My Survey Jobs Review (Can You Really Make $100 in 2 Hours?)

Welcome to My Survey Jobs Review!

Surveys seem to be all the rage in the online world. You can fill them out in your spare time and make a bit of spending money here and there.

That’s why when I came across My Survey Jobs it gave me high hopes that we would find new and legitimate survey sites. They even say you can make $100 in 2 hours with surveys. 

My Survey Jobs Review<img alt=”My Survey Jobs Review” width=”560″ height=”315″ title=”My_Survey_Jobs_Review” data-id=”4006″ src=”” style=”width: 100%;”>


That’s not really the case here.

Let me show you why you should probably skip right over this site in this My Survey Jobs review. 

The #1 Reason Why You’re Not Making More Money. (And 2 Steps to Making More)


Product: ​My Survey JobsCost: Free, except for giving up your personal infoOwner(s): UnknownGood For: No one

My Survey Jobs Review - Logo<img alt=”My Survey Jobs Review – Logo” width=”290″ height=”97″ title=”My_Survey_Jobs_Review_logo” data-id=”4002″ src=”” style=”width: 100%;”>

What is My Survey Jobs?

I went through the process of signing up at My Survey Jobs to see what it was like and if it’s really easy to find and complete surveys for cash.

According to the sales page, it’s as easy as 1,2,3 to start earning. You just:

  1. Sign Up
  2. Take Surveys
  3. Get Paid

Easy, right?

They even have a calculator that can show you how much you can make. Generally speaking, these types of calculators are worthless and don’t really mean much. 

Here’s why:

This disclaimers says you may not make any money<img alt=”This disclaimers says you may not make any money” width=”651″ height=”80″ title=”My_Survey_Jobs_Review_Disclaimer” data-id=”3999″ src=”” style=”width: 100%;”>

In case you can’t read it, it says:

“Earnings Disclosure: This calculator and the income results given are not typical. Most survey takers earn very little money and it relies on too many factors such as your efforts, your demographic and the types of surveys and focus groups you’re invited to. You may earn no money at all.”

After hitting the “Get Started” button, I was taken to a mini survey trying to get some general information.

My Survey Jobs gives its own survey first<img alt=”My Survey Jobs gives its own survey first” width=”493″ height=”382″ title=”My_Survey_Jobs_Review_HowMuch” data-id=”4001″ src=”” style=”width: 100%;”>

Besides asking me how much I want to make (who’s NOT going to pick the highest amount?), it also asked me how many hours a day I could work on surveys, if I could do them on weekends and a few other general questions.

I’m sure that you can pick any combination of answers here and you’ll still be taken to this page:

My Survey Jobs Review - Actress going through the process<img alt=”My Survey Jobs Review – Actress going through the process” width=”683″ height=”397″ title=”My_Survey_Jobs_Review_Actress” data-id=”3997″ src=”” style=”width: 100%;”>

(By the way, this woman is an actress from She’s been on several of my reviews. I’m happy she’s not saying that she’s made $20,000 in her first week like usual.)

“Kendra” claims in the video that it’s her job to make you $100 in the next 2 hours. She says that we just have to set up an account with each of their 3 partner sites to get access to the highest-paying survey offers.

The accounts are with:

  • Inbox Dollars
  • i-Say
  • LifePoints

Once I created an account with those three sites (I didn’t really, I just hit the “Create Account” button), I was also invited to join another site called Earning Station. Lucky me!

As you’re signing up for these sites, you have a meter going up and up showing you getting closer to your $100 goal. 

The thing is, you’re just signing up for the sites. It doesn’t mean that you’re actually going to get that amount of money. It would depend on if there are any surveys available to you, and how much they pay. 

After I finished “signing up” for those surveys, I was then taken to another page with another video and several MORE survey sites I could join. The fun never ends on this site!


I found My Survey Jobs via the Home Biz Advisors review that I recently did, and they’re basically the same type of site. These sites exist to drive traffic to these survey sites, and whoever is behind My Survey Jobs will make affiliate commissions anytime someone joins.

I’m not against affiliate commissions since that’s what I do, but I don’t like this type of site because it’s not necessary. There’s nothing of value here. There aren’t any tips, articles or training.

The biggest reason these sites exist is to get your personal information so they can promote even more things to you.

Privacy Policy says they can send you more offers<img alt=”Privacy Policy says they can send you more offers” width=”1124″ height=”133″ title=”My_Survey_Jobs_Review_Privacy” data-id=”4005″ src=”” style=”width: 100%;”>

It says right there in their Privacy Policy. 

In case you can’t read it, it says: 

“We may use the personal information that you supply to us and share it with other third party businesses to bring selected opportunities to our member’s via email, direct mail, text message or telephone. These businesses may include providers of related services and paid offers.”

In other words, you’ll be getting a lot of calls and emails! 


While I don’t think My Survey Jobs is an outright scam, I think you are much better off not signing up with them.

Instead of giving up your personal information to this unknown site, why not just go right over to Inbox Dollars and sign up directly with them? 

Thumbs Down<img alt=”Thumbs Down” width=”500″ height=”500″ title=”Thumbsdown_Black” data-id=”3634″ src=”” style=”width: 100%;”>

My Survey Jobs Review – Pros

  • None, in my opinion

My Survey Jobs Review – Cons

  • You have to give up too much personal information to an unknown site
  • They are going to send you more offers via email, text and phone calls
  • They say you can make $100 in 2 hours, but also clearly state that you probably won’t make much money, if at all

There are certainly many good survey sites out there, and the ones My Survey Jobs have listed are legitimate. The good thing with surveys is that you can do them in your spare time here and there. (I have 10 listed on this post: Real Ways to Make Money Online (50 of Them!) ).

The bad thing about surveys that you really can’t make a lot with them, and they can take up a lot of time.

That’s why I prefer affiliate marketing, which I’ll talk to you about next.

Why I Prefer Affiliate Marketing Over Survey Sites

I personally prefer affiliate marketing over survey sites, however, this really depends on your ultimate goal. Do you want to just make a little extra cash here and there in your spare time? Survey sites are great!

Are you looking to make a full-time income? Affiliate marketing is definitely the better choice.

Survey sites take up too much time for too little pay for you to be able to create a full-time income with them. I remember I used to do survey sites and I was always a little frustrated by how long they took. Not only that, but it can take a while to even qualify for a survey!

Affiliate marketing is better for a full-time income, however, disclosure, it takes some time to get that ball rolling. It can take 6 months to a year before you start making consistent income.

I get it.

That’s a long time.

But in the grand scheme of things, it’s not.

Especially when a year down the line, you have consistent income that grows and continues to grow month after month. You can have multiple streams of growing income with affiliate marketing too.

It’s very similar to planting a garden. The first 6 months is all about planting seeds and nurturing them so that they grow. Later down the line is when you are able to reap what you’ve sown.

If you can be patient, affiliate marketing can be a great choice for you.

Here are some affiliate marketing success stories to show you what’s possible.


I hope this My Survey Jobs review helped you make an informed decision about whether to sign up with them. If you like doing surveys, then I recommend going directly to the sites to sign up. (Swagbucks is probably the best survey site around. Click here to read my Swagbucks review.)

If you’re interested in learning more about affiliate marketing, you can grab 10 free lessons at my recommended training site. See what it’s about, go through the training, see if this is something you’d like to do.

I personally find affiliate marketing to be a fun and exciting way to work. Imagine waking up every day to sales and referral notifications. It’s almost feels like it’s your birthday every day! 🙂

You’ve got to put the upfront work in, but that’s OK. That time is going to pass anyway, right? Why not build your financial future while it’s passing?

Grab your free 10 affiliate marketing lessons.

16 thoughts on “My Survey Jobs Review (Can You Really Make $100 in 2 Hours?)”

  1. I made a lot of money from survey late last year but at a point, I realised several fake and scan survey sites were popping up promising outrageous profit for little task just to gain marketing advantage over other survey platforms. At the end of the day, since they couldn’t deliver on their promises, users end up being disappointed. I think my survey jobs falls in that category 

    • I am curious to know how much you were able to make with surveys? You said you made a lot. I always thought it would be hard to make a lot since you can’t qualify for a lot of them, but I’d love to hear someone who did well with them! 

      But yes, there are lots of scams out there ready to take your information and your money. You have to be on the lookout all the time. 

  2. Hi Christina, this is hilarious, I mean the Survey job asking you how much you would want to make, who wouldn’t want to make much money? That is the first red flag. Most of the survey jobs can’t even give one near $20 a day, and most of them don’t have regular offers. Affiliate marketing is great and much more better than doing survey.

    Survey site pay peanuts compare to affiliate marketing, although you might need to be guided in affiliate marketing as it requires some skills to succeed, but it is great.

    Thanks for your informative review, at least with your review on survey jobs, you will be saving someone the headache of going through the signing up page.

    • Thanks so much for your thoughts on this My Survey Jobs review. You said it all perfectly! 

      Affiliate marketing does require some upfront work before you make money, while surveys will make you money right away, but the money from affiliate marketing can grow well into the future, unlike surveys. 

  3. This is a thorough review of  My Survey Job. The truth is I do not not really like survey jobs and the fact that i was told one of the best way to earn money online is to go into affiliate marketing and this is the are of my interest in the online world and I’m glad you provided me with how I can learn more on that. Thanks for sharing this information.

    • Doing surveys and affiliate marketing are 2 really different things. But, if you can stick with it, affiliate marketing will pay off long into the future, unlike surveys which just pay you for your time now. 

      That’s why I like affiliate marketing because I want to be able to make income from something that I wrote today way down the line. 

  4. Dear Christina,

    Thanks a lot for the thorough and comprehensive review post.

    I do have came across ads and posts on “My Survey Jobs” and wanted to do some research but your review post is a time saver. Personally I tried many survey sites & worked for many hours and you are correct its not worth the time we invest in. Its really hard to make a reasonable amount but they all claim they can change our lives and give too much hype.

    After reading your review post, My Survey Jobs is a NO NO for me and your review will help many in their purchase decision. Thanks a lot for saving people time, trouble, effort and money.

    Much Success!


    • I’m glad this My Survey Jobs review helped you, Paul! I do my best to provide accurate information about what types of things can help someone make money versus just being a big waste of time (or money). 

  5. I absolutely love what I read in this insightful article because it is full of great information. This is fascinating and interesting to me. You  have done a great job by reviewing this insightful article. I once joined a survey site but later knew the returns didn’t worth my time.Am a proud member of affiliates marketing working with wealthy affiliate. Commissions are paid regularly and we learn as we earn. Thanks for the review. Best regards 

    • Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on My Survey Jobs review!

  6. Thanks for writing this review on my survey jobs. I must commend you for a job well done for doing your findings and research before writing this review. When it comes to survey from experience you can’t make $100 in 2 hours and am really grateful you write this review because I don’t even like given out my details to site like this in the first place,to me most survey website are really a waste of time registering on their can only make little change from them if at all they don’t exist scam.

    • You have to be careful about giving out your information online. I know sometimes it has to be done, but if a site just seems “off” or too good to be true, it’s best to not give that out.

      Luckily, in most cases it’ll just be a bit of a headache with them sending you a ton of spam emails. Once in a while though they are more nefarious and try to get more of your information. 

  7. Interesting review on My Survey Jobs. I really appreciate this effort. I can remember I saw their link in my email spam box area then and I apply in just three steps, thinking it will be another source of income online for me. I can say, My Survey Jobs really gave me high hopes that I would find new and legitimate survey sites. They even say I can make $100 in 2 hours with surveys which motivates me. I’m sorry, but this is a giant load of bullshit. All those time of being with them is just a waste. I can categorically say, no one (and I mean no one) has ever made, or will ever make, anywhere near that sort of money doing paid survey work. This is purely misleading hype, nothing more.
    It’s a known fact that most people who do survey work earn between $1 – $2 per hour at best. That’s why, I personally prefer affiliate marketing over survey sites, however, this really depends on your ultimate goal. Do you want to just make a little extra cash here and there in your spare time? Survey sites are great, I can’t hide this fact, but with genuine site with faithful promises.

    • Yes, I thought the $100 thing was hilarious too! I mean, surveys take forever to make $100. I know this from personal experience. 

  8. With all of the scammers out there, it is good to see a practical review on a site like My Survey Jobs that also offers a reasonable alternative. I am just as susceptible to get rich quick schemes as the next person. I considered the options available very carefully getting into affiliate marketing myself.

    Thanks for a decent review.

    • I feel ya! I know exactly what to look out for, and even I sometimes still almost fall for this stuff! These marketers can be real good at what they do. That’s why I write these reviews. I want people to know what they’re getting into before spending any money. 


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