s hard to keep track! It was either Matthew from Viral Cash App, Michael from Rich Janitor, Martin from Kindle Sniper or Derek from Millionaire BizPro.

All the programs these guys are “creators” of (even though they don’t actually exist since they’re not real people) ended up on my Not Recommended list. So, I’m not feeling super hopeful here. But let’s find out… what is AZ Formula? Is AZ Formula a scam, or can you really earn $2,000 a day starting today? Hey, you never know, I have been pleasantly surpsied before!

Before we get into it, I want to give you a chance to save time by skipping all the nonsense below and just getting right into a real way to make money online. Check out my Free Guide to Making Money Online for Beginners and get started the RIGHT way. I’m pretty sure this video is going to make you think there are easy ways to make money with their “proven, secret system”. That’s not true. There are no shortcuts. Read my guide and let me take you through the process of how it REALLY works.

Click the Button to Get Access to My Free Guide to Making Money Online for Beginners and Learn How to Actually Make Money Online!

Free Guide to Making Money Online for Beginners

Here are the areas we’ll explore in this AZ Formula review.

  • What is AZ Formula?
  • How Does AZ Formula Work?
  • Is AZ Formula a Scam or Legit?
  • You CAN Make Money Online – with the Right Training & Hard Work
  • Wealthy Affiliate Versus AZ Formula

What is AZ Formula?

Product: AZ Formula
Cost: $37
Owner(s): Steven Cook (fake name)
[yasr_overall_rating size=”medium”]

You know, I actually had a little hope when I went to the sales page of this product. Because I saw something unusual. (Unusual for these types of videos anyway.) There’s an image of the CEO of this product!

AZ Formula CEO

Finally! We have a product with a real person attached. OK, maybe this is actually going to be a good one.


This is just an image of a (admittedly handsome) model that other sites have used as well.

Steven Cook Fake CEOAlright, we’re not off to a great start, but some people just want to remain anonymous. Although, I’m not sure why you would if you have a great product that actually helps people. I would think that you would be proud of that? But, I’ll try to keep an open mind as I dive into the video.

It’s just so hard to keep an open mind when this is the first thing the video says…

“Congratulations! You have just landed on the world’s first-ever DONE FOR YOU affiliate profit system.”

I should probably just stop right here because this is already red flag territory. I really need to go no further than this. Before I hit that play button again, I already know what this video is going to say. It’s going to say the same things alllll the other ones say. Easy. Automated. Secret System. Make thousands quickly. This is unlike anything you’ve ever heard.

However, I’ll continue on because I always love watching these things. Maybe this one will even have a new gimmick! Let’s find out.

In the video I learned:

  • This could change your life forever
  • Ordinary people like you are making thousands every day
  • Automated one-click profit system
  • A very specific 142 “regular” people have already made their dreams come true
  • Don’t need any special skills or training
  • It has nothing to do with Bitcoin, Facebook ads, Cryptocurrency, or anything illegal
  • You may never see this video again if you exit the page
  • (No new gimmicks. Same ol’, same ol’)

You don’t need to spend hours slaving over your laptop like a lot of those “other systems” out there. You’re just a few clicks away from making over $10,000 a week. He’s had enough of fake gurus trying to scam people out of their hard-earned money.

AZ Formula Sales Video

Yea, we are. That’s why I do these reviews. But I suppose your program is sooooo different, right?

This system will make you $10,000 a week on autopilot. (Riiigggghhht!) This program is different from anything else you’ve ever seen before. (I didn’t see that one coming. Huge rolling of my eyes happening right now.) This is a secret profit system. (Oh my goodness, i almost can’t take it. Do these guys all use the SAME exact script?)

Steven wants us to believe him that he’s the real deal. (Uh, I think we already established that Steven is not the real deal at all. In fact, he’s not even real! ) He’s different from those other “big-shots” because he has a heart. (Nope. No you don’t, Steven. You’re not real. How can you have a heart if you don’t exist?)

Of course we have our fake testimonial people. No shady sales video would be complete without these! Testimonial 1 has been using AZ Formula for around 2 weeks and she’s already made over $11,000. Testimonial 2 has made $7,000 using this system. He’s already made $750 today! Hey, haven’t we seen this guy before?

AZ Formula Testimonial Guy

Of course they can’t let this system get out, so they’re going to pull the page down very soon. (I wish they would!) He can’t let in too many more people. It’s too risky to draw that much attention! He’s only taking 10 people and turning them into millionaires and then he’s retiring for good. (Oh nos!)

Steven’s story is that he working for a mobile app company and managed a small group of people. They were good, but his manager was a jerk. He caught him talking to his friend one day and caught him giving out sensitive company information. His boss caught him listening to him. He got blamed for misusing company data and was fired. He was down-and-out until…

Ring, ring! His cousin Paul called him and changed his luck. He had a business idea. His idea was to come up with a system to tap into the market of a big business and “scrape all the best items sold.” They would act as affiliates for all the brands sold. Paul said they could make millions!

In the first week of trying out their new system, they were making $500 every other day. Then $1000 every other day, then $1000 a day! His cousin sold his portion of the business.

Now Steven makes tons of money and he only works 15 minutes a day. How does he do it? We’ll never know unless we pay because it’s too “secret”. Let’s see if we can find out without Steven’s help. I’m “sure” it’ll be so easy.

How Does AZ Formula Work?

AZ Formula Logo

Well, we don’t know. Because they never tell us in the videos!! Sometimes I purchase the product if I want to really dig a little deeper. Sometimes I find people who have used the product and check out their results. But I know that this one is so bad that it’s not worth even taking a look into it anymore. (I assume others agree because I couldn’t find anyone who actually tried AZ Formula.)

There is obviously a connection with Amazon, and I’m assuming it’s an Amazon affiliate program. Although, they mention e-commerce in the video as well, and these are two different things. So do these guys even know what their product is? Probably not!

Is AZ Formula a Scam or Legit?

Thumbs DownYou probably get something for your money. It’s not likely to be high quality though. I consider these guys to be scammy because they use way too many tricks to try to get you to buy:

  • Make $10,000 in just 15 minutes a day
  • Only 10 people will be chosen
  • This is a “secret” system and they can’t let too many people know about it
  • Fake testimonials
  • Fake CEO
  • Fake, Fake, FAKE!

I checked into their affiliate program and there’re shady things going on there too. So, as an affiliate marketer, I could choose to market this product on my site and through email and I could get a commission for anyone who buys from me. I would never, ever promote this product even if it made me millions (it wouldn’t), so don’t worry about that.

However, I like to see what materials they give to affiliate marketers to see how they suggest promoting their product. More red flags!

AZ Formula Email


Would I recommend AZ Formula? Oh, hell no.

You CAN Make Money Online – with the Right Training & Hard Work

Can you make money online? Yes, you absolutely can! In fact, there is so much opportunity to make money from the comfort of your own home, being your own boss. There’s almost TOO much opportunity. It’s sometimes hard to choose what direction to go. But that’s good news for you because that means there’s room for EVERYONE to be successful!

The thing is, you have to get it out of your mind that it’s going to happen in just a few days with only 15 minutes of work. Do you want to work for yourself? Do you want to create the life of your dreams? If so, then get that thought OUT of your head. It takes time, work, persistence and perseverance. If you can accept that, you will do very, very well.

The other important component of being successful online is training. Not these fake, junky products. These aren’t going to get you very far. In fact, you’ll likely get frustrated from the fact that the secret system isn’t working and you’ll just completely give up.

If you have the proper training and learn how to set everything up the right way, you will do much, much better. I still see people give up too quickly and quit (I was once one of those people), so you still need patience and perseverance. If you can push through, you can change your life.

Wealthy Affiliate is the training site I recommend. They will walk you step-by-step through the entire process of setting up a website and learning how to make money with it. I used them to start this very site, and I still use them today to stay up-to-date and learn new techniques. Click the button below to go to my Wealthy Affiliate review so you can get an insider look at everything they offer.

Click the Button to See Why Wealthy Affiliate is My #1 Recommendation for Affiliate Marketing Training.

My #1 Recommendation

Wealthy Affiliate Versus AZ Formula

Let’s take a look at a comparison of What AZ Formula offers versus what Wealthy Affiliate offers. You can see from the chart, there is no comparison. Wealthy Affiliate provides everything you need to get started with a profitable affiliate marketing site.

Do you have any questions about AZ Formula? Have you had experience with this product? I’d love to hear what it was like for you. Leave a comment below!


4 thoughts on “What is AZ Formula? | Is AZ Formula a Scam or Can You Earn $2k Per Day?”

  1. Yes, I would have gotten about as far as you did.  Oh love the sarcasm!

    With the number of these schemes out there these days, it is still amazing people are still falling for them.  I know when you may need the money, you may have blinders on.

    At least check them out before you drop them you money you can’t afford to give them

    • I think it’s just that you and I are so used to seeing these that we can recognize right away when it’s shady. Other people who don’t look at these for a living might not be used to all the fake testimonial people and over-hyped sales figures. So I don’t really blame them, I just hope people do their research before buying into these systems. 

      Thanks for stopping by! 

  2. Great review Christina! I simply can not believe that this programs still exists. I hope that a lot people will see this and invest money in something better and more legitimate. I am affiliate marketer and and anyone who earn money online know that this job is awesome. Also Wealthy affiliate platform rocks, definitely worth it. All the best!, 


    • Thanks for your thoughts, Daniel! This program is probably not very old. It seems like they just take the same script and change a couple of things around and voila! You have a new “secret” system. We’re on to them! 

      I’m glad you’re at Wealthy Affiliate and enjoying your time there! It’s definitely the best place to learn affiliate marketing, in my humble opinion. I love that everything is all in one place – training, web hosting, domain names, keyword tool, support, etc. It’s all right in the platform. 


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