Take Surveys for Cash Scam? [Review Reveals The Truth]

Take Surveys for Cash Scam

Is Take Surveys for Cash a scam? We are about to find out that, and much more in this review. 

The creator of this product is Jason White, “the King of Paid Surveys”, as he calls himself. He claims to make $3500 per month taking surveys. 

But is it really true? 

And can you really do the same? 

Let’s break it all down in this Take Surveys for Cash review. 

Keep reading.

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Take Surveys for Cash Scam? 


I have to give the quality of this program a mere 1 star because of the fact that it doesn’t really add any value. In fact, Take Surveys for Cash just lists existing survey sites that are available at no cost through a simple Google search. 


If you like things bundled up into one easy-to-manage place, then I suppose Take Surveys for Cash does make your life easier in that way. I personally don’t believe surveys are very easy to make money with, and I will have to reduce points for that. 


While the cost for Take Surveys for Cash isn’t very high, you can find everything you need online for free. In fact, there are many blogs out there that will list the best survey sites all across the web and they put it in an easy-to-read format – at no cost. 

Summary: Is Take Surveys for Cash a scam? No. It’s not. But is it worth it? In my opinion it’s not worth it to pay for this information because you can easily find it for free online. Therefore, I don’t believe that Take Surveys for Cash has any value to the people purchasing. This one is better for the owner, since he makes product sales on Take Surveys for Cash, AND he also makes affiliate sales. (More about that below…) 

  • Everything listed in one place
  • Fairly inexpensive 
  • You can get your money back
  • You really can’t make much with survey sites, and definitely not a full-time income
  • With surveys, you will have to give up your personal data to many sites
  • Some survey sites use your data to market you more “opportunities” 
  • Take Surveys for Cash doesn’t provide value because you can find what you need online for free
  • The owner of Take Surveys for Cash likely makes the majority of his money via affiliate and product sales


Thumbs Down<img alt=”Thumbs Down” width=”500″ height=”500″ title=”Thumbsdown_Black” data-id=”3634″ src=”https://christinapiccoli.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Thumbsdown_Black.png” style=”width: 100%;”>

I don’t personally recommend Take Surveys for Cash because I don’t feel that it’s necessary. Save your money and do a Google search instead. Or, invest in a better way to earn an income, like affiliate marketing. (More below…)

Interested in making money online, but tired of the scams and low-quality products? See my #1 recommendation instead

What is Take Surveys for Cash?

Online surveys are notoriously hard to make a full-time income with, so when I see a headline like this, my eyebrows raise: 

Take Surveys for Cash scam - headline is full of hype.<img alt=”Take Surveys for Cash scam – headline is full of hype.” width=”567″ height=”109″ title=”Take_Surveys_for_cash_Scam_Headline” data-id=”5801″ src=”https://christinapiccoli.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Take_Surveys_for_cash_Scam_Headline.jpg” style=”width: 100%;”>

I already have a feeling I know the “weird trick” that Jason uses to make this amount of money. And funny, it actually doesn’t have anything to do with paid surveys directly. 

We’ll talk about that a little later. 

The video shows Jason opening up his checks on camera so you can see his “proof” that you can make money taking paid surveys. 

Jason apparently shows up proof that he makes money with surveys.<img alt=”Jason apparently shows up proof that he makes money with surveys.” width=”582″ height=”204″ title=”take_surveys_for_cash_Scam_Vid” data-id=”5804″ src=”https://christinapiccoli.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/take_surveys_for_cash_Scam_Vid.jpg” style=”width: 100%;”>

And he shows us his PayPal account which has over $31,000 in it. This is supposed to help us believe that you can make big bucks taking surveys online. 

Jason says he went from earning $3 to earning $500 for a survey because he discovered a “secret trick”. 

There are no secret tricks to Take Surveys for Cash<img alt=”There are no secret tricks to Take Surveys for Cash” width=”499″ height=”345″ title=”take_surveys_for_cash_scam_secret” data-id=”5803″ src=”https://christinapiccoli.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/take_surveys_for_cash_scam_secret.jpg” style=”width: 100%;”>

Let’s see if there really is a secret to this and see how it actually works.

How Does Take Surveys for Cash Work?

Once I entered my name and email, I was taken to another sales page with even more hype. Here, Jason says he can show us the “#1 secret” that has allowed him to show his friends and family how to “make over a lot of money.” No, that’s not my own poor English, that’s actually what’s on the sales page:

You likely won't make a lot of money taking surveys.<img alt=”You likely won’t make a lot of money taking surveys.” width=”522″ height=”91″ title=”take_surveys_for_cash_scam_money” data-id=”5802″ src=”https://christinapiccoli.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/take_surveys_for_cash_scam_money.jpg” style=”width: 100%;”>

It’s funny how in that paragraph that Jason says he’s only going to help a limited amount of people.

Take Surveys for Cash has been around since 2010, and if Jason was only going to help a limited amount of people, I assume he would have fulfilled that by now. 

But, that’s just a marketing trick because they want you to feel like you’re going to miss out if you don’t sign up right away. 

How Much Does Take Survey for Cash Cost?

The sales page says it’s “only” $39 to join. But as soon as you try to leave the page, you get a discount down to $27. The problem it, it isn’t really worth it to join. 

While I didn’t end up joining myself, from my research, Take Surveys for Cash just lists out different survey sites that are already available online. 

You’re basically paying for this program to list them out all in one place, but there really isn’t any other secret going on here. 

Click here for my #1 recommendation

Can You Actually Make Money Taking Surveys? 

You can make some money taking surveys, but not the amount that Jason is talking about. It would be very, very difficult to find and qualify for enough good surveys where you can earn a decent income. 

Surveys are OK for making a little money on the side here and there, but they take up a LOT of time for very little pay. 

I believe the “weird” trick that Jason uses to make as much as as he does is through affiliate marketing

You see, when he sends people to these different survey sites, he makes an affiliate commission. So not only are you paying him for this list of survey sites, but he’s also earning a commission every time he sends someone to these sites. 

I have to admit it, it’s kind of genius. 

Is Affiliate Marketing Bad?

Affiliate marketing is awesome, and it’s actually what I do. ChristinaPiccoli.com is about earning a full-time income using affiliate marketing. 

However, I think it’s a little disingenuous of Jason to say that you can earn a full-time income through survey sites when he’s likely earning that through affiliate commissions and product sales. 

Click Here for My Top Picks to Learn Affiliate Marketing

He’s earning money by selling a product that isn’t really solving a problem because you can already get to those survey sites by doing a simple Google search. If you like to have everything all in one easy-to-access place, then maybe it’s worth the $29 / $27. If so, then, hey, I’m not stopping you. I’ll even put the link right here for you

(Note: That’s an affiliate link up there. If you click on that and grab Take Surveys for Cash, I’ll earn a commission. Although, i really don’t recommend it. I just wanted to give you an example of how affiliate marketing works.) 

Is Take Surveys for Cash a Scam or Legit?

Take Surveys for Cash is not a scam, but I think it’s misleading. You don’t really need Jason’s list of surveys because you can already get those online yourself. 

Again, if it’s helpful to have a list, I guess it could be worth it to you. But do some searching fist because there are people out there that list the top survey sites in their blog posts and it won’t cost you anything. 

In fact, I have 10 in my blog post, 50 Real Ways to Make Money Online

More about Affiliate marketing

I just wanted to talk to you a little more about affiliate marketing, and why it’s my recommended way to earn a living online.

These are some of my favorite benefits of affiliate marketing:

  • Work on your own schedule
  • No need to make any phone calls (great for a busy house)
  • You promote other people’s products so no need for inventory
  • You don’t handle any customer service issues
  • It’s creative
  • It’s fun

There are a few downsides too:

  • It’s inexpensive to get started, but not free
  • You won’t get rich quick
  • It takes time for you to establish yourself online 

Being a busy mom, affiliate marketing is the perfect way to earn an income because I can work around my family’s schedule. I have zero issues taking my kids to their sports practices, or having their friends over any time they want, or running errands for my husband while he’s at work. 

It’s a truly flexible lifestyle. 

If you’d like to learn more about it, check out my free guide, How To: Affiliate Marketing for Beginners.

Or, see my top picks to learn affiliate marketing. 


I hope this review helped you with your decision about this program. While Take Surveys for Cash isn’t a scam, it’s also not that useful and, in my opinion, not worth $39 or $27. 

You can find plenty of survey sites online for no cost. 

Also, it’s going to be extremely hard to create a fullt-ime income with survey sites. It takes a long time to find good ones, qualify for them and then fill them out. 

Generally speaking, your time is worth more than what you have to put into them. 

If you enjoy doing them on the side here and there, great. They are good for that. If you need a real income, then I recommend affiliate marketing instead. 

Not only can you make a full-time income with affiliate marketing (eventually – it will take time, energy and peserverance to get there), but you can even make BEYOND a full-time income. There’s no limit to what you can make with enough time and practice. 

Click here to see my top picks to learn affiliate marketing. 

What is your #1 takeaway from this Take Surveys for Cash review? Do you think this is a program you would ever consider joining? Why or why not? Leave me your thoughts down below. 

2 thoughts on “Take Surveys for Cash Scam? [Review Reveals The Truth]”

  1. Hello Christina,

    thank you very much for your review. I am very interested in finding some ways of making a bit of quick money online, while I work on the longer term plans of building my online business. So I was quite curious to find out if one of the surveys options would work out for me. 

    Well, as a somewhat regular reader of yours, I trust your reviews in general, so thank you for the thumbs down on this “take surveys for cash”, that’s one I won’t worry about anymore. But are there some good surveys for cash out there? You wrote “You can find plenty of survey sites online for no cost.” But please, could you let me know which would be your number one choice? Thanks, Phil

    • Hey Phil! I’m glad this review helped you. If you do a Google search for “best survey sites” or “best survey sites to make money”, I think you’ll get a nice amount of good, legitimate sites. 

      I also have 10 listed in my post here.

      I think Swagbucks is good as well as Inbox Dollars. They’re probably the two most well-know survey / Get Paid To sites, and both are legitimate. 


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