I haven’t heard from Neil Carter in a while. In case you don’t remember him, he’s from Digital Formula. That was a “great” product so I’m sure this product that Neil is recommending will be just as amazing. Luckily, Neil’s already activated my account, so I’m ready to try this product!
Christina Piccoli
What is 700 Profit Club? Can You Really Make $700 Per Day?
I have a new friend sending me email now, Samantha Dubbs. I have no idea where Samantha came from, but somehow she’s sending me things to my inbox like my other best buds! She sent me a program that’s supposed to “Blast Profits into Your Account…Overnight!”
What is 30 Day Success Club? Can You Really Make Money in 30 Days?
My best bud Matthew from Viral Cash App keeps finding me some great new products to look at. He really wants me to be rich! I think he’s soooo nice to think of me like that. He’s sent me about 20 emails about 30 Day Success Club. He must really want me to see this one!
What is Five Minute Profit Sites? Really Make $519 a Day With This Loophole?
My friend Martin from Kindle Sniper is back! He’s sending me some mail and wants me to check out a *controversial* way to make a consistent daily income. The results are actually SHOCKING.” OK there Martin, simmer down. I’ll look into your “shocking” new system and we’ll see what it looks like.
I clicked on the link and here’s what I was met with. (Warning! You might need your sunglasses for this.)
What Is Your New At Home Career? Can You Really Make $500 a Day?
Yesterday we reviewed a product that my friend Michael from Rich Janitor sent me. That was called Millionaire’s Brain Academy. If you saw that post, you saw the ridiculous email he sent to me. Well, today is no different! We have another ridiculous email from Michael for a product called Your New at Home Career. Look at this nonsense!