Is NutriCellix a Scam? [Custom DNA Weight Loss System MLM]

Another multi-level marketing company just launched. (Aren’t there enough of them out there already?!) This one is called NutriCellix and it’s a custom-made weight loss system based on your DNA and natural circadian rhythms. Sounds a little suspicious, but is NutriCellix a scam? Or a pyramid scheme?

We’ll get into all of that in the article below. I’m going to tell you about some red flags I already see with this company and why I think it will be hard to convince anyone to buy these products.

Let’s get right into it!

What is NutriCellix?

NutriCellix Homepage

NutriCellix is a brand new MLM that just came on the market. In fact, at the time of this writing, it doesn’t seem like you are able to become an independent distributor (Ambassador) just yet, although it was supposed to launch officially on 1.1.20.

The company’s founder and CEO is Bo Short. Bo has quite a history with MLMs. Let’s go over some of that for a sec.

Bo Short’s MLM History

Here’s Bo’s history in brief bullet points. (Otherwise, it may take too much space to cover it all.)

  • Amway (Quixtar) Diamond. Left in 2001.
  • Started Passport.
  • Passport didn’t do well, so it merged into Oasis LifeSciences, then Univera LifeSciences.
  • Founding partner of EIRO – Energy Drink. Launched in 2010, closed in 2011.
  • Joined Juenesse in 2014.
  • Joined Nerium in 2018. (Was formerly Nerium and rebranded to Neora. Neora was just sued by the FTC for being a pyramid scheme, by the way.)
  • Founded NutriCellix in 2019.

I may have missed some steps along the way. But the point is, Bo is a serial MLM jumper. If these MLMs and their products are soooo good as we’ve been told time and time again, why not stay with one and continue to rake in the cash? Could it be that they really aren’t all that they’re cracked up to be?

Back to NutriCellix

As soon as I see the homepage for NutriCellix, I’m already skeptical, to be honest with you. First of all, do we really need another health and wellness MLM? Another weight loss supplement MLM?

This one is particularly…interesting.

According to the site, some of the supplements will be “built” for you based on your specific DNA. Sorry, but I’m really skeptical now.

We’re going to get into this a little later, but there are some shady things I’ve picked up from just viewing the website.

For now, let’s see how much these magical weight loss products are.

NutriCellix Products

There are just seven products currently. They are (along with their pricing):

  • DNA Analysis Kit = $100
  • Core AM/PM = $129.95 or $109.95 autoship
  • Prime AM/PM = $129.95 or $109.95 autoship
  • Prevail AM/PM = $129.95 or $109.95 autoship
  • FIT Vanilla = $69.95 or $59.95 autoship
  • FIT Chocolate = $69.95 or $59.95 autoship
  • SURGE = $49.95 or $$39.95 autoship

First, let’s talk about the DNA analysis kit. You need one if you want to order either Prime or Prevail.

According to the site, “With a series of DNA-based “boosterpacks” that build on the CORE formula, NutriCellix PRIME takes your weight management efforts to the next level.”

Prevail is more for weight management once you’ve reached your target weight.

I don’t know about you, but sending in my spit so some MLM can analyze my DNA does not seem like a great idea. But maybe I’m just paranoid.

Secondly, at the time of this writing, the only way to get these products is via autoship.

NutriCellix is only available with autoship


I would consider that another red flag. I know they’re new and getting ramped up, but wouldn’t it be easier to get single orders out versus autoship orders?

How Much Does it Cost to Join NutriCellix?

In order to become a NutriCellix Ambassador, you’ll have to pay for two things:

  1. Registration Fee = $59
  2. DNA Swab = $100

Yes, you read that right. You’ve got to get your DNA test. That’s how I understood it from watching this video:

Bo talks about it at the 4:44 mark.

NutriCellix Compensation Plan

As of the time of this writing, NutriCellix doesn’t have a compensation plan online via its website. They were supposed to launch on 1.1.20, but I don’t see a way to join, so it’s possible the launch has been delayed.

If you have a spare 40 minutes, you can watch this video by CEO and Founder. Bo Short.

I will try to break down some of what he says here, although, I never feel that the compensation plans are that important because I wouldn’t recommend anyone joins an MLM anyway. A company can have the best compensation plan ever created, but the fact that it’s an MLM still means you have a 99% chance of losing money (source).

But, let’s see what Bo says about this plan and see if maybe I’m wrong this time.

5 Ways to Earn

According to the video, there are 5 ways to earn with NutriCellix. These include:

  1. Retail Sales
  2. SmartSave Customer Commissions
  3. Team Commissions
  4. Leadership Matching Bonus
  5. Leadership Bonus Pool

And there will also be ways to earn rewards and incentives.

Bo points out in the presentation that you do have a PV (Personal Volume) requirement, but you can achieve this completely through sales, and that you don’t have to buy anything. (OK, but we’ll get back to this point a little later because it’s technically true with a lot of MLMs, but they’ll find a way to get you to buy…)

Bo says that the compensation structure is Unilevel with a Generational Check Match. That’s clear as mud, isn’t it?

That’s about all I could understand of this compensation plan. But again, I don’t need to understand it because I’m not joining. And since I’m not recommending you join either, you also don’t need to know the ins and outs of this convoluted plan.

NutriCellix Income Disclosure

NutriCellix doesn’t have an Income Disclosure yet because distributors haven’t started selling yet (at the time of this writing), as far as I can tell. It will take at least a year to collect enough data to create an income report.

But honestly, we don’t even need to see an Income Disclosure.

Call me psychic, but I can see the future with this.

Almost no one will make a decent salary with NutriCellix.

How do I know? Because all Income Disclosures reveal the same thing.

Here are some MLM companies that I took a look at that have Income Disclosures, so you can see for yourself:

Why is it so hard to make money in an MLM? There are several few reasons, in my opinion:

  1. You have to buy a starter kit, and then you need to be able to recoup the cost of that. People struggle with just this step.
  2. You will be pressured into buying more products (we’ll talk about that more below), which is more money out of your pocket.
  3. In order to rank up, you’ll need to have a certain amount of sales each month. A lot of distributors end up buying this amount themselves so that they can remain qualified. Basically, they buy their rank. That’s even more money out of your pocket.
  4. It’s hard to convince people on the outside that the products are worth the high prices, therefore it’s hard to make retail sales. You have to recruit in order to make this work, and this is not an easy task!
  5. People are more and more skeptical of MLMs now and it’s even harder to convince people to join them.

These are the 5 reasons why I think it’s not easy to make money in an MLM. In fact, it’s almost impossible. That’s not my opinion, that’s a fact, based on this study posted on the FTC’s website.

NutriCellix Complaints & Positive Reviews

Because NutriCellix hasn’t even officially started yet (as far as I can tell), there aren’t yet any positive reviews or complaints. We’ll have to come back to this another time.

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Is NutriCellix a Scam or a Pyramid Scheme?

So, if NutriCellix a scam or a pyramid scheme? Honestly, it’s too early to tell. (And I’m not the FTC, so I can’t really say anyway.) But, I definitely think there are already some red flags. Let’s talk about them after we discuss some pros.

(Honestly, I can only think of one sort of pro.)


  • This is a brand-new company so I suppose this could be a “ground floor” opportunity if the company actually gets off the ground


  • Bo Short is a serial MLM jumper and he’s started companies that failed miserably. Could NutriCellix be next?
  • You have to send in a DNA kit in order to purchase some of the products
  • In order to be an Ambassador, you have to send in a DNA kit (for $100)
  • The whole custom-DNA-supplements is shady, and I can’t help but be skeptical
  • You can only buy the products on autoship right now
  • The products are hella expensive
  • The products to be most effective, “when coupled with sensible eating and exercise.” and all supplements and meals need to be consumed in a 12-hour window.

The Real Reason You May Lose Weight

The last point in the Cons is likely the real reason you’ll lose weight if you take these products. First, when you limit your eating window to 12 hours, you’ll consume fewer calories. Especially if you’re replacing some of those calories with a (freaking expensive) protein shake.

Then, on top of it, you’re supposed to eat sensibly and exercise. I mean…of course you’re going to lose weight if you follow that advice.

Sorry, but I’m not buying this DNA weight loss system. Sounds like another way for Bo Short to rip people off. Oops, did I type that out loud?

You Don’t Have to Buy Any Products?

I love when these MLM companies say you don’t have to buy any products yourself in order to hit your PV. As I mentioned above, that’s technically true with most companies.

The thing is, how an MLM works is that YOU, as a distributor for the company, become the customer. Most MLMs are considered closed-market systems, which means that everyone within the company ends up buying the products. Very few people on the outside are buying.

Therefore, you are going to be buying products. Your upline will make sure of it. You will be told you need to try the products and know what they’re like so that you know how to sell them. (I do understand this to a certain extent. You do want to know what you’re selling.)

In my experience with Young Living, they had another way to get money from us, and I have a feeling most MLMs do this too. I can’t say for sure this will be true with NutriCellix, but I would bet that they’ll have something in place…

We had monthly promotions where they would get you all hyped about the products, and depending on how much you bought, you would get a certain amount of “free” products.

For instance, the maximum amount of for the monthly promotions was about $300. If you bought the entire $300 worth of promotional products, you’d get maybe 4-5 oils or other products for free that month.

This is how MLMs make money. They make it off of YOU, the distributor. You are also the customer! I was so blind to this when I was in Young Living, but I see it so clearly now.

Good job to my upline. They made a killing off of me.


While NutriCellix may not be considered a scam or a pyramid scheme (yet), we can see that there are some red flags to consider. I think one of the biggest red flags for people may be sending in a DNA kit. Especially to some unknown MLM.

In order to not be a pyramid scheme, there has to be some level of retail sales going on. That is, sales outside of the MLM and not just sales from distributors. And how is that going to happen with this particular company? Are people really going to be OK with spending a ton of money on these products AND sending in their DNA kit? I really don’t think so.

Which means that the vast majority of sales will be coming from distributors. And that will put NutriCellix right in pyramid scheme territory. Unless I’m completely wrong. Which I might be.

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