Learn Affiliate Marketing

Being in affiliate marketing for quite some time now, I have started to see what products out there are really good to learn affiliate marketing and related subjects. These are my top picks (so far) that I have found. 

Some of the criteria I used to pick these are: 

  1. Do these products, courses or platforms do what they say they’re going to do? 
  2. Do I feel proud to promote them because I know that they really work?
  3. Do they have happy customers (other than myself)? 
  4. Do they have longevity, and / or are they updated frequently? 

In all of the cases for recommendations below, the answers are yes. That’s why these are my top picks for learning a skill in the affiliate marketing and online marketing arenas. Please bookmark this site and check back because I will add on as I find more great learning resources. 

#1Wealthy Affiliate Logo<img alt=”Wealthy Affiliate Logo” width=”220″ height=”220″ title=”WA_Logo” data-id=”2329″ src=”https://christinapiccoli.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/WA_Logo.jpg” style=”width: 100%;”>

Wealthy Affiliate

It’s no secret that Wealthy Affiliate is my #1 pick for learning affiliate marketing (it’s all over my site). That’s because they meet all of the criteria above and more. They have over 1 million members, which means there’s a thriving community within the platform. They have step-by-step training, website hosting, live weekly trainings and so much more. (Read my Wealthy Affiliate review.) 

5 of 5 Stars#2Blog Revenue Engines Logo<img alt=”Blog Revenue Engines Logo” width=”225″ height=”120″ title=”BRE_Logo_Sm” data-id=”5694″ src=”https://christinapiccoli.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/BRE_Logo_Sm.jpg” style=”width: 100%;”>

Blog Revenue Engines and Authority Revenue Engines

Blog Revenue Engines actually doesn’t focus on affiliate marketing. Instead, Paul Scrivens’ (Scrivs) concept is to take a site, get as much traffic to it as quickly as possible and then get into a good ad network. This should allow you to get to $1000 in passive income in about 6 months. (Read my Blog Revenue Engines review.)

Authority Revenue Engines is a little different. This training focuses on making your site an authority website that Google (and people) loves. This one goes into detail about the types of blog posts to write for authority (Scrivs mentions 2 particular ones that kill it in search engines), SEO, information products, keyword research, creating content and more. (Read my Authority Revenue Engines review.)  

Note: You can purchase BRE and ARE separately, or you can get a bundle of both products.

4 of 5 Stars#3$100k Climb Logo<img alt=”$100k Climb Logo” width=”193″ height=”134″ title=”100kClimb_logo” data-id=”5695″ src=”https://christinapiccoli.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/100kClimb_logo.jpg” style=”width: 100%;”>

Dare to Conquer / $100k Climb

Dare to Conquer (used to be known as Billionaire Blog Club) is a membership site run by Scrivs (yes, him again — I really like his stuff!) and it includes a variety of courses to totally rock the online marketing world. His courses in DTC include: Six Figure Product Creation, Affiliate Marketing Magic, Content Creation Cocktail, Dating Pinterest, Feel Good Funnels, Hero Branding, SEO My Goodness and Tribe Love. 

Generally speaking, $100k Climb takes you through the courses in a systematic way so that you can build a website from $0 to $100,000 in 18 months (according to Scrivs). 

4 of 5 Stars#4Affiliate SEO Mastery<img alt=”Affiliate SEO Mastery” width=”305″ height=”231″ title=”AffiliateSEOMastery_Image” data-id=”3211″ src=”https://christinapiccoli.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/AffiliateSEOMastery_Image.png” style=”width: 100%;”>

Affiliate SEO Mastery

Mastering SEO is such an important piece of affiliate marketing (if you want free traffic), I can’t even begin to stress how important it is. In this course, you learn everything from finding the right keywords, writing that content that ranks, and then taking it all to the next level to skyrocket your success. (Read my Affiliate SEO Mastery review.)

4 of 5 Stars#5<img alt=”” width=”400″ height=”225″ title=”pinterest-traffic-avalanche” data-id=”2027″ src=”https://christinapiccoli.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/pinterest-traffic-avalanche.jpg” style=”width: 100%;”>

Pinterest Traffic Avalanche

Did you know that Pinterest is a search engine? That’s right. It’s a pretty search engine. And it’s SUPER powerful. It is such a fantastic way to get loads of free traffic, and lots of people are missing out on it. (Because they don’t know how to use it properly.) Alex and Lauren (the masterminds behind this course) will show you exactly how to set up your account, how to create pins that get noticed, how to analyze your data and so much more. (Read my Pinterest Traffic Avalanche review.) 

4 of 5 Stars

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