Is Prosperity Nexus Group Legit? [Or a Cash Gifting Scheme?]

Is Prosperity Nexus Group legit? No. In my opinion, from the research I’ve done, it’s not. In fact, they are connected with a couple of other scams, TiDom and 8 Figure Dream Lifestyle. These are nothing by cash gifting schemes that are somehow able to get away with it, at least for the time being.

You really want to read my full article below to understand what this is all about, how it works and why you need to avoid it. I’m glad you’re doing your research before buying into this because it would have cost ya – big time.

At the end of the article, I’ll have an alternative way to earn an income online that’s completely legitimate, if you’re interested.

Let’s dive into PNG…

Summary: Prosperity Nexus Group (PNG) was co-founded in 2014 by Steve Hawk. (The other co-founders are a mystery as of now.) The PNG website claims they are a “mastermind marketing group” and they focus on marketing high-ticket offers. You can join PNG at five different levels, costing from $2,000 to $22,500. You then sell the same system to others and you get a 100% commission. That means you can make from $2,000 – $22,500.

Recommended? I wouldn’t touch this system with a 10-ft pole and I highly recommend you stay away from it as well. This is nothing but a cash gifting scheme that is sure to leave you thousands of dollars in the hole. Even if you could make money with this, someone that you sign up will be left with thousands of dollars in the hole. This is not a good business opportunity.

What is Prosperity Nexus Group?

Prosperity Nexus Group sales page.

It’s really hard to find information about Prosperity Nexus Group (PNG) without it being:

  1. A founder of the group
  2. Someone looking to recruit you into the group

The good news is they actually have a list of FAQs on their site that go over a lot of information. But of course, their information is going to be biased that this is a good program, so I wanted to take a look at it from an outsider’s perspective. (I am not involved in PNG in any way shape or form, nor would I be!)

What they do is market and promote high-ticket offers.

I actually think selling high-ticket programs is a great way to earn a living online IF…

  • They actually provide people real value
  • They won’t get you further into debt because you have to spend thousands going up levels

Most high-ticket programs require you to pay a bunch of money and then they show you how to sell the same system that you just bought to others. You can pay more money to move up the ranks, but then you’re able to make more money – if you’re good at selling the system.

This is a dangerous game that usually ends badly for most people.

But is that what it’s like for PNG?

From their LinkedIn page, they say about their company:

Prosperity Nexus Group LinkedIn page

They consider themselves a mastermind team and what you’ll be selling is a digital “turnkey” “business-in-a-box”.

Let’s see if we can dig a little deeper into this opportunity.

How Does Prosperity Nexus Group Work?

Here’s one of PNG’s co-founders explaining how this all works:

He mentions that TiDom is what PNG promotes, and we’ll get back to them in a little later.

In case you don’t want to watch the whole video, Steve says that:

  • They promote high-ticket offers, his sales average $8k per sale
  • They sell digital e-products in the make money online niche
  • They train you on how to make money with selling their system (this is important to note)
  • You make 100% commissions
  • The VIP level gives you a shot at making $100k or more per year
  • You get training, including weekly trainings
  • You get a variety of landing pages to choose from to sell PNG
  • They advise new people to advertise this opportunity on Craigslist
  • There’s an autoresponder built in to follow up with leads automatically
  • You have a list of leads who you can contact via email or phone

To sum it up, you’ll buy into Prosperity Nexus System at a certain level (the costs of these levels are in the next section), and you’ll market the same system to others. And then they’ll do the same. And so on.

It sounds good, right?

Not so fast.

I’ll tell you why later.

How Much Does Prosperity Nexus Group Cost to Join?

Just a reminder that these are high-ticket products, and they are going to have high-ticket price tags.

There are 5 levels you can join at with PNG:

  • Basic = $2,000
  • Builder = $3,500
  • Advanced = $6,500
  • Pro = $12,500
  • VIP = $22,000

If you’re at the Basic level, you only own the Basic level digital products and can only make those commissions. (We’ll get back to commissions in a minute.)

If you’re in the Builder group, you earn Builder level commissions AND Basic level commissions and you also own all the digital product for both groups.

Each level allows you to earn more commissions and own more digital products. If you’re a VIP member, you’ll own All the digital products from each level and you can earn any level of commissions.

How Do You Get Paid with Prosperity Nexus Group?

There is a compensation plan breakdown right on the PNG sales page. Let me tell you what it says and how the payment works. Here’s a clip from the video about the compensation plan:

Compensation plan for Prosperity Nexus Group.

As you can see, they say:

“When you purchase one of the business options to get started, you will own the legal resale license for the business and, as a RESELLER, you will be eligible to earn 100% commissions ranging from $2,000 – $22,000 per sale.”


Here are the sales amounts you get for each level of business:

  • Basic = $2,000
  • Builder = $3,500
  • Advanced = $6,500
  • Pro = $12,500
  • VIP = $22,000

Yes, it’s the same amount you pay for each of the levels, as I mentioned above. You get reseller rights for these digital products and you get 100% commissions when you resell them.

1-Up Commission Plan

There is a bit of a catch to those sales amounts above. They use a 1-up commission plan. This means that you have to pass your first sale up to your sponsor. Once you do this, you’re “qualified” to receive commissions.

Here’s an example of what happens with this 1-up system from PNG’s commission video:

PNG uses a 1-up commission structure.

Assuming you’re already qualified, this says that if you sign up Mark, he gives you $6500. If he signs up Amy, she has to 1-up her commissions to you. Same if she signs up James and James signs up Dave.

They call this “perpetual leverage”, which sounds nice and all, but is it?

You can also get what they call roll-up sales. For instance, let’s say you’re on the Advanced ($6,500) level. Now, if Mark joins under you, but he buys at the Basic level, he’s only qualified to receive Basic-level commissions ($2,000). If he signs up Amy and she bought the Advanced level ($6,500), $2000 of her money goes to Mark and the other $4,500 goes to you.

You can also make commissions when your personal team members upgrade to higher levels.

Please note: You get paid directly from the people that purchase from you.

Let’s talk a little about TiDom.

What is TiDom About?

We saw that Prosperity Nexus Group promotes TiDom. But what the heck is TiDom? TiDom stands for Time Freedom and, from what I can tell, is just the back end of Prosperity Nexus Group. They have the same levels with the same training materials at the same costs per level.

As much as I couldn’t find a lot of reviews or information on PNG, there are lots on TiDom and most of what I read points to them being a scam.

Here’s a great breakdown from Ethan Vanderbuilt:

From my understanding, the site 8 Figure Dream Lifestyle is also the same as TiDom, and people have been scammed with them as well. See the BBB website for a couple of those complaints.

So, is Prosperity Nexus Group a scam too? Let’s see…

Is Prosperity Nexus Group a Scam or Legit?

I’m guessing that you probably know the answer to this by now. But in case, I wasn’t clear enough, in my opinion…

Prosperity Nexus Group is a scam! This is a cash-gifting scheme similar to ones I’ve looked at before like Too Damn Easy, 30 Day Success Formula and The Downline Building Network.

One of the women’s complaints about 8 Figure Dream Lifestyle (which is the same as TiDom, which is the same as PNG) that I found at the BBB website was really sad. She desperately needed money, and these scammers made her feel like it would be easy to make money with their system.

They told her to get a loan to pay for the business package.

Of course, she didn’t make anything, and now she’s struggling to pay back her loan – with 24% interest.

This is absolutely horrible. These scammers do not care about anyone’s life situations. They will take your money, no matter what.


  • There are no pros


  • Extremely expensive products
  • High-pressure sales
  • You’ll likely feel compelled to buy at the highest level possible so you don’t miss out on the highest commissions
  • You’ll probably need to pay a lot of money for leads
  • You’ve VERY likely to lose a lot of money
  • This is a cash-gifting scam

How do they get away with this? I assume it’s because they do technically have a product that they’re selling. I highly doubt those digital products are worth $2,000 – $22,000 though. And it could just be a matter of time before they get shut down.

In fact:

People on the FTC’s website post about Pyramid Schemes are asking about it. If you do a search for “Prosperity Nexus Group” on that page, you’ll find people asking about it in the comments.

Like I said, I think high-ticket offers are great – IF they are ethically made. Let me show you how you can make high-ticket sales in a GOOD way.

How to Make Money from High-Ticket Sales Ethically

Promoting high-ticket products is a great way to earn an income online. Why promote a $5 product when it’s just as easy to promote a $1,000 product?

The thing is, if you don’t do this ethically, it’ll bite you in the ass.

You’ll likely lose money. The people you sign up will lose money. That’s what Prosperity Nexus Group is sure to bring you. Lost money.

But, there is a way you can do it ethically and legally.

The way I earn an income online is through affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is simply promoting other people’s products for a commission. (Learn more about affiliate marketing with my free guide, How To: Affiliate Marketing for Beginners.)

But it’s not even close to the same way that PNG has you promote other people’s products.

Instead, affiliate marketing works like this:

  1. You create a website (on any topic you like)
  2. You sign up for affiliate programs related to that topic
  3. You create helpful content for people looking for that content
  4. You promote products that people are looking for
  5. You have a special tracking link on those products and when someone buys from your link, you earn a commission

High-Ticket Offers

Let’s say you have an interest in home improvement and you want to promote power tools. You do some keyword research on what tools people are looking for, or projects people are looking to do that require tools.

Then you can sign up for Amazon’s affiliate program, or any of the big power tool companies, such as Dewalt. You create helpful articles or videos, and you recommend certain tools and you can earn a commission.

Let’s say you promoted this table saw (that’s an affiliate link so you can see what it looks like and how it goes into an article)…

It’s $599. That’s a high-ticket item. If someone buys that from your website, you get a percentage of that sale. (Different affiliate programs have different commissions.)

There are other products that go up much higher than that.

This is how you can promote high-ticket items ethically. You give people helpful and valuable information on something they’re interested in.

How Do You Start an Affiliate Website?

Starting an affiliate marketing website is so easy these days. It seriously only takes a few minutes to get a site up and running. It does take a little time to add content to it and get people to read it.

There are some steps you have to take to get it up to making money.

I recommend Wealthy Affiliate because they will take you step-by-step through the whole process. (You can read my full Wealthy Affiliate review to see everything they offer.)

The best part is that it won’t cost you anywhere near $2000. In fact, you can join as a Free Starter Member (no credit card required) and see what it’s all about. You even get 10 free lessons that will show you how to get a site up.


Is Prosperity Nexus Group legit? Absolutely not. It’s a cash gifting scheme that you will likely lose a lot of money from if you get involved. You have to pay to play to be involved, and that will cost you anywhere from $2000 – $22,500. And then you’ll have to convince others (who I’m sure will be as skeptical as you) to buy into it too.

There are many ways to make money online, and there’s no need to buy into Prosperity Nexus Group, or any other cash gifting scheme. In fact, you can make high-ticket sales legally and ethically by setting up an affiliate marketing website. Let us show you how, step by step when you become a Free Starter Member (no credit card required).

8 thoughts on “Is Prosperity Nexus Group Legit? [Or a Cash Gifting Scheme?]”

  1. Ok, so here is yet another scam that people can be burnt by! Thanks for a well written article warning us about Prosperity Nexus Group. I swear that most of my time researching items in the ‘make money online’ niche is taken up with scams like this one. It’s more time spent reading about crap products then it is reading about legit products. Anyway, I feel that you birng an important service to your readers via your reviews so thanks a bunch.

    • There are definitely a lot of scammy and / or low-quality make money products out there. Thankfully, there are good ones too! These are my favorite products that I can personally vouch for. 

      Not everything out there is bad, but it’s good to read about the ones that are so that you can get an idea of what to watch out for. 

      Thanks for stopping by to comment!

  2. Hi Christina and thank you for sharing this great review

    What a scammy sounding, money-grabbing biz you have reviewed.

    I have seen these guys online and I totally agree with you- How anyone would invest money into such a site is beyond me but people do and thankfully if they check this post out 1st, You will be doing people a huge favour and saving them from losing their hard-earned money.

    I also do Affiliate Marketing and highly recommend this to anyone who is prepared to learn well and work hard

    Thank you 

    • There a tons of these cash gifting sites out there, and the people who promote them make it seem so easy to make money. 

      But, for an average person who doesn’t know how to market and doesn’t have a big budget for ads, it’s going to be real hard to get your investment back. 

      Not only that, it’s borderline illegal and definitely unethical.

      Not worth it. 

  3. The author has a One star rating yet alone committing slander!

    I am an independent marketing and absolutely love the biz. They are ethical and trained me to be an expert marketer for only $3500! It cost 20 to 40K plus to get a college education and when most college grads get out of college they can’t even find a job talk about a scam! This company is an earn while you learn program taught by very successful entrepreneur online marketers! It makes me angry when I see people trying to promote their own garbage by attacking others!

    This is a great business and one star rated author is a loser!

    • You spent $3500 on this program? Well, I really hope you get that back. Even if you do (and there’s about a 99% chance you won’t), it means that someone else is losing that (and more). I hope you can sleep at night.

  4. PNG is not really a “scam,” but it’s not completely honest either. Money can be made, but what’s being sold has little to no value for a big price.

    Even if you do buy a $2000 basic business, you also have to pay a one time $500 fee to Tidom. You also have to pay $25/month to use their portal, and you also have to pay around $10/month to use an 800-link phone number unless you want to put your real phone number all over your advertisements. (After you get one buyer, when they sign up for an 800-link number, that $10/month fee will be dropped for you). You also have to buy a domain which is not too expensive, maybe $10-50 or so depending on how many years you get it.

    The other thing they do not tell you is that you are on your own for advertising. You will get lots of traffic on your ads, but if you do not have any sales experience, you could invest a good $400-500/month on ads with no sales. The do provide a layout for you on Craigslist, so you’re not on your own with that.

    The sales transactions are not very smooth either. Whoever sells the business to you, he will have a preference on how to receive the money. Once he receives your money, he will set up your website for you on the domain that you purchase. There are different types of funding available, but you’re still on your own with that. PNG doesn’t offer their own funding. They have links on their site for PayPal credit and other options for which you would need to apply. If you have really great credit, there are some good 0% APR for 15+ month cards out there. But you’re all on your own with these things.

    After I went about a month with no sales and tons of calls and emails, I realized that I could have continued on and made some sales, but I would not want someone else to invest $2000+ and be stuck trying to sell the same thing as me. And I bought one of the bigger packages, so I wouldn’t have had to pass up my first sale. If a person does not have lots of business experience, he will either be stuck trying to get other people stuck in the same trap that he got stuck in, or he will have to deal with the financial blow himself because he does not believe in the product in which he’s actually trying to sell.

    I do agree with you the most that anyone trying to start up a home business should look at the quality of what’s being sold. Even if it seems like you can make a quick chunk of cash, if what you’re buying has no value, and if the company could be shut down tomorrow, could you still make an income because your product will hold its value? If not, buying and selling this product is not really worth the energy or investment.

    Thanks for your write up. I hope many people read around a lot before they make a decision based on excitement or financial necessity.

    • Thank you for sharing your personal experience on this. It’s always great to have someone’s inside perspective.

      Based on what you said, I would still consider this a scam. In fact, you’ve convinced me even more. You’re not selling anything of value and you’re just pumping money into something that’s extremely difficult to get back. The owners know this, and they are laughing their way to the bank as the people below them spend all their money and have nothing to show for it.


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