What is $5k Formula? Make $5k on Autopilot Free?

$5k Formula ReviewI got an email in my inbox from my friend Matthew. You might remember Matthew from Viral Cash App. I thought he was making a killing from that program, but he’s always looking for more, I guess. His email said he’s already making about $5,000 from this new program. Let’s dig in and find out…what is $5k formula? Can you really make $5k on autopilot free or is $5k formula a scam?

5k Formula Email
My eyebrows always raise up a bit when I see a sales page like this:

5k Formula Sales Video
This one should be fun! Let’s dive in!

Here are the areas we’ll explore in this $5k Formula review.

  • What is $5k Formula?
  • How Does $5k FormulaWork?
  • Is $5k Formula a Scam or Legit?
  • Have Control Over Your Website
  • Wealthy Affiliate Versus $5k Formula

What is $5k Formula?

Product: $5k Formula
Cost: Free! Nope, foiled again. It’s $39.99
Owner(s): Matthew Neer

Looks like our buddy Matthew is not just promoting this system, but he’s the creator of it! Which is confusing because his email said he was a beta tester. In any case, let’s see what Matthew has in store for us today.

When I clicked on the video, I was surprised. Matthew actually shows himself. I didn’t think he was real! Not only that, but he came across as very likable in the video. Well played, Matthew. Well played.

Matthew Neer shows himself
Here’s what else I learned from watching the video:

  • Matthew will show us exactly how he earned $5,000 from a simple promotion using the same marketing system we’re going to learn about
  • He leveraged the power of a sales funnel
  • Become a member of $5k formula and take Matthew’s page and sales funnel and put our name on it and sell it as our own
  • When we make a sale, commissions go directly into our PayPal instantly
  • The sales funnel is the secret to most online marketer’s success
  • Setting up your own sales funnel is difficult (according to Matthew)

Matthew says something that’s really true in his video. He says, “People aren’t able to focus long enough on one thing to make it work.”

5k Formula Sales Video

We call this “shiny object syndrome”. This is something that I talked about in the Prime Time Profit Review. This really is a problem because everything out there seems so good and you don’t want to miss out. The problem is, as Matthew says, you can’t focus on doing one thing, and you end up doing nothing.

Matthew takes us to the bank and takes $5,000 out to show us. He fans it out and says he wanted to do that to prove that he really makes money, since it’s easy to fake screen shots of income reports.

Matthew said he made that $5k leveraging a sales funnel. The 5k Formula system will set up the entire sales funnel for you. You just plug in your information and profit from it.

With this system, there’s:

  • No hosting required
  • No domains required
  • No technical experience required
  • No complicated setup
  • Never a need to speak to a customer directly

This is like having an online business, but never having to do any of the hard work to run or maintain it. (Oh boy.)

You can be earning with just these 5 steps:

  1. Log into your account
  2. Connect your commission link
  3. Select your traffic source
  4. Point your traffic source to your commission link
  5. Make commissions

Alright, we have a pretty good idea of what this is all about. Let’s dig a little deeper though. Can you really make money in your sleep like the sales page suggests?

5k Formula Sales Page

How Does 5k Formula Work?

I am going to be upfront and tell you I didn’t purchase this product. However, after reviewing the sales video and doing a little more research, I understand what this is about.

It’s not too unlike some other programs I’ve recently reviewed:

All the work is done for you. You just plug in your affiliate link and you’re ready to go! The email swipes and landing pages are already done for you. You already have a web page hosted for you. You have a high-converting sales funnel already ready to go.

It seems attractive, and I understand that, but there are some downsides to doing this and we’ll talk about that in the next section.

From the research that I did, it does seem like Matthew offers high quality, step-by-step training videos, and that is a plus. He also has some good tactics for getting your name out there and working with other internet marketers.

But still, he makes it all seem a little *too* easy. And you know what that usually means. (If it sounds too good to be true…)

Is $5k Formula a Scam or Legit?

Thumbs Down$5k Formula is definitely not a scam. I like some things about this program. I like the step-by-step training videos. I like that Matthew is a real person and he comes off as being likable. He seems knowledgeable about internet marketing and he’s probably a good person to learn from (despite our turbulent start with Viral Cash App) if you’re new to this world.


There are some things I don’t like about this and therefore I don’t feel comfortable recommending it. (Of course, my opinion only and you can do whatever you like! If you do try this program, leave me a comment below and tell me if it’s working for you.)

I’ve talked about these done-for-you systems before and why I don’t like them. But in case you missed it, here are some of these issues I have with these:

  • What if $5k formula shuts down? Poof! Everything you worked on will be gone.
  • You don’t learn how to build a business from scratch. You don’t learn all the necessary skills needed to be successful.
  • It’s never as easy as it seems. You still need to get traffic, and this is the trickiest part.

Matthew didn’t mention it in the sales video, but in order to send out emails, you’ll need to sign up for an autoresponder, and that will have a monthly cost associated with it.

Will you actually make money in your sleep? I’m sure Matthew does because he’s an experienced internet marketer. But it’s never that easy when you first start, no matter what these sales videos tell you. It’s always going to take some level of work to get traffic to whatever you’re selling. The traffic doesn’t just come, there are tactics and strategies that you need to use to attract them. (P.S. This can take quite a bit of time.)

Another issue I have with this program is that you’re going to be hit with a ton of upsells and downsells. Of course, you don’t have to buy into any of these, but this is a lot to go through before you even get to the product! And does this mean that you won’t have everything you need to make $5k with the original sales video? That’s pretty tricky, and I’m not a fan of that.

5k Formula Sales Funnel

Also, didn’t the headline up there imply that this would all be free? Hmmm. Adding a FREE in there when it’s not true At. All. is another trick that I don’t like.

Have Control Over Your Website

One more thing that I have an issue with $5k Formula is that you’ll either be selling Matthew’s program, or other make money online programs. But what if you are interested in pets or baking or fashion? You’re not going to learn how to create content for those audiences.

I always think it’s better to learn how to create your own site that YOU have complete control over. It’s really not as hard as these guys make it sound. You don’t need a done-for-you system. You just need to follow some steps to get your own website up and running. Then you can write about and promote any topic that interests you!

I know it may seem like a daunting undertaking getting a website going. There are quite a few steps to it and it DOES take a lot of hard work, but you are fully capable of doing it yourself. I believe that.

I do think it’s important to have the right training and the right tools to get it done. But if I can do it, I sure know YOU can! lol I’m no genius. I’m just over here doing my thing and having fun at it.

I went through training at Wealthy Affiliate and that’s what I recommend because they have taught me everything I needed to know to create a successful website. (And they have just about all the tools I need too!)

You can try it out as a Free Starter Member and see if you like it. You don’t need a credit card, and there’s no pressure to do anything you don’t want to do. I promote it because I like it and I want others to reap the benefits too!

Give Wealthy Affiliate a Try and See How to Create a Website That You Can Be Proud of That is Fully in YOUR Control!

Start a Free Account

Wealthy Affiliate Versus $5k Formula

You can see that 5k Formula does have some things included, so it’s not a terrible product. However, Wealthy Affiliate includes everything you need to get started. And again, it’s a way to start with a site of YOUR choosing. You don’t have to sell Wealthy Affiliate or other make money programs. You can sell socks on your site if you really wanted to! lol

Obviously, the choice is yours. I just want to help make your decision a little easier.

Want More Help? Try My Free Email Training Course

If you decide to become a member of Wealthy Affiliate, I’ll help walk you through the training and get the ball rolling for you. It can be confusing when you first get started and a lot of people join but then don’t do a thing. I think it’s called analysis paralysis. (Oh yea, I’ve suffered from that before!)

My email course will help guide you through the training so that you know what to do and when. My goal is to help you get your own piece of the web without feeling so overwhelmed! I want you to be successful, but you have to START first!

It’s all free, so no worries there! Just fill out your contact information and we’ll get started!

Do you have any questions or comments about 5k Formula? Have you used the program? Has it been successful for you? Leave me comments down below!

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$5k Formula Review for Pinterest



6 thoughts on “What is $5k Formula? Make $5k on Autopilot Free?”

  1. Hi Christina,

    there are just too many red flags showing up for this product.  It is always harder than they make out in these great videos they do.  I know you say it isn’t a scam, but I don’t think I will be investing into this product.  I tend to find that products that want you to pay upfront are often hiding something, when it is to do with the making money online business.

    I will definitely look into your recommendation at the bottom though, Wealthy Affiliate sounds like you can learn at your own pace in a safe environment?  Is that the case?


    • At least this product *kind of* told you what you’d be getting into. A lot of these sales videos don’t even give you a clue. They just expect you to hand over your money and trust them. 

      Yes, Wealthy Affiliate is a safe environment to learn how to build an affiliate marketing website at your own pace. It’s safe because there is a policy where you are NOT allowed to promote any products. This keeps the system free and open for learning. 

      There’s nothing worse than going to a site where you want to learn how to do something and it’s just a bunch of people spamming their products. That’s what Wealthy Affiliate is NOT doing. (If they were like that, then I don’t think they’d have the hundreds of thousands of members that they do!)

  2. Thank you for what is 5K formula review. Being able to make money online should be a realistic venture but when you online platforms that gives the affiliate marketing industry a bad name it is not good. Just to mention the wealthy affiliate program to be the best affiliate marketing program out there I am want to agree with you. I have been in the wealthy affiliate program for about seven months and I have learned more then I would have learned anywhere else because I have tried other platforms and they were not what I was looking for in the affiliate marketing industry. The training and support you can get from the wealthy affiliate program is unbelievable.

    Thank you for this wonderful review and I suggest anyone who’s looking to join the affiliate marketing program should I join the Wealthy Affiliates program and be successful in all areas of the affiliate marketing industry.

    • Hey Quinn! I’m glad you’re a member of Wealthy Affiliate and found lots of value in it. Today I read a post from one of our members who hit 6 figures blogging this year. And I know there are many, many more success stories just like it. That’s because, as you know, Wealthy Affiliate teaches you how to set up your own online business – the right way! 

      I thank you for stopping by and sharing your opinion of my favorite platform. 🙂

  3. Thank you for this review, Christina! Very interesting to read! I loved when you said “This one should be fun! Let’s dive in!”. Hahaha! Well, I had never heard of this $5k formula before but I sure know what I am going to do if I get an email about it… ignore it… I am  a WA member myself and really agree with all the positive experience you have with them. I did sign up just now for your FREE 5-Day Email Course on How to Build an Affiliate Marketing Website. Thanks for putting this together. Nathalie 

    • Whenever I see a sales page full of hype, I just assume we’re going to have fun with it! haha This video wasn’t too bad after all, but there was a bit of hype at the beginning. It wasn’t as bad as the majority of the ones I’ve viewed. 

      Thanks for signing up for the email course. I hope you enjoy it! 


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