My List of Great Personal Development Books

Great Personal Development Books

Books are a great way to learn new ideas and concepts, new life skills, life hacks and everything in between. They are also great at helping you learn new strategies for your business and give you motivation to keep working until you reach success – and beyond!

With that said, here’s my list of great personal development books. Some I’ve personally read (or listened to). Some are on my to-do. I hope this list gives you some ideas of what to read next.

Don’t have a lot of time to read? I get it. I don’t either. I read every night, and I fall asleep after about 1 page. I love listening to audio books. Here’s a post about getting an Amazon Audible account. You can also check out your library’s website and see what audio books they have available.

Here are the books I’ve personally read or listened to.

(The ones with * are my favorites. Ones with green links have blog posts or reviews about them.)

The 4-Hour Workweek
The 5 Second Rule
The 7 Power Principles of Success
The 10x Rule


The Big Leap


The Compound Effect
Crush It!
* Crushing It!




Girl, Wash Your Face


How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age


The Magic of Thinking Big
The Millionaire Next Door
The Miracle Morning


*The One Thing


* Start


Unfu*k Yourself
Unleash Your Inner Money Babe


You Are a Badass
You Are a Badass at Making Money
* You Need More Money

These are on my to-read list:

High Performance Habits

The Pumpkin Plan

Side Hustle

I have a list of my favorite Law of Attraction books on my other site. Be sure to check these out too!

Did you know that if don’t already have an Amazon Audible account that you can try it out for free and also download a free book? Amazon Audible is how I get through alllll these books. It makes doing laundry a lot less boring! 🙂

Click here to start an Amazon Audible account. 

How About You?

What are your favorite self-development, personal-development, business or spiritual books? I’m always looking for new ideas! Leave me your favorites in the comments below.

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