Daily Cash Siphon Review. Siphon $395 a Day?

Daily Cash Siphon Review

I’m used to my friend Martin from Kindle Sniper sending me some products to check out. But, my friends over at Wealth Academy have sent me a bunch, too. Aren’t these guys so nice? I just don’t understand how they have time since they’re making so much money using Wealth Academy, but I guess they find a way to squeeze it in.

This one is called Daily Cash Siphon. It seems that siphoning money is a big thing right now. Viral Cash Siphon loves this strategy too. As always, I do try to keep an open mind when I start these reviews. You just never know!

Let’s find out if Daily Cash Siphon is a scam or legit. Can you really siphon $395 a day with this system? Let’s see in this Daily Cash Siphon review.

I always give you the option to skip all the mumbo-jumbo below and go straight to my #1 recommendation.

Click the Button to Go to My #1 Recommendation

My #1 Recommendation

Here are the areas we’ll explore in this Daily Cash Siphon review.

  • What is Daily Cash Siphon?
  • How Does Daily Cash Siphon Work?
  • Is Daily Cash Siphon a Scam or Legit?
  • Build A Website That Makes Residual Income
  • Let’s Recap

What is Daily Cash Siphon?

Product: Daily Cash Siphon
Cost: $37
Owner(s): William Fairbrother is the spokesperson. The real owner is unknown.
[yasr_overall_rating size=”medium”]

You can almost always tell how ridiculous a sales video is going to be as soon as you hit the sales page. Here we go again with the “weird tricks” and large sums of money claims. I also circled the writing under the headline because this is another tactic. You can start today in “under 7 minutes & 19 clicks”. What does that even mean?

Cash Siphon Video

As soon as I click on the video I get congratulated for qualifying to watch this private video. Riiigggghhht. I haven’t heard that one before. I’m not allowed to share this video with anyone because they’re about to show me a “weird trick” that can make me money every day for the rest of my life.

Other key points in the video:

  • You need to have zero experience
  • This is controversial
  • This is legally siphoning money from a barely-ethical $480 million market
  • You should leave if you’re easily offended
  • You can make shockingly consistent money
  • Start today in under 7 minutes & 19 clicks with this one trick (this is repeated many, many times)
  • They genuinely want you to make money. When you make money, they make money

They only want to share this information with the right kind of person. There are two rules:

  1. This is legal cash system, but controversial. You can’t get offended.
  2. This is only available to people from certain countries.

They mentioned that there was a surprise ending, but I can’t think of what that is. I guess it wasn’t too surprising then.

OK, then they went on to tell us EXACTLY how this system works.

This system:

  • exploits affiliate marketing
  • helps find people who want to buy a product on clickbank
  • helps you find the products that could make you the most money as an affiliate
  • targets controversial products (and some weird ones, too)
  • helps you find the best products with a shortcut

Of course, you don’t need any technical experience. You just have to copy their moves step-by-step. And, to have a sense of urgency, of course they’re not going to keep this offer up for long!

How Does Daily Cash Siphon Work?

Well, after all that talk about making tons of money and siphoning cash from a “weird trick”, it seems that this product is really just about blogging and taking advantage of affiliate marketing. What’s even more strange is that they said this is very controversial and even “weird”. I think this is due to the ClickBank products they suggest you promote. However, there may not be people looking for those controversial products, so keep that in mind.

When you log into the system, there are some different training videos. It’s pretty extensive, and that is impressive. It’s better than what most of these products give you.

Some topics of these videos include:

  • how to set up a blog
  • how to pick a niche
  • how to name your blog
  • how to set up your site in WordPress
  • how to pick a website host
  • how to write content for your blog
  • how to do keyword research
  • how to have the right mindset
  • how to find affiliate networks
  • how to add affiliate links to your content
  • how to do product reviews
  • how to grow an email list
  • how to promote your site
  • how to get traffic through SEO
  • how to use ClickBank
  • how to outsource using Freelancer sites

There are also tasks list for each video so that you can stay on track with each section.

Is Daily Cash Siphon a Scam or Legit?

Thumbs MiddleDaily Cash Siphon is not a scam. Surprisingly, it’s decent. I’m going to give it my sideways thumb. That means it’s OK. I wouldn’t recommend it over my #1 recommendation, but it’s not a bad beginner course to learning about affiliate marketing.

It does have a good amount of relevant content. However, there are a few downsides.

  1. The training videos are all pretty short. I am an affiliate marketer myself, and I know some topics will take much longer to learn about than just a few minutes. So, that’s a little iffy.
  2. Because this is a one-and-done product, you may find things that are no longer applicable. Things move quickly online and it’s really good to stay up-to-date with everything.
  3. While they do have a chat box if you need support, it’s not a live chat box so you may not get full support for this product. What if you have questions? What if you get stuck?
  4. They make it seem like it’ll be really easy to make money quickly. You can definitely make money in affiliate marketing, but it’s going to take time. There are no “weird tricks” or secrets to make your results much faster.

If you’re willing to work at it though, affiliate marketing is awesome. There are lots of benefits to this business. Most people quit right away though because they think it’s going to happen faster than it does. If you can be patient, this is a great way to make money online.

Since I semi-recommend this product, I’m going to link it here.

An Even Better Way to Learn Affiliate Marketing

While Daily Cash Siphon is decent and could be a good way to get started in affiliate marketing, I believe you’ll need more help than they can offer along the way. I’ve purchased some of these training products in the past. Some of them were terrible, but I also bought some decent ones.

They can help you start to understand the entire process, which is good. The thing is that when you’re stuck, you don’t really have anyone to turn to. You maybe can find some answers online, but it can take time to sift through everything. (And time is money!)

My #1 Recommendation has all the step-by-step training, domain name purchasing, web hosting, content creation and weekly live trainings. It’s also a community of like-minded people so there’s always someone there to offer help when you need it.

If you’re just getting started, I’d like to offer you my FREE Guide to Making Money Online for Beginners. I’ll take you through the process of showing you how easy it is to get set up. You can have a website up and running in just a matter of minutes. (That’s the easy part! Then comes all the work. It’s fun work though, if you ask me!)

You can see if you even like affiliate marketing by trying everything out for free. You can even stay a free member for as long as you want. (I don’t recommend it if you really want to make it in this business, but it’s up to you.)

Click the Button for My FREE Guide

Free Guide to Making Money Online

Let’s Recap

Affiliate marketing is what I do and it can be a lot of fun and very rewarding. There are tons of benefits to this business. But you’re definitely not going to make $395 / day right off the bat. Unless you beg your friends and family for sales. (One of the benefits of affiliate marketing is that sales come to YOU so you don’t have to chase them.)

You’re also not going to accomplish all of this in 7 minutes and 19 clicks. I really have no idea what that even means? I’m still scratching my head at that one. It’s possible that they say this because they have ready-made sites for you to use and perhaps those take a small amount of time to set up. However, there are some issues with that:

  • It’s not your own site and can be taken down at any moment
  • Google’s not going to rank them because they’re not unique, therefore you’re not going to get traffic
  • They’re not going to be high quality and you won’t be seen as trustworthy

Daily Cash Siphon made some big claims in their marketing video, which made me very suspicious. But their product seems OK.

However, if you really want to learn all there is to know about affiliate marketing, step-by-step, then I suggest you check out my #1 recommendation and also view my Free Guide to Making Money Online for Beginners. You’ll have a much better head start because you’ll get ALL the information, ALL the tools you need and ALL the support you could ever want.

Click the Button Below to Get My FREE Guide to Making Money Online for Beginners!

FREE Guide to Making Money Online for Beginners

Do you have any questions or comments about Daily Cash Siphon? Any questions or comments about affiliate marketing? If so, please leave them below and I’ll be happy to get back to you.

8 thoughts on “Daily Cash Siphon Review. Siphon $395 a Day?”

  1. Great review and information on Daily Cash Siphon, I just might check it out.  I thought for sure this would turn out to be a scam,  thanks for doing the research on this company for us.  I think it’s good to check out other sources of income. I found it helpful that you also offer a guide to help newbies make money on line.

    • I also think it’s a good idea to look at different sources of income. You never know when you’ll stumble on something good. I consider Daily Cash Siphon to be like Wealthy Affiliate light. Similar idea and training, but not to the extent of Wealthy Affiliate. 

  2. Well, that’s a new one on me! Sounds like an interesting idea, but it also seems that it would not be super-reliable. I don’t like the fact that there is no support to speak of. I know how hard it is to set up a good website, and it is really helpful to have good support in place. I do think you did a thorough and informative review. If you find it works well, send me a message.

    • I think that’s one of the most important things to have is support. I always have questions and need to figure out how to do things. I feel like it would be really easy to get stuck, get frustrated and quit if you didn’t have the support to get questions answered. It’s one of the best things about Wealthy Affiliate.

  3. thanks for this review is very informative and I like the amusing puns like the 19 clicks and what dies that even mesn! Ha ha 

    I’ve persanally never heard that before, certainly 3 clicks but 19!

    At first when you got into the review I thought it sounded pretty good however the training does not sound very in-depth like Wealthy Affiliate. I clicked on your link and saw we your review.

    Wealthy affiliate offers training for beginners and full time instant support along with all web hosting and security amongst other features.

    My suggestion is that you go straight to Wealthy Affiliate.

    • Yes, I was completely puzzled by the 7 minutes and 19 clicks thing. That was an interesting one. I guess it captured our attention? lol 

      And I agree with you about the training. It’s similar to what Wealthy Affiliate does, but definitely less in-depth. You get absolutely everything you need to run an affiliate marketing website at Wealthy Affiliate – including web hosting, which it one of my favorite things about WA. 

  4. Hello Christina,

    As a member of Wealthy Affiliate, I see very well that you are promoting other serious companies that also work in affiliate marketing. I also before meeting WA, buy courses from other companies also recommended. I also like that signs pros and cons because there are no perfect companies. Thank you very much and greetings!


    • Thanks, Claudio! I promote whatever I see that’s good. I probably won’t find something that I like more than Wealthy Affiliate, but I like to keep an open mind. I also like to give people options. And you’re right. No product or system is perfect. Everything’s got its up and its downs. 


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