Is Social Bounty a Scam? [Shocking Discovery!]

Have you come across this new and exciting website that says you can make $500 today? Are you feeling a little skeptical and you’re wondering…is Social Bounty a scam, or a legitimate way to make some money?

I’m not going to beat around the bush.

Social Bounty is a scam.

Big time.

And I’m going to show you all the proof in this article.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, I made a shocking discovery when researching this website. I’ll tell you about that a little later.

In the meantime, I’m going to show you exactly why you need to be very careful with websites like this. Don’t put any information into this Social Bounty website until you understand what they’re trying to do.

Let’s get right into it.

What is Social Bounty?

Is Social Bounty a Scam? Yup!

I saw a question in Quora yesterday where the person asked if Social Bounty ( is a scam, and I decided to take a peek at it.

Immediately I knew the answer was yes.

Social Bounty is a scam.

How do I know?

Well, I’ve done articles on websites that look JUST like this in the past. They all have the same basic look to them, and they all say you can make $500 a day using your social media influence.

Here are a few of the other sites I’ve looked at:

I went through the whole process of signing up (not using my main account, and I’ll tell you why this is important later), with the site Kids Earn Cash, and you can see what a mess that was in this Kids Earn Cash review.

These are those kinds of Get Paid To (GPT) sites where you have to jump through 1,000 hoops to try to qualify for a gift card, but in reality, you’ll never qualify because it’s all just a bunch of spam websites trying to get your information and not leading you anywhere you want to go.

If you do happen to qualify for payments by referring enough people, or doing whatever you need to do, you still won’t get paid. And I’ll show you that a little later.

How Does Social Bounty Work?

According to the site, Social Bounty connects you to advertisers and you get paid $5 – $20 for every person you refer.

Make $5 - $20 for every person you refer?

Supposedly, you can use your social media influence to refer people to this site, which brings in more advertiser revenue and that’s how they can pay you.

Here’s the thing.

No legitimate site pays $5 – $20 per referral.

At least not any legit GPT site. It’s unheard-of, and it’s just a number that draws people into signing up.

My thought in how this really works is that they get you to sign up (and hope you’ll get your friends to sign up too), and then they sell your information to other scammers.


That’s why I advise you not to put any personal information into this site.

Is Social Bounty a Scam or Legit?

In case I didn’t already make it clear enough, Social Bounty is a scam. Let me make it more clear.

SOCIAL BOUNTY IS A HUGE SCAM. Do not put your information on this company’s website!!! It might technically be free, but you could be paying with your personal data!


  • None. There are no pros. Do not sign up!


  • This is a scam website, and these scammers may steal your personal information. You don’t need any other cons! That’s enough.

In case you aren’t convinced yet, let’s go over the biggest red flags so that you can see the proof that this is a scam for yourself.

Social Bounty Red Flags

There are so many red flags on this site, it’s hard to just pick a few. Let’s go over some of the most blatant problems. This will give you an idea of what to look out for with other websites that you run across.

Red Flag # 1 – Misspellings

When you see a site that’s supposed to have major advertisers that help pay you, and you see a misspelling like this, be very skeptical.

No legitimate website would let this big of an error go out on their website.

Social Bounty misspellings are a red flag.

Also, this is on the About page and it’s the history of the company. But if you notice, this doesn’t really say anything.

Red Flag #2 – The Founding Members

On the About Page, there’s a section that shows who the founding member are. Too bad this is completely fake.

These Social Bounty founding members are not real.

If you click on their social media buttons, they just put you back on the Social Bounty page. They don’t really work.

If you do a Google search on these images, you’ll see that these are just stock photos.

Red Flag #3 – The Testimonials

Sorry, but the Testimonials aren’t real either. In fact, this is the shocking (and downright disturbing) thing that I found when researching Social Bounty.

Let’s take a look at this testimonial from “Jerome”.

Jerome's testimonial is fake

This is what I saw when I searched for this image in Google:

Jerome is really a teen who was arrested for murder.

These nasty scammers used a picture of someone who murdered an 88-year old World War II vet! That’s so awful. I don’t even know what’s wrong with these people.

Red Flag #4 – Bad Email

A true sign of a scam site is if they have a working email address or not. I can assure you, this is a scam site and their email address doesn’t work.

I sent them an email to the one on their site, which is

This is what I got back:

Social Bounty's email doesn't work.

Red Flag #5 – Social Bounty Payment Proof is Fake

There’s a video on Social Bounty’s site with “payment proof” and I was surprised to see that actually put some effort into it. They took the time to create a bunch of fake YouTube accounts to make it look like there are people commenting on the video.

Social Bounty fake YouTubers

But don’t be fooled. This is all set up to draw you in and make you feel like this is legit.

I hope I’ve already proven it’s not.

Here’s a video from fellow Wealthy Affiliate member (see more about this below), Roope. He talks about Social Bounty payment proof and how there really isn’t any proof.

If you scroll through some of the comments, you can see where people said they did everything they needed to do but they aren’t getting paid.

Social Bounty won't pay you

Of course, Roope comes to the same conclusion that I do. Social Bounty is a scam. They aren’t going to pay you.

Social Bounty Scam Alternative

Since we don’t want to align ourselves with this scam site, what else can we do?

First, remember the rule…if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. That rule works out in most cases, especially with earning an income online.

Now, there are alternatives to Social Bounty out there, but don’t expect to make $500 a day with them. Stick with the survey sites you already know about like Swagbucks and Inbox Dollars. I have a list of legitimate GPT sites on this post called Real Ways to Make Money Online (50 of Them)!

If you like the idea of making a bigger income (because let’s face it. Those survey sites pay diddly squat.), then I always like to recommend blogging and earning an income through (mostly) affiliate marketing. That’s what I do on this website, and it’s great.

You can read my free guide about affiliate marketing here to get a better idea of what it’s all about.


Is Social Bounty a scam? 100% yes, and I really advise you not to put any information into this website or any website that looks like it. I believe the real goal with sites like these is to get your personal information and sell it.

I’m glad you did your research on this website because you can really save yourself some headaches by avoiding it at all costs.

If you like the idea of making money online, why not try something legitimate like affiliate marketing? You can join my favorite affiliate marketing training platform for free and see if you like it as much as I do. This training platform has taught me how to finally earn a consistent income online.

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